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Exposed to Passion (Five Senses series Book 3)

Page 13

by Gemma Brocato

  He stopped directly in front of her, his hands at his side, a troubled look on his face. Sadness mingled with vulnerability in his eyes, and a bit of her heart chipped when the look morphed into grief and gratitude.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close and buried his face in her neck. He held her, saying nothing for a long moment. His body shook against hers, but she knew sexual need wasn’t the cause of his trembling. Adrenaline over the entire awful affair with his students tonight had probably finally exhausted itself in his system, leaving residual tremors firing his muscles. He slumped against her, making her stagger until she braced herself against his weight.

  “Hey, it’s okay. You said Katie will be fine,” she whispered.

  “She is. Her dad just called me and they’ve released her from the hospital. They’re headed home.” His voice came out raspy and he cleared his throat, blinking his eyes rapidly.

  “That’s great. So what are you upset about?”

  Sam dropped his arms and stepped back. His face, illuminated by the light spilling from the open door, was troubled. “Can we go inside?”

  Taking his hand, she pulled him forward, shutting and locking the door behind him. He walked into the living room and threw himself down on the sofa, stretching his long legs out under the coffee table.

  “Do you want a drink?”

  He reached for the cup in front of him. “Is this green tea?”

  “Yeah, go ahead.”

  Rikki settled next to him, putting a comforting hand on his thigh, waiting patiently for him to put the cup back down. He held the ceramic between his hands, like he was trying to get warm, staring vacantly at the contents.

  He finally broke his silence. “I can’t believe how mean and evil kids can be.”

  “It shouldn’t surprise you anymore. You’ve been a teacher for eight years. And a human for a lot longer.”

  He leaned forward and put the tea down. He swiveled in his seat and took her hands. “I know, but it twists me up every time. I thought I’d seen it all, but what Suzannah and Brett did tonight really chaps my ass. And then…for her to lie about her involvement. It’s like her tongue could open a wine bottle.”

  Surprised laughter ripped out of her mouth. He smiled against her lips when she planted a light kiss on his. “Sam, people can be awful. But along the way, you’ll meet people who negate the bad shit. Like Katie, who takes it all in stride and somehow comes out on the other side a lot stronger. I think what happened tonight will help things for her. I could already tell it made a difference to the other kids who were there.”

  Sam twined his fingers through hers and pulled it toward his lips, pressing a kiss on her knuckles. Laughter, and something else she couldn’t identify, glowed in his eyes. “You know what I love about you? You’re the biggest Pollyanna I’ve ever met. I thought Pippa was the queen of positive, but I think you trump her.”

  “Thanks. I’d like to meet your sister sometime.” She leaned into him again, laying her head on his shoulder. “It’s nice how concerned you are about your students. The kids are lucky to have a teacher who cares.”

  “I wish I’d been more patient with Suzannah and Brett tonight.”

  “What are you talking about? Given the circumstances, you were great.”

  “No, I wasn’t. I barely contained my anger.” He lifted his chin from his chest, a steely glint turning his blue eyes smoky. “And they fucking lied about it. I hate being lied to more than anything.”

  A shiver coursed down Rikki’s spine. The extent of his anger frightened her. Could she mess up a good thing by telling him? By not confessing now, would she ruin any potential future with him when the truth came out? And it would, the moment her grandfather arrived in Granite Pointe.

  For the second time in twenty-four hours, Rikki faced the challenge of whether to blurt it out and try to laugh her news off as a misunderstanding, or keep her mouth shut.

  Damn Aron the Ass, anyway. All these years later, his actions still destroyed her self-confidence.

  Should she take a chance and tell him now, while he was already angry? Or wait for a more opportune time? Her conscience told her to scream her secret before her heart got any more involved with this man. Gathering her resolve, she squeezed his hand and opened her mouth to speak.

  He cut her words off when he spoke over her. “They fucked up, and they deserve the punishment they’re going to get, starting with suspension from school.”

  Rikki couldn’t decide if she should be relieved or on edge that he’d moved on from his pet peeve. She accepted the reprieve for what it was, swallowed her confession, and followed his train of thought. “Well, then Katie is one step closer to her goal. She told me she was going places, while most of her tormentors would be stuck in a small town in dead end jobs. Suspension from high school will certainly mess up those kids’ chances of getting into a good college. So, Katie kind of wins this round. Not like anyone is keeping score.” She segued to a different topic. “Stephanie told me she was going to visit Katie tomorrow.”

  “Good. Stephanie has a smart head on her shoulders. I can see her and Katie being friends. Most of them are okay kids. But like everywhere else, there will always be a few who fuck it up for the kids who want to learn. Suzannah and Brett took away an opportunity from the rest of the kids there tonight.” Sam scrubbed a hand over his cheek, the subtle rasp of a day’s worth of beard growth shot an erotic tingle through Rikki’s body. “God, I’m exhausted.”

  Putting her hand to his face, she rubbed the grim lines surrounding his mouth, hoping his dimples would reappear. “Can you stay tonight? I’d understand if you have to leave so you can get to school in the morning. But I’d really like you to spend the night.”

  His smile was sexy and heated, the pleats she adored showing up in magnificent glory. Mission accomplished.

  “Tomorrow is Saturday. No school or track practice.” Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to her mouth. He threaded his fingers through her hair, holding her head gently, opening her mouth and darting his tongue in to stroke hers. He dropped his hands to her shoulders and kissed his way down her throat. “But, I didn’t have time to get to the drug store today.”

  Grinning, she touched her lips to his cheek, then whispered in his ear, “There are other ways.”

  His breathing sped up when she bit his earlobe.

  Rikki pushed him back against the sofa and rose on her knees next to him, smiling at the question in his eyes. Twisting, she straddled his lap and snuggled against him, raining kisses along his jaw, tracing the indentation on his cheek.

  He settled his hands on her waist, then bucked his hips up. His hungry groan, as she rubbed against the hard ridge behind his fly, sent tingles through her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she reveled in her role as the aggressor, plunging her tongue into the warmth of his mouth, stroking curiously over the edge of his teeth. He pulled her hard against his chest and moved his hand to her backside, his fingers traveling along the cleft between her cheeks.

  He skimmed his hand around the curve of her butt until he reached the vee between her legs, digging in with delicious pressure. She ground her hips against his, straining to get closer.

  Seating herself more fully against him, she trailed her lips down the column of his throat, relishing the movement of his Adam’s apple. Pulling up his sweater, she worked his T-shirt out of his jeans. She toyed with the snap, dipping her fingers under the waistband of his boxers, then ran her hands under his shirt and up the hard muscles of his abdomen.

  “It’s not nice to tease like that,” Sam said, then drew a ragged shuddering breath when she pinched his nipple. His hips bucked against her center. “Oh God, Rikki.”

  He moved his hands to the bottom of her heavy sweatshirt and yanked it over her head. Next, he tugged on the hem of her long-sleeved tee. She batted his hands away, giving him a wicked grin when he opened his eyes. She scooted back and dropped off his lap, nudging her way between his knees.

ng in front of him, she stretched along his torso, rubbing her breasts across his cock. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, she pushed it up over his chest, flattening her palms on his sculpted abs, until he pulled it over his head. Pressing her lips to the flat brown nipple, she tongued it to a peak and drew it between her teeth.

  His breath rasped in and he squeezed his fingers tightly on her shoulders in response to her tender nibbles. She swirled her tongue once around the crest and lightly tugged his soft black chest hair. Trailing her fingers down his body, she followed closely with her tongue.

  His chest rumbled as she licked her way south, his muscles shifting and twitching at the gentle pressure. When she reached his navel, she paused and paid special attention to it, dipping her tongue in and out once, twice, until his hips strained up toward her chest. She moved her hands to his thighs and applied pressure until he relaxed against the cushions.

  Glancing up the rocky plane of his body, she met his half-lidded gaze and held it. The eager desire there sent waves of pleasure through her. She loved this role as seductress. Grinning, she sat back on her heels and reached for his foot, quickly untying his tennis shoe and pulling it off. She ran her hands inside the bottom of his jeans, reaching for the top of his sock, making sure to scrape her fingers along the sensitive arch of his foot.

  While she worked on his left, he wiggled his bare right foot between her legs until she squealed when his big toe pressed intimately against the hidden spot. Her eyes crossed, and for a moment she forget her goal was to strip Sam of his jeans and have him naked in front of her.

  Rising on her knees again, she moaned as she broke the contact between them. Sam wrapped his hands around her arms and pulled her up until he sealed his lips over hers, devouring her, hungry, open-mouthed, hot. Kissing him back for all she was worth, she resisted his attempts to lift her to his lap.

  “Hey, I wasn’t finished.”

  The husky tone of her voice made an impact, his eager smile an indication. She grasped his face between her hands and put as much suggestion into her lips and tongue as possible. Sam’s tongue fought back, surging forward then letting her chase it back into his mouth.

  Content to play this way, she remained draped across his body, snug between his legs, running her hands over his shoulders, arms, and thighs. He returned the favor; his fingers sending glowing sparks of fire through her, the way the campfire had released embers into the air. Moist heat surged between her thighs, and she shivered when he rubbed his hands down her sides and curved around until they were planted firmly on her butt, pulling her closer. The fiery heat of his hands and his lips ignited a flame that spiraled through her.

  She nibbled his lower lip, pulling it with her when she leaned back. His quiet groan of protest deepened into something more primal when she reached for the zipper of his jeans, making sure to mold her hand to the bulge behind it, lingering long enough to feel his penis pulse erotically against the pressure she applied.

  Lowering the zipper, she fought with his hands when they met on his waistband, both of them equally eager to slide the heavy denim off his body. In her haste, Rikki fell flat on her behind when she succeeded in pulling the jeans from his legs.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry.” Sam leaned forward, extending a hand to pull her upright. “Are you okay?”

  Sprawled away from him, eye-level with his throbbing cock, she grinned. “I’m great. That’s a pretty impressive view there, mister.”

  Sam growled. “You’re not going to lie down on the job now are you?”

  “Hmm? Oh, no. I got distracted.” She raised her eyes to his, holding his gaze, and moved back to her knees in front of him. After pushing his shoulders back against the couch, she lowered her hand and wrapped her fingers around him and squeezed, reveling in his answering shudder. “You relax and enjoy. I’ll do the…uh…driving.”

  Releasing her grip, she softly trailed her finger along the sensitive flesh from the base up, drawing it over the tip and running it along the opposite side. She flicked her tongue over the top, smiling when Sam bit back a groan.

  “God, baby! Please do that again.”

  She complied, lathing her tongue around the head. She licked along the wood-hard length of him. She raised her eyes and found him watching her, focused on the point her tongue touched. Sweat beaded his brow and his chest heaved, as if he’d just run sprints.

  “Oh Sam, if you liked that, you’re really going to like this.”

  She swirled her tongue over him again, taking him in her mouth. The sweet, salty taste filled her senses. She shifted on her knees, adjusting to take him in more fully. Cupping his testicles in one hand, she grasped the base of his shaft with the other. His hips bucked and jerked when her teeth scraped as she pulled back, then moved forward again, settling into an insistent rhythm.

  He fisted his hands in her hair, gasping as she moved on him. His tension built and her body answered. The flame she knew she’d started in him scorched her as well. Her body tingled with erotic energy that flowed from his hands through her scalp.

  “Oh my God, Rikki.” His voice was taut and his stomach contracted. “I won’t last much longer—gaah.”

  Impossibly rigid and groaning, Sam’s orgasm ripped through him. She took him in, the musky taste flaring against her tongue, and held on until he finished. He dropped back against the cushions of the sofa, panting. She licked the tender skin on the underside of his cock, making him shudder.

  He released his hold on her head, combing his fingers through her hair until he reached the spot where her neck met her shoulder. He massaged small circles there while he caught his breath. She laid her head on his thigh and her hand on his belly, enjoying the residual shivers coursing through him.

  Their ragged breathing filled the quiet room until Sam began to chuckle. His stomach contracted, the muscles tightening beneath her palm. Lifting her head, she shot him a quizzical gaze.

  “What?’ she asked.

  “I was thinking about how much I want to return the favor.”

  “Oh, yay. Well, once you catch your breath, I’ll let you drive. Drive me crazy with your tongue, I mean. I have some definite ideas about how you can do that. You wanna hear?”

  He reached for her hand, lacing their fingers together. “I have a few ideas of my own.”

  “Let’s discuss this in—” A loud noise in the front yard interrupted her train of thought.

  “What the heck? Is there someone out there?” Sam straightened and shot a glance at the clock on the wall as if to figure out who’d be there at oh-dark-thirty.

  “It’s the neighbor’s cat. She comes up on the porch every night about this time. They don’t leave food out for her and I think she gets hungry. The last tenant used to leave a bowl of cat food, just in case.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Well, you could open the door and find out. But you aren’t exactly dressed for it.”

  “I guess I am dressed, er…undressed…for something else entirely.” Sam laughed and pulled her up to his lap. Lowering his mouth to hers, he sealed his lips on hers, making her breathless with his passion. He pulled away, licking first her mouth, then his own lips. “I can taste me on you. Baby, that is so hot. Now I want to taste you.”

  “No, that’s hot.” She pushed his hands away. “Let me up. I think we should go to the bedroom to finish this. I want you to make slow, sexy love to me. I also want you pounding into me like there is no tomorrow.”

  “But… I mean…we shouldn’t. I told you I didn’t get to store. You said—”

  “No, what I said was there are other ways. Oh, did I forget to tell you I made it to the store today? Oops, silly me.” His eyes widened and she winked at him.

  “Did you just lie to me?”

  Anxiety shimmered in her gut, warring with the incredible sensation of his arousal stirring under her behind. She lowered her eyes, then glanced back at his face. His expression was playful, not angry, thank God. “Not a lie, just an…omission of all the facts.” Rikki he
ld her breath, waiting for his reaction, struggling to relax.

  He stood with her clutched in his arms and let her slide along the length of his body. His very naked, incredibly hot body. His heat practically melted her clothes off. But he helped with that. He pulled her T-shirt off, whistling at her lavender-hued lace camisole. He stripped that and her bra away, too. She boldly faced him, shoulders back and naked from the waist up. Lifting her hand, she trailed her fingers across the top of her breast. When he took one of her nipples in his mouth, she arched, giving him free access. The damp heat of his tongue softened her knees, and she braced her arms around his shoulders, dropping her head back with a moan.

  Sam ran his hands along her spine and up the back of her head. Raising his mouth to hers, he pressed his chest against her breasts, the silky black hair creating a delicious friction. His erection surged to life against her stomach, the strength and solidity of it driving home a craving there was only one way to satisfy.

  Jerking away, she grabbed his hands and walked backward, leading him to the bedroom with a smiled promise of continued play.

  Chapter 14

  Weak morning sunlight filtered in through the white lace curtains over the bed, highlighting Sam in all his naked glory. Sprawled on his back, his hips covered by the sheet, he was a study of light and shadow, angles and planes. His lean, muscular runner’s leg jutted out from under the covering. Light glinted in the black hair sprinkled over his chest, converging in a thin line down his belly—a sinfully dark treasure trail—until it disappeared from view. She licked her lips. The desire to pull the pale paisley fabric away and trace that line of hair down his stomach stunned her with its intensity.

  He’d flung his arm over his eyes, shutting out the glare from the rising sun. Soft huffs emanated from his slightly open mouth. Despite the snoring, he still had that god-like thing going on.

  Rikki quietly set down the coffee cups onto the dresser and snatched up her camera. She liked the funny, considerate, responsible Sam, who interacted so well with the teens he taught. She loved the sexy, demanding, but giving partner he turned into behind closed doors. The sight of him, lying in her bed, completely relaxed, demanded she catch the image on film. It was a picture she could pull out again and again while she traveled, whenever she needed a reminder of this man she was in danger of losing her heart to.


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