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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

Page 7

by Heather Rainier

  She arched and thrust against him as he continued the slow grinding motion until the tension sprang inside her and she came again with a hoarse cry of ecstasy. Stars lit up behind her eyelids, and she thrust hard against him as her pussy rhythmically clenched around his rock-hard shaft. His breathing grew harsh and his thrusts grew more forceful until he groaned long and deep with his own release and finally relaxed over her.

  He pulled her with him so that she was on top and not crushed by his weight and then lay there panting from his release. She could still feel his cock pulsing inside her and wondered what it would be like to be able to watch as her body took his in. Maybe Duke or Gage had a mirror they could use next time. And there was definitely going to be a next time.

  Chapter Six

  A week later, in early September

  Duke smiled sympathetically at Emma as she stared up at him with big, terrified, green eyes. Duke knew that if she had any idea how Gage felt about this particular adventure it probably would change her outlook for the better. But the “I will kill you and hide your body where no one can find it” look in Gage’s eyes told him he’d be unwise to share that insight with her.

  Duke’s instructor, Gus Baker, grinned and gave him the thumbs-up, letting him know that it was time, which Duke verified with his gauge. They were nearly thirteen thousand feet above ground level. Gus knew exactly how Gage felt, which was why he grinned. Gus’s philosophy was to face your fears, and this was one Gage needed to face, too. Hell, he put it on his bucket list, so he has no one but himself to blame.

  Frigid air blew through the open door of the twin-engine airplane, and he patted Emma’s hand when she held on to his forearm. Duke was certified to solo skydive, and Emma was tandem jumping with his instructor today. Gage was also tandem-jumping with another instructor, like it or not.

  Over the noise of the aircraft, Duke said to Emma, “You know you’re safe with Gus, right?”

  Emma never blinked as she stared at him with round, frightened eyes and nodded. “Uh-huh!”

  “You okay, Em? You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?” He had to speak loudly over the wind.

  “Uh-uh!” she hollered as she shook her head negatively. She was pale, but Emma’s skin color tended to be that way. Her eyes were slightly dilated as she licked her lips and hummed to herself as she looked toward the open doorway. She looked back at him as though she wanted to say something else but seemed hesitant.

  She had pulled her hair into two neat ponytails behind her ears to keep it out of her face during the jump, and he gently tugged at the ends as he said, “What’s got you looking so scared, Em? You know we’ve got you, right? Gus won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Uh-huh!” She looked around self-consciously at the other occupants of the small plane.

  “Can you tell me?” he asked, pointing to his ear as he leaned down close to her. Gus approached, looking ready to hook Emma’s harness up to his. Duke held up a hand, and Gus nodded and stopped to talk to one of the other instructors.

  She glanced at the others again, who were all lining up near the open door, waiting their turn, then turned to him and said, “What if I pee?”


  “What if I freak out and wet my pants?”

  Duke schooled the smile on his face, not wanting her to think he was laughing at her. He recalled being pissing scared the first time he jumped out of an airplane. “Do you have to pee?”


  “Then I doubt you will. But if you do, we will say we encountered a duck up there and he peed on you.”

  In the height of her adrenaline rush, she seemed to mull that over for a moment and nodded her head. “Okay.”

  “Is there anything else that has you worried?”

  “Besides jumping out of a perfectly good airplane?” She adjusted her goggles and smiled sheepishly and said, “Thank you for not laughing at me.”

  Duke grinned and wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her reassuringly. They’d made love for the first time the weekend before. Unfortunately, his and Gage’s work schedule had taken them out of town on a surveillance and investigation job with Ace and Kemp that had wound up lasting most of the week. The frustrating thing about it was that the job had been mostly sitting around, watching and waiting, which left him with a lot of time on his hands. The same was true of Gage, who had been even more quiet than normal.

  The only good thing about the time away from Emma and Divine was that it gave them ample opportunity to talk about the intricacies of a ménage relationship. They’d known from the outset that last Sunday night wasn’t a one-night stand, and Duke had made it clear to her afterward because he knew Emma was prone to worrying.

  She’d been disappointed about their trip out of town but had understood completely and reminded them that her hours could be just as strange and brutal at times. If they were willing to deal with that, then so was she.

  They’d made it up to her as much as they were able by calling her several times in the evening during the week. Her sexy, velvety-toned voice on the phone had a torturous effect on both him and Gage as they’d taken turns talking to her. They talked about all sorts of things, but her soothing voice kept him semierect the whole time. One night, when they’d talked about the ménage, he’d needed relief in a hot shower afterward and wondered if she’d felt the same way.

  Perhaps she’d opted to play with the unusual sex toy they’d watched her purchase while they’d been doing surveillance work at Discretion. Thoughts like that had only served to fuel his own fantasies of catching her in the act and providing her with the real thing.

  While away, he’d also set up the little adventure they were now on, crossing off the second item on the to-do list since she didn’t consider making love to both of them separately in one night to be a true ménage. That was okay by him. They’d get to it eventually, judging by the twinkle in her eye.

  When it was nearly time for them to jump, Emma asked, “Gus, how many times you have done this?”

  Gus had hooked up to her harness and made sure she was secured properly, and then they’d scooted closer to the doorway as skydivers began exiting the plane. “Doc, I’ve made six thousand jumps in the last ten years.”

  Duke grinned because he could tell she was doing the math in her head when her fingers twitched slightly. “That’s a lot.” The notion seemed to settle her a little. “Duke, how about you?”

  “One hundred and thirty-three jumps in the last five years. Gus took me on my first tandem jump.”

  Emma smiled and seemed much more at ease. She reached out a hand to Gage and said, “And you and I are the newbies, huh?”

  Duke laughed when Gage rolled his eyes and grinned back at her. “That’s right, angel. You and I are the newbies.”

  Emma snorted, beckoned him close, and said something in his ear that caused him to laugh and nod.

  Soon it was their turn at the door. Duke was wearing a wingsuit and packing a drogue to help control his speed to give Emma and Gage a chance to catch up to him before they had to deploy their chutes. Their group moved to the door, Duke took his position, leaned back for a kiss with Emma, and then leapt into thin air.

  Exhilaration filled him as he flipped and held his arms out to brake slightly. He watched Emma’s mouth open wide as she and Gus jumped.

  * * * *

  Emma finally closed her sandpaper-dry mouth once she’d exhausted the long scream that pumped wildly from her throat. The chilly wind buffeted around them, and she felt strangely buoyant and not like she was falling at all.

  Gus helped her position her arms and pointed at the videographer who had jumped out a few seconds after Duke. She waved and smiled for the camera and gave it a big thumbs-up. She needed to remember to send a copy of the video to her mom, dad, and little sister.

  Her heart burst with weightless joy as Duke entered her field of vision on the right and Gus steered her so she could see Gage and his tandem-jump partner nearing them on her left
. Gage grinned at her, and for several seconds both of their jump partners allowed the three of them to hold hands in formation.

  The little triangle they created symbolized their decision to chase their bucket list dreams together. In her heart this moment was also a celebration of the deeper feelings that were growing between the three of them. She held on as long as she could, unwilling to part from them until it was necessary. It was the most exhilarating experience of her life so far, and she was beyond euphoric that she was sharing it with these two wonderful men.

  She could tell prior to the jump that Gage was almost as nervous as she was. She had beckoned him closer and had said, “Goody! We get to pop our skydive cherries together.” The warmth in his eyes as he laughed with her had eased her own tension.

  This moment wasn’t about doing something that scared her spitless. It was about chasing dreams so she could look back someday and say she’d taken every chance she’d been given. It was a huge thing but nothing when compared to the fact that she experienced it with these men who had already given her an amazing experience with them.

  Duke’s dark hair flapped in the wind around him, and he smiled at her and squeezed her hand. Gus gave the hand signal for them to let go so they could put some distance between each other before deploying their chutes. Gage gave her a big, wide smile, and Duke blew her an air kiss as they let go at the same time.

  She blew them both kisses and then squealed in glee as Gus pulled the lever and the big purple-and-blue canopy billowed out into the air above them, hastily putting the brakes on their descent. Gravity caught up with her and tugged her to Earth as she looked around and watched Duke’s and Gage’s green-and-yellow parachutes open up above them.

  “You did great, Doc,” Gus said over the wind as he steered them in the direction of the landing zone. She smiled when she saw the sun sparkle on the waters of Ivie Lake in the distance.

  “Thanks. I hope I didn’t shatter your eardrum with my screaming.”

  Gus chuckled as he maneuvered them and caught wind currents that swept them over neat geometrical fence rows and plowed fields. “Nah, Doc, you were nothing compared to some of the others I’ve jumped with over the years. Look.” He pointed to the shadows cast on the ground by their three parachutes as they circled the landing zone. The shadows danced and swirled around each other.

  Emma followed Gus’s instructions as they made the approach to land. Once her feet touched solid ground, she was grateful but bounced with anticipation as both Duke and Gage landed nearby. Gus chuckled as he released her harness from his. As soon as she was free, she pecked Gus on the cheek, thanked him, then sprinted to Duke and Gage, not caring what any observers thought of their reunion. Emma couldn’t wait to be alone with her men.

  * * * *

  Gage’s heart was still hammering in his chest, but it wasn’t with anxiety this time. He was only half paying attention to the instructor he’d jumped in tandem with as he unhooked their harnesses and congratulated him on his first jump.

  His attention was caught up with watching Emma as she ran to them. Her little brown ponytails bobbed up and down, and the look of pure, unadulterated joy on her face was heart stopping. Her arms were out as she ran, and he knew if she’d had wings she would’ve been flying to them. Duke was nearest to her on the landing field, so he made his way in that direction.

  He caught up with Duke just as she flung herself at both of them at the same time, wrapping an arm around each of them as they caught her.

  “Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe we did it! We did it!”

  Her eyes were sparkling green gems, and her cheeks were rosy as she chortled with glee. Duke’s green parachute billowed around them, forgotten for the moment.

  “You did it, angel,” Gage said as he kissed her temple. She was so excited she practically vibrated in their arms.

  “We did it!” Looking at Duke she added, “And I didn’t pee!”

  Duke broke out in laughter and hugged Emma tight and replied, “Of course you didn’t pee, Em. You did great. I wish you could’ve seen your face when you jumped. I’ve gone skydiving a bunch of times but this was the best one, by far.” Looking at Gage, he murmured, “She was worried she’d get so scared she’d pee.”

  Gage would never admit it, but he could commiserate with her. He chuckled and said, “I think this calls for a celebration.”

  He and Duke had decided in advance to spend the night at one of their favorite Concho River campsites, and he was certainly ready for some time alone with their beautiful doctor.

  He’d missed her like crazy all week, and they had yet to be completely alone. Gage was grateful this was her weekend off, so they didn’t have to worry about her phone ringing. She’d been enthusiastic when they’d asked her to pack a bag to go camping overnight.

  Every time he turned his phone on, he received text messages from Amy, who was still pestering him online as well. He’d left it turned off while he was out of town and planned to change the number on Monday. Gage was dumbfounded by her interest in him when he’d made it clear that it wasn’t reciprocated. Somehow she’d gotten it in her head that playing online video games with him and chatting casually equated a romance of some sort. She was acquainted with Marcario and Jelani, who they regularly played Call of Duty with, but neither of them had drawn Amy’s notice, only Gage.

  They’d picked Emma up downstairs very early that morning and made the drive to the skydiving center outside Eden in less than two hours. It wasn’t even noon yet, and they had the whole beautiful day together.

  They departed the skydiving center a few minutes later and made their way toward the Concho River arm of Ivie Lake. Gage and Duke had always enjoyed the thickly treed shoreline and the quiet of the older campsite, which was some distance from the more heavily traversed, newer recreational areas and campgrounds. They’d called ahead to reserve the same campsite as last time, and the person he’d spoken to had told him that with the school year already started, the area would probably be deserted all weekend. That suited Gage just fine.

  They pulled off of the paved road and threaded their way back through the thickly treed area and finally rolled to a stop on the loose gravel beside their campsite.

  Emma opened the car door and sighed happily as she stretched. “I’ve never camped here before. It’s very pretty and secluded.” The sexy way she drew out the word “secluded” made his cock tingle as he watched her stretching. Her breasts pressed forward in the neckline of her top, almost begging to be caressed and suckled. He muffled a grunt as he ran into the car door because he wasn’t watching where he was going.

  Gage pointed toward an opening in the trees. “I think you’ll like the view from there.” He smiled when Emma grabbed her camera from her bag and went off in the direction he pointed.

  Duke chuckled when they heard her gasp in delight and call back, “It’s beautiful!”

  They’d just completed construction of their tent when they heard a splash and a gleeful squeal. Emma’s sexy, low-pitched laughter drew his attention to the opening in the trees, and his cock hardened at the sensual sound. Both he and Duke were drawn by her siren’s call as she giggled again.

  They walked through the opening in the tree line, and Gage groaned when he saw the pile of clothing and her camera at the water’s edge. A splash and ripple of water drew his eyes, and he was treated to the view of her lush ass as she dove under the water’s surface and reappeared a little closer to them. As she broke the surface, her dark hair slicked back by the water, she smiled at them, and his heart skipped a beat. Her playful smile begged him to ask, “What are you doing, angel?”

  A mischievous giggle rippled across the water to him, stirring his cock to greater hardness. “Number ten on the list.”

  As if the clothes on the riverbank didn’t already tell the story, Duke playfully asked, “Emma, are you skinny-dipping?”

  Gage scanned the shoreline up and down their stretch of the river and ascertained what she must have already. There
was no one else in sight. Emma backstroked out a few feet, smiling at them as her lovely, naked breasts made a brief appearance above the water, and then stood up in the slow current. The gurgling water flowed around her, giving teasing views of her tight, pretty nipples. Her hair skimmed down in watery waves, freed from her ponytails, to frame her breasts and her cleavage. He could almost feel her satiny flesh under his tongue.

  “Care to join me?”

  Gage and Duke glanced at each other, and Gage said, “Number ten on the bucket list…check,” as he removed his shirt, dropped it by her clothing, and then unbuckled his belt. Duke yanked his T-shirt over his head and dropped the rest of his clothing in a pile by theirs and waded in. Gage glanced up and down the riverbank one more time and then joined them.

  The water was cold but didn’t affect the state of his hardening cock at all. As playful and mischievous as she’d been before, Emma’s mood was now sensual and seductive. As they reached her in the meandering current, Emma looked from him to Duke with clear green eyes that smoldered with desire. Beneath the water’s surface, Gage slid his hand around her bare hip and squeezed her ass cheek as she took his other hand to keep from drifting away from him.

  Duke slid a hand down her torso beneath the water’s edge, and Gage knew when Duke reached her pussy because a shuddering sigh erupted from her soft lips and she closed her eyes. Duke pressed kisses beneath her ear and licked her throat as she wrapped her other arm around his neck and arched her back, which gave Gage easier access to her asshole. She bit her lip and moaned when he rubbed the tight ring of muscle with his middle finger then rested her forehead against his bicep and leaned against him.

  She whispered, “Feels so good.”

  Gage pressed his lips to the crown of her head, her unique, sexy scent filling his nostrils and hardening his cock further. He remembered the effect her fragrance had on him when she’d treated the arrow wound. It had hurt like hell, but his pain had been eased when he’d breathed in her scent on her pillow while he lay on the little bed she’d made up in the back of her Aztek.


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