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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

Page 26

by Heather Rainier

  Lily nodded enthusiastically and sang along with the song quietly, “You ain’t got the right to tell me, When and where to go, no right to tell me, Acting like you own me lately, Yeah baby you don’t know a thing about me, you don’t know a thing about me…”

  Clay clasped her hand in his, and she smiled at him, feeling like she could handle just about anything. “Once I know my schedule and get the appointment with the lawyer out of the way, I’ll get in touch with the counselor. My funds are limited right now so I need to be careful.” Clay looked like he wanted to say something but then simply nodded and kept driving. “What did your friend want you to tell me?”

  “Jack Warner can meet us one day early next week at the house to take a look around. He’s bringing Adam Davis with him.”


  “Adam Davis. He’s a heating and air-conditioning contractor. He does electrical work, too. He’s also Grace Warner’s…”


  “I never finished explaining the other day. I keep forgetting that you’re new to the area.”

  “I am not,” she said as Clay smiled at her playfully.

  “Some aspects of Divine you’re new to. Adam is also Grace’s husband.”

  Huh? “I thought she was married to Jack.”

  “She is. I was going to tell you all about this when I showed you Lydia’s statue. There are a number of polyamorous groups in Divine. They’re discreet about it, though. I have a feeling you’ll know a number of them soon enough.”

  “Grace has two husbands? All that extra cooking and housework…keeping up with two men?”

  Looking like he was bracing himself, Clay replied, “Actually, it’s three husbands.”

  “Huh? Is that legal? That’s not legal.”

  “It’s not legal to be married in a state-sanctioned ceremony to more than one person. Theirs is more of a…spiritual union. They bound their hearts to each other. She is legally married to Jack, but as far as they’re concerned, they are all four, men and wife.”

  Lily had a hard time wrapping her mind around that concept. “And she agreed to this willingly?” What kind of loon takes on three husbands? Wonder Woman? The dirty laundry alone would kill me!

  Clay grinned and nodded. “Yes. She did. I actually designed and created all their rings.”

  “But do the men…you know.” Shut up! Their sex life is soooo none of my business!

  “No! No, nothing like that,” Clay said as he burst into laughter. “I’m going to tell Jack you said that. He’ll laugh his ass off!”

  “You better not, Clay Cook.”

  “The men are all cousins, I think. They’re distantly related and have grandparents in common way, way back. When you meet Grace, you can ask her how she handles having three husbands. I think the answer might surprise you.”

  Lily shrugged. “If you say so. I’d go nuts.”

  “Oh, I am so going to enjoy watching you eat those words, Lil,” Clay said and then laughed again. She shoved his shoulder, turned the music up, and sang with the radio.

  * * * *

  If she does that again, I’m not going to be responsible for my actions.

  Lily moaned again in enjoyment. “Mmmm! Clay this is so good. I haven’t had an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen since I was little.”

  Clay cleared his throat in agony when her pink tongue flicked out and she closed her eyes in enjoyment as she slowly licked at the soft-serve ice cream cone, twirling it around and moaning softly again. He shifted in the booth as his cock hardened painfully. He tried to think of baseball statistics, but all that came to mind was how beautiful she’d look licking his cock like that ice cream cone.

  “Do you remember how much I enjoyed these when I was a kid?” she asked as she took another swirling swipe at it with her tongue. His cock throbbed in envy.

  Clay could only manage a smiling nod. Yeah, but I don’t remember enjoying watching you enjoy them this much. His cock twitched in agreement. Down, boy!

  “You’re not drinking your shake. Is it too stiff to suck through the straw?” Clay rolled his eyes and moaned as her amber eyes bulged, and she burst into giggles. “Oh, my gosh. That came out so dirty!” He felt warmth flood his cheeks, wondering how much longer this torture would go on.

  “This wasn’t what I would call a healthy lunch but it sure has been fun, Clay. Thank you so much.” She lapped at the cone as she gazed at him, and he wondered if her thoughts ever took a lascivious bent like his had when she’d placed her order for lunch.

  It had all started with the innocent corndog she ordered, and then the ice cream cone, and here he was ready to lay her out on the table and give her a treat that would make her moan rather than giggle.

  The last few days, it was all he could do to not follow her with his eyes whenever he was around her. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable around him. Judging by the occasional glances she cast his way, and the blush in her cheeks when he caught her at it, he didn’t think she did.

  “So, we’re on for tomorrow?” she asked with a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. He chuckled because he knew that she was going a little stir crazy staying at home. She was anxious to go to work in the shop with him.


  “I’m so excited!” She bit into her cone and then grinned at him when he took a sip from his very thick chocolate shake. “And you’re going to teach me everything I need to know to keep my boss happy, right?”

  Clay bit down on his lip. She’s killin’ me here!

  Chapter Eight

  Lily woke the next morning filled with excitement. She grabbed the clothing she’d laid out the night before, the only decent attire she had that was appropriate for the shop, and headed down the hall to the bathroom.

  The Kelly Clarkson song was still playing in her head, and she hummed to herself as she looked forward to her first workday and the small shopping trip she had planned afterward. Clay was letting her go a couple of hours early so she could walk down to Stigall’s, located in the same shopping center, and do some much-needed clothes shopping while he finished and closed up the store.

  Lily wiggled her tush as she sang, “You don’t know a thing about me,” and pushed open the bathroom door with her shoulder. “You don’t know a thing—Aaahhh!” she screamed loudly.

  Clay stood naked in the open shower, steam clouding around him as he toweled off his head. He jumped when she screamed, his feet slid out from under him in the slick bathtub, and he went down like a ton of bricks, the towel still draped on his head.

  Lily slapped her hands over her eyes, dropping her clothing on the floor. “Oh, my gosh, Clay. I’m so, so sorry! I was singing and I didn’t realize you were in here. Oh, I’m an idiot!”

  * * * *

  Clay’s ass throbbed like a son of a bitch, but he couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped as he watched Lily fumble around. She’d dropped her clothes, which were now probably wet from the steam-dampened floor. Her hands were clamped over her eyes, and she stepped on the clothes as she bumped into the bathroom wall, then the doorframe, feeling around for the exit with her elbows.

  “Clay, I’m so sorry. That was dumb. I should’ve knocked.”

  He clambered back to his feet and wrapped the towel around his hips as he got a look at her long, shapely legs under her sleeping T-shirt. If she spent time in the sun, she’d be a deep bronze in no time. He squelched the thought of spreading tanning oil up and down those satiny thighs as his cock tingled and took notice of the direction his mind was going in. Down, boy. He stepped out of the tub and reached out to steady her before she bumped into anything else.

  “It’s okay, Lily. I was nearly done.” Her cheeks were flushed dark pink, and he could feel the heat in them as he peeled back her hands. Her eyes were slammed shut, too. “You can open your eyes. I’m not naked anymore.”

  She opened them, and her gaze slid as far as his chest before her cheeks went even darker, and she kept her eyes on his face.

ish little thing.

  “I promise, I’ll be more careful next time.”

  Her words were so sincere, and he smiled as he looked at her lovely eyes up close. They were brown, but all the gold striations made them appear much lighter. “I’ve always loved your eyes. They’re beautiful.”

  Lily’s cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink, and she licked her full lower lip, so that it glistened. His cock reacted to the sight and he just barely held himself back from kissing her right then and there.

  She pulled back and started to say something, but nothing came out at first. He felt suspended in the moment as she gazed at his mouth for a few seconds before seeming to come to herself. “Um.”

  Clay released her and said, “Sorry. That was probably not appropriate. I know it’s hard for you.”

  “I’m just not used to that.”



  Clay gritted his teeth to restrain the territorial surge of anger he felt toward her ex-husband. He wanted to beat the shit out of the bastard for the way King had beaten down his fiery, spirited Lily until a compliment felt foreign to her. Showing Lily that anger would only frighten her.

  He knelt down and suppressed a groan as his hard-on made its presence known. He gathered her clothing and gently handed it to her. “Sorry about your clothes. If they’re ruined you can wear whatever you can manage today.”

  Lily acted as though she hadn’t heard him while her gaze traveled the length of him from his chest, down his abs, to his towel-covered groin area. She must’ve seen his erection because her gaze immediately returned to his. And, yes, it was possible for her cheeks to turn even pinker.

  “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, Lil. I’ll let you get ready.” He left the bathroom without further comment. He looked down at his horny, thickening cock tenting his towel expectantly. What?

  Twenty minutes later, she joined him in the kitchen, looking none the worse for wear. She’d salvaged her outfit and looked more than presentable in her black skirt, tan blouse, and black flats. He fantasized for a few seconds about how she’d look in black high heels.

  “Does this look all right for my first day?” she asked as she turned for him. He still couldn’t understand why she seemed so concerned about her weight. Out of her loose-fitting jeans and dressed up a bit, her curves were more noticeable, and he liked them a lot. “I guess I’ve gained weight since I bought this outfit. It fits a little snug in places.”

  “No, it fits you perfectly. And it’s very appropriate for the shop.” He placed a plate with scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and bacon in front of her as she seated herself at the bar. He put a second plate beside hers and joined her.

  As she scooped up her first bite, she asked, “So what is on the agenda today?”

  “You’ll learn your way around the showroom with Tabitha. She’ll teach you the register and how things work with the jewelry cases, the policies and whatnot.” He gave her a brief rundown of what to expect.

  “Does she act like she’s ready for me?”

  “It doesn’t matter. We’re on the verge of our busiest season and I have several pieces to finish. She’s proud and doesn’t think she needs the help. But she’s had nearly a week to get used to the idea. One thing…”

  “Yes?” she asked as she put her fork on the plate and took it to the sink to rinse.

  He wanted to arm her for dealing with Tabitha, but he didn’t want her to have the sense that her relationship with her coworker was going to be oppositional. They might do just fine together. Lily raised her eyebrows and started to look worried.

  “She can be touchy sometimes. I usually hire temporary workers to help during the busy season but you’re permanently on the schedule. She may feel threatened.” Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything. Now Lily is going to worry. “She’s a nice person, don’t get me wrong. She just has…opinions.”

  Lily reached across the bar, put her hand on his, and said, “Clay, I’ve worked with difficult people before. I can get along with anybody. I won’t make any waves or respond to any remarks. Does she know that I’m living here while the house is being worked on?”

  Clay nodded. “She heard me talking with Jack in the store. I’d rather she didn’t because she’ll have an opinion about it but it doesn’t really matter. She’s not my mother or my girlfriend.”

  Lily smirked, showing a little bit of her former spirit. “That fact evidently didn’t stop her from peeing on your leg, though.”

  Clay burst into laughter with Lily and thought that maybe her first day would be okay after all. He appreciated that she approached the situation with a sense of humor. The hint of her old self-confidence was good to see, too.

  * * * *

  So far, so good. Lily listened as Tabitha explained how the credit card machine worked. She didn’t bother telling her she already knew how to use one because Tabitha was obviously tense in the role of teacher and Lily didn’t want to come off as a know-it-all. She tried to keep Tabitha’s perspective in mind and knew she might feel a little insecure, too.

  When they’d arrived earlier that morning, Tabitha had given her the once-over and then looked back and forth from Clay to Lily as if she were trying to determine their relationship status. Lily ignored the look and followed Clay in the back door.

  Clay’s shop was comfortable, with a laid-back atmosphere, and Lily knew she’d enjoy working there, feeling as though she already fit in. Whenever Clay checked on her, he’d seemed pleased by her presence in the shop. She’d already made two sales with a little assistance from Tabitha, who had seemed to approve of her efforts, if a little grudgingly.

  Tabitha turned to her and said, “I’m going to take a break and get a cup of coffee while it’s quiet. Study the gemstone manual I left out for you and wait on any customers that come in. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me.”

  Lily nodded, and Tabitha pulled her phone from her pocket as she stepped through the doors that led to the workroom and the back rooms. Lily scanned through the guide which detailed the basics of gemstones and setting styles and had a tutorial on diamond grading. Clay had already given her a copy of it at home for her to study, and she’d consumed it in a night. Clay had seemed surprised, and the subject of her continuing her college education online had come up. The following week she planned to contact the community college she’d attended to see if the credits she’d already earned toward her degree could be transferred.

  The doorbell jingled, signaling the arrival of new customers. She felt in her element, which was odd because she’d never worked in the jewelry industry before, but talking with the customers and helping them find what they needed was fun. She felt productive as she handled the sales and didn’t need to bother Tabitha for help.

  Closer to lunch, Clay made an appearance as Tabitha showed her how the security system and panic alert worked. His wide shoulders filled the doorway as he came through, rubbing the back of his neck. His biceps rippled with the movement and she had to press her lips together to stifle her appreciative smile. He was so handsome in his blue jeans, plain black T-shirt, and cowboy boots. The heavy gold chain circling his throat accentuated his tanned, masculine physique.

  The memory of her brief glimpse of his nudity that morning flashed through her mind. He was built like a Greek god, all long, lean muscles with a light covering of sandy-blond hair. The water had darkened the patches of hair and left a trail that led down his chest to the ample cock at the juncture of his thighs. He’d been toweling his hair dry, which had caused his thick biceps to flex, revealing the sexy wisps at his armpits. There wasn’t an unsexy thing about him.

  Looking at him standing in the workroom doorway, so sexy and comfortable in his own skin, parts of her body fluttered and heated that she’d thought were dead, or encased in ice. She bit her lip to keep from licking it and sensed Tabitha’s stare.

  Lily had stayed out front with Tabitha all morning and hadn’t bothered Clay with any questions because she’d recalle
d that he had several pieces that had to be finished soon. She imagined being the sole craftsman for an entire store would put a lot of pressure on him whenever the busy season loomed so close.

  Her gaze shifted to his face and heat bloomed in her cheeks when she discovered him giving her a similar all-over perusal as he walked into the showroom. Finally meeting her eyes, he gave her a warm smile and leaned against the showcase they were standing next to.

  “How are you doing, Lily?” At her reassuring nod he continued, “Tabitha, after you’re finished, we’re going to lunch. We’ll be back in time for you to take yours.”

  Lily had been so excited about her first day of work, packing a lunch hadn’t occurred to her. Clay didn’t appear all that put out about it. JT would’ve told her to go hungry just for spite.

  Tabitha’s eyebrows shot up, and Lily felt the chill in the room. If Tabitha had been a cat, her ears would’ve flattened against her head. Clay seemed to ignore the reaction.

  As he turned back to the workroom he said, “After lunch, I’d like to show her the website and the online orders.”

  “Sure, Clay.”

  Lily’s cheeks heated as she glimpsed him walking through the doors. His butt was just as gorgeous as the rest of him. She was trying to not be obvious, but the way Tabitha’s lips were pursed told her she hadn’t been convincing.

  “So you own a house in Divine?”

  “Yes. My parents’ house. I was born in Divine.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes,” she explained, giving Tabitha a few sparse details to satisfy her curiosity.

  “Well, I have to say…it seems very odd that you landed this job with the circumstances being what they are. Your living arrangements also seem a little…odd. Did you know each other before you moved away?”

  Had Clay told her? Lily didn’t like being put on the spot but didn’t want to share more than Clay was comfortable with. The fact that they’d been young at the time made it seem like a safe topic, so she nodded. “Yes. I was best friends with him and his brother, Del.”


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