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Wickford High 2 - Furiously Tempted

Page 2

by Karen Fuller

  “You’re right. I didn’t raise a coward.” He gave her a weak smile, standing. “But, if things get out of hand, I need to know immediately. Do we have a deal?”

  She rushed around his desk, throwing her arms around his neck. “We’ve got a deal.” She let go, backing up. “Oh . . . Dad . . . uh . . . about Luke . . .”

  He sat back down, crossing his arms over his chest, “What about Luke?”

  She shrugged. “I want to continue seeing Luke.”

  He shifted uneasily in his chair. “I don’t know. Luke seems like a nice kid, but, he is a wolf, a predator, underneath it all. I have your wellbeing to think about.”

  “That’s being prejudiced and you know it. You, of all people.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? That’s not being prejudiced, it’s being cautious.”

  “That’s prejudice, in my book.” She brought her hand up to her chest. “People would be prejudiced against me, and fear me, if they knew I was a witch. They definitely showed bias against Mom for that. It’s something that we can’t help. We were born that way. Just like Luke was born a shifter. He can’t help what he is any more than I can help what I am.”

  He looked away. “That’s different.”

  “Different because I’m your daughter?” He stood up abruptly from behind his desk, raking his fingers angrily through his hair. His expression softened as her words finally sunk in, and she laughed bitterly. “You see, Dad, prejudice is everywhere. Luke saved me. I am safe with him, and I really like him. He likes me in spite of the witchcraft. Cut him a break, will you?”

  He sat back down in his chair. “Okay, you can continue to date Luke, if that’s what makes you happy.”

  She ran over to her dad, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks, Dad!”

  He squeezed her tight and then let her go. “Now, off to bed. You have to get up in a couple of hours for school.”

  She hurried to the office door, stopping to peer back over her shoulder. “Goodnight, Daddy, and thanks.”

  He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. “Good-night, Pumpkin, get some rest. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Daddy,” she called from the stairway.

  Chapter Three

  Vicky pulled her ’99 Ford Mustang into the Wickford High School parking lot fifteen minutes early as promised. The first student to arrive, she parked as far away from the building as she could get. She cut the engine, but left the key engaged so her radio continued to play in the background.

  Luke was nowhere to be seen. Either I’m early, or he’s running late. She turned around in her seat and her gaze stopped at the building. Goosebumps traveled down her arms in an unexpected shiver. Her impression of the building from the day before had not changed much. It still felt ominous and foreboding. There were things going on behind those walls, evil things that were kept secret. She shivered again. Girl, you’re letting your overactive imagination run away with you,” she mumbled to herself again.

  She sucked in a breath at a knock on her driver’s side window and jumped. She giggled nervously, rolling down the car window; the frantic pace of her heart had not slowed much. “Luke . . . you snuck up on me . . . again!”

  Eyes sparkling, he smiled. “Did I scare you again? Or are you just happy to see me?”

  Heat rose to her face, and she turned away self-consciously. “I guess it’s a little of both,” she replied, looking past him into the parking lot. “Where's your truck?”

  “I live close enough to the school that I don’t need the truck.”

  “I didn’t see you walk up . . .” She giggled softly. “I didn’t see you walk up because. I assume you approached my car as a wolf?” His smile grew larger. She grabbed her bag and tossed it to the back seat. “Why don’t you climb in, and we can listen to the radio while we talk.”

  He opened the passenger door and climbed in. He leaned forward and gently kissed her. Sitting back in his seat, he stared at her clothes. A slow grin spread across his face. “Nice legs. That skirt really shows them off.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Stop teasing me. I hate this horrid uniform, and you know it.”

  “No, seriously, the uniform looks great.” She tugged at her skirt trying to cover more of her legs, and he changed the subject, “I see you’re still in one piece after your private conversation with your dad.”

  She shifted uneasy in her seat. “Yeah, Dad wanted to pack up and move again.”

  The smile left Luke’s face. “I don’t want you to move!”

  “I don’t want to move either.” She exhaled dramatically. “I think I was able to talk him out of it. It really depends on what happens in school if I’m threatened again, he won’t give me any choice. Luke’s eyes took on a hard gleam. “We’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “You’re sweet, but I don’t know if there is anything you can do to stop it.”

  “I will always be there to protect you.”

  She caressed his face. “I couldn’t ask for a better champion than you.” She kissed him gently, and turned away, dropping her hand to her lap. “I’m afraid that this battle is going to be fought with magic. I’m going to have to prove to myself and to Sara that I’m not a coward. I’m going to have to stand on my own two feet, just like I told my dad I would.”

  Luke’s gaze dropped to his lap. “Speaking of your dad,” he began nervously, his eyes rose to meet hers, “what’s the verdict?”

  She tilted her head, furrowing her brow. “You’re not on trial. My dad doesn’t blame you for what happened last night.”

  He lowered his eyes to her lap and picked up her hand; he rubbed his thumb over her palm in a gentle caress. Lifting his eyes to hers, he asked, “Did he change his mind about me? Can we still go out?”

  “My dad was angry, and he didn’t have any facts when he said we couldn’t date.”

  “I’m aware of that . . . but . . . is he going to hold my being a . . . wolf . . . against me?”

  “I’m not going to lie to you . . . he tried.” Clenching his jaw, he looked away.

  “Luke, don’t look like that. I had a very serious talk with my dad, and I told him his concerns were unfounded, that I felt safe with you. And so that you know, he likes you.

  It was the wolf thing that had him going. To answer your question, yes, we can still date.”

  Luke let out a breath in a rush. His eyes sparkled. “Good, we’ll go out again tonight

  “Luke . . .”

  “Maybe we can go to a movie . . .”

  “Luke . . .”

  “Or . . . or . . . go out to dinner again!”

  She giggled at his enthusiasm. “Luke, I can’t go out again tonight.”

  “Why not? I thought . . .”

  “It was after one-thirty before I was finally able to go to bed last night.” She reached over and squeezed his hand at the disappointment still evident on his handsome face. “I wish I had your energy. I’ll tell you what, why don’t you come over to my house for dinner, we’ll order a pizza or something, and we’ll watch some TV or maybe a movie.”

  He beamed. “Sure, why not. At first I thought you were trying to just brush me off . . .”

  She rolled her eyes again and grinned. “No, I enjoy your company. You are the only reason I want to stay in this town. It certainly isn’t for this creepy school.” She shivered.

  The smile left his face, replaced with an expression of concern. “Are you getting sick? It’s not cold.”

  She shrugged. “No, I’m not getting sick. I . . . just . . . I mean . . . It’s just . . . this place . . . it’s just . . . so . . . creepy.”

  Luke glanced over at the building, shrugging. “It just looks like a school to me.

  Since I’ve lived here all my life, I don’t have anything to compare it to. I’ll have to take your word for it.” His eyes sparkled mischievously. “You’re safe with me. I’ll protect you from whatever you’re afraid of.”

  “I didn�
��t say that I was afraid of anything. I just said that the building gives me the creeps.”

  “I’m just saying, you can run into my arms anytime.”

  She laughed. “If the need arises, I’ll take you up on that.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Why wait?” She opened her mouth to tease him back, and was surprised when he brought his lips quickly to hers in a kiss so hot that it seared her to her toes. He pulled her closer, and she melted into his arms, stroking her tongue against his. Hot, intense yearning flowed through her. That kiss effectively erased all thoughts of the creepy school from Vicky’s mind. First and foremost were the new intense sensations and emotions she experienced with Luke. Every nerve ending in her body alive and hypersensitive, she wanted to lose herself in the experience.

  Suddenly, a set of knuckles rapped urgently at Luke’s window.

  Chapter Four

  “You better cut that out before Father Thomas catches you!”

  Luke froze, and Vicky’s eyes flew open. She hurriedly pulled herself away, and gazed out the driver’s window. Bringing her hand up to her kiss-swollen lips, she brushed them with her fingertips, having momentarily forgotten she was in the school parking lot.

  Luke laughed and turned his head, finally acknowledging his friend. “What do you want, Chuck?”

  Vicky looked up and up. Chuck towered over the little car, his strong beefy build stretching the sleeves of his tight T-shirt.

  He chuckled. “I’m just trying to keep you out of trouble, Luke. We can’t have our star quarterback suspended from school and not able to play in the game on Friday night.”

  Vicky turned back to Luke in surprise. “You’re on the football team?”

  “Is that such a surprise?”

  “Yes .You never mentioned it. That’s usually something that guys brag about.”

  Chuck knocked on the window again. “Hey, Luke, who’s your new girlfriend?”

  Luke ignored him “I’m not usually much of a bragger.” He shrugged one shoulder. “The subject never came up.”

  Chuck rapped on the window nonstop. “Come on, Luke.”

  “I’ll have to come to the games and watch.” She rolled her eyes, and pointed at Chuck, laughing. “You might as well answer him. It doesn’t appear that he’s going to give up.”

  Luke surrendered. “It’s probably about time that we go to class anyway. I guess I better find out what else Chuck wants since he’s not going away.” He opened the door, easing out of the car, and splayed his hands at Chuck. “What?”

  Chuck grinned. “Hey, Luke.”

  Vicky slung her bag over her shoulder and joined Luke on the passenger side of the car. She giggled at the expression on Luke’s face.

  “‘Hey, Luke?’” Luke rolled his eyes. “Out of all that annoying pounding on the glass you did, all you had to say was ‘Hey, Luke’?”

  Chuck laughed, and leaned his shoulder against a light pole. “Naw, of course not. I was just tryin’ to get your attention. Who’s this?”

  Luke draped his arm around Vicky’s shoulders. “This is Vicky Phillips. She started here yesterday.” He squeezed her shoulders. “Vicky, this is Chuck Holmes.”

  Vicky smiled, putting her hand out. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Chuck took her hand, bringing her fingers to his lips. “Hiya, Vicky.”

  Vicky tugged her hand back in surprise, leaned in to Luke.

  Luke tightened his arm around Vicky, positioning his body between them. His eyes dilated, turning golden around the edges. “Chuck . . .” he growled.

  Chuck lifted his hands and stepped behind the light pole. “Hey man, you know I’m just playing. It’s nice to meet you too, Vicky.”

  Vicky tugged on Luke’s shirt, “It’s okay, he just took me by surprise.”

  Luke closed his eyes. When he opened them again, they were back to normal.

  “Luke, you almost . . .” Chuck gestured toward Vicky in warning.

  Luke shrugged. “She knows.”

  Chuck’s mouth dropped open. “How?”

  “Please, just drop it for now.”

  Vicky shook her head. “No, Luke. I need to quit hiding behind secrets. That’s what got me in trouble yesterday.”

  Luke gazed searchingly into her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “You told me yourself last night that I fit right in this godforsaken town, so I might as well start fitting in it openly.” Squaring her shoulders, she met Chuck's eyes, taking a deep breath for courage. “I know what Luke is. You see, I’m a witch, and he saved my life last night.”

  Chuck’s eyes took on a steely gleam. “A witch, huh?” Contempt rang clear in his voice as he turned to Luke. “What did ya go and save a witch for?”

  “She can’t help that she’s a witch,” Luke replied. “No more than we can help what we are.”

  Vicky’s eyes rounded. “We?”

  Luke nodded. “Chuck is my cousin.”

  “But I thought all of your family was there with you last night.”

  Luke shook his head. “No, that was just my immediate relatives. I’m a member of a very large pack.”

  “What do you mean? Being a witch is something someone chooses to do,” Chuck interjected.

  “Not Vicky. She’s a white witch.”

  Chuck lifted an eyebrow skeptically. “That’s impossible. There is no such thing as a white witch. They’re a myth.”

  Luke turned to Vicky, his eyes sparkling. “Show him, Vicky.”

  She shook her head. “I really shouldn’t.”

  “I don’t think she can.” Chuck said. “At least not without chanting or potions.”

  Vicky looked away. “Oh, I can, I just don’t think I should.”

  “That’s what I thought. She practices black magic like the rest of ‘um. Chuck’s eyes dilated, turning golden around the edges. The air around him shimmered.

  Luke tucked Vicky protectively behind him. “Chuck! What the hell!” The air wavered around him as well.

  Vicky frantically scrutinized the two. She had to do something. “Stop!” she shouted in a commanding voice.

  The ground beneath Chuck’s feet trembled, and the wind whipped around him.

  Chuck sucked in a startled breath, whipping his head around to glare into her eyes.

  “I’m not trying to hurt you,” she said. “I just don’t want you two to fight because of me.”

  Chuck grabbed the light pole to steady himself. “What you’re doing is not possible. White witches are supposed to be just a myth.”

  Shrugging, she stopped the earth’s trembling and calmed the wind. “I don’t know about myth, but I don’t practice black magic—honest.

  A murmur of surprised voices in the parking lot behind them made Vicky cringe.

  She had not meant to put on a show for the school. Turning her head, she observed the crowd that had gathered at a safe distance around them. Some of the students showed fear, while others reflected open curiosity. She recognized many of them from her classes yesterday. “Great,” she grumbled. “Yesterday everyone stared at me because of my clothes, and today they’ll stare because I’m now the school freak.”

  “You’re talking to yourself again,” Luke whispered.

  She gave him a weak smile. “Well, I wanted there to be no more secrets.” She sighed theatrically. “I guess I just got my wish. It won’t take that crowd long to spread the word.”

  “The show’s over,” Luke spoke loudly.

  A disappointed murmur echoed throughout the gathered students, but they slowly dispersed.

  Vicky focused her attention back on Chuck. “I would rather be your friend than your enemy,” she remarked, wincing at the hard look on his face. “But, ultimately, the choice is yours.”

  “I would rather not be enemies,” Chuck remarked. “But the friendship part . . .”

  He shrugged, shaking his head doubtfully. “I don’t know. That depends on you. You’re going to have to prove to me that you’re not like the other witches ar
ound here before I will call you my friend.” He turned his back on her and walked away.

  Vicky closed her eyes, exhaling slowly in defeat. Luke put his arms around her, pulling her close. “I tried, Luke. I can’t make someone like me.”

  He squeezed her shoulders, hugging her to him. “They’ll all come around. They just don’t know you like I do. I told you yesterday that people are hard to get to know here.”

  “I thought if I wore this god-awful uniform the others wouldn’t stare at me anymore.” She blew out a breath. “Now they’re going to gawk at me for something that I can’t hide.”

  He kissed her on the forehead. “They’re going to stare at you because you’re beautiful.”

  She peered into his eyes. “I couldn’t even wear my makeup. It makes me feel naked.”

  He tilted her chin up with his finger, gazing into her eyes. “You’re pretty with it, but you’re beautiful without it.”

  She smiled. “I don’t believe that, but thanks for saying it anyway.”

  He kissed her forehead again, hugging her tight. Almost everyone had gone inside the school. “It’s about time for class. We’d better go inside. I think we’ve both been in enough trouble for a day or two anyway.”

  Chapter Five

  Luke held the heavy front door open and Vicky strolled through waiting for him inside. He let the door swing shut, walking back up beside her. She gazed into his eyes, grinning mischievously. “Thanks. One of these days, you’re going to forget to do that, and it’s going to disappoint me.”

  Draping his arm back around her shoulders, he hugged her to him as they walked. “I won’t ever forget to treat you like a lady.” They reached their first period classroom, and he paused. “Are you going to meet me for lunch?”

  “Sure. I’ll try not to be late today.” She walked to her desk, and sat down.

  Looking all around her, the smile dropped off of her face when she noticed that everyone’s eyes were upon her. Some stared with open contempt, others with fear, but no one, except for Luke, appeared friendly. She turned to face the front of the class, placing her bag beneath her desk. “Great.”


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