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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

Page 49

by Heather Rainier

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Monday night finally came. Clay brushed his mouth against Lily’s full lower lip in a side-to-side motion, sliding across its damp, pillowy softness as she stood naked with them in his living room.

  Her amber gaze hinted at the excitement she must be feeling, and her trembling hand on his chest confirmed that she found the moment more than just a little arousing. If he touched her bare pussy right now, he’d never be able to sit back on the couch and let Lily and Del do what she’d asked for earlier in the day.

  When Del had called him and told him what she wanted, Clay’s jaw had dropped. Del teased him and told him he saw no point in keeping the torture of waiting the rest of the afternoon all to himself.

  Lily flicked her tongue against his and nibbled lightly at his lower lip. Del pressed against her from behind, and the body heat from her full, round breasts seared Clay through the cotton of his T-shirt.

  Del let out a long sigh as he trailed kisses along her shoulder and up her throat, then back down. When he gently sank his teeth into the junction of her shoulder and neck, Lily let out a hard panting sound and balled her hands into fists on Clay’s chest.

  The sweet scent of her wet pussy teased his nostrils and made his hands twitch as he resisted touching her. The moment was Del’s, and Clay had a feeling he had her pretty close to coming already with that bite. Clay’s turn would come soon.

  Clay smooched her once more and then walked over to the entertainment center. For something a little kinky, like the scene that was about to play out, he thought Nickelback had the sexy, driving beat they needed. He cued the playlist on his MP3 player and then headed to the couch. “If Everyone Cared” began to play, starting them off with a slower, seductive beat so she could get into the moment. Nobody could say he hadn’t done his part of the prep work.

  He’d wanted to open all the back curtains to intensify her fantasy, but with JT pulling his shit, Clay wouldn’t take a chance that she’d be seen through a window. His yard was heavily treed and none of the neighbors would’ve been able to see so he held the fantasy in reserve to replay again after all this mess was behind them.

  He lay down on the couch and got comfortable, grinning at Del as he undressed and got settled in the gigantic padded rocking recliner, which Lily had draped with a sheet. He’d never thought the purchase of that comfy piece of furniture was going to pay off quite this well.

  Del drew her to sit sideways in his lap, and he leaned her back over his arm and kissed her slowly and deeply. Her delicate, tapered fingers caressed Del’s biceps, and by the muted lamplight, Clay saw gooseflesh rise at the contact. He watched as Lily relaxed in Del’s arms as the song played on.

  “…If everyone cared and nobody cried,

  If everyone loved and nobody lied

  If everyone shared and swallowed their pride

  Then we’d see the day nobody died…”

  Del’s fingers drifted over Lily’s abdomen in gentle caresses, and Clay smiled when her toes curled up at the contact. Her cheeks were rosy as Del’s lips moved slowly from her mouth down to her jaw in a trail that stopped between her breasts.

  When she finally opened her eyes, she looked over at Clay, and his dick jumped in response to the arousal simmering in her sweet golden-honey gaze. A half smile crossed her lips, and she moaned erotically when Del’s fingertips slid through her drenched slit and sank into her cunt just enough to tease her.

  Del rubbed her clit, and Clay suppressed a deep groan when her back arched and her hips flexed, obviously trying to take his fingers deeper. When Del didn’t cooperate, Lily curled her hand around his and tried to show him what she wanted.

  Del chortled and murmured, “You’re the hottest damn thing, Lily. You want my cock in your pretty little pussy?”

  Lily blushed deeper, and Clay watched as it spread down her throat and her chest. She rested her head on the padded arm of the chair and nodded and panted as he teased her more. Clay appreciated that Del made sure she was so turned on that she wouldn’t withdraw from the fantasy when he shifted her.

  Lily didn’t even seem aware of it when Del angled her to the inner corner of the chair and then hauled her up so her back was against his chest. She kept her focus on him and his kisses. Del whispered something to Lily, and her lips parted on a whimpering sigh. She opened her eyes and nodded at Del.

  “Clay wants to know if he can watch me fuck you right now. Is it okay?” Lily turned her gaze to Clay, and he could practically feel the heat in her heavy-lidded gaze.

  It didn’t matter that this had been her idea in the beginning. She went along with Del and focused on Clay as she let out a slow, shaky breath. “Yes, I’d love for Clay to watch you fuck me.”

  The graphic words flowing from her soft, succulent lips was incredibly erotic, and Clay’s cock swelled against his fly as if questioning his inaction. Clay had to force himself to stay still because he didn’t want to break the moment. Lily rested her head on Del’s shoulder as he kissed her and sucked at her lower lip, stroking her collarbone until she was practically vibrating with pleasure.

  They were so into each other it was going to make him crazy, and they hadn’t even really gotten started yet. As if on cue, Del helped Lily stand with each foot outside his legs. He guided her back onto his lap, helping her tuck a shin on either side of his spread thighs, with her knees bent so that she was now perched in his lap with her back to his chest and his cock trapped between her ass and his abdomen.

  Her thighs were spread wide, and Clay could see Del’s balls were already drawing up with excitement, ready to launch their load. She never even bothered to cover up the tattoo, and Clay was pleased as he ignored that mark and focused on her instead.

  The song changed to “Everything I Wanna Do,” and Clay knew it was about to get serious. Lily wouldn’t be able to resist the beat.

  Del put an arm around her, beneath her breasts, and whispered, “Show Clay your pretty pussy. Spread your lips so he can see how wet you are.”

  Lily complied immediately, and the growl slipped from Clay’s lips when her pussy dripped her translucent cream against Del’s testicles. She was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen. “Rub your clit, baby, just the way you like it.”

  She uncurled a delicate manicured digit and stroked the swollen little bud, and her breath hitched. Her head fell back against Del’s shoulder as the song progressed through the first verse. Clay knew the moment the beat of the song had a hold of her because her hips undulated against Del’s cock, and he groaned in response.

  “…And she likes to take her time.

  More than fortunate, form of torture.

  And she likes to touch and tease.

  It’s always fun for me it’s always unbelievable.

  You and me, sitting in a tree F–U–C–K–I–N–G…”

  Del guided her up onto her knees, and pulled her against his chest so Clay could see everything. She braced her hands on the arms of the chair as Del positioned the head of his very erect cock at her drenched pussy and rolled his hips. Her glistening lips parted and Del groaned as her tight, engorged cunt engulfed him and he thrust, sliding in a couple of inches.

  “Take me, baby,” he murmured as he allowed her to control her descent on his cock.

  Lily bit her lip and panted as she lifted up and then slid down, taking half of him, then back up again. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and undulated with the driving beat of the song. Del’s dick stroked in and out, coated in her slippery juices.

  Lily stroked her clit as she ground against his brother. Del spread his legs wider and gripped her hips as he began moving in time with her. The beat of the song reached a pounding crescendo as the final refrain approached, and Lily began to lose control, pumping on his cock. Del pulled her back against his chest, hindering her incredibly hot, wild movements. He whispered to her, and Lily groaned unhappily as he chuckled and thrust too slowly.

  “Don’t worry, Lily, you’re coming soon.”

  The next song began moments later, and Clay thought it was possible that he was a genius with the musical selections. “Figured You Out” began to play, and Del released Lily as the syncopated rhythm of the song immediately caught hold of her.

  Her movements were a little reserved at first as the intensity of their fucking had diminished slightly. Del stroked her lovingly as he whispered dirty, hot things to her, and she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. He gripped her hips and changed the angle of his thrusts, and she cried out blissfully, finding her uninhibited groove with no problem.

  When the song came to a crescendo, she threw her head back and hummed softly, a shaky sound that grew in intensity. Her blush deepened and spread to her breasts, and Del’s knuckles went white at her hips. She reached back and grasped his biceps, and Clay could practically see the tension coiling within her.

  Del’s cock slid easily in and out of her slippery pussy, coated in more and more of her fragrant cream until his balls were bathed in it. Her poor little clit was swollen and dark pink, peeking from beneath its little hood, and Clay’s mouth watered for a taste of it.

  Lily looked directly at him and read his mind, reaching forward with one hand to stroke the little nub as she moved at a frantic pace. She smiled when he finally gave in to the urge to stroke his cock through his jeans.

  Her graceful little hands stroked her clit and slid across her engorged flesh making sexy, wet sounds, and it didn’t take long before her movements ceased altogether.

  “Del, don’t stop! Harder, harder! Oh! I’m coming!”

  Del thrust in and out of her pussy, fucking her with wild abandon. His concentration was evident in the tense planes of his face and the corded muscles in his arms, legs, and neck.

  Lily’s mouth opened wide, and a distinctly feminine sound of erotic completion escaped from her lips. She leaned forward and worked with Del as he came also, his balls pulling up at the base of his cock. He wrapped his arms around Lily and held her to him tightly as he pumped his load into her sweet, wet cunt.

  Her dark pink, glossy lips were covered in a mixture of his cum and her arousal as Del’s thrusts slowed and they fell back in the chair, their bodies covered with sweat and her hair stuck to them both. Del didn’t seem to mind very much as he gently cupped her breasts and caressed the satiny orbs. She sighed blissfully and put a hand back to caress his cheek.

  Del shifted slightly and peered over at Clay. Clay asked, “Did that feel as hot as it was to watch? I think my dick could bust diamonds right now.”

  Lily smiled like the cat that ate the canary, turned to kiss Del, then said in a low voice, “I think I should take care of that problem, shouldn’t I, cowboy?”

  “Mmm,” Del murmured with a sigh, “you’re such a giver, Lily Bell.”

  Lily proved that night that while she might have gone a little overboard with the elliptical workouts, she was taking full advantage of the increase in stamina and muscle strength that they afforded her.

  * * * *

  After all the energy Del had expended making love with Lily, it surprised him that he was still awake after the others had long since fallen asleep.

  Lily had assured them that JT wouldn’t show up during the week because it would mean missing work. She said JT didn’t care when Dirk took off, but he was too money-hungry and distrusting of even family to leave the shop alone.

  Her reasoning had merit, but Del was still on alert. This was a feeling he was used to, almost comfortable with. He wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. After tossing and turning, he finally climbed from the warm bed, where Lily and Clay were still curled up together, and walked around the house. He checked the deadbolts and all the window locks then flopped down on the padded recliner in the dark living room.

  Everything he’d heard about JT led him to believe that the asshole wouldn’t stop at mere harassment, and a restraining order would mean very little to him. Del still supported her decision to file for one but knew when this all came to a head, waving a piece of paper in front of JT’s face would only make him laugh. It was up to them to keep Lily out of harm’s way. Period.

  Del sat there working through various scenarios, wanting to be prepared should JT make an appearance. He couldn’t handle the thought of another woman dying because he wasn’t doing his job. The sound of a woman’s scream of anguish hurtled him from those thoughts, and he froze in the dark, wondering if he’d dreamed it or heard it. The seconds ticked by as his heartbeat gradually slowed to normal.

  His senses went on alert again when a shadow moved in the living room, until a moonbeam illuminated her satiny skin.

  Lily came to him, warm and comfortingly real. “What’s the matter? Did you have a nightmare?”

  Del smiled and nodded his head as she climbed naked into his lap, bringing a throw blanket with her, which he took and spread around them so she wouldn’t get chilled. “It’s nothing. Just nerves, I think.”

  She cuddled up in his lap, and before long, his cock was also wide awake and wanting more of Lily. Greedy bastard couldn’t get enough, and when he was in contact with her warm, cuddly body, he couldn’t help the reaction, but he also wanted her to get her rest. They’d kept her busy that evening, so he willed his cock into submission.

  “What’s keeping you awake, cowboy?” she asked, using the endearment that was starting to grow on him. “Are you worrying about JT? The divorce will be final soon and he’ll be out of my life. Hank knows that he came around again. Between my men and the sheriff, I know I’ll be safe.”

  Del chuckled. “In light of our situation, you might want to reword that thought.”

  Lily laughed and said, “With the two of you close by me and the sheriff doing his job, I’ll be fine. Del, can I ask you a question?”


  She stroked his biceps and murmured, “Will you trust me with what happened overseas? Whatever it is that gives you nightmares? I promise I won’t judge you.”

  How did she know that was at the core of his fear of her finding out? He professed to have the ability to keep her safe but fat lot of good that would do her if he wasn’t available or couldn’t act to protect her.

  “Don’t you trust me, Del?”

  Del squeezed Lily’s warm, pliant body and murmured his reply. “Of course I trust you. It was a failure on my part that gives me nightmares and makes me afraid that you wouldn’t be able to trust me.”

  Lily gripped his chin and turned his face so that she could kiss him and then said, “Everyone fails and sometimes there are serious repercussions. Were you trying to protect someone and you were attacked?”

  Del sighed and gave in to her. It was time to let it out. The weight was becoming heavier with time, not lighter as he’d hoped. Lily’s love and attention helped, but some things were more than the human soul could handle alone.

  “She was just one of the women of the village trying to find her pet late one afternoon. She was probably someone’s mom or daughter. We were occupying an abandoned home, which we had underground access to, doing surveillance on a nearby compound at the end of a street. We could come and go from a safe access point without being seen. All we were supposed to do was watch, collect information, and report.

  “One of the guys had received a care package from home and he’d opened a small foil container of smoked salmon. It must have been what attracted the kitten because it was pretty pungent. This Afghani woman followed the cat right into the house like she knew her way around. It must have belonged to people she knew at one point. She followed the cat right to us.”

  “Oh, no. Did she scream? Did she try to alert her people?”

  “No. No, she was more scared for us than of us, I think. A male member of her family, who must’ve been in charge of watching over her, followed her into the house. We gave her the kitten and asked her to go. We needed to get out of there. She did as we asked, and when she met the man on the staircase, she explained that she’d found her kitten and that she didn’t know why it had sn
uck into the old house. He griped at her and they left together. We thought she convinced him.”

  “What happened?”

  “They returned in the direction from which she’d come. There was no indicator that we’d been discovered, but we got out of there anyway. We were back on duty the following night because there was a meeting going in that same location. We expected to locate a handful of Taliban operatives. Instead we listened as they tortured her. She never gave away our location and denied doing anything but going after her kitten. In the end, they accused her of aiding Western forces, found her guilty, and executed her.”

  “And you…”

  “I could do nothing. We couldn’t go in guns blazing. We were waiting for the targets to show up. We would’ve blown our cover. I had to sit there…and listen. Shit like that changes you. It was never the same for me after that. Of all the places I’ve gone with that company, that one was the worst.” He would never get over the nauseating feeling of not being able to help someone in desperate need of it. Each blow he’d listened to her receive had been a crushing blow to his soul.

  “You retired?”

  “Yes. When my contract expired, I didn’t renew and came home.” Along with two other members of the same detail, including his friend with the smoked salmon.

  “Did you at least get the information you sought?”

  “Yes. But it didn’t help her any. They were making an example of her for the whole town. They water-boarded her when a beating didn’t get anything out of her. The sound of them striking that innocent woman. The blows…I still hear them, Lily.”

  “I’m so sorry, Del.”

  “With the job done, we left the next day.”

  Lily wrapped her arms around him and rubbed the nape of his neck as the tension became stronger and stronger inside of him.

  “She sounds like she was a very brave woman.”

  There was no doubt about that, but Clay wished that she hadn’t been, not that it would’ve guaranteed she’d have lived. Maybe she’d known that.


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