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Blissfully Broken

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by Red Phoenix

  Blissfully Broken


  Red Phoenix


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  Red Phoenix on Smashwords

  Blissfully Broken

  Copyright 2012 by Red Phoenix

  Book cover design by Red Phoenix; Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

  Edited by Tameika Ortiz

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Adult Reading Material


  Crazed Lunatic

  A Little DP

  But the Cracks Begin

  Time Alone

  Expression of Love

  Kelly’s Revenge

  The Cabin

  About the Author Red Phoenix

  Crazed Lunatic

  Last night marked Jenny’s first evening living with two men – an official ménage a trois. The night had been an adventure of firsts that made Jenny’s loins quiver even now at her work desk. The thought she would soon be going home to the adoration of two passionate men was almost more than she could handle, but handle it she would - dreams were made of this.

  Dan called her near the end of the day. “How’s work going, Baby?”

  “Best Monday ever! And you?”

  “Have to say knowing I’m coming home to you has made the day a thousand times better.”

  “I agree. I can’t wait to kiss you all over when I see you.”

  “Don’t start or I won’t be able to leave my desk without embarrassing myself.”

  She purred seductively into the phone, “Now I am tempted to tease you.”

  He cleared his throat loudly and paused for a second. “So... how did Ryan seem this morning?”

  She grinned to herself and let him change the subject. “The same as us, excited about this new arrangement.”

  “I have to admit when he first proposed a ménage I didn’t think it would work. I assumed he’d be too jealous to let me touch you, but that hasn’t been the case at all.”

  “No, it’s like I’m getting to know Ryan on a completely different level. I never thought he had a wild side to him and I’ve been with him for years.”

  “Yeah, surprising how the combination of the three of us seems to work well.”

  Jenny almost told Dan about the strange scene at the apartment earlier that morning. She’d heard a girl scream, followed by the angry squeal of tires and worried that it might have been Kelly. After thinking about it all day long, however, she chalked it up to her own paranoia and guilt.

  Ryan called just as she was turning off her office lights. “Hey, Jen. Can’t wait to get home to you.”

  She smiled into the phone. “Me too, Rye.”

  “Have you talked to Dan today?”

  Jen giggled, “He just called a few minutes ago. I think he wanted to see how you were doing.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That we all seem to be on the same page.”

  Ryan sounded relieved. “So he’s okay with it?”

  “More than okay. He is chomping at the bit to join us at home.”

  “Good. Then I’ll see you in a few, Boo. Drive safely.”

  “Will do. You do the same.” She hung up the phone and turned off the lights before starting the twenty-minute drive to their apartment. She looked in her rearview mirror and swore Kelly’s red Camaro was behind her. Soon the car was riding on her ass. She slammed on her breaks to force Kelly to pull back, but she kept right on her tail. What the hell, Kelly?

  Her ex best friend must have suspected the three of them were living together now. It made sense that Kelly was pissed. Jenny would be too if the tables were turned, but that didn’t excuse her for driving like a fucking lunatic. She felt the first shiver of fear when Kelly hit the back of her car. Although it was only a tap, it proved that the woman was truly mental.

  Jenny sped up to avoid another collision and almost crashed into the car in front when the vehicle slowed down for a right turn. She quickly glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that Kelly had disappeared. In her place was a cop’s flashing lights. Jenny groaned and pulled off to the side of the road.

  “Miss, would you like to explain what you were doing?” Jenny looked up and saw the same officer who had stopped her once before. She started shaking, the endorphins kicking in too late to do her any good. “You again!” he barked.

  Jenny bowed her head. Can this get any worse? She begged her hands to stop trembling, but they shook even worse and the officer noticed.

  “Get out of the car, now!”

  He made her walk a straight line on the shoulder of the road and then touch her nose with her eyes closed. Although she easily found her nose, her hands continued to shake uncontrollably.

  “What’s wrong with you? Are you on drugs?” he accused, shining a small light in her eyes.

  “No, I was being chased by my ex girlfriend. She hit the back of my car.” Jenny pointed frantically to her bumper.

  “Girlfriend, huh?” he said condescendingly.

  “My friend who is a girl,” Jenny stammered, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

  The cop shook his head in disbelief. He strode to the back of the car and looked the bumper over. “There are only a few scratches here, but no real damage. Nothing to indicate you were hit.” He stared at her disapprovingly. “I did not see anyone chasing you. However, I did witness your speeding car swerve severely to avoid a turning vehicle. You do not appear to be safe to drive, so I am taking you in.” Jenny sobbed as he helped her into the cop car. It smelled of sweat, tobacco and humiliation.

  Dan and Ryan arrived at the police station together a half-hour after she called. She didn’t give them any details, just that she wanted to go home.

  The two men burst into the police station and ran to her. They hugged and kissed Jenny, forgetting there was a roomful of police. The officer watched the three in disapproval. “Disgusting,” he snarled. “Our paths better not cross again, Miss. If they do, I will make it my personal mission to revoke your license.”

  He thrust the paperwork in her face and walked off. Dan pulled her into his arms. “It was Kelly, wasn’t it?”

  She looked up at him in surprise. “How did you know?”

  “I told you she is bad news. I’m so sorry, Baby. So, so sorry.” He kissed her again, squeezing her so tight it restricted her breathing.

  Ryan was visibly upset. “What the hell are you two talking about?”

  Jenny squelched her guilt about not telling him. “I tried to talk to Kelly a few days ago and apparently I really pissed her off.”

  Dan let go of her so he could talk directly to Ryan. “Kelly called me and balled me out because Jenny went to her work. Kelly said some pretty malicious things, but I trusted once she calmed down it would be okay.” He glanced over at Jenny. “I also instructed Jenny not to contact her again. I always suspected Kelly was certifiable, but she proved it tonight.”

  “The cop doesn’t believe me,” Jenny cried. “He claims he didn’t see anything.”

  Ryan took charge of the situation. “You are going to file a complaint. Whether or not he saw it, we need to have the incident on record.” He lifted her chin up and looked into her red-rimmed eyes. “We won’t let anything happen to you, Jen.”

  Dan asked Ryan, “Do you think she knows about the three of us?”

  Jenny admitted to both of them, “I think she was at our apartment this morning and saw me kiss both of you.”

  Dan’s look of concern contorted into a frown. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Well, I wasn’t sure.”

  Ryan wrapped his arms around her. “From now on you have to
tell me everything.” He looked over Jenny’s head and added to Dan, “That goes for you, too.”

  That night the three ate their meal in silence. Worry flowed tangibly from both men, making Jenny antsy. She got the distinct impression their ménage was in jeopardy.

  Dan confirmed it when he stated, “I think it is best if I go.”

  “No, Dan!” she protested. “You can’t let Kelly win.”

  “Maybe Dan is right,” Ryan replied. “If she is mental, we don’t want to do anything to set her off.”

  “I refuse to live my life in fear!” She looked at Dan in disbelief. “Do you really want to give her that power over us?”

  He cupped her chin tenderly, “No, but I don’t want you to get hurt either.”

  Jenny gazed into his dark brown eyes and whispered, “You’ll hurt me if you leave.”

  He groaned and glanced over at Ryan. “What do you think?”

  She was sure he would choose the safest path, but he surprised her. “If anything more happens we are slapping a restraining order on Kelly.” Jenny jumped up and gave Ryan a hug.

  She leaned over whispered in his ear, “Thanks, Rye,” before kissing him on the lips.

  Jenny was determined to draw them closer as a threesome, so she used a Dan tactic. “Have either of you ever wanted to try a little DP?”

  Dan instantly locked eyes with her and a mischievous grin played at the corners of his lips.

  “What’s DP?” Ryan asked.

  Jenny blushed a hot shade of pink when she explained. “You know, double penetration. Two guys at the same time…”

  He looked at her in shock. “You really want to try that?”

  She smiled nervously. “I don’t know... it might be fun.”

  “Yet again, you astound me,” Dan said with conviction. He leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss.

  “Have you done that with a girl before?” Ryan asked him.

  “Nope, only in my dreams,” Dan said staring at Jenny hungrily.

  She wondered with a smile, How long has he been fantasying about taking me that way?

  However, Ryan was concerned for her. “Don’t you think it’ll hurt, Jen?”

  Her heart started racing when she thought about it. “I don’t know if it will hurt, but I want to try.”

  “If it does, we stop. Simple as that,” Dan answered.

  Ryan growled in Jenny’s ear, “I’m claiming your pussy if we are really doing this.”

  Dan overheard him and joked. “I think Jenny wouldn’t have it any other way, Blue Balls.”

  Jenny giggled, remember how overeager Ryan had been when he took her anally the first time. She bit her lip in excitement. “So we’re agreed then?”

  Dan got up and walked to the kitchen. He came back with a bottle of wine and three glasses. “I think you need to get real relaxed first. I’ll get the massaging oil ready. Ryan, you get some candles lit in the bedroom.” He poured her a full glass, handing it to her with a look of adoration. “You are by far the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.”

  Jenny sipped the wine while her men got their bedroom ready. Her pussy was already humming at the mere thought of taking both of them at the same time. When Ryan and Dan returned to her, she poured them both a glass. The three drank leisurely, letting the idea of what they were about to do sink in.

  Dan gazed at her with a gleam in his eye. “So… what made you want to try this?”

  “I love you both and I was thinking today how much I want to make love to you at the same time. To show you in action how I feel.”

  Ryan shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. “I can’t say I have ever entertained the idea before, but now that you’ve mentioned it I can’t think of anything else.”

  She leaned over and glanced at his crotch. Oh yeah, Rye was thinking a LOT about it.

  A Little DP

  Jenny kissed Ryan on the lips and purred, “I’m glad you are open to trying something different like this.”

  “You have me doing things I never imagined, but I’ve loved every damn thing,” he said, returning her kiss.

  Dan played with a strand of her hair. “I can’t believe you’re real, Jenny. You must be a figment of my imagination.” He caressed her cheek lightly before grasping her neck and pressing his mouth to hers. His tongued danced over her lips. She opened herself to him, moaning softly when his tongue darted into her mouth and tasted her.

  Ryan cupped her breasts while Dan continued to kiss her. Her nipples were already hard and responded eagerly when he lightly brushed over the material of her blouse. “So sexy…” he murmured as one hand traveled down her stomach making its way to her burning sex. She spread her legs to give him access, moaning into Dan’s mouth when Ryan moved her panties to the side and caressed her swollen lips with his fingers. Their heavy petting continued for several minutes before his finger disappeared into her moist depths.

  Dan was turned-on by her soft moaning and thrust his tongue deeper in her mouth. She darted into his and they explored each other as Ryan’s finger explored her inner walls. She twitched when he found her G-spot.

  Ryan’s lips came down on her neck and he began biting and sucking lightly as he caressed her secret spot. She panted and squirmed in response. Both men slipped their hands under her shirt and played with her nipples. Nirvana!

  She tried to break the kiss with Dan to gain some control, but he held her chin allowing no escape. Her pelvic muscles tensed as a hard contraction milked Ryan’s finger. He groaned into her neck when he felt her orgasm begin.

  Jenny gasped, the first wave taking her by surprise. Dan teased her with his tongue as Ryan sucked on her neck causing a biting pain. It added to the overall experience and her pussy creamed his finger in a powerful orgasm. She whimpered into Dan’s mouth as it overtook her.

  “I love it when I feel you come,” Ryan whispered hoarsely. This from the man who used to accept fake orgasms without question. Oh, how she loved him!

  Both men disengaged and Dan handed over her wine glass with a wink. “Have another drink before we take you to our little love nest.”

  She purred, her whole body relaxed after her climax. It made her confident she could take them both. She downed the wine quickly, not wanting to lose her momentum.

  Ryan held out his hand to her. She took it and let him lead her into the bedroom with Dan following close behind. The room had been transformed into a romantic paradise with lit candles, soft music and peppermint incense.

  “Nice,” Jenny complimented.

  Ryan started unbuttoning her top. His hands moved sensually as he undid each one. He nuzzled her neck and murmured sweet nothings as he undressed her. Again, she was amazed at the incredible lover he’d become.

  Once her breasts were exposed to the air, Dan knelt down and freed her from her skirt and panties. Both men caressed every inch of her skin with their fingers. She laid her head back on Ryan’s shoulder and succumbed to their duel attention.

  She groaned loudly when Dan licked the length of her sex and then started flicking his tongue against her erect clit. “You’re so tasty after you come,” he muttered between licks. His thumb slipped inside her pussy while his index finger caressed her puckered hole.

  Jenny’s knees buckled and Ryan had to catch her. “I think we should move this to the bed,” he stated.

  Both men stripped before they made their way to the large bed. Dan’s defined chest with blond curls begged to be caressed. She snuck a quick peek at his thick cock and wondered how it would feel this time. He noticed her stare and smiled as he brushed back his long bangs. The simple gesture melted Jenny’s heart - it always had.

  Ryan lay on the bed first so she turned her attention on him. His chest was smooth and his shaft already rigid, eager for the festivities to begin. He stroked his long cock slowly with one hand, commanding lustfully, “Come and make love to me, Beautiful.”

  She gazed into his jade eyes as she crawled to him. He helped her straddle his hips and then groaned in pl
easure as she eased his lengthy, thin shaft into her moist depths. Having just come, her body easily enveloped his entire length. She leaned over and kissed him, trying to express with her body the deep love she felt for the man.

  Meanwhile, Dan thoroughly lubricated his thick member before getting onto the bed to join them. “Baby, I’m going to take this real slow. Normally you are the one in control, but it’s not possible with DP. You need to trust that I’ll be gentle.”

  She looked back towards him and purred, “I trust you completely, Dan.”

  His hands caressed her buttocks with reverence. “You’re so incredibly beautiful, Jenny. Your copper Cherokee skin is such a turn-on.” He pulled her long black hair back and stroked it lovingly with one hand while the other began playing with her ass. He ran his index finger around the rim, covering it in lubricant and then he barely pushed against it before retreating. He teased her little hole, making it crave deeper penetration.

  She started grinding against Ryan’s cock, rocking on it so that the movement pushed Dan’s finger deeper into her ass. She felt the difference immediately. With a shaft inside her, his finger seem so much bigger but his touch remained sensual and tender. Dan took his time and soon had her moaning in pleasure.

  She felt him slip another finger inside her taut hole. She groaned as her muscles constricted around it, but her body began to relax and accepted his gentle stroking. He withdrew his fingers and moved into position. Jenny tensed when she felt him spread her apart and press the head of his cock against her anus.

  “Relax, Baby. We’ve got all the time in the world.” His magic hands started massaging her back as he pushed a little harder. Her body resisted, but he did not force it. He kept the constant pressure as he caressed her back and played with her hair. She felt her body slowly open to him and the head of his cock slipped in. She gasped at the feeling of incredible fullness it gave her.


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