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Just...Breathe: The Love They Had Always Wanted, and Now Try to Fight... (The Broken Series #1)

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by Angela Fattig

  “I’ve got to go,” I said breathlessly and rushed off.

  “Shit!” I heard him say. “Jaden, wait.” I pretended that I had not heard him as I continued to run off.

  I felt him grab my arm bringing me to a dead stop. I spun around on him.

  “Why in the hell can’t you leave me alone?” I screamed at him. “You have insulted me and humiliated me all in the span of a day. Go away, Mr. Daniels.”

  “Where did you park the company car?” he asked ignoring what I said.

  “First of all, this is pleasure not business so it would have been wrong of me to use it,” I spat out. “Second, if you must know, it is back at the office.”

  “Why didn’t you take it when you left today?” he questioned.

  I could feel my blood boil more. “Again, if you must know, I don’t have a license and I don’t know how to drive,” I fumed.

  I watched as shock replaced the anger on his face. “But you’re 26 and you can’t drive?” he asked in confusion.

  Now feeling ashamed, I felt the blush creep across my skin. I looked down at the sidewalk and whispered, “My mom never taught me and my dad…well he wasn’t there.” Then I shrugged.

  He lifted my face to his. “With the way you look in that dress you will get yourself rapped if you try walking. Let’s go.” He took my hand, but I refused to move. “You will either walk back to my car or I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you back.” I shook his hand off and crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. I heard him blow out a breath. “Ok, you asked for it.” Before I was able to react, he lifted me. He flung me over his shoulder, and was walking back to the car park.

  I started beating his back with my fists. “Put me down,” I demanded as the anger built inside me again. “Stop man handling me, Chase.” He chuckled, but ignored my protests and continued to his car. I finally gave up, as I was defenseless against this man’s strength.

  Once we were standing next to his car he asked, “If I put you down are you going to run away?” I refused to answer this infuriating man. “Jaden?”

  “Fine,” I finally answered. “No, I will not run away.” Chase chuckled again and placed me on the ground. I swayed as I attempted to gain my footing. True to my word I did not run. He held the car door open and I slid in. He shut it, then made his way to the driver’s side and got in.

  He started the engine and pulled out into traffic. We drove for a while before it dawned on me that he hadn’t asked for my address. “Are we going to drive around all night or are you going to ask where I live?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Don’t need to,” he said. “I already know.”

  I gasped. “How,” I whispered. “Have you checked up on me?”

  He shrugged again. “After you left my office today I pulled your background,” he admitted. “It’s standard procedure when I hire. Besides, what can I say, I needed to know,” he said quietly. I turned back to stare out the windshield.

  “Well, after tonight, you can forget I ever existed,” I said.

  “That may be harder than you think,” he mumbled. I felt the same way.

  We drove through the seedy neighborhood and pulled up in front of my apartment. He got out of the car, walked around to my side and opened the door. I stepped out and Larry, my neighbor, walked up.

  “Hey babe, how you doing tonight?” Larry asked in his drunken voice.

  “Larry, I’m not in the mood for your shit tonight, go home,” I pleaded. As Larry went to reach for me, Chase stepped forward.

  “I believe she said to back off, Larry,” he spat out. Larry jumped back.

  “Sorry man,” he stuttered. “I didn’t know she had a boyfriend.” Then he stumbled away.

  “You can leave,” I said. “Keep your word, Chase. You said once I was home you would be out of my life.” Being out of his life filled me with dread. ‘I really need to get a hold of myself.’ I thought.

  “Yes, that is what I said,” he said. “But you are still standing on the sidewalk and not safe in your apartment. What about the job?”

  I let my breath out. I had forgotten the job. “Fine,” I said and stalked off towards the building. I stopped, sensing he was not with me, and turned back. “Well, are you coming or not?” Chase jumped and started to follow me.

  “Well, we’re here,” I said stopping outside my door.

  “What about work?” he asked again. “You can’t walk out on me.”

  I snapped my face up to his. The words he spoke held a heavy meaning and what Sandy had said came back to haunt me.

  “Jaden, you have to understand that Chase has had some heartbreak in his life. He doesn’t trust too many people, especially women,” she had said.

  I searched his eyes for any indication to what he is feeling and saw a glimpse of a shadow; doubt, uncertainty, in himself, or in me? I was not sure. Whatever it was, it was tugging at my heart.

  “Yes, I still plan to work for you,” I reassured him in a small weak voice.

  I wasn’t prepared when Chase moved so I didn’t react immediately. He leaned down and placed a soft quick kiss on my lips. “Goodnight, Jaden,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  I nodded and let myself through the door and closed it. I leaned back, closing my eyes.

  Why did this man affect me so much? He was arrogant, yes, but I saw a tender side of him tonight. The way he had kissed and taken care of my hand, no man had ever shown me that kind of…of what? Love? I just cannot put her finger on it.

  That kiss, however brief it was, lit a fire inside me. I opened my eyes, pushed myself away from the door. “No, I will not think about him again. Not until I have to deal with him at work. Then I will be too busy learning the job,” I said aloud as I walked to my bedroom to change and went to bed.

  I rolled over and wiped the tears away. I prayed that my heart will come away from this unscratched.

  Chapter Nine

  The Darkness

  After Jaden shut her door, I leaned my head on it and closed my eyes. God, what that kiss had done to me! It took everything I had to pull back.

  I stood up and shook my head. ‘No, I will walk away,’ I thought. She is an employee I cannot think about her in a sexual way. Hell, I shouldn’t have kissed her.

  She had looked into my eyes and I had seen innocence and something deeper, something more. I had lost all sense of any coherent thought. Time had stood still and in that brief moment I felt wanted, needed even.

  The feeling she is stirring inside me is more than I could bear. It was becoming a fire, one that was burning me to the very depths of my soul. I groaned and pushed away from the door. I had to get out of there before I did something I would regret.

  As I walked back to the front entrance I took a good look around. This building should be condemned. Maybe she would use the expense account and find a better place.

  Once outside I saw the drunken guy Larry and rage filled me. As I walked to my car I turned back to face him. Before I could stop myself I said, “Larry, hands off Jaden, she’s mine.”

  Larry turned white and slowly nodded stumbling backwards. I slide into the car and speed off, wondering what had made me feel so possessive of a woman that was not mine. I shook my head. I have to drive now and I cannot have any distractions.

  The traffic was light so I should make good time getting home. As it’s only a thirty-minute drive to Bradbury from L. A. Try as I might, I cannot shake thoughts of Jaden. I switch my IPod on in hopes of drowning out her memory.

  Before I knew it, I was punching in the code to the gate and making the drive to the ten-car garage. My parents have told me many times that the house was just too big for me. I would shrug and say it was for business. Secretly, I had spent the $70 million on it in hopes of a family.

  The first time I saw it, my heart had swelled. Yes, it was big at 17,000 sq. ft. However, I had hoped to fill it with a wife and kids before now. It was white with large beautiful columns out front and a circular drive. There were seven bedrooms
, ten full baths and three partial baths. It had a formal dining room, family dining room, a butler’s pantry, and a spa with a hot tub. The woodwork and attention to detail was stunning. There was a private library, my office, and the ceilings were to die for. Big, yes, but it felt like home.

  Except tonight, as I stepped from the car and entered through the back of the house in hopes of avoiding Sandy or the staff. I laughed thinking about her and how she had handled me today. There was a woman who had lived a very real fairy tale.

  Years ago, she went to work for a very hardnosed businessman as his PA. She fought her feelings for him for years, as he was her boss. Then one night he had confessed himself, leaving her without reason to run. They lived and loved for years without children, as she was not able to. Then his sudden death five years ago left her shattered.

  Just knowing and having had a small part in her fairy tale gave me just a small amount of hope; hope that somewhere out there was a woman struggling through the darkness as I have been.

  “Good evening, Chase,” Sandy said startling me.

  I spun around. “Damn it Sandy. You scared me,” I said clutching my chest. “What are you doing still awake?”

  “Waiting to see how your blind date went,” she answered, drawing out the blind part. “But judging by the way your face looks I can see it didn’t go to well,” she chuckled.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “Did you know who I was seeing?” I asked with a sly smile.

  She laughed. “Not until I had lunch with Jaden,” she explained. “She mentioned her friends John and Lori set her up. As I know you are friends with a couple by that name, I assumed. What did you do to incur her wrath?”

  I sucked in a breath, pretending to be hurt. “What makes you think I did anything to deserve it?” I questioned and she gave me that ‘Don’t give me that crap’ look. “Ok, fine. I called her a money grubbing bitch.”

  She put her hand over her mouth and gasped. “Chase, you know damn well that’s not true,” she whispered. “When are you ever going to get it through your head? Not all women are Samantha.”

  Feeling a little hurt I said, “Yea, I’m starting to see it. Yet, there is a part of me that still wants to shield my heart.” I ran my hand through my hair. “Besides, even if you’re right about her, I can’t date her now.”

  “Why ever not, Chase?” she asked.

  “Because you made me feel bad for making her cry,” I replied. “Then I hired her. I can’t date an employee and…”

  She reached out to touch my arm when I went to turn away. “What Chase?” she gently asked.

  I turned back. “I don’t think she wants me like that,” I whispered. For a second I could feel the sting of tears at the back of my eyes. Why did that thought make me feel so open, so raw?

  “Chase, I think she does,” Sandy said. “But one look at her and you can see she has been through more than any young woman should have to. She lost her father at a young age and her life turned upside down. She is probably as scared as you are, if not more. Don’t be too quick to dismiss the idea of dating her while you employ her. It is not something to be ashamed of, just give her a chance and don’t push her away.”

  I smiled and bent to place a kiss on her cheek. “As always, you have given me a lot to think about,” I said. “I think I will take care of my face and assess the damage. Tomorrow is a new day.”

  She giggled. “You haven’t seen your face yet?” she asked in surprise and I shook my head. “Well then, you are going to be in for a surprise.”

  I groaned and headed for the door, but paused and turned back. “Do you really think she can do the job?” I inquired.

  Sandy nodded. “Yes and she will be good for you too,” she answered.

  I shook my head in amazement. “Good night Sandy,” I said.

  “Good night Chase,” she responded.

  As I made my way to my room, I removed my coat and tie. ‘Good for me too,’ I pondered what Sandy had said. Could I have been wrong? Since Jaden stepped into my office, my whole world tilted. Everything I thought I had taught myself about women felt like an alternate universe now. It was as if I had stepped through an episode of one of my favorite shows, The Twilight Zone.

  One look in the mirror told me that I was going to have an interesting day at work tomorrow. I had a swollen black eye. My cheek was also bruised and cut. “How in the hell am I going to explain this?” I said aloud.

  Sandy was right. I did deserve this, and more. I was so rude to her. No not rude, I was cruel. I was cruel in a way that had even shocked me. I shook my head and stripped, and then crawled into bed.

  “How do I make it up to her?” I questioned as I settled down. Can what I said even be corrected? Then a thought hit me. “I will go into the office and get my schedule cleared and after lunch I will teach her to drive.”

  Smiling and thinking I had the solution that would work, I fell into a restless sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Lunch with Lori

  I stumbled into my tiny kitchen the next morning. I had maybe slept two hours all night. Thoughts of Chase filtered through my mind and dreams making sleep impossible. Not to mention that my hand was killing me all night as it is now.

  I rummaged around in the cabinets hoping against all hope that I had some coffee somewhere. “Damn, I’m out,” I said aloud. I walked over to the fridge, opened the door, empty, and I slammed it shut.

  I did have that expense account. I just do not feel right using it. I broke down in tears. I just can’t take all the stress any longer. Something has to give and give soon. “I can’t pay my bills or buy food,” I cried. “What in the hell am I going to do?”

  I stood there in my tiny kitchen and allowed myself to cry awhile longer. “No!” I screamed. “Get it together. I will figure this out, I always do. I will not ask Lori for help nor will I ask my mom or sister. They would just love that.”

  I walked out of the kitchen to the so-called living room. I pressed play on the IPOD Lori had given me for Christmas last year and laid down on the ratty couch allowing the music to fill me.

  As the sound of the oldies washed over me, I decided I was going to stay right here all day. I started to cry again but this time I didn’t correct myself. I allowed myself a few moments of self-pity, I had been strong for so long that I was bound to break.

  Thoughts of Chase, once again, played through my mind. The man was a pig. How dare he kiss me as if he had the right? As one-track ended and another began, I fell asleep. A few hours later the phone ringing woke me. I groaned and got up to answer. “Hello?” I said.

  “Hey sweetie,” Lori greeted me. “I thought we would catch some lunch, what do you say?” Part of me didn’t want to, but I knew it would be the only time I would eat today.

  “Sure,” I answered. “When and where?”

  “Right now,” Lori answered. “I’m sitting right outside.”

  ‘Figures,’ I thought. “Ok, give me a few minutes and I will be down.”

  “Ok, hurry up,” Lori said and disconnected. Lori was going to answer for the hell they had put me through last night. I made my way into my room, changed, and headed out to Lori’s car.

  “Hey Jaden?” I heard Larry call to me.

  I turned before I opened the car door. “What do you want, Larry?” I asked in frustration.

  “I just want to apologize for last night,” he said as the color left his face. “Your boyfriend made it clear when he left to stay away from you.”

  At a loss I asked, “My boyfriend? You mean the guy I was with last night, right?” He nodded. “What did he say?”

  “When he came out he called my name and said to leave you alone because you belong to him,” he explained. “I’m sorry. If I had known, you were spoken for…Well anyway, it won’t happen again.”

  I nodded numbly. “Thank you.” I said and Larry walked away.

  I slide into Lori’s car and she sped off. “What was that about?” she asked.

forgotten, I answered, “He said that Chase warned him off last night after I was in my apartment.”

  “Really?” she questioned. “What did he say?”

  “Chase told him to back off that I was his,” I answered in stunned shock. I shook my head, remembering how angry I was with Lori. “Why did you and John do that?”

  “Calm down Jaden,” she said. “Had we known the two of you had already met it wouldn’t have happen. You never told me what company you applied at or the pricks name. Had you of informed me, I would have called it off.”

  I felt my anger increase. Most of the time, when Lori oversteps her bounds, we would argue. “Don’t turn this back on me!” I shouted. “You’re the one who kept his name from me.” I took a deep breath. We were both to blame. “Sorry Lori. I shouldn’t have yelled, but damn it.”

  Lori reached over and patted me on the knee. “I’m sorry too,” she admitted. “It looks like we are both at fault here.” She looked at me then back to the road. “How was it after you left?”

  I looked out her window. “I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” I groaned. “Where are we going?”

  “The Street Café,” she answered.

  “Are you trying to set me up again?” I demanded to know. “You know that’s right up the street from CSD Inc.”

  Calmly Lori said, “Yes it is and no I’m not. You know I love eating there at lunch.”

  “Put the top down,” I said in response.

  Lori laughed. “I thought you’d never ask.” She beamed and she pushed a button on the dash of her cherry red BMW. The top slowly rolled back and I sat there basking in the afternoon sun.

  “Ok sleepyhead. We’re here,” Lori announced.

  I raised my head and forced myself not to look back at CSD Inc. I knew he was there and just didn’t want to think about him or the kiss.

  Once we were sitting Lori asked, “When do you start work?”


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