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Golden Tulip: Unforgettable Alpha Billionaire Romance (Book 1-3)

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by Marian Middleton

  Golden Tulip: Unforgettable Alpha Billionaire Romance (Book 1-3)

  Marian Middleton


  Marian Middleton

  Copyright © 2016

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  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18, and all characters represented are 18 or older. This story depicts consensual sex between an adult woman and an adult man. The characters in this story are not related by blood. This story may contain unprotected sex, and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This eBook is for sale to adults ONLY.

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  Table of Contents

  Book One

  Book Two

  Book Three

  Book One


  Sara and Alexander are running the shoe business after it was left to them in Sara's father's will. Leaving them with the mansion, the money and the company they have been working together for over a year. As a thunderstorm begins to brew Sara confesses that she still has the fear of thunder and lightening. Alexander offers to calm Sara's fears by doing what they use to do when they were younger. Hiding under the covers and coming up with silly jokes to pass the time with a flashlight between them. Though it doesn't go exactly the way they had planned Alexander begins to see a different side of Sara. Being close together under the blankets and feeling Sara's hot breath on him he can't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss her. Sara is shocked herself that she has the same thoughts in the back of her own mind about Alexander. Wanting him more the closer they get under the blankets…

  Chapter One

  Sara was five foot six with long blonde hair and light blue eyes. Working out in the home gym almost every morning to stay fit she had a flat stomach that was toned, her tits were much bigger then what she wanted but never heard any complaints from the guys she dated. Sara could hear the thunder outside and it was only seven in the morning. One thing Sara didn't like even at the age of twenty-two were thunderstorms, she never had. Turning off the treadmill she heard a loud crack of thunder that almost tripped over her own shoes walking as fast as she could out of the room.

  Sara was glad that she wasn't alone, her step-brother Alexander was somewhere around the mansion. Sometimes Sara wished they didn't have such a big house but her father Jim had passed away and left the house and all the money he had to her and Alexander. They had split the money evenly and worked out of the home office that use to be Jim's. They could have gone to the shoe company that Jim had built but they were assured that for the time being the shoes would be dropped off to them and they would inspect them to see if they were good enough to go out on the market. There were times that Sara and Alexander even came up with their own ideas for new shoes. Sara, surprised at their imagination and creativity when it came to new line of shoes had paid off in the past six months by selling out to most stores around town.

  Hearing the crack of thunder again and seeing a flash of lighting as the rain came pouring down hitting the windows in the hallway upstairs Sara sighed, wishing that her father was still there with her. Her father had passed away almost a year ago and it was hard on her. It was her dad and they had been close. Alexander didn't say much about his passing but she knew he was still tore up about it. Alexander had changed too. He wasn't the man he use to be. Always full of laughter and passion he took things too seriously now and that was one thing that Sara hadn't gotten use to even though she lived with Alexander day in and day out.

  There were no lights on in the hallway even though it was cloudy outside. There were enough windows throughout the house so they didn't need any lights on until it got dark.

  When Sara was at the bottom of the stairs she noticed the home office door was open a crack, pushing it all the way open she saw Alexander sitting behind the desk going over some paperwork, the light of a small lamp was the only light in the room. All the long, maroon shades were pulled closed and as she walked in Sara saw the new sofa that was a few feet away from the office desk.

  “Take a seat Sara.” Alexander told her without looking up from the paperwork he had in front of him.

  Sara sat down on the sofa and looked Alexander over. They were two different people when it came to who they really were. They were both billionaire's but when it came down to it it wasn't what really made them. Sara had a hard time understanding why Alexander liked working his life away. Thinking that they would go out and have some fun on the town double dating, Sara had asked him so many times that Alexander finally came out to her and told her that he wasn't interested in dating he wanted to work and when he found it was time he would find someone on his own that he really cared about. Sara knew not to ask again.

  Alexander's mother lived states away and was doing her own thing. She had moved out of the mansion once she found out that Sara's dad left everything to them and nothing to her. Sara thought deep down that her father knew she had been cheating on him for some time and he went to have his will changed when he found out about it.

  “Its storming out there pretty good.” Sara whispered, looking around the office and seeing book shelves upon book shelves of books. Wondering if Alexander ever read them.

  Bringing herself to look at Alexander again she noticed that Alexander had cut his black hair short. It use to be long and in a ponytail something that she herself despised but never said anything, not wanting to hurt Alexander's feelings.

  Sara noticed that Alexander wasn't getting much sleep. She could see the black circles under his eyes even from where she was sitting. His pale white skin looked like it was in need of the sun. Not understanding why Alexander never really hung out with her since her father died. Sara remembered being so close with Alexander and they would go out back to either swim or tan, now getting Alexander to do anything but work and stay inside the house was like pulling teeth.

  Alexander's light, brown, eyes looked up from the paperwork and looked Sara over. Seeing she was wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a white sports bra. Seeing how big her tits were he noticed that her nipples were hard and she had sweat rolling down into her cleavage.

  “You can always come hang out with me tonight. I know how much you hate thunderstorms and I have extra bed in my room. The weather man is predicting that there are going to be high winds and power outages tonight.” Alexander told her softly, fee
ling his white shirt cling to him. Despite the storm it was hot in the office and he was even hotter with the black, tight, jeans he was wearing.

  “Thanks for the offer. I feel kind of embarrassed that here I am twenty-two and still the only fear I have are storms.” Sara giggled, shaking her head back and forth.

  “We all have some kind of fear Sara.” Alexander told her, putting his pen down and rubbing his eyes.

  “Really? What are you afraid of?” Sara asked him, glad that they were spending time together. She couldn't remember the last time they had a conversation with one another that didn't involve the business.

  “Being alone.” Alexander told her lightly, hoping that Sara wouldn't jump on the double date idea. He had always thought that he would end up being alone. Never finding the right woman.

  “What do you mean by that? I'm here.” Sara grinned at him, letting him know that she would never leave him. They were family after all.

  “I mean that I want to find someone who is into me. Who wants to be with me for the rest of their lives. To find love.” Alexander explained it out loud and he felt himself blushing.

  “Everyone wants that.” Sara told him, letting him know that it wasn't anything to be embarrassed about. Thinking it would be safe to stay quiet about the girls she had tried hooking him up with.

  “Your way of being with someone is going out with a different guy every time you turn around.” Alexander pointed at her and gave a small smile.

  “We are still young Alexander. You are barely hitting twenty-four years old. We have the rest of our lives to find that right person.” Sara shook her head, feeling that Alexander was coming down on her again about the men she dated.

  “Have you learned nothing Sara? We can only live for the moment. We don't know if there is going to be another tomorrow. For a year.....since your father passed away that's what I've been thinking about. I mean between work and making sure that the house is taken care of I don't have much time for anything else.” Alexander lost his smile.

  “Right, well its your own fault that you don't put yourself out there. You and I both know that. My dad wouldn't want either one of us staying in the house like its a prison. He would want us to go out and have fun on top of keeping the company going.” Sara told him, looking up at the wall behind Alexander where there was a picture of her father. Sara looked like the younger version of him. She thought that her father was always smiling at her and Alexander with his light, blue, eyes even though there was a small smile painted on his face.

  “I know that, do you ever feel like we don't know when our time is up? Do you ever think that maybe you would want to be with someone on that day that you die?” Alexander asked her, looking at her with curious eyes.

  “Why do you think I'm always dating? Its not like I don't want to be in a committed relationship Alexander. I am picking and choosing which one is good enough for me. I can't just let some guy think he can marry into money. You know that....” Sara trailed off.

  “You mean like my mother.” Alexander told her softly and watched as Sara shrugged her shoulders at him.

  “Its okay if you think that. I think that myself, I was never into the money when we moved in here with you guys. I was looking for a family.” Alexander told her, he had told her time and time again throughout the years they had known each other.

  “I know that. You don't have to keep telling me that. My dad knew that too. I'm glad that he gave us both the company and the house. I am not sure that I would be able to run it by myself. I am more into playing then work. I think my dad knew that when it really came down to it, the business would be safe in your hands because he had more faith in you then he did me.” Sara told him sadly.

  “That's not it at all. Your dad loved you. We both know that.” Alexander got up from the chair he was sitting in behind the desk and sat down on the couch beside her.

  “I don't doubt that he loved me, maybe he had doubts about the company just being in my hands. I thought he was going to live forever.” Sara muttered, hearing another crack of thunder she quickly moved closer to Alexander.

  “Its going to be like this all day and night. What do you usually do to pass the time during a storm? Don't tell me that you still hide in your room under the covers.” Alexander asked her lightly, grinning at her.

  “Sometimes I do. Other times I listen to music so that I don't have to hear it.” Sara told him quickly. Most times though she hid under the blanket.

  “We could make it game like we use to when we were younger. We could hide under my covers with a flash light and tell jokes.” Alexander told her softly.

  “Come on, lets go.” Sara's blue eyes lit up as she jumped up from the couch.

  They both headed out of the office and up to Alexander's room. Sara was glad that even after her father had passed away that their rooms were still across the hall from each other. That hadn't changed and she had prayed it wouldn't.

  Alexander didn't even turn on the light as he felt Sara take his hand when she saw a flash of lightening through the big, bay, window that was right there in front of them when she walked into Alexander's room.

  “It'll be okay.” Alexander felt Sara squeeze his hand tighter and he felt a spark. Wondering if Sara felt the same thing he had. He felt his heart flutter the more Sara leaned on him for support. Shaking his head he couldn't believe that he was having these thoughts about his step-sister. He had never thought of Sara in that manner before but now that he was he couldn't get Sara out of his mind.

  “In my night stand is a flashlight. Get under the covers and wait for me.” Alexander whispered to her, letting go of Sara's hand.

  Sara pulled the big blanket down so that she could get into the queen sized bed. It was in a shape of a heart. Something that Alexander had picked out when he was younger. He loved hearts and thought it would be cool to have a heart shaped bed. It even had a red mattress.

  Another clap of thunder and she threw the blankets up over her head. Knowing she was being silly she couldn't get over the fear no matter what she had tried to do. Alexander and Sara's father were the only ones who knew about her fear. She never went around telling people her fear, afraid that she would be laughed at. She wouldn't share her secret with anyone unless she found someone else that she could let into her life completely.

  Alexander grabbed the flashlight and turned it on. Seeing the lump under the blankets he knew that Sara wasn't going to move over so he he walked over to the other side of bed, looking out the window he saw a strike of lightening. He was just the opposite. He loved watching the lightening from his window. Loved how it streaked across the sky.

  “Hurry up.” Sara grumbled, when she didn't hear anything for a few minutes. Wondering what Alexander was doing.

  “Sorry, I was watching the storm.” Alexander told her the truth as he pulled back the blankets and saw Sara laying on her side watching him.

  Alexander got in bed beside her and Sara quickly pulled the covers up over them. It looked like night time with the flash light shining through the dark under the blankets.

  “What do you want to talk about?” Alexander asked her, feeling his heart beat hard against his chest. He was just a few inches away from Sara. He could feel Sara's breath and looking into her eyes as he put the flashlight between them he never realized just how gorgeous her blue eyes were.

  “I don't know.” Sara told him, noticing the way Alexander was looking at her she couldn't help but feel her breathing deepen, licking her lips she wondered how it would feel to have Alexander kiss her. Shocked at herself for the thoughts that were going through her mind.

  The more Sara thought about it the wetter she felt her pussy getting for him. She didn't realize it until it was too late, a soft moan came from deep inside her throat. Blushing a little and thanking god that the flash light wasn't right in front of her face.

  Alexander had heard her and that was all it took for him, he thought that Sara had given him a sign that she was ready. Something that he had
wanted from her since they walked into the bedroom together. Without saying a word Alexander brushed his lips against Sara's. Hearing her moan softly as he slowly slid his tongue into her mouth. Licking the tip of her tongue.

  Alexander felt his cock getting hard through his jeans and was curious to find out if Sara's pussy was wet for him, the more he thought about Sara's pussy the harder his cock got for her.

  Slowly Alexander brought one of his hands to one of her tits. Rubbing her nipple and making it harder for him through her sports bra as he heard her whimper for him. Alexander brought his other hand down to her flat stomach and inched his way down between her legs. Sure enough he could feel a damp wet spot where her pussy was.

  “I don't know if this is a good idea.” Sara gasped, pulling her mouth away from Alexander's slowly.

  “Sara, please don't turn away from me. Its okay to be curious and your pussy seems more then curious to me.” Alexander pressed his hand against her yoga pants that was hiding Sara's pussy. Rubbing two of his fingers against her pussy hole through the thin fabric. As he continued doing this he heard Sara whimper and moan for him.


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