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Cherish Tomorrow Live Today

Page 3

by Trinity Blacio

  “I’m fine, Gage. I’ll be out in a few minutes. Please, don’t pass judgment ‘til I come out.” Raven finished her shower in record time. “Tonight I’m going to soak in a nice, hot tub.” She grumbled, stepping out of the shower, grabbing the towel Angie had laid out for her.

  In five minutes, Raven opened the door and stepped out into the main room. No one turned to look at her, but she knew they were aware of her as Raven moved to Gage’s side.

  “Gage, stop terrorizing the women. Don’t you know it’s more effective to apply honey to the situation?”

  “The only honey I’ll be applying to any woman is you. They destroyed your personal things. Your pictures!”

  Her face turned a dull pink, and she glanced down at her bare feet, forgetting her socks and shoes.

  The one girl, Sam, raised her shaking hand. “No, pictures I took them. My mom lost some of our pictures when we were small. I know what it meant to her. I saved them before Sara could destroy them.” The girl peeked up at them.

  It seemed even Gage was surprised she even spoke or what she had said.

  “Really, you saved my pictures?” Raven stepped forward, but Gage pulled her back to his side.

  “Stand, the both of you,” Gage ordered. “I don’t trust you, but I’m willing to give you another chance. Know this; if you screw up this time, it’s your parents who will be suffering before I kill you both. Is that understood?” Gage growled.

  Both women nodded. “Now, for your punishment, for the next three months, you both will volunteer to help the elderly in their projects. I expect you to use this time to learn all that you can from them. I want a complete history written from their accounts at the end of your three months. We’ll use it as a start to recording our history in the pack. Nancy, I know you like to draw and take pictures. By all means, take all the pictures you want to of our community and the things going on. All of this while you finish your college classes. You are also not allowed to participate this month in the hunt. You will watch everyone else having fun. I want you to see what you would be missing if you were gone. Not to mention, you will both help your parents get their homes ready for winter. Sam, go get those pictures now and bring them back here. You will live with your parents for the three months. Get out of my sight,” he snarled, and they both fled out the door.

  He sighed next to Raven, shaking his head. She did have to agree with the young thing. Gage was an impressive man and scary when pissed off.

  “I’d never hurt you, little wolf,” he sent to her, sliding his hand around her waist and squeezing her.

  “I will clean it, sir,” Sam’s mother said, running to the kitchen, getting the supplies.

  “Maybe I should help?” Raven asked, and he shook his head.

  “No, these women attacked you.” He frowned down at her. “You have a soft heart.”

  “It is good to have a woman with a soft heart. She will even you out. After all, she will be the mother of all wolves when you join together under the full moon next week,” an older gentleman said, coming into the room his gaze on her now making her uncomfortable by the way she was squirming in Gage’s arms.

  Chapter Five

  “Excuse me?” Raven said, turning her glare up at Gage. “A week? Don’t think so.” She ground out.

  “Grandfather, meet my mate, Raven, and yes, a week. It will be the first run and a perfect time since the pack will all be there,” Gage said as Sam came running in with a box, almost running straight into his grandfather.

  “Be careful, little sprout, there is no sense hurting yourself when you have so much work ahead of you,” his grandfather said, and the girl looked down, ashamed.

  “Sorry. Miss, here is what I could get out before Sara destroyed the place.” The woman held the box out, keeping her head down.

  “Thank you so much for this, and Sam...” Raven stepped forward, taking the box from her, waiting for the girl to look up.

  When Sam looked up, Raven smiled. “I forgive you, but hanging around with others who are nasty also makes you part of the group. I hope to see what you and your friend can do with this historic project. History was my favorite subject in school. If you need help or guidance, I’m here.” Raven stepped back to Gage’s side, and she could see the surprise on the girl’s face.

  “My woman has a daughter your age?” Gage asked.

  Raven nodded but frowned. “If she is eighteen, then yes, but my daughter is very shy, I’m afraid. After being bullied in school, it was very hard for me to even get her into college.” Raven cocked her head to the side and stared at Sam. “We’ll see...”

  “No!” Jared growled behind them, scaring the living crap out of her. “Your daughter will not be put in danger, and I don’t trust them. They haven’t earned that trust.” Jared snapped, looking at Raven then at Gage. “Sorry, but it’s too soon to put an innocent near them. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Gage covered her mouth with his hand before she could say a word. “Jared makes a good point. But if Sam and Nancy can prove their loyalty over the next few months, we’ll see. After all, there is your son yet that hasn’t met any women, right?” Gage asked and knew in that instant that Sam had seen the pictures of him by the way she was squirming around.

  Raven laughed. “I don’t know how you know so much about me, but no. Rusty hasn’t met anyone special. He and Tara are coming up this weekend to make sure that I’m settled.” Raven looked up at him and smiled. “So, Mr. Alpha, get your polishing skills up, because this will be your time to impress my kids.” She nudged him and turned to go back into the bedroom and get some shoes on.

  “Oh, I need car keys, please. Seems I need new clothes and a few other items,” Raven said, holding her one hand out.

  He shook his head and took the box from her. “Grandfather, I’ll have to take a rain check, but make sure to leave dinner open and tell Mom and Dad, too. Have everyone meet at the steak house, my treat. It’s time for the family to meet my woman.”

  “What?” Raven shrieked right before he pushed her toward the back room. “Parents!”

  He leaned down and kissed her pouting lips. “Yep, parents. I have to endure your children; you will meet my family tonight. But for now, we’ll spend the day together, getting to know each other. Go finish getting dressed and we’ll go shopping, and let it be known I hate to shop.” He groaned, but she saw the little smile on his face as he set her box on the desk he had made for her.

  Raven moved into the room, shaking her head. She was so out of her league here.

  “Relax, my brother will help. Just ask your questions. Remember, we are all here for you and not to worry tonight. I’ll be there to help, too. Believe me, the family isn’t that bad,” Angie said, holding out a pair of tennis shoes. “These should fit. Jared got your size when they were going through your things.”

  Raven sat down on the bed, pulling on the socks Angie had given her. “There are things in my life that none of you know,” Raven said as a cold chill seemed to settle over her. “Those girls, they were nothing,” she told Angie as she rubbed her arms.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you so scared?” Gage came into the room with Jared, both of them looking around ready to do battle.

  “Relax, I was just remembering something, but, Gage, we’re going to have to talk. There are things you need to know before we even do anything,” Raven told him, tying her shoes and standing up. “Okay, all mighty wolf, take me to the nearest department store.” She smiled but, still, couldn’t shake the feeling something was off.

  Gage reached out and pulled her into his arms all the while he stared down at her. “We’ll go eat first, and then, you can explain what has you so nervous.” He lowered his head, his nose touching hers. “No one will hurt you again, little wolf. Jared, I want two of your best men as her guards; they move when she does.” He turned his head and looked at Jared. “If they fail, it’s their lives.”

  “What? You can’t do that. What if it�
��s not their fault? Damn it, Gage, no one can promise anything and to threaten any of your men is wrong.” She actually growled. Raven frowned and tried to step back, but Gage tightened his hold around her waist.

  “Your wolf is testing me, and right now is not a good time if you want us to wait,” Gage snarled in her ear before nipping at her neck.

  Her knees shook, and she grabbed onto his arms. “Gage,” she whispered. Never had a man ever affected her as he did.

  “Because your mine and I’m yours, this feeling will only grow stronger. Let’s go.” Gage turned, but he kept his arm around her and kept Raven close to his side as they made their way down to the car, which happened to be sitting right at the front door of the building.

  He opened her door for her and helped her into it, going so far to lean over and pulling her seatbelt over her body.

  “I could have done that,” she said.

  “But I wanted to do that. You’ll see I like to do everything I can for you, and of course, you’ll allow it,” he said as his gaze met hers.

  He placed her phone in her lap. “It rang a few times while you were healing. You might want to call your son,” he said as he closed her door.

  She looked at her phone, frowning, wondering what was wrong. “How much can I say?” she asked as Gage climbed into the driver’s side.

  Raven had four messages, two from her son, one from her daughter, but what had her growling was the one from her little sister.

  “What? Why are you so angry?” he asked, looking down at the phone then back up at her.

  “First, tell me how much I can explain to my children.”

  “I’d rather they were here before you explained anything about us. Now, tell me why you are angry.”

  She took a deep breath, looking out the window as Gage pulled out of the garage and onto the road. “There are two main reasons I left Ohio. One, I needed to get away from my sister and my ex. It would seem I wasn’t good enough for him, but I should have known something was off when he hadn’t touched me in over four years. But I had hoped things would change. God, did they change.” Raven looked over at Gage and smiled, taking a deep breath.

  “I caught my little sister and my husband in my bed. It seems they have been together for over the last ten years of my marriage. So if you are serious about this mating thing,” Raven said, waving her hand between them, “be warned. If I so much as catch any female near you, I’ll rip her apart and ask questions later.” She turned and looked back out the window. “I won’t go through that again, Gage.” She looked down at the phone. “My sister left me a message.”

  Gage stopped at a light and turned to her. “I can’t be with anyone. My wolf would rip any woman apart if they even tried. You are it for me, Raven.” He reached over and cupped her cheek. “And I couldn’t ask for anyone more beautiful than you.”

  She snorted. “You haven’t seen my sister or mom. All my life my boyfriends, husband commented on how pretty they were.” She smiled up at him. “I take after my father’s side of the family.”

  “Well, I’m different. I see only my woman and no one else. Now, let’s hear what everyone calling you has to say,” he said, turning around and focusing on driving.

  She shook her head and listened to her son’s calls first, putting them on speakerphone for Gage to hear. What she heard had Raven shaking her head. But it was her daughter's plea for her to come and help that had her stomach in a knot.

  After all the work to getting her into college, she was back at home, dealing with this crap. She snarled and pushed her sister's message on.

  Gage’s hand covered hers, which was gripping the seat tight as she listened to her sister telling her to come home and clean up the mess.

  “Why do I get the feeling everyone always depended on you for everything?” Gage growled as he pulled into a parking spot at the mall.

  “Because they did,” she said and dialed her son’s number.

  Ten minutes on the phone, Raven rested her head on the seat, closing her eyes. “I have to go back to Ohio.” She looked at him. “If I fly there tonight, hopefully, I can be back here in a few days. I’d like to bring my daughter back with me. I don’t want her alone with them.”

  Gage stared at her and nodded. “I’ll make the arrangements. I’ll have our plane ready for us. But, Raven, I’m warning you now. I won’t put up with your son disrespecting you like he did on the phone. It’s about time for him to grow up, and if I have to, I’ll do it since it’s obvious your ex didn’t do anything with him.”

  “Gage, he’s scared. His father has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,” she said, getting out of the car, slipping her phone into her back pocket.

  “That is no excuse for cussing you out. I won’t have it,” Gage growled, coming around the car to her helping her out. He wrapped his arm around her, hugging her.

  She rested her head on his chest, feeling safe. “Don’t hurt me, Gage, please,” Raven begged, tears sliding down her face.

  Gage stepped back and wiped the tears while guards surrounded them. “I’m sure we will fight, little one, but I promise my arms will always be here for you as will my heart.”

  Chapter Six

  “Now, tell me about the second reason you left Ohio,” Gage said, moving to her side and guiding her into the mall.

  She sighed next to him, wiping her face off with the hankie he had given her. “Promise you’re not going to flip out and forbid anything because I’d hate to have to leave without you,” Raven said.

  “You’re not going anywhere without me, so spit it out,” he said, stepping into Macy’s with her.

  Raven moved to the woman’s department and knew Gage was going to flip out when she told him about the stalker she had left in Ohio.

  Picking up a couple of pairs of jeans in her size and handing them to Gage, she turned to the dress that had caught her attention. “I had a stalker in Ohio. The police thought it would be smart if I left town for a few days. They didn’t know I was planning to leave anyway, so I just left a few days earlier than planned. Hence, why some of my belongings are still there.” She picked up the dress and placed it over her arm, moving to the next rack.

  He stood there watching her every move while inside he was trying to control his wolf. She had been right about him wanting to forbid her to go back. But he knew this was important to her children.

  Finally, moving in behind her, he relented. “We’re going, but you will listen to me every second we are there when it comes to your safety. You go nowhere alone,” he growled, and she smiled, looking up at him.

  “I have no problem with that, but you didn’t say if it would be okay if my daughter came back with us.” She handed him another pile of clothes. “I have to try on these.” Raven moved to the fitting rooms, and he followed.

  She stepped into the little room and looked up at him. “Oh no, outside. As you can see, there is no one in here.” Raven let him check the room before placing her hand on his chest, trying to push him out.

  He stood there smiling at her. “Having trouble?” he asked.

  “Gage, please,” she asked.

  “I’ve seen your body, little one.”

  “That was when I was knocked out.” She looked down at the ground.

  “Fine, but I expect to see you in each dress before you change out of it,” he grumbled, and she smiled.

  “Okay,” she said, closing the door, leaving him standing there looking like a schoolboy with his tongue hanging out.

  “Don’t say a word,” he turned and glared at Jared, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. “I want double the guard with us. Also, have my sister set up the guestroom for her daughter in case she does come back with us. Oh crap, the dinner.” Gage pulled out his phone and called his mom.

  Halfway through the conversation, Gage turned, hearing the door opening behind him. When his woman stepped out of the room, he was not prepared. “Hell,” he groaned, hearing his mother lau
ghing in the background.

  “Call us when you get back from Ohio. I’ll make sure to help your sister with the guestroom, and Gage, don’t screw this up,” his mom said, earning a smile from his mate.

  “This hearing thing is pretty cool. Tell your mother thank you and say goodbye, Gage,” Raven said as she stepped in front of the full-length mirror next to him. “I don’t know if I like this one. Green usually does not look too well on me, but this dress is different. What do you think? I thought I could wear this when we have dinner with your family.”

  “I think I’m going to have to beat the hell out of my brothers. I’ll call you when we get home, Mom,” he grumbled and moved to stand behind her. His gaze caught hers. “You look stunning, my lady.” Gage lowered his head and kissed her shoulder. “The plane will be ready in two hours. So by the time we finish shopping and eat, we can leave.”

  She turned and looked up at him. “You sure you want to come with me? My family’s not the greatest, well except for my mom and stepdad. Sometimes.” She smiled. “Those two, along with my children, are the ones I miss the most. I used to talk to my mom every day.” Raven turned and moved into the room again. “But ever since my sister and this blow-up...” she shook her head, closing the door.

  His heart was aching for his woman. All he wanted to do was hold her, keep her locked up in his home so no one could hurt her.

  Gage smiled, carrying three bags while she carried two. “You know you could have bought more than this,” he said, making their way to the local diner he wanted to take her to.

  “Oh, I’m not done, but this will last for now ‘til I get back to Ohio. There is this little store in Cleveland I love to shop at, and since you are paying, well let’s say I’m going to have some fun,” she teased, and Jared laughed behind them.

  Her gaze looked behind him. “Are you coming?”

  “Yep, wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jared said.


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