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Bartering His Body- Prehistoric Man

Page 2

by Gianni Holmes

  Grarc never once took his eyes off the three men who were moaning. They seemed so familiar with each other that he knew they were used to having sex like this all the time.

  Grarc’s eyes closed, his breath hitched, and he couldn't help his guttural groan. With Dag at the back of his mind, he imagined it was him in the middle being fucked. His mouth gasped as the most intense orgasm rippled through him and he nutted onto the ground.

  Breathing deep, Grarc opened his eyes and checked if anyone had heard him. They hadn’t. The men were too busy with each other to pay him any mind.

  He fixed his clothes, wiping his sticky hand onto the grass and turned to leave. He paused in fright when he almost mowed over a man twice his size. The man bared his teeth in a grin as he looked over the younger man.

  Grarc turned to run but he barely took a step when he was brought down hard to his stomach. Fear for his life had him trying to fight back but he was already at a disadvantage. He was surprised when the man threw himself on top of him and he felt the unmistakable evidence of the man's arousal against his back.

  “Don't move.” The man growled at him.

  “Don't kill me,” Grarc pleaded. Although he had wanted to die earlier given Dag's betrayal, now he realized he wasn't ready yet. Given what he had just seen, there was still way too much he hadn't seen...hadn't done.

  “Kill you?” The man who had him pinned to the ground chuckled. “Now why would I do that? This will be more fun.”

  Grarc was about to ask the man what he meant when it became evident. The man grind his cock into the swell of Grarc’s ass and to Grarc’s surprise lust filled him.

  “You like that, don't you?” The man atop him asked, his breath hot at the back of Grarc’s neck. “I saw you watching them.”

  Grarc couldn't deny what he had been doing and his face filled with shame. The man reached between them and cupped Grarc’s ass, squeezing hard then releasing. He repeated the motion and Grarc panted. It felt good. So good. Usually, Dag just flipped up his tunic before fucking him. This man was having fun with Grarc, in no hurry.

  “That's a nice ass if I've ever did see one. You ever taken a cock here?” He didn't leave to the imagination what he was talking about as he slipped a hand up the tunic and fingered Grarc’s gently used asshole, still lax from Dag’s attention earlier.

  “I believe you have,” the man ended, sounding pleased.

  Panting, but otherwise quiet, Grarc lay under the big man and allowed him to take liberties. He was thinking maybe if he pleased the man enough he would be allowed to walk away from this experience alive. Neither could he deny to himself the excitement he felt at being handled so familiarly by a stranger who might not have stopped anyway if he had protested, which he didn't.

  In fact, not only didn't Grarc protest, but his hips rose from the inquisition of the man's finger pressing in and out of his asshole. Another finger joined the first and continued exploring Grarc in twisting and winding motions.

  The man was a skillful lover, thought Grarc who had gone putty under his petting. His fingers thrust harder, digging deep into Grarc’s backside. Grarc grabbed a fistful of the grass and groaned. He was amazed to feel his cock hardening again.

  “You like that, don't you?” whispered the man. “Wait until you see what we can do to you.”

  “We?” Grarc croaked.

  “Not just yet, little one. Now it's just you and me. You please me just right and you'll find you're right where you belong.”

  Grarc nodded automatically not knowing what was happening but this might be his only means of survival. He didn't let the man’s gentleness fool him. There was power in his body and he would be a formidable enemy if crossed.

  The man straddled Grarc’s legs and pulled up his tunic, baring his ass to the sky. Grarc’s cheeks blazed red with embarrassment and he hid his face in his folded arms. His ass clenched tight in apprehension.

  “Relax and it won't hurt. Either way, I'm going to take you, but it would be more pleasurable for you too if you relax.”

  Despite the gruffness now in the man's voice, he caressed the hard-clenching globes of Grarc’s ass. Slowly Grarc let himself relax. He was going to be fucked one way or the other, so he might as well enjoy it.

  “That's it.” Straddling high up Grarc’s thighs, the man spread the supple ass cheeks. Grarc gasped when the man spat saliva right onto his hole.

  “What the-”

  The man pushed him back to the ground with a chuckle and rubbed the slippery liquid over his pucker and inside. “It's to make this easier on you. I've much to teach you. Whoever initiated you is as ignorant as you are.”

  Grarc didn't take too kindly to being called ignorant, but his protest died and birthed itself as a moan at the long thick cock which entered him. He couldn't believe how right the man was. How had he and Dag not thought about this before?

  His thoughts got chased by the pleasure of being thoroughly claimed once again. He doubted he could come once more but he still enjoyed the heightening sensation of being invaded over and over. The man above him clutched his shoulders, fingernails biting into his skin. His breath was hot on the back of Grarc’s neck. He was obsessed with Grarc, mumbling, and grunting. He bit Grarc’s shoulder, his lips leaving wet trails across his skin. New to being so thoroughly touched and fucked, Grarc found himself reaching back to grab the stranger’s hip for him to fuck him harder.

  The man rolled to his side in the grass, bringing Grarc along with him. A confused Grarc who had only been fucked lying on his back gasped in wonder as the man raised his left leg and continued thrusting into him. With his free hand, he hooked it around Grarc’s neck, almost cutting off his air supply. Grarc fought against him at first, thinking he was going to have his neck snapped but the man captured his ear between his teeth.

  “Easy, I am not going to hurt you.”

  He eased his grip a little on Grarc’s neck to show that he meant it. Grarc relaxed once more and closed his eyes as he serviced the stranger's needs. The man plunged over and over inside him. He growled deep in his chest, pumping his hips harder and faster while placing his hand over Grarc’s mouth to stifle his cries. With one hard thrust, his pelvis smashed against Grarc’s ass, he emptied his release inside him. Grarc groaned, thinking of how much his ass would be sore.

  The man didn’t immediately jump from Grarc, as though regretting what they had done, an act Dag did every time they had sex. He stroked Grarc’s arm and even made tiny thrusting motions still inside Grarc. He eventually pulled out and Grarc pushed to expel as much of the semen that he could.

  A sharp slap rang out as the man’s hand connected with his bare ass. “We are going to have so much fun with you.”

  Before Grarc could respond, the man doubled his fist and brought them down hard, striking him on the temple. Surprised at the blow after the consideration the man had shown him, Grarc slipped into unconsciousness.

  So much for not being eaten.


  Fact 3: Cavemen did not co-exist with dinosaurs as depicted in some films. Dinosaurs were extinct for at least 65 million years before the first human appeared.

  Head throbbing, Grarc groaned as he came into consciousness. He blinked several times, disoriented and wondering where he was. He couldn’t remember much and the bender hut where he was looked nothing like that of his own people. It was larger, like a hall meant to house several people at once. The luxury of animal skin made a soft bedding where he lay. He could see other beddings neatly laid out next to each other. In all, he counted four.

  Grarc sat up and gasped from the pain in his head. Light filtered into the hut from the opening that led outside. His first instinct was to leave but his limbs moved slower than he’d anticipated. He managed to sit up but had to pause to catch his breath. He rubbed his temple where the throbbing was. He felt as though his head had been rammed into the stone wall of a cave.

  He rose to his shaky feet and stretched the kinks out of his lean body before m
aking his way to the opening. He moved with caution not sure what to expect. He had no idea how long he had been out for, but the sun blazed brightly in the sky. How long had he been gone and where was he?

  When he peeked through the opening with caution, he saw no one which was strange. Maybe whoever had brought him here had abandoned him and their people had broken up camp already. Grarc was used to moving at a moment’s notice. His only worry was that he had no idea where he was. He had no idea how to get home.

  He walked out of the hut and into the clearing, spotting a stone hearth still radiating warmth, which meant whoever had been here and left hadn’t been gone for long. He frowned seeing other signs of habitation around. Stone cores and flakes used for eating rested on large leaves. Two stone axes leaned against the hut along with a spear. Furs which looked newly skinned from animals hung from a tree limb to dry in the sun.

  Why had they left everything behind and why was there only one shelter erected? Grarc fretted uneasily as he glanced around the campsite for signs of threat. That was the only time his own people ran leaving everything behind. Was he in some sort of danger he couldn’t see?

  The sound of loud laughter drifted to his ears, startling him. He was too slow to move, too hesitant to react. Curiosity would be the death of him one of these days, he acknowledged.

  The instant the men appeared in the clearing, Grarc remembered everything. He’d been caught watching the men as they take pleasure from each other. His face turned ruddy as his eyes connected with the blues of the man who had thrown him to the ground and given him a fucking he would not soon forget. Despite being skittish, his dick started to harden at the memory.

  “You’re awake,” the man who had knocked him unconscious remarked, approaching Grarc who was poised to take flight at the slightest hint of danger. “I was beginning to think I had hit you too hard.”

  Grarc frowned at the man as he remembered the headache that was now subsiding. The man was bigger both in height and width. His bare chest was hairy. So were his arms and legs. He was the hairiest of the other three men.

  “Where am I?” Grarc asked, taking a step back. He glanced at the other men watching him. Each man carried a spear. One had a rawhide thrown over his shoulder, the edges clutched to protect whatever bounty he had found.

  “Where you are is not important,” the man answered with a smile. “Who we are is what matters. I am Zirc.”

  A second man stepped closer. This one had hair that flowed almost to his buttocks. He was shorter than the others but still taller than Grarc. “I am Torvark.”

  The third man followed suit and had a shy smile. On closer inspection, his chest and arms were covered with scars. Grarc glanced at the other men wondering if they had inflected the wounds but doubted it. Even as the shy man stepped forward, the others instinctively moved as though to shield him. “Frin.”

  The last man glared at Grarc with open hostility. His broad nostrils flared. He had a scar across his cheek but otherwise was a handsome man. Grarc wondered at his animosity and automatically shrank back from him. “I am Bhok ,and you do not belong here. If you betray us, I will crush your skull with my bare hands.”

  Grarc gulped in fear. He believed every word of it. The man’s hands doubled into fists and he already seemed as though he wanted to rip Grarc’s throat out through his ass.

  “Bhok, that’s enough,” Zirc scolded, then turned to their guest. “Ignore him. He is protective of us but will not harm you. He just needs to accept you as one of us.”

  “One of what?” Grarc asked, confused. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “You already know the answer to your question. I saw the way you watched us. You wanted to belong to us. Now you do. What is your name?”

  “I belong to no one,” Grarc squeaked. “I want to go back to my family.”

  “Do you really want to go back to your family?” Zirc inquired with a frown. “If you do, I will take you, but I suspect you do not. If they find out what you really are, will they accept you?”

  Grarc should have answered yes just to go home, but then he remembered. He had lost Dag. He had no parents in his tribe. His mother had been taken by another tribe and his father had been eaten, torn from limb to limb by a saber-toothed cat.

  “You can stay with us,” Torvark stated. “As Zirc said, we are just like you. We protect our own. We fight for our own. We love our own. This is our home. We move together and keep each other alive, in more than one way.”

  Grarc blushed at the apparent meaning behind his words. He had no illusion about what they wanted from him. Remembering how they had been against each other against the tree, he trembled. The offer to stay was tempting. He would be able to live openly with these men who were like him. No more hiding.

  “I am Grarc,” he told them.

  Three men smiled at him at least. That was not so bad. The fourth, Bhok just stalked off, apparently not agreeing with the others.

  Grarc was surprised when Zirc approached him and crushed him to his chest. “Welcome, little one. Don’t mind Bhok.” He reached behind Grarc to grasp the younger man’s ass and squeeze. “When he samples what you have to offer as I have, he will come around.”


  Fact 4: Cavemen are often depicted as primarily living in caves, hence the name “cavemen”. As nomadic hunters and gatherers they were too often on the move to settle in any one place. They also lived in temporary shelters such as bender huts.

  Grarc spent the day with the men and he enjoyed their company. He didn’t miss the lack of children or women. He found it relaxing being in the presence of men who he could see had more in common than just the hot sex. He spoke very little, answered questions when they were asked of him but otherwise, he listened and observed to find out just what he had put himself into. He kept telling himself that he was grateful they hadn’t killed him because he had something that was of more value than they wanted to see him dead.

  Bhok all but ignored him, pretending he didn’t exist which was just as fine for Grarc. He would rather be ignored than to have the big man glaring and instilling fear in him anyway. From watching them he could see that they cared about each other. Zirc was the natural leader but he listened to what the others would say as well.

  He also observed that they grabbed each other wherever they were without thought of privacy or who saw them. Seeing the way Bhok hauled Torvark up against him for a kiss, Grarc had glanced away. As he witnessed more and more advances, he started to steal glances when he thought no one was looking. Zirc had caught him watching as Torvark dropped the tunic Bhok was wearing and took his cock in his mouth. Grarc who had never seen that before had been stunned. He hadn’t been able to pull his eyes away from the sight. Neither had he been able to plug his ears to drone out Bhok’s moans. When Bhok came Grarc expected Torvark to pull away but he swallowed every bit of Bhok’s release. Grarc’s cock had throbbed so hard at the sight that he had almost sneaked off to pleasure himself. Only seeing that Zirc had spotted him kept him rooted to the spot.

  With long strides, Zirc headed for him and Grarc held his breath. Without speaking, Zirc cupped the back of Grarc’s head and devoured his mouth. A weak-kneed Grarc could do nothing but grasp at the front of Zirc’s tunic and offer himself up. He was disappointed when the other man broke off their kiss without touching him further.

  “Tonight, under the moonlight little one.”

  Somehow learning Zirc planned to have his way with him tonight only tortured Grarc. He anticipated the sun going down so he could relive what he had beneath Zirc’s big powerful body. He secretly hoped they would sandwich him in the middle like they had done to Torvark by that tree, but he didn’t know how to ask for it.

  Zirc and Frin went off by themselves leaving Grarc with no doubt what they were doing. He was left with Bhok and Torvark who was preparing the fish they had caught by the river that morning.

  “Can I help?” Grarc offered, feeling restless. He had to do something to take his mi
nd off tonight and what the two men who left the camp were doing.

  “Sure,” Torvark responded, patting the place beside him, despite Bhok’s scowl. “Sit here beside me. You can roast this one.”

  Grateful that at least Torvark accepted him, Grarc sat beside the man on a boulder and held the stick with the stone point from which the fish protruded into the fire. The fish smelled wonderful and his mouth watered. His stomach grumbled to his embarrassment and Torvark laughed.

  “Go ahead and eat it.”

  “I can’t,” Grarc protested although he was hungry. In his tribe, the youngest ate last unless they were very young children. Grarc was usually one of the last to eat and sometimes the rations finished before they got to him.

  “Really, eat,” the other man invited him. “Zirc knocked you unconscious the entire night so you must be hungry. It’s not our intention to starve you. It’s important that you eat and are healthy to survive us.” He winked at Grarc who blushed and looked away.

  Placing the hot fish on a broad leaf, Grarc picked at it and gasped when he burned his hand.

  Disgusted, Bhok got to his feet and stalked away in the direction Zirc and Frin had disappeared.

  “He doesn’t like me,” Grarc said around the fish he chewed. “Maybe I should leave when the sun comes up.” He could leave now but he wanted at least one time in Zirc’s arms to last him the lifetime that he would be alone with his own people.

  “You will do no such thing. Don’t take Bhok’s attitude personal. He gets that way with even us, but we understand we are all different. We just have the same taste for each other.”


  “I’ll tell you. Bhok and Frin were lovers from their own tribe. Bhok’s father discovered them and had Frin tied up. Bhok was forced to watch his lover tortured at the hands of his father. He seethed as many moons passed until one day he worked up the courage and freed Frin. He killed his father and ran away with his Frin.”


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