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The Barrier: The Teorran of Time: Teen Fantasy Action Adventure Novel

Page 25

by Unknown

  "What about you?" she asked, as he fastened the last buckle.

  "I have my sword and bow already, but I did stock up on some short blades and a couple daggers."

  He patted his body where he had hid them under his clothes. Shaz gave her a few daggers to pick from and she tied one on.

  "I guess we need to find the parlor still. I wonder if the Wispmother knows where we are?" Serin said.

  "She does, we’ve had little escorts following us since we left the dining room." He said


  "They're pretty good at blending in, but I can sense them and every once in a while I see one."


  History Lesson

  They left the room and climbed the stairs. A few more halls and then they came to the parlor. It was a square room with chairs and sofas surrounding a large fireplace on one wall. The Wispmother hovered at the front of the fireplace and welcomed them to the room.

  "We have much to discuss please sit" the Wispmother said.

  Serin eased the bow off her back and sat on a soft orange chair. Shaz tossed one leg onto the other. Propped his ankle onto his knee and sat back into the sofa. Jagwynn curled up next to the fireplace and rested on her paws.

  "So what do you want to discuss?" he asked.

  "Is the senate going to resume its meetings?" she asked.

  "I don't know. Tell me what you know about the senate" he said.

  "Our world began with the God of Glory, who desired to be mortal for a time. He gave up his deity and dwelt on an earth creating a fair maiden whom he took to wife. She bore three sons and a daughter. When the God's time was up to live on Edenocht, he left the third born son, later known as the Tooatha De Danann, as the leader. The other two were angry, saying they had been cheated out of their inheritance. The mother tried in vain to get them to get along, but they separated from each other, going their separate ways. The daughter remained to care for the aging mother, and when the mother died she was lifted up as the Sun Goddess. The brothers never returned." She paused.

  "Go on." he said.

  "The Tooatha De Danann, from the third son, being in favor of the father, was a race of supernaturally gifted people who lived in the North Country of the world. They made it their priority to study occult lore and sorcery, druidic arts, witchcraft and magical skill. Eventually they became the sages of the elements. Four cities were dedicated to these studies, Srinna Vossa in the sky, Akraven on land, Loig Na Tine in the volcanic mountains, and Bairr Tiornect deep in the earth."

  Shaz felt for the tablet under his shirt as she said this.

  "Ah I see you already know." she said.

  "Yes, we found this in the ruins in the forest." he said pulling out the gold plate.

  "Another Senate Sanctum." She said.

  "Why did it just appear when I came through the Teorran of Time?"

  "All of them returned to their original existence."

  "How many are there?"


  Whistling in astonishment he shifted in his seat.

  "Then you know each city’s legacy?" she asked.

  "Yes, from Srinna Vossa came the ‘Binding of the Crypt’ scroll which defies death. The earth city created the spear which no battle was ever won against the man who held it. From the Volcano came the Cauldron of the Gods, which no company ever went away from unsatisfied. It usurps power over them for its payment of total satisfaction. The city in the mountains brought the Honor Blade, a sword which no-one ever escaped. Once it was drawn from its deadly sheath, no one could resist it." He repeated from memory.

  "Correct, and the Velsharoon?" she asked.

  "An over-zealous group of chosen elemental mages that became greedy and fell under the control of Gavin Rhill."

  "What about the daughter?" Serin asked "What happened to her?"

  "It is unknown what happened to her. Her mother, The Sun Goddess, was angry and formed a secret organization of Tooatha De Danann calling them, ‘Agents of Light’ or the Dodjen. It was their purpose to supervise the Velsharoon to know what the Shadow was up to."

  "It was under the rule of Ar-ti-bus that the Velsharoon began stirring up the hearts of the Tooatha De Danann to go to war against the descendants of the second son, known as the Fir Bolg. They were the most hostile and become a ravaged race. Though they had much gold, precious metal and land. The leader of the Tooatha De Danann, at the time was week minded. Under the advice of his trusted adviser, Arti-bus, he feared they would not be strong enough to go against the Fir. So he sent Ar-ti-bus to make arrangements to marry the daughter of the ruler of the Muintir, or the first privileged of the Gods, to unite forces to take over the Fir Bolg."

  "What happened?" Shaz asked.

  "The union was made, and the Tooatha De Danann and the Muintir took fleets to the land of the Fir Bolg, to it take by force. The leader of the Tooatha De, however, was convinced that his own men would retreat after seeing how strong and powerful Fir Bolg was. So he commanded to have all of their own ships burned once they made port, to keep them from retreating. Fir Bolg being a highly superstitious people, believed the Tooatha De had come in on mists of the sea because of all the smoke. This created fear, confusing them, which gave the Tooatha De the advantage and they were able to defeat them."

  "That's quite a story" Shaz said.

  "It's no story, it’s our history." The Wispmother said sharply, "After the great and terrible battle, the Fir Bolg surrendered and entered a pact. They would never go to battle against the Tooatha De Danann and would forever be subject to them. This wasn't enough for Ar-ti-bus who convinced the Tooatha De to force the Fir to give up their supernatural abilities and be subject to being completely mortal, like their mother who GOG made of the earth."

  "Where are they now?" Serin asked.

  "They are the human race, they were forced out of the North lands and settled in the middle part of our world, here." she said.

  "That makes sense" Shaz said.

  "There’s more." The Wispmother said again.

  "More?" Shaz asked, combing through his hair.

  "The God of Glory returned after his affairs were finished to see what his sons had done and cursed the land with all kinds of wild creatures with powers to overpower the sons. The sons, however, with stood them. And after another war, the creatures and the sons made alliances in order to stop the bloodshed and have peace." The Wispmother said. She sagged slightly, sitting lower in the air than before. "That is when the Teorran of Time was created, to give each race a chance to live within their dominion without strife. Yet this did not keep the Velsharoon from tainting the minds of the people and evil continued to creep into their hearts. The Teorran Travelers moved through the time realms keeping things in order and securing ancient artifacts."

  “It is true then.” Shaz said rubbing his face.

  Two little soldiers floated down from the wood moldings near the ceiling and held the Wispmother’s arms to keep her floating.

  "We can finish later." Serin said, concerned for the Wispmother.

  "There's not much left." she said thanking her guards, "Upon his return GOG, seeing the destruction from his family, made a prophesy. He would send a boy-child to bring balance back to the world. He would possess all powers needed to correct the imbalance that greed and evil has wreaked on this world."

  A knot formed in Shaz’s stomach, he knew what she was about to say. He rested his elbows on his knees with his chin sitting in his palms. Serin looked between the Wispmother and Shaz.

  "That boy child is you Shaz." the Wispmother said.

  "I don't even know what powers I have, how can I save this world from Gavin Rhill who clearly knows a great deal more than me?" Shaz blurted.

  It was on his mind and had been for some time. Serin had sympathy for him and the Wispmother. With a slight swish of her finger, she sent a gentle serge of air to hold the queen up. The Wispmother was surprised.

  "I'm sorry was I not supposed to do that?" Serin asked.
  "You are an elemental of air?"


  "And water and healing. You should see her healing magic.” Shaz interjected excitedly.

  "Of course. Why didn't I see that?"

  "See what?"

  "Yes, the lost heir.” the Wispmother said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That is why you have been chosen to be bonded, to unite against Gavin Rhill an heir of Muintir."

  “What do you mean lost heir?” Serin asked.

  "What does that do? What is this bonding?" Shaz asked.

  Serin was aggravated with the lack of answers. Was she not important enough as Shaz, why did she answer all of his questions and not mine, she thought.

  "Please, I have extended myself too much. I must rest, we can talk more later." she said, motioning to her guards to escort her to her quarters.

  They floated through the parlor door and disappeared into the lights shining in from nearby windows.

  Shaz paced around the room.

  "What are you thinking?" Serin asked.

  "Nothing" he replied his hands in his pockets.

  Serin knew that wasn't true, but she knew enough to let it go. Plus she wasn’t in the mood either.

  "I'm going to go find the Minca." she said.

  At the door she hesitated, then left quietly.


  Shaz woke with a start, sweat dripped down his bare chest. The pelting rain beat against the tall window in his room. Nothing was there, nothing but the coals crackling in the fireplace and the bedside table. He pulled off the covers and rested his feet on the cold floor. He rubbed his eyes and pulled the disheveled mess of hair out of his face.

  It was just a dream, he said to himself in an effort to convince himself, but it didn’t help, he knew it wasn't just a dream. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled sending shivers down his spine. Standing at a polished table across the room he watched out the window. Jagwynn stirred but didn’t wake. The darkness covered the hills and mountains. It was only when a bolt of lightning struck that the sky illuminated the land’s features. Shaz listened to the rhythm of the rain hitting the stone walls and glass, coming in waves as the winds thrust it around the sky. His body ached from the wear of the night terror and the image of the shadow man form his dream stuck in his mind.

  He pulled out a shirt and slipped the soft silk on and opened the door into the dimly lit hall. His bare feet silent on the polished stone made only the sounds of his trousers brushing in the silent night.

  He scaled the long rounded staircase and into the kitchen for a drink of water. Setting his glass on the glossy counter he leaned against it.

  His mind raced through the images again, until he decided to try going back to bed. At the bottom of the stairs, a thought from the back of his mind emerged. There was nothing or no one in the impressive entrance hall. The hairs on his neck prickled, but he didn't get the dread in his stomach that always accompanies the shadow magic.

  He entered the dim walkway. At the end he went left, obeying the instructions in his ears. He rounded a few more corners and ended at a set of downward stairs. The wood railing was warm on his skin unlike the cold stone. The aroma of mint and musk filled his nose. His mind whirled around what could be memories. At the bottom, the carved walls faded into the eroded effects of a stone cavern. It wasn't particularly large, but enough that he could stand comfortably. At the far side a flat wall sat surrounded by the uneven chiseled rock of time.

  "That’s odd." He said breaking the silence.

  "It's an earth portal." An old and weak voice came from behind him. Shaz jumped and wished he had his sword. An old man walk with a slight hobble toward him. "Do you see the face in the rock?" he asked.

  "Yes" Shaz said.

  He couldn't help but stare at the old man.

  "It has been a long time. You don't remember me, do you?"

  "No, I'm sorry. But you look just like Grandfather."

  The old man chuckled.

  "Mathieu is my brother. My name is Inelius."

  Shaz felt a tingle of magic in his touch as they shook hands.

  "You have grown strong. Mathieu has done well." Inelius said, "This earth portal is only activated with magic. The energy the portal emits is so subtle that only those with magic, who have trained themselves to recognize them, can find them."

  "What are theese for?" Shaz asked, pointing to symbols that surrounded the face.

  "I don't see anything?"

  He leaned in to the drab gray of the rock.

  "Symbols, like the ones I found in the cave back home." Shaz said. He put his first finger on the stone and traced one.

  "Ancient symbols?" Inelius said, "I have never known anyone to have seen them, you are the first. Can you read them?" he asked.

  "Yes. But it doesn't make sense." Shaz said.

  "Each portal is different and has a different protocol to activate them." Inelius said, "You must figure it out for yourself, that is what tells the portal who you are."

  "They’re alive?"

  "Oh, yes, you see, they are record keepers. Commissioned by the Gods to document history and relay truths to those who worthily seek it."

  "So they tell you information?"

  "Think of it this way. Energy is information, it's a conscience. When energy is present there is conscience. A kind of intelligence that is different than our own."

  "How do you know when you are at an earth portal?"

  "You sense something change in your body. Like a sensation in your hands or tingling in the body. Perhaps you will see different colors surround an object or rock formation. Earth portals exist only within the realm they are in and there is always something unusual about the surroundings that you must be in tune with."

  "How do you use one?"

  "You must first clear you mind. Then create an energy ball that you can connect with the energy of the portal." Inelius said tapping his withered finger on his wrinkled temple.

  "How do you do that?"

  "Like this." Inelius held one hand at his chest, with his palm facing down, and the other at his pelvis, with his palm facing up. He rotated his hands swapping their positions, with each other, back and forth, as though he had an invisible ball in between them. "By rotating your hands you take the energy from your core and channel it into this energy ball. Once you have enough energy to offer, you let it go sending it toward the portal." Inelius gently shoved the ball outward, letting the glistening purple glowing sphere hover toward the wall. "You must open your imagination. A faculty that is open to possibilities. You are not making things up, but if you don't have a good imagination when a piece of information comes to you. You will dismiss it as impossible and doubt. This is the hardest part even for powerful magic users like you." Inelius said.

  Shaz mimicked Inelius and rolled his palms around an invisible ball. He focused on the feeling the magic made inside his body. He imagined the magic coming from his core and filtered into the ball. He let his imagination take over him and open his mind to possibilities. What do I have to loose. Nothing’s the same anyway. His logical, critical mind argued.

  Inelius stood with excitement as the brilliant colors flowed from Shaz's body into a dancing sphere.

  "Is there something wrong?" Shaz asked.

  Inelius coughed to clear his voice and said, "No, nothing wrong, but everything right, do you feel the energy that is your magic?" Inelius made an effort to control his excitement.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Magic is energy, its conscience, intelligence, alive." Inelius paused, "Now, just let it go." Inelius said, "Oh, wait, but first you must always gain permission to interact with an earth portal, or any portal for that matter."

  "How many portals are there?"

  "No one knows. Some are dormant, but most are in a state of being active. Earth portals are not for traveling through time and space, to take you to another realm or place. They offer information, enli
ghtenment and instruction. You don't know what they have to offer until you interact with them. Some of them have to be called upon by those who protect them." Inelius said

  "Like the stories that Grandfather used to tell." Shaz said.

  "They aren't stories dear boy."

  Inelius said slipping his hands into the arm holes of his light blue robe. His white under robe nearly blended in with his pale aged skin.

  "Yeah, I know that now." Shaz said a hint of dread in his voice. "May I?" he asked the portal.

  A small breeze flowed over his body. Even though they were under the castle and there were no windows or doors to the outside. Inelius reassured him. He released the energy like Inelius had. Shaz's colorful magic ball hovered for a moment and then merged into the stone. The stone like eyes squinted and fluttered before opening wide.

  "How may I assist you Shazmpt?" it asked. The voice was deep and almost rumbled in his chest.

  "What earth portal is this?" He asked.

  "I am the portal of the portals. I teach how to use the time portals. I see that you have your medallion already." Shaz nodded, "Good, then let’s begin."

  Illuminated images flowed into Shaz's mind from the mountain side. Images in different forms: a mirror image from a river flowing under a stone bridge, in the forest forming a perfect circle, the high pointed arch high in a dark sky, oval stones set between pillars and many more. The images changed from the different portals to showing how to use them. Showing pictures of objects that act as keys and how they work in the portals. Symbols faded in and out telling Shaz that, each symbol had a meaning and did different things. His mind filled with new understanding.

  After several minutes the images faded away. The collar of his blue silk shirt, damp from sweat, felt cold on his skin and his hair flipped back as a breeze blew past him. Shaz faced Inelius and was about to speak. Inelius stirred from his trance like state, and stopped him before he could say anything,

  "What is said is only for the one who seeks it."



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