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Wild, Wicked & Wanton

Page 7

by Tawny Taylor

  That ass. Soft and round. Perfect.

  Trembling with mounting need he struggled to contain, he moved closer, cupping the silky flesh in his palms. The heat radiating from her skin seeped into his blood.


  He sank to his knees, dragging in gulp after gulp of musky-scented air. He could think of nothing but tasting her, drinking her sweet honey as it pulsed from her swollen flesh. He eased her feet apart, and positioned himself between them. Oh yes. Heaven.

  But before he had his first taste, Bastien moved to a nearby chair, taking her with him. Sitting, he coaxed her to lean over him, dangling a full breast over his mouth.

  Bent at the waist, her feet once again planted wide apart, her position allowed Xander free access to her ass and pussy. While Bastien feasted on Alyria’s most perfect nipples, Xander feasted on Alyria’s most perfect pussy. He drank her sweet juices, ever hungry for more. His tongue danced over her clit. At the sound of a broken sigh, he thrust two fingers into her slit then withdrew them, dragging her cream back toward her anus.

  Soon, his cock would be pistoning in and out of that hot canal. But not soon enough. His cock burned. His balls ached. He wanted to claim his bride. He prayed to the goddess for the strength to endure the torture. Only to have what remained of his will beaten down by the desperate cry of his bride as she trembled over top of him.

  “Please. No more,” she begged. Her legs were shaking. Her skin puckered, covered with gooseflesh.

  Muttering a curse, he unzipped his pants and circled his erection with his damp fingers. They couldn’t afford to give her what she wanted. Hell, they couldn’t afford for him to take the time to give her even a handful of minutes of pleasure. The safety of Alyria had to be his primary focus, over everything else. If he was going to have any hope of saving her life, he had to stop this now.

  Oh hell! He pulled in a deep Maggie-scented breath. Goddess have mercy.

  “I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He ducked and forced himself to crawl backward, out from underneath her.


  Bastien promptly took over, cupping a hand over her sex and sliding a finger between her folds. She sighed and shuddered, which was quite a sight from his vantage, on his knees a couple feet away.

  He closed out the sight of his bride’s full buttocks and shapely legs, turned and went back to work, while Bastien continued to worship Maggie’s body as he wished he could. His office was filled with her soft cries and whimpers, punctuated by the tap-tapping of his computer’s keyboard as he worked.

  * * *

  What the fuck was up with Xander? If it wasn’t for the fact that Bastien was driving her insane with the most skillful mouth, tongue, teeth and hands to be seen in this galaxy, she’d have been highly insulted. What man walked away from a woman who was naked, dripping wet and begging to be fucked?

  Fortunately for her, Bastien seemed to be inspired to make up for Xander’s shortfall. He stopped his ever-so-effective tormenting long enough to swap places with her. She lounged on the chair, her bottom on the very edge of the seat, her legs spread wide. And he knelt before her, her knees hooked over his shoulders and his head buried between her thighs.

  What that man could do with his tongue. “Oh, God!” she chanted, over and over. His tongue flicked over her clit, applying exactly the right amount of pressure she needed, while his fingers fucked her slowly. His knuckles scraped the sensitive upper wall of her vagina, increasing her pleasure.

  She kept her eyelids half-open so she could watch Bastien eat her while she played with her nipples, and Xander squirm in his chair as he pecked at the keyboard with his index fingers. He shot an occasional glance her way. His face grew redder every time he did, which only spiked her already soaring body temperature.

  He was watching. Mmmmm.

  She’d never imagined herself an exhibitionist, but she had to admit the idea of Xander watching her being eaten was driving her absolutely crazy.

  What if someone else came into the room?

  Eeeeeehhhh… ooooohhhhh! A blast of heat rocketed through her body. Her eyelids too heavy to hold up any longer, they dropped down to shut her off from the world outside, cocooning her in a swirling world of wildly intense, pulsing sensations. The sound of her breathing and the soft smacking of Bastien’s perfect-wonderful-absolutely-scrumptious lips echoed in her ears. The musky scent of her own arousal burned in her nose. And tingles rippled through her body, igniting every nerve from her head to the soles of her feet.

  She wanted a thick cock. She needed a thick cock. Pumping in and out of her pussy. Bastien’s fingers were beyond wonderful, and his mouth… even more amazing. But she burned with the need to be fucked. Slow, fast, soft, hard. Any and every way imaginable.

  Right about the time she was ready to scream her frustration to everyone in earshot, the pounding of heavy footsteps toward her inspired her to open her eyes.

  “Fucking hell! I can’t stand this.”

  Xander! Yay!

  He stood behind Bastien, his lips drawn into a thin line. The muscles of his neck were tight ropes, his jaw clenched so tightly, he hardly looked like himself. He leaned over Bastien and closed his hot mouth over her right breast, suckling so hard, she bucked her hips back.

  “Oh God, yes! Fuck me.”

  Her plea was followed by the sound of frenzied movement, cloth rustling, zippers zinging, men grunting.

  Xander took her hands in his and led her from the chair to his desk. He cleared the surface with one swoop of his thick arm then gently lowered her onto her back. “We cannot claim her,” he growled.

  “Okay,” Bastien said, sounding as breathless as she felt. He stood at her side, hands exploring every inch of her body. Xander circled around to the end of the desk, lifted her legs and teased her slit with the head of his cock.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Blown away by the frenzy of sensations pummeling her system, she gripped the edge of the desk with her hands and held her breath. The next moment, the air exploded from her lungs in a scream of pleasure when he plunged inside, seating himself fully.

  He was big, hard, perfect. And he knew the exact angle, the precise rhythm her body craved. Bastien stood beside her, one fist gliding up and down his cock, the fingers of the other hand dancing over her clit.

  Xander’s cock pounded in and out of her tight pussy, stroking, possessing, taking. She spread her legs wider and clenched her inner muscles, welcoming the intensified sensations the position gave her. Sweat streamed down her temples and gathered between her breasts. She gulped in shallow gasps of air between cries of bliss. Having been driven to the very cusp of climax before Xander had entered her, her body quickly reached orgasm. The prickly heat swept through her body, drawing out a heavy sigh. She arched her back as her every nerve ignited and every muscle pulsed.

  But just as she felt the telltale sensation of Xander’s cock swelling with cum, he pulled out. He groaned as his semen spurted onto her breasts and stomach in short, rhythmic bursts. A split second later, Bastien added his cum to Xander’s.

  She wasn’t even fully recovered when they cleaned her up and helped her off the desk. While she sat in the chair, trying to gather up the strength to go through with what she knew would be close to impossible, the duo of sex gods huddled together, talking in hushed tones.

  Chapter 8

  It really was a shame she couldn’t have both the Dynamic Duo -- such an apt label for her lovers -- and the meaningful, rewarding life that came with freedom. Because if it were possible, she’d consider staying in this strange world, regardless of its quirks.

  To say she’d never had such amazing sex… it was the world’s biggest understatement. They made her feel, want, imagine things she’d never before. Sex with two men. Two impossibly gorgeous men. Oh. My. God. Beyond mind-blowing.

  But most importantly, they made her feel sexy. They didn’t ridicule. They not only accepted her as she was, but they seemed to appreciate her as she was. Physically. Sexually. In every w

  It really pissed her off that she had to walk away from this, from them. Life was so unfair! She wanted her cake, pie and ice cream too.

  She was still tingling all over, giddy and satisfied. But it was time to get going, before she lost her nerve, or before those wicked pheromones the Dynamic Duo produced kick-started her libido again.

  Pheromones sucked.

  Since she’d been a little distracted, she hadn’t been able to think of a good lie to convince her Masters to take her to the portal. Didn’t help that she was the world’s worst liar ever. And an even lamer manipulator.

  Time was running out and she was getting panicky. Since Xander had made love to her, the few memories of her former life she’d managed to hang onto had grown even more shadowy and vague. Although she knew in her gut that she’d been content, and had enjoyed her work, she couldn’t remember a single detail anymore -- what her job had been, who her friends had been, where she’d lived.

  For some reason, all she could think about was freedom. Why?

  She hoped something would spark her memories when she returned. If not, she’d be lost and confused. How would she find her way home? Would she know her home when she saw it? “Will you take me to the portal?”

  “No.” Standing beside his desk, his brows slanted, Xander regarded her with a troubled look. “Why would you want to see the portal?” She caught him swapping worried looks with Bastien as he pulled on his clothes.

  God, he was gorgeous. Almost made her forget what she was trying to accomplish. “I was curious to see what a magical portal looks like.”

  Two blank faces stared at her.

  Okay, so they weren’t buying that explanation. It was lame. Who could blame them? She was going to have to do better. For some reason self-reliance, personal fulfillment. Freedom. Those were all that mattered.

  Think, think, think!

  Since bringing her to Alyria, the Dynamic Duo had put on this tough act. But when push came to shove, they’d proven themselves to be big softies -- far more concerned with her feelings than worried about properly “training” her as a submissive. She hated to use their good-heartedness to her advantage, but what else did she have?

  “It’ll help me put some closure on my former life. Please,” she added, making sure her voice sounded as desperate as she could make it, “this means a lot to me.”

  The Duo traded looks again. Xander’s expression was more strained; Bastien’s more obliging.

  Sensing she was making some headway, at least with Bastien, she forged on. “You expect me to accept a whole new life, one foreign to me -- confusing, a little scary. Total subservience? No clothes. No job. No independence. You’ve got to be fair.” She stood, took Bastien’s hands in hers and tipped her head to meet his gaze. “It’s human nature. I need to say goodbye to what I knew before I can even think of accepting this new life, this new role. You didn’t give me that chance when you kidnapped me.” Please say yes. Please! “Xander?” She turned her attention to him. “I know you care about me. I know you want what’s best.” A muscle in his jaw ticked but he didn’t command her to silence like she knew he could -- and probably wanted to. “But you have to realize you’re asking for a lot,” she pushed. “I’m giving up everything. I just want to say goodbye.”

  It twitched again.

  He sighed.

  His gaze slid to Bastien then back to her again. “No bride has returned to the portal, yet they’ve all come to accept their new life. Every bride…” He launched into this long and confusing explanation of why he couldn’t allow her to see the portal. Meanwhile, as he rambled on, she sank into a deep pit of despair.

  He had made his decision. The answer was no. She was going to live as a prisoner, held captive against her will, unable to make decisions for herself any longer. Even decide what she was going to eat. What clothes she’d wear. Where she’d go.

  No, no, no!

  “I’m not ‘every bride’,” she snapped, eyes burning. “I’m me.”

  Bastien gently tightened his grip on her fingertips. “Your memories should have faded --”

  “Well, they haven’t,” she lied. “I’m homesick and scared, and you’re being completely unreasonable. What would you do if someone hauled you off and informed you that you’d no longer be able to see the people you loved, return to your job, or ever again enjoy the things that made you happy? I like to work. To face obstacles and overcome them. To accomplish something for myself. Those things make life worth living.” Blinking at the tears gathering in her eyes, she continued, “I never realized how much I need to not only be loved and cared for, but also grow and push myself. Fantasy is terrific. It gives a girl a break from the everyday. But fantasy everyday, all day is just… monotony.”

  “You will come to accept your life here.” Xander’s voice was soothing, the hand he pressed to the small of her back even more so. Yet she refused to let it douse the fury raging through her system.

  This was it. If she lost this battle, she’d lose the war. She’d remain in Alyria forever, her former life -- all thirty-something years -- stolen from her. They’d vanish completely, as if they’d never happened. As if she’d come from nowhere. A woman with no past.

  “I have to see the portal. I’ll never accept this life if I don’t.”

  Silence. Heavy. Tense.

  She struggled with the temptation to fill the void. A part of her wondered if something more could be said, something that would make Xander and Bastien understand where she was coming from. But another part of her felt she’d said all she needed to.

  Finally, Xander broke the silence. “I have something very important to do right now. Something that can’t wait. We’ll discuss this later.”

  She was both mature enough to accept the fact that asking Xander to drop everything and haul her to the portal might be more than a little inconvenient… and frustrated enough not to care. Her memories were not just slipping away anymore, but rocketing away. The ticking clock was racing.

  No, if she waited even an hour, there would be no reason to go. She’d no longer know the former life she was trying to return to.

  “Isn’t there any way?” she pleaded.

  “I can take her,” Bastien offered.

  “Hmmm,” was Xander’s response.

  This was not what she needed. Mask had said both her Masters had to be present. Already, she could see what was coming. Since she’d arrived in Alyria, Xander had let Bastien do all the caretaking, while he pitched in when it was convenient. Bastien had come to her first, when she woke up in the dungeon. Bastien had brought her food. And now it was Bastien who would satisfy her need for closure.

  Maybe she had no intention of sticking this situation out, but she couldn’t let Xander get away with that again. Even if it hadn’t been necessary for him to be there to make the portal work.

  “No,” she said before Xander had a chance to back out. “I want you both with me. It’s important. Xander, you’ve left Bastien to do most of the work when it comes to me. When are you going to start doing your share?”

  His eyebrows dipped. His face turned the deep cranberry shade of a beet. “Do you dare say such a thing to me, just as I was about to oblige your request?”

  Was he fuming! But she wasn’t going to back down. She couldn’t afford to. “Were you? Or were you going to make Bastien handle it?”

  His mouth opened then snapped shut.

  “Respect is earned, Master. Regardless of a man’s title, he still must earn the respect of his followers, his employees, his soldiers, and… most importantly those he loves.”

  “You don’t appreciate what pressure I’m facing now.”

  She tipped her chin and glared at him. “And neither do you.”

  “Xander, if we must go, I say we do so quickly,” Bastien reasoned -- the man had quite the head on his shoulders. “I’m beginning to believe more time will be lost by arguing --”

  “There will be no arguing,” Xander interrupted. “I’ll command h
er to silence.”

  Ha! Let him try! “And you will lose my respect and trust,” she ground out.

  Xander clenched his fists, charged across the room, then turned and mapped the same path to his desk. Silent, furious, he stomped back and forth twice before muttering, “Very well.”

  And with that, they were off.

  One step closer to freedom.

  * * *

  The portal was nothing like she’d expected. In her mind’s eye, she’d visualized something like those airport security pass-through thingies -- the ones that sounded off alarms if a girl was foolish enough to wear button-fly jeans. She’d expected something that looked technical, with blinking lights and metal gadgets and gizmos.

  Instead, the portal looked like a giant mirror with distorted glass. Or a movie screen displaying a film out of focus. The dark image was blurred as she stepped up to it.

  “This is it?” She glanced to either side, looking for some kind of switch or button to activate it. Where were the dials, keyboard? How would it know where to send her? Could she end up traveling to the wrong place? “How’s it work? There aren’t any controls. And I can’t see anything in the big screen thingy. Does it need an adjustment?”

  Beside her, Xander explained, “The bride activates the portal by summoning her Masters. Her voice, or rather her words, opens it. Then her Masters pass through the portal and bring her back. Later, after the claiming, the portal becomes tuned into the next bride’s location.”

  “So, until you two claim me, the portal will remain open to my house?”

  On her other side, Bastien nodded. “Yes.”

  “Can I see?” She stared into the deepening haze in the portal’s surface. It was growing foggier, darker, rather than clearer. “Why does it look like that?”

  “Your memories are fading, and with it the image in the portal and its connection to your world.” Xander caught her arm and jerked, forcing her to look at him. “You lied. Why?”

  A huge lump formed in her throat. “Lied about what?”

  “Your memories are vanishing. The portal would be clear if they weren’t.”


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