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The Mob from TAC

Page 15

by Richard Pinkerton

  ‘Looks like you got a lot of sun today,’ Chelsea’s mother greeted her as she came through the door after her day at the beach.

  ‘Oh, yeah. I had to do a lot of work outside the hall. Tidying up the flower gardens, trimming shrubs, that sort of thing.’

  ‘Well, I’m sure they were thankful for your help.’

  Chelsea hurried to her room and lay down on her bed, relieved that her mother had brought her story. There she breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

  Despite a couple of tense moments, she had enjoyed the day, but it still hadn’t turned out as she had hoped. Sheep had talked to her a little, but mainly he was too busy fooling around with the other guys and girls to give her much time. It really disappointed her that he had not taken the opportunity to get to know her better on a more personal level. It made her wonder just how much he really was into her.

  Holly had been a bit of a let-down too. Chelsea had been looking forward to developing more of a friendship with her, because it seemed that Holly was more accepting of her than most of the other girls. Not only that, but Holly seemed like a nice sort, someone Chelsea had a lot in common with.

  But never mind. The main thing was, she had been there with them and she hoped she could continue to be part of the group.

  When Monday morning came, Chelsea came across Holly after the Akato school bus had pulled in and dropped off a load of students. ‘Hi, Holly.’

  ‘Hi, Chels.’ She smiled. At least she seemed in a better mood today.

  ‘Your tan’s come up nicely.’

  ‘That’s about the only thing. I sort of wish that I hadn’t gone actually.’


  ‘Well… for one thing, that damn screwdriver drink of Jacqui’s. I should never have touched it. I can’t believe I’d be so stupid as to go out into that dangerous water like that. If it wasn’t for that drink I doubt I would have.’

  ‘Yeah, I think there was a lot of alcohol in it.’

  ‘I had four of them! Just as well they were small cups. I am so not gonna let Jacqui manipulating me into drinking anything like that again. I value my wits. It just took away too many inhibitions.’ Her eyes saddened. ‘It sure did. I’m pretty sure I’ve – you know- blown it with Mav.’


  ‘I... Well,… I sort of kissed him.’

  Chelsea gasped in delight. ‘You kissed him? Oh my gosh! How did he react?’

  ‘I don’t know. I didn’t hang around to find out.’

  ‘Did this happen at the beach?’

  ‘Yes, when we were swimming together. You know, just before that incident between him and that Craig guy.’

  ‘Wow! So that’s why you went so quiet.’

  ‘Yeah between that and the alcohol, I was a total mess. I’m worried that I’ve blown everything, you know? He wasn’t his usual funny self afterwards. I don’t think that he really likes me. I think he’s more interested in that Samantha. It looks like there’s something going on between them.’

  Chelsea couldn’t help but think similarly. ‘It did kind of look that way. But did he give you any idea that he was put off by the kiss?’

  ‘Well,... I don’t know. He wasn’t all full of jokes like he normally was.’

  ‘Maybe that was because of the Craig McLeod guy.’

  ‘Maybe... but I don’t know. It has me worried. Maybe I should just forget about him.’

  Chelsea felt that she needed to find some way to encourage her, to show Holly she was a friend. ‘Don’t be like that, Holly. Don’t give up. You may still get to write “Maverick vs Robinson” on your pencil case yet. Maybe he was just embarrassed or something. Maybe he was annoyed at Craig. It could have been any reason.’

  Holly shrugged. ‘Maybe.’

  Chelsea walked along beside her, not knowing what else to say. The last thing she wanted to do was appear pushy, so decided not to make any further comments on the issue. She would have to let Holly sort things out in her own time and if she wanted to talk, then Chelsea would be there for her.

  They came across Jacqui and Mandy Evans. For once Jacqui didn’t have that contemptuous look on her face. ‘So, Chelsea, did you enjoy our beach trip, Saturday?’

  ‘It was good.’

  ‘Only good? I thought that you’d be making the moves on Sheep, but you didn’t.’

  Chelsea didn’t comment. She still felt hurt that Sheep had barely talked to her at all that afternoon.

  ‘I think you’re wasting your time, anyway,’ Jacqui continued. ‘You’re just not Sheep’s type. I even asked him once, while we were there, whether he wanted to take you for a walk along the rocks.’

  Chelsea widened her eyes, keen to know more details, but at the time feeling some trepidation about it. ‘You did? What did he say?’

  Jacqui laughed. ‘You don’t wanna know.’

  Chelsea flinched. It seemed she really had blown things with Sheep now.

  ‘Never mind Chelsea, there’s always Tucker Pyles.’

  Everyone except Chelsea laughed. Even Holly laughed, but with a look of sympathy in her eyes.

  ‘Oh no, speaking of Jabba the Hutt,’ Mandy said. ‘There he is over there. Looks as though he’s bullying food off people again.’

  ‘Creep.’ Jacqui scowled.

  They advanced, as close as they dared, to try and overhear the conversation.

  ‘Come on cough it up!’ Tucker snarled at two younger students. ‘There better be some good food in there for me. UBBAAA! A carrot! I love carrots! Any doughnuts or anything?’

  ‘Sorry,’ the junior boy said. ‘My mothers put me on a diet and...’

  ‘AAAGGHHHH! Don’t say that word!’ Tucker eyes boggled. ‘What’s the matter with this town? Is everybody gone completely ubbed in the head?’ He didn’t even hang around to find out what the other boy had. He snatched away the carrot and rushed away.

  The junior boys burst out laughing and one of them said, ‘That Rick Maverick is pure genius! His “Say you’re on a diet when you’re not really on a diet” diet really works!’

  ‘See the look on his face when you said diet?’ another chuckled.

  ‘It was a classic! Hey, that would be the ideal thing to say whenever Tucker Pyles is around. Just say the word diet and he’ll be gone.’

  ‘A real magic word.’

  The two laughed some more and walked away.

  ‘What is it with this Rick Maverick guy?’ Jacqui stared after them. ‘Everyone seems to be making a big deal over him? First you, Holly, then Craig McLeod and now these juniors. He’s just a weirdo as far as I’m concerned.’

  ‘He is not!’

  All heads swung to stare at Holly, Chelsea’s included. She couldn’t believe that Holly had spoken in such a sharp tone to Jacqui.

  Jacqui’s chin dropped and she stared at her, unable to reply.

  Holly glared at Jacqui. ‘Stop calling him a weirdo! He’s a really nice guy. You just don’t know him, that’s all.’

  Jacqui continued to stare at Holly for a few more seconds and then spoke in a gentle tone, not her usual sarcastic or conceited manner. ‘I’m sorry, Holly. I didn’t realise that you were so serious about him. You should have said.’

  ‘She’s in love,’ said Mandy. ‘She is head over heels in love with the guy.’

  Holly didn’t reply, but the anger had gone from her face and her cheeks reddened. Whether that was because she knew the statement was true, or she was embarrassed about her outburst, Chelsea couldn’t tell. Maybe it was a mixture of both.

  ‘Mmmmm,’ said Jacqui. ‘Well, you know what, there’s the school dance coming up in a couple of weeks. I want to see you dancing every slow dance together.’

  Holly peered down at the ground. ‘Somehow I don’t think that’s gonna happen.’


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