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The Divine Creek Ranch Collection Volume 4

Page 69

by Heather Rainier

  Ethan’s cock strained and tingled as he watched her walk. She peeked over her shoulder and winked at him as she took her time climbing into the tall bed, showing him her pussy as Adam dimmed the lights and Jack lit a couple of candles.

  Ethan and Grace piled the pillows at the headboard, and then she came into his arms. He stroked her waist and groaned with contentment as she kissed him. He held her tight and returned the kiss as his heart surged with love for her. He was her slave. Her skin was like pearlescent silk beneath his fingertips, and desire swelled his cock even further as she enclosed it in her gentle grasp and caressed him.

  A drawer in the bedside table opened and closed, and then the bed dipped as Jack and Adam joined them and the three of them enclosed her, kissing whatever part of her that their lips could conveniently reach. Adam placed the bottle of lubricant and a condom in Ethan’s hand, and he grinned. That was their unspoken signal for who got to take her anally. Grace still enjoyed the way they nonverbally changed things up with her, so she never knew how they’d position her. The condom was used because that was the way Grace preferred it anally. He was all about giving Grace what she wanted because she always returned the favor.

  Grace turned onto her other side, facing away from Ethan, and willingly presented her ass to him, tilting her hips in a move that never failed to excite the caveman inside him. Her men always handled this for her, lubricating her rear opening so that she experienced no discomfort, never assuming she would lubricate herself for their use. It was the least they could do considering the way she gave herself unreservedly to them.

  He bit his lip as he applied the slick lube to her ass, making sure she was well prepared. While he did this, Adam lifted her calf over his shoulder and went down on her pussy. He teased and licked her until her moans and movements made Ethan’s cock leak pre-cum as he watched her move against Adam’s mouth. Her cheeks were flushed like roses as she tilted her head back.

  Ethan lightly stroked her asshole as she quivered and clenched. Her calf and thigh tightened around Adam’s shoulder in a signal that Ethan knew meant she was nearly there. Two slow, panting breaths and a soft moan escaped from her throat, a soft signal that she’d come. She ground her cunt on Adam’s suctioning lips as he growled in delight between her legs.

  She undulated between them and pushed back against Ethan’s questing fingers, giving him access to her rear opening as his lubricated fingers slipped inside on one of her orgasmic contractions. His cock throbbed with need as Adam backed away and got into position. Ethan sheathed his cock quickly as Jack leaned forward, whispered lovingly to Grace, and kissed her as she stroked his cheek.

  Ethan lay back on the pillows against the headboard. Sometimes he pushed her to try crazier positions for ménage sex, but as the anal partner tonight, he was the “driver,” and all he wanted was slow and easy for her after the earlier excitement.

  He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her torso so she reclined against him with her ass pressed to his cock. Adam stroked her clit as Ethan lifted her left thigh and held her still as he thrust the blunt head of his cock against her quivering, lubricated opening. She gave in to him easily because she had absolute trust that he wouldn’t be too rough with her. A deep growl escaped his throat as the head slid slowly into the hot, constricting tightness of her anus. Her pussy and ass clenched as Adam continued to tease her, drawing sighs and moans from her as Ethan pulled back and then thrust deeper, his strokes sure and easy as he took more and more of her ass until he was rooted deep inside her.

  “Grace, you feel so good.” He squeezed her and thrust as he kissed her fragrant shoulder. She tilted her head back and gazed up at him, her eyes half shuttered with pleasure as he leaned forward to kiss her lips.

  “I love it, Ethan. I love you.”

  Adam leaned forward until she was pressed between them. Ethan bit his lip and waited patiently as Adam slid his cock home as well. The tightness made his control hard to maintain, but he managed, distracting himself by stroking her satiny hip as she breathed deep and gripped Adams broad shoulders. Ethan loved watching her face as they filled her with their cocks, her expression a mixture of wonder, pleasure, and need.

  Ethan spoke softly. “I’m glad our little adventure ended here with you, Grace. We’d do anything to keep you safe so you’re ours to love forever.”

  Adam curled down to suck and lick gently at her nipples, and Jack took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her. “I love you, darlin’.”

  Ethan could see the apology that still lingered in Jack’s eyes as he gazed at her. “Gracie, I think Jack still feels bad for sending you off into the night for a little escapade. You don’t want him to feel guilty, do you?”

  Grace made a negative sound as she kissed Jack. “Not even a little bit,” she whispered when he released her lips.

  Ethan continued, “Maybe you should show him that you’re not upset with him at all.” Jack glanced at him and tipped his head in gratitude.

  “Come close, Jack.” She pushed pillows out of the way to make room for him. Jack groaned when she stroked his thick cock and sucked the head into her mouth.

  Adam groaned soulfully. “You feel so good, baby. You take such good care of us.” Sweat dripped from his forehead as he thrust his cock into her pussy in time with Ethan’s deep strokes into her ass. Ethan wanted to love her until there was no more breath in him.

  Grace held on to Ethan’s forearm as she sucked Jack’s cock, moving between him and Adam, and Ethan’s control started to slip.

  Jack moaned and whispered, “Not gonna take long, darlin’. I love your hot, little mouth.”

  Ethan gritted his teeth, determined that she finish before him and Adam. “You first, Jack. Give her what she wants.”

  “Mmm-hmm!” Grace intoned enthusiastically with a mouthful of cock. The long-drawn-out vibration of her sound was enough to set Jack off, and he cried out. She gripped his cock and swallowed his cum as he thrust against her lips.

  “Fuck, yes!” Jack’s breath left him in deep drafts, and he stroked her hair back from her cheeks as she released his cock and licked her lips.

  She gripped both Adam and Ethan tightly, one hand on Ethan’s forearm and the other on Adam’s shoulder as she devoted her attention to their intimate dance and moved between them. Adam thrust deeper, maintaining constant pressure against her clit, and smiled triumphantly when her low keening started. Ethan kissed her throat and growled as his control snapped at the sound. He regretted sometimes that she’d learned to not scream as she climaxed because she was so loud she inevitably woke the baby next door.

  “Let go for us, Gracie.” Ethan wanted her full release just this once. She looked up at him, battling the need to be quiet with the urge to obey him. “I’ll kiss you so she never hears a sound. Just let it all go for us. I want it, Gracie.”

  She couldn’t resist his direct request and gathered a shaky breath as Adam reached down to stroke her clit and softly agreed with him. “I want to hear you to come hard for us, baby. Give it to us.”

  She suddenly froze between them. Her back arched, and her eyes flew open, filled with bliss, as she took a deep, shaky breath. Her nails sank into his forearm, and his lips descended on hers, swallowing her ecstatic scream as she went wild between them, thrashing and undulating with each convulsion of her cunt and ass on their cocks. His release was torn from him in blazing jets as his control snapped and satisfaction exploded within him. Adam bowed his head and appeared to be biting his tongue as he thrust with animalistic intensity and then stilled with a soft growl against the other side of her throat.

  Ethan felt the bed dip and groaned as every nerve ending in his body sang with pleasure. He chuckled as he recalled wanting “slow and easy” ménage sex. There was no such thing with Grace. It might have started out that way, but she always brought out the cavemen in them.

  Adam sighed and stirred. Ethan was still spent, holding her reclining in his arms. She looked up at Adam with adoration as he withdrew his
softened cock. Her eyes darkened, and she bit her lip and whispered, “Sorry.” She stroked the bloody scratch marks she’d left on his shoulder.

  Adam glanced at it and grinned. “I don’t mind playful kitten scratches. I can take it. Until they heal, I’ll think of this night every time I see them.”

  Adam got off the bed and passed Jack on his way back from the bathroom with a warm washcloth for her. She lay still as Ethan withdrew from her ass and allowed Jack to clean her up. In the beginning, she’d objected and preferred to do that for herself. She’d given in once she understood they needed to reassure themselves that they hadn’t hurt her. It was still done out of consideration for her since she was usually wiped out by foursomes.

  On wobbling legs, Ethan rose from the bed and disposed of the condom and stepped into the hot shower Jack had started as Adam left the bathroom to return to Grace’s side. Ethan didn’t doubt she’d be asleep by the time he was done, which explained Adam’s grin. She’d be cuddled in between Jack and Adam fast asleep when he climbed into the bed.

  Ethan didn’t really mind. For a long time, Adam had chosen the odd-man-out position, sleeping with his head resting on her abdomen and his feet hanging off the end of the bed just to be close to her. Grace had put a stop to it when Adam’s neck started giving him problems, and she’d told them it was time to take turns. Then, she’d gotten pregnant and sleeping with Adam’s head on her abdomen would’ve been uncomfortable for her anyway.

  The bed was certainly wide enough, so it wasn’t a tight squeeze or hardship, but he much preferred to have warm Grace snuggled against him instead of a pillow. Life went on.

  The baby monitor was in Adam’s bedroom downstairs with his parents so they’d hear Rose Marie if there was a problem. Ethan still slipped on pajama bottoms and went next door to check on Rose Marie out of habit, entering silently to not disturb anyone.

  Rose Marie rolled, and by her breathing he could tell she was awake and probably needing a diaper change. He switched off the monitor and went to the crib and lowered the rail.

  “Hey, sugar. Got wet undies?”

  “Dada.” She smiled at him and made sweet baby sounds as he laid her down and changed her diaper quietly. With her little baby fists she rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned as he snapped her lightweight sleeper closed again and lifted her into his arms. Recalling Wes and Evan’s earlier announcement about Rosemary expecting their baby, Ethan remembered the day Grace had told them she was pregnant. One of the happiest days of his life.

  His baby girl rested her little tousled head against his shoulder as he took a seat in the rocking chair and hummed a lullaby to her. He smiled as she looked up at him, yawned again, and closed her little gray-green eyes. Adam might’ve fathered her, but she had all three of her daddies wrapped securely around her little fingers, just like her mama.

  Ethan rested his head against the rocker and smiled in the dim room.

  Yeah, life’s good.

  * * * *

  Jayne was certain she was going to be a zombie the next morning. It had been a long day, but for her it had flown by in a blur. She regretted that it would end soon and knew she wouldn’t sleep a wink once her head finally hit her pillow.

  Buck and Chad had long since left The Dancing Pony with the beauty queen lodged between them. It had given Jayne pause whenever the woman had walked up to the table and started talking to Seth. She was undeniably gorgeous, but Seth had seemed to pay her no mind until he’d finally risen from their table and come to claim her from Buck.

  “Would you like a drink?” Seth asked as they moved slowly on the dance floor.

  “No, I think I’m done.” Wanting to keep her wits about her, she’d only had one mixed drink earlier in the evening and drank sodas the rest of the night. She’d noticed Seth had only had a couple of beers and then switched to sodas when she did. Since he was driving her home she appreciated that.

  The last of their friends had already departed, with the exception of Lily, Del, and Clay Cook, who looked like they were readying to leave as well. She smiled when Lily waved at her and made the “call me” signal with her thumb and pinkie. Lily was a recent addition to the group like Jayne was.

  As “Dancing Away With My Heart” by Lady Antebellum ended, Seth gently kissed the top of her head. He led her back to their table and held her chair as she sat and then took the seat next to her.

  Continuing their conversation from earlier, Jayne said, “Since you’ve come to Divine, how has your business been? Do you stay busy?”

  Seth nodded. “Yes, in the tattoo business, word of mouth is the best advertising. I’ve got a lot of new customers and Divine is a nice town. I’ve felt very welcome.”

  Jayne chuckled. “Yeah. Same here. I had the job lined up before I moved here, and Grace and her bunch adopted me from practically the moment I arrived.”

  Seth had serious facial features, so his sudden smile nearly addled her. “Yeah. They do that, don’t they?” She wanted to see him smile some more.

  Jayne could here Grace’s voice in her head. Seize the day, baby! You’ve earned the right.

  Feeling brave, Jayne turned to him and asked, “Have you ever tattooed someone like…me?”

  Seth tilted his head, and his eyes roamed over her face with a look of slight confusion. “Like you…how?”

  Clasping her hands and trapping them between her knees, she scrunched up her shoulders. “Atypical for having a tattoo.”

  Seth nodded. “Sure. I tattooed one of Divine’s elected officials and his wife last month and they were both in their seventies. That’s pretty atypical.”

  Jayne was fairly sure her eyes bulged as she popped her hand over her mouth. “Woody and Charlene Porter had you tattoo them?”

  Seth grimaced. “Crap. I thought my hint was vague enough that you wouldn’t know who I was talking about but clear enough to reassure you. Yeah, they did. Really nice people, too.”

  “Okay, question then. How did Charlene take it?”

  “She did great. Woody got his first and then she had hers done. They said it was something they’d always talked about doing but being in public life they’d never wanted to risk people gossiping about it. Woody told me he figured if he’d reached that age and was close to retiring, he could do whatever the hell he pleased.” Seth punctuated the last word with a nod, like he respected the local justice of the peace and his wife for it. Jayne was curious but out of respect didn’t ask where or what they had gotten tattooed.

  “Do…do you think you’d be interested in tattooing me?”

  Jayne watched his stoic face carefully and couldn’t pinpoint his emotions. “That depends on what you want done.”

  Jayne sat back and looked up at him. “Actually, I hadn’t given it much thought. I think I assumed you’d tell me no because I don’t look like I could handle the pain.”

  Believe me, I can.

  He laid his hand open, palm facing up, on the table as though asking her to lay her forearm in it, which she did without hesitation. He brushed her short shirt sleeve up to her shoulder and then drew a couple of fingertips down her tender inner arm. His gaze was on her arm, and she was grateful he didn’t seem to notice the blush that was enflaming her cheeks or the fact that her nipples hardened visibly. His gentle touch sent a hot wave of awareness blazing through her core like an inferno, centering in her clit so that she could barely focus when he spoke.

  “Because of your profession, I’d never agree to tattoo your arms or anything that might show beneath your work clothes. I think that your beautiful, creamy-white skin would be the ultimate canvas to work on.” He glanced up at her, his blue eyes looking so deep into hers that she thought he might be able to read her mind and know how aroused she was. “I’d design a tattoo for you that was one-of-a-kind and I’d never duplicate it on anyone else.”

  She couldn’t stop her chin from trembling as she reacted to his words. His tone and his expression were so serious, but the heat in his eyes left her breathless and on the verge
of a small orgasm.

  “Really? You would?”

  Seth nodded. “If you’d promise to hold very still for me, I’d make it a work of art like you’ve never seen before. I’m very good at what I do.” He eased back, trailing his fingers to her hand as though he realized he was being a bit intense. “Sorry, I take my work seriously.”

  Jayne grasped his hand. “Don’t apologize. I’ve seen Lily’s and her men’s tattoos and some of the others. It’s the reason I asked you. I’ll do it.”

  “You will?” His blue eyes locked with hers, the barest hint of vulnerability showing before it disappeared. A smile slowly spread across his lips, as though he wasn’t sure it belonged there, and she smiled back. “Good. It’s getting late. Would you like me to take you home now?”


  “Yes, I probably should get some rest.”

  Right, because I haven’t had enough of that to last me a lifetime.

  Outside of the nightclub, he helped her with the helmet and braided her long hair one last time. She hoped it wasn’t the last time. She enjoyed the ride across the small town of Divine as the warm wind blew past them on the quiet residential streets. He pulled into her driveway and quickly cut the ignition on his bike. She appreciated that he was considerate of her neighbors. Seth climbed from the bike and removed his helmet.

  She remained on the bike while he helped her with the helmet, and she noticed his smile as he released her braid and ran his fingers through her hair one last time. Recalling a comment he’d made earlier in the day, a thought occurred to her. “I have a question.”

  “Sure,” he said as he returned her helmet to the saddlebag.

  “At the parade, when I asked you about wearing sandals while I rode behind you, you mentioned that you had another solution, but that I’d be fine if I kept my feet on the footrests. What did you mean, you had another solution?”

  An undeniably sexy smile crossed his handsome face in the moonlight, and he hesitated for only a second while he assisted her from the bike. “If you were my girlfriend, I’d slip those little sandals from your feet and stick them in the saddlebags. I’d have you wrap your pretty, long legs around my hips and let you ride like that, with your feet between my legs.”


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