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The Barrier: The Teorran of Time: Teen Fantasy Action Adventure Novel

Page 21

by Unknown

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, when we were in the dungeon, my magic didn’t take anything from me, but when you had to open the cursed grate, it was shadow magic right? And then you got that headache. I don't know if other times when you have gotten headaches you used shadow magic, but it seems to be related."

  Shaz propped his head on his hand held by his bent elbow "I think you’re right. When I first saw the sqwall on the island, the portal, the dungeon, yeah it all makes sense, but why?"

  "That I don't know, but we need to figure it out and soon."

  The horse suddenly reared on its haunches and lurched forward darting away. Shaz and Serin both jumped. Jagwynn scurried toward a tree. A crackling came from a branch high above them, as if it were about to give way to something heavy perched on it. An enormous creature sat on a branch. Its lion like hind legs were bent and sat under its body and its lion’s tail wrapped around the tree trunk. Its head was that of a large bird with a razor sharp black beak and deep black eyes stared down at them.

  The brightly colored feathers in hues of fire red and deep oranges started with a deep red at his head and flawlessly transitioned to orange and then to yellow. The feathers tapered off at its neck exposing a bare human-like chest. Sharp talons clawed the branch it sat on posing a stress on the timber. The fang Shaz wore around his neck stung more than usual and he thought about his conversation with the old man. Jagwynn hissed and arched her back. Shaz reassured her.

  "Not another one?" Serin moved to where her bow was lying,

  "Another one?" the gryphton asked.

  "Yes, another one, we have already killed two of you.” She said.

  “Are you the one the old man was speaking of?" Shaz glared, his neck muscles tightening while his fingers shifted slightly on the hilt of his sword.

  "You have seen my kind before? What old man?" Azrak asked his face contorted in confusion.

  "The man in the village, he said he met you once." Shaz said.

  "My kind, do not know about this world."

  "There were three of them. They were attacking the flocks of the villagers. We killed two of them but one escaped." Shaz said.

  "A scouting party." Azrak rubbed his chin with the back of his paw. The gryphton lunged out of the tree landing softly in front of Shaz. "What do you know of me?" Azrak asked.

  "Stay back. Don't make me kill you too." Shaz said.

  "Don't be silly human, I prefer steer, but will settle with mountain elk." Azrak said, licking his beak just thinking about it. "I am very hungry, but you don't fit my tastes."

  "Well that's nice to know." Serin said.

  Shaz felt the persistent tingle of the fang against his chest, and knew he could trust him.

  "I'm Shaz and this is Serin. We were told that you lived in this forest. We need to know why there would be scouts here." Shaz said sheathing his sword.

  "Tell me, did the scouts say anything to you?" Azrak asked.

  He pawed at the ground with his talons that dug easily into the soft dirt.

  "No, we were busy trying to kill each other." Shaz paused, "Why?"

  "Groargoth." Azrak said.

  "I take it, they are looking for you?"

  "So it would seem." He growled.

  "Why?" Serin asked.

  "It's not any of your concern." he growled spinning on her.

  "Don't you dare growl at me." She said, stomping her foot and slapping her hands on her hips.

  "A feisty one, this one." Azrak said, his eyes wide.

  "You have no idea." Shaz mumbled.

  "What?" She hissed.

  "Remind me to stay on her side." Azrak said.

  The pink in her cheeks grew under her pale skin.

  "Serin, it’s ok, we're on your side." Shaz said.

  Serin stormed off and Jagwynn followed her into the trees.

  Shaz let her go, turned back to Azrak.

  "So what is going on? Why are you here? Why are there scouts here? Where do you come from?"

  Azrak paced back and forth a few more times, and then sat down. "I don't want to talk about it."

  "I don't care if you don't want to talk about it. Your 'kind' has caused havoc and I need to know why."

  "Fine.” He paused, “Groargoth is the king of my nation, a wicked gryphton, he killed his father. Blamed me and cast me out, and apparently is now after this world too."

  "What does he want?"

  "Gold, silver, jewels, usually, but I wouldn't put anything past him." A sudden memory came to the fore front of his mind, "Blast." Azrak cursed, "We must get the orb."

  "Orb?" Shaz asked.

  "Before my king’s death, he sent me on a mission to retrieve a vessel that held powers. The king believed it had magic that would help him defeat the Ebonhoards who had mages battling with them."

  “Gavin Rhill.” Shaz muttered,


  “Nothing, where is it?"

  "Groargoth has it." Azrak said as he slammed his fist into the earth.

  "Hmm," Shaz paced, "How do we get it? Is it not common to have mages fight in your world?"

  "No, we are a prideful race and don’t need humans to solve our problems. And we don't." Azrak said "I will."

  "But you will need help.”

  Azrak lowered his eyes with shame and said "No, this is my fault I must do it."

  "How is this your fault?" Shaz asked.

  "They have been searching for me for many years. They must have finally found the rift." Azrak said.

  "The rift?" Shaz raised one eye brow. There is so much I don’t know about. How am I going to do this? He thought.

  "Yes, after I fled I had nowhere to hide. I kept to the outer parts of our kingdom and found a tear. I discovered that it lead me here," Azrak paused, looking around the forest he had come to love, "to your world. I managed to keep out of sight of humans, well except Lewison."

  "The old man? Why keep out of sight of humans?" Shaz asked.

  "During one of my earlier visits through the rift, I had been exploring and upon returning to meet Ralti for news, I witnessed a great massacre of my fellow warriors. I determined that humans were not ready for our kind, but I had nowhere else to go. I found this place and have not had any trouble here." He paused and then said. "Until you two."

  "Where is your world?" Shaz tapped his finger on his lip ignoring the jab. Something didn't fit, though he couldn't figure out what.

  "I am from the North lands, on the other side of the Tarumite Mountains. From a time separate from this one." Azrak replied.

  "Just like the island." Shaz said pacing.

  "You are from another time also?" Azrak asked.

  "Yes." He said then asked "How do we get to the rift?"

  "I told you, I will go. It is my duty, and my men are still loyal to me. If I can get a message to Ralti I can take over the army and stop Groargoth." Azrak said gruffly.

  "What are you going to do to stop him?"

  "Whatever it takes."

  "We have to destroy the vessel." Shaz said.

  "Why, what is it anyway?"

  "The magical powers from a creature now destroyed. Gavin Rhill needs it to complete his Binding of the Crypt spell."

  "What does he want with that?" Azrak asked.

  "It will make him immortal" Shaz said, sitting back onto a stone. "I wonder where Serin is, we need to get going. I better go after her."

  "Maybe she wants to be alone." Azrak said "She'll be fine. There is nothing in these woods except mist."


  Serin found that she didn't know where she was, and being even more frustrated, picked up a stone and threw it as hard as she could into the misty dusk. The rock bounced off something hard, sending a returning ping instead of a thunk from hitting dirt. She carefully climbed over, under and around the trees, rocks and debris. She saw a tall stone statue that sat in the middle of several hand-carved stones several feet tall. The statue was preserved well. There appeared to be nothi
ng broken, however, it was covered in spongy moss from years in constant moisture.

  “What in the world? She asked Jag who only whined.

  Several markings were carved into the stones that were set in particular orders around the stones. A woman with long hair wore a delicately carved braided head-piece and flowing gown. The same symbols on the stones were etched into a belt that hung delicately over her hips. The face had fine features, but it was the marks in her skin that struck Serin’s curiosity the most. One of the statue’s hands stuck out to the side, while the other grasped at a pendant hanging from her neck. The marks in her skin had a fine twirling and spinning effect.

  They moved up her hands, up her partially uncovered arms, then resumed at her low cut collar and onto her neck and face. Serin also saw them on her bare feet. It was almost as if the statue was a woman turned to stone and was in the middle of speaking to someone. Serin usually didn't fear most things, but this time she felt a pang of angst standing in a place she didn't know. What are these stones for, what are the symbols? She thought. Serin's eye stopped at one symbol she had seen on Shaz’s sword and felt it with her finger. A heavy weight of sleep overcome her, it was as if she had just evoked a spell without knowing.

  She couldn’t help herself and slid in next to the stone and fell asleep. Serin woke, finding herself standing next to the statue. It was as if her body was still on the ground but she couldn’t see her body there. One particular symbol stood out. A slight glowing red shimmer danced around it. Several faces hovered at the top barely inside the tall standing stones. How could there be faces inside the stones, and how can I see them? They were sleeping, or at least that is what she thought. The woman of stone's eyes, now deep green, blinked and stared at her. Serin gasped to hold in the automatic scream she wanted to let out.

  The features of the woman softened and a fleshy tone overcame the gray hardness of the stone. Serin’s heart raced and she wanted to run but her body was frozen in place. The statue moved her head slowly then her arms, before her whole body was released from its permanent prison.

  "What is your name child?" the woman asked.

  "I am Serin Lockwood, daughter of Ambrosia."

  The statue studied her deeply before kneeling on one knee and bowing to her.

  "My queen, I am so sorry for your loss. I loved your mother deeply she was my best friend."

  "What, wait, what?" Serin said. "Queen? You knew my mother? How, where? I have so many questions. Who are you?" Serin managed.

  The woman looked around trying to find an explanation.

  "I am Lady Fortuna from the wyvern nation of sky and water." answered the statue, the voice echoed off the stone.

  "What are you doing here, why are you here, who are these people?" Serin asked.

  "I am the High Priestess of the Wyverns. I was entombed here by the evil Gavin Rhill to keep me and my wyverns from taking him to exile. This is a portal and these are my high court protectors." she said, "We have been here for hundreds of years.”

  “Hundreds of years?”

  "There is no time my Queen, you are the only heir to the crystal city, Srinna Vossa, and you must return and bring magic back to the world. Together with your Dodjen, you must get to the crystal catacombs and find the secret entrance that will take you back to the city. There you must take possession of the city and become queen. I will summon the wyverns but you must search out the black wyvern. Your Dodjen must bond to him in order to complete the circle." She said.

  "My Dodjen? What are you talking about?" Serin asked.

  "The man you travel with, he is your Dodjen. You are his elemental mage, you must stay with him. He cannot die. You together are the key to stopping Gavin Rhill. You are the new High Priestess and you have great power to heal and call on the wind to help you. You must strengthen your powers, for you will need them. Here I will give you this." the woman lowered her pendant over Serin.

  The stone itself never moved. She then raised her finger and touched Serin's temple with the point of her first finger. A sharp prick etched into the softness of her flesh and Serin flinched. A hot stinging sensation moved through her body and into her limbs. A numb prickling sensation remained.

  "My court is now yours. Even though they are in stone they will help you through your journey. Now return to your Dodjen. Waste no time, you must hurry. My queen, be careful! Gavin Rhill is sly and evil and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants."

  "What is a Dodjen? I don't understand."

  "Go, quickly!" her voice became agitated, her tone filled with fear and urgency. "There is no time to explain, only trust your Dodjen. Gavin Rhill has secrets everywhere. People I trusted betrayed me, you must succeed!" the voice faded.

  The image of the woman became the flat stone once more. Queen? Wyverns? Dodjen? Serin thought as she stood slightly slouched partly from the numbness of her body but also from what she had just seen. Memories suddenly filed her mind of the time she spent with the Wyverns. A warmth formed in her chest as she remembered them.

  "Wake up, Serin you have to wake up!" she told herself slapping her cheeks and shaking her head.

  The misty hues of the people faded back into darkness and she hoped that she would wake up any moment. The cool night air stung her lungs as she breathed in deeply, hoping to jar her into consciousness. She sat down on a stone while the images of the woman and the people flowed through her mind. The same words in her mind as before, over and over.


  Shaz heard a flapping and whooshing sound coming from overhead. He crept out from under the shelter. Several trees stood along the edge of the clearing he had not seen before. He wondered if it was the mist that hid them or if they had wandered here. The whooshing deepened as it moved closer. The tree tops swished back and forth as Azrak's stunning red feathers emerged from the branches. Leaves and small debris fell to the ground. Azrak landed softly almost soundless. In his muscular arms, he held Serin's body.

  "What have you done?" Shaz yelled as he gripped his sword. The muscles in his neck pulsed heavily and he gritted his teeth.

  "I found her like this, in the forest. Why did you let her out of your sights?" Azrak said, his voice strict with his own anger.

  "I didn't- you said to let her be." Shaz said.

  "She's breathing and I don't believe she is harmed. Very cold, but not hurt." Azrak said coarsely.

  "Set her down here." Shaz said.

  Azrak moved with a slight bouncy swagger and set her down. Her breathing was steady and he could feel her pulse.

  "She means a lot to you, doesn't she?" Azrak asked.

  "Huh? What, her, well-"

  "Ah I see, that kind." Azrak said.

  A minuscule smile crested the corners of his beak. Shaz busied himself by carving a stick with the small blade he kept in the small of his back. Jagwynn paced swinging her tail in wide arcs. Azrak built a nest under a large tree.

  Serin finally stirred and sat up bleary eyed.

  "What's going on?”

  Shaz put his blade back into the little sheath and tossed the stick. His bum was numb from sitting on the tree stump.

  "Are you ok?" Shaz asked.

  "What happened? How did I get back here?"

  "I don't know, you tell me. Azrak found you and brought you back." he said.

  “I-“ Serin paused and thought about how absurd it sounded and then said, “I’m sorry I went so far.” Jagwynn licked her face, “Yuck Jag.”

  Shaz chuckled, he knew how slobbery her kisses were.

  "Hungry?" he asked, giving her a small wrapped package.

  She nodded and took it from him.

  “We need to get to my father’s castle soon.”


  “My dream last night told me the sheath is there.”

  Serin nodded and put a big bite of food in her mouth.

  “Meet back here when you have orb.” Shaz said to Azrack who only grunted and leapt into the morning sky.

ome on, let’s go.” Shaz said.



  "It must be here somewhere" he said running his hand along the rough stone wall.

  The long wall ran along the east side of the old deserted castle. Bright emerald shaded grass shimmered as the soft misty rain fell from gray skies. A low rumble echoed against the mountain ranges to the east and west. Their hair hung straggly around their round faces from the hours in the damp air.

  "What?" a small-framed man asked from behind the other. He tried to reach around to see what he was doing.

  "The door. Get away, I am going to find it." Turkill said pushing his brother back.

  "What door" Ladtwig asked, sniffling while wiping his nose on his sleeve.

  "The invisible door." Turkill said.

  "But if it's invisible how are you going to see it?"

  "I just will."

  "But how can you its invisible."

  "Yes Ladtwig, I know that’s what I said, the invisible door." Turkill said.

  "Yeah but invisible means you can see it." Ladtwig scratched his chin.

  "Well maybe you can't see it, but I can" Turkill kept his fingers on the rough hand carved stone wall.

  "But how can you, you can't see something that isn't there."

  "What are you babbling about?" Turkill asked.

  "The invisible door."

  "What invisible door?"

  "The one you are looking for" Ladtwig said.

  "Oh yes that one, I can't find it, its invisible." Tukill said

  Shaz stared down from his horse at the two little men. He couldn’t help but snicker under his breath. Serin found the little men irritating and was losing patients. The notion of an invisible door perplexed Shaz until Serin elbowed him.

  "Excuse me, is this the Reinholt castle?" Shaz asked.

  Turkill and Ladtwig jumped and spun on their heels and thrust themselves against the wall.

  "Who are you?" demanded Turkill.

  "Who are you?" Shaz asked with a smirk.

  Ladtwig studied Shaz, then Serin and then back to Shaz.

  Annoyed Serin said "I’m Serin, this is Shaz, and Jagwynn, and we are searching for the Reinholt Castle. We believe this is it, do you know for sure?" Serin's beautiful voice gently carried over the bristling of the nearby branches. Jagwynn came up next to Shaz’s horse and the men jumped and held onto each other.


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