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Wild, Wicked & Wanton

Page 16

by Tawny Taylor

  But then it was gone, and she felt alive and free and so very grateful. Until now.

  “Where are we going?” Her head pounded with each beat of her heart. The pain was growing more excruciating, blinding with every step she took. And so debilitating, she barely had the strength to walk.

  Finally, they stopped in a familiar room. The portal to her apartment rippled in front of her, the image distorted and hazy but semi-recognizable.

  The dam holding back her tears broke then, as she stared at what remained of her former life. Tears of fear and anger and confusion.

  “You’ll feel better as soon as you cross through,” Maksim said, cupping her elbow and moving her closer to the portal.

  Still crying, she shook her head, twisting her neck to look up at him. Did he have any clue how agonizing this was? To have him practically shoving her through the portal, so eager to be rid of her? After she’d opened herself up, dared take risks she’d never in a million years dream of? “I couldn’t make you happy. Is that it? That’s why you want to get rid of me?”

  “Oh, baby.” Maks jerked her against him, engulfing her small body into a crushing embrace. He kissed the top of her head. “That’s not it. Not at all.”

  “Then why?” She tipped her head back to look at him. “Why don’t you love me?”

  Suddenly, his eyes were teary and red, his face a mask of pain. “That’s just it. Goddess help me, I do care for you. That’s why I can’t force you to stay here any longer. I know what it’ll do to you.” Maksim’s hold on her slackened and he staggered backward. His gaze swept over her face. “I saw it firsthand. A good friend of mine claimed his bride even though she didn’t want him to. He did it to save her life, but she didn’t believe him. She’d forgotten some of her former life, but not enough. The sorrow and anger and resentment destroyed her over time. She killed herself. She killed their unborn child.” He dropped his face until his mouth hovered a fraction of an inch over hers. “In many ways, you remind me of her. Beautiful. Intelligent. Independent and determined. I can’t stand the thought of you hating me, resenting me. So desperate for a way out, you’d hurt yourself.”

  “Please don’t do this. How could I ever hate you?” She dragged her thumbs along her lower lashes, smearing the tears streaming from her eyes. “Maybe this is partly my fault,” she admitted, understanding now where he was coming from. It was such a huge relief that he wasn’t sending her away because she’d failed him. She did this odd sounding laughing-sob thing. “I know I’ve sent you mixed signals, telling you I want to go home and then saying I don’t.”

  “That’s actually very normal,” Cy explained, stepping beside her. “As a bride’s memory of her former life fades, she comes to accept her new one. At least most of them do. That’s the first I’ve heard of a bride who couldn’t adjust.”

  Maksim motioned to the portal. “You’ve seen your home again. Do you remember what you’re leaving behind?”

  “Seeing my apartment, I do remember my former life. At least, the parts that matter. And that doesn’t change anything I’m saying now. Believe me. Please. That life means nothing to me anymore. Especially the career I’d more or less lost myself in. You see, I know now I was missing something. I was trying to compensate for that something. But I don’t have to compensate anymore. Not if you say the words and really mean them.”

  “What words?” Maksim asked, softly. “What words do you need to hear?”

  “I love you.”

  He smiled, pulled her to him and gazed down into her eyes. “But that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to say. I didn’t think it would be enough, just saying the words. I needed to show you, to let you make the choice.”

  “You have shown me. Now, all that’s left is saying the words.”

  “I love you, Cheryl. I adore you. I cherish you. You are my life, my future, my everything. That scares me more than you know, but I can’t deny it anymore. You have the power to destroy me. I’ve given it to you, freely. And to Cy.”

  She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him, murmuring against his mouth, “I love you too. Thank you.” And then, she turned to Cy.

  This man had been the one who’d been open with her, right from the beginning. He’d guided her, shown her patience when she’d been struggling to accept the whole bride thing.

  But still, a small doubt lingered. She’d always sensed he wanted a bride who was totally submissive, naturally born that way. No matter how hard she tried, or wanted it to be, she was not the submissive woman he’d expected.

  And yet, despite her happiness with Maksim, her insides felt like they’d been sent through a meat grinder, at just the thought of never seeing him again.

  Could she really be in love with two men? At the same time?


  “Cy?” she asked, her heart in her throat, making it hard to speak. She had to swallow, hard, a couple times before she could say more. “I know I’m not the kind of woman you’ve dreamed of --”

  “No.” He pressed his fingertip to her mouth. “Listen to me.”

  Dizzy and nervous and scared and giddy, all at once, she nodded.

  “Maybe I didn’t know myself that well, either. You taught me some things about myself. In particular, how much I need a woman who is strong and independent, confident enough to take risks.” He took her hands in his, lifted one and pressed a kiss to the back. “I wouldn’t be happy with anyone but you.”

  A sob of relief tore from her chest. She flung herself at him, literally, letting his strong arms catch her, support her. “Oh, thank God!”

  She stood there for a while, just enjoying the moment. Relishing the feeling of being wanted and loved and appreciated. Finally, it was the agony in her head that made her pull back slightly. “Can we please go home now? To our home? Will you claim me now? Can you?”

  She watched the guys exchange looks over her head. They smiled.

  Yes. The answer was yes.

  * * *

  Back in the dungeon. They were back, and these two men loved her and wanted her and were going to keep her.

  She was absolutely ecstatic, and, yes, a smidge nervous. It wasn’t every day that a girl made this kind of life-altering decision. Once this was done, there’d be no turning back.

  Once again, Cy and Maks asked her if she was sure. They were so sweet, wanting to be positive this was her choice. Despite the overwhelming agony thrumming through her body, her heart was so light, she thought it might float out of her body like a helium balloon.

  As always, she knelt on the floor and ran through presenting herself to her soon-to-be forever Masters. Their eyes glittered with hunger as they watched, and wave after wave of heat pulsed through her body.

  When she was done, it was Maks who made the first move. He stripped off his clothes, led her to a low table, gave her a kiss so desperate and erotic it made her toes curl and then lay on his back, his legs dangling over the edge. His erection stood tall and proud as he hiked himself up on his bent elbows. “Come to me, bride.”

  Cy helped her climb onto the table and position herself on top of Maks. This was the moment they’d been preparing her for, mentally and physically. She was about to be penetrated by both men, at the same time. Oh God. She just knew it was going to feel great.

  She squatted over Maksim’s erect cock, a fist wrapped around it. Maks smoothed a lot of lube over her anus, and she quivered at the slick touch. More heat pounded through her body. Tension coiled inside. She teased her anus with the flared head of Maksim’s cock, but Cy stopped her before she tried to impale herself on it.

  “Not yet.” Coaxing her to lay back on top of Maksim, he helped her into position. Then he lifted her legs and pushed them as far back as he could. “You’re not ready.”

  The man had a magical tongue. And his hands… they were the tools of the gods. He suckled on her clit and she was nearly launched to the moon.

  Meanwhile, Maksim’s hands had found her breasts and were caressing, pinching, teasing her. He murmu
red lusty, sweet words in her ears, promising her every dark fantasy for the rest of her lifetime, and she groaned in gratitude. She rested her hands on top of his, arched her back and concentrated on sucking in another much-needed breath.

  She was on fire, and it was all thanks to her gorgeous, dominating, powerful barbarians. Somehow they knew what she craved, what she needed. Physically and emotionally. They knew exactly how to love her.

  She could feel the first flare of impending climax. Her legs tightened. Her feet cramped, and the breath she’d inhaled got stuck in her throat. She wanted release, more than she wanted anything else, but she held it back, fought the urgent demand springing from every cell in her body. Not yet. Not until they were both inside.

  “Please,” she heard herself beg. “I can’t hold back.”

  Thankfully, Cy understood. He stopped his oral torture of her clit and once again helped her position herself over Maksim’s engorged cock. But before she lowered herself onto it, Maksim tested her anus with one finger, then two, scissoring them to gently stretch her.

  It was sweet agony.

  And then he was done and she was hovering over his thick cock, her heart pounding its way through her breastbone.

  Cy held her around the waist, helping her slowly sink down onto Maksim’s rod.

  “Oh God.”

  There was a burning but then her muscles relaxed around him and she was wonderfully full. A blaze erupted inside her body.

  “Oh God,” she said again. She let Cy and Maks support her as she slowly reclined against Maksim’s chest, his cock deep inside her ass. And then Cy gently lifted her legs and eased into her pussy.

  That was the end of her. Barely aware of Cy and Maks murmuring words she didn’t understand, she clamped her eyes shut and rode the wild, surging wave of a fierce orgasm. Her pussy and ass convulsed around two glorious cocks, and in the distance, she heard her guys growling, literally, as they too found a swift release.

  This was beyond anything she’d ever dreamed. Her orgasm went on and on, or maybe she just had one after another, after another. She didn’t know or care. All she knew was that it was magical and wonderful and she didn’t ever want it to end.

  But, sadly, it did. And slowly the intense sensations diminished, until the powerful convulsions were mere tingly twitches.

  She felt someone’s hands pressing against the sides of her face. Soft lips claimed hers, and a tongue swept into her mouth.

  A sweet kiss for a sweet moment.

  She opened her eyes when the kiss ended and smiled into Cy’s flushed face. His eyes shone with such love, it made her want to cry.

  Maybe it made no sense, this falling in love in such a short time. With two supposed shapeshifter magical Knights. But she knew, without any doubt, that it was one hundred percent real. And one hundred percent right.

  This was what she’d been missing in her life -- love. And now that she had it, she never wanted to live another day without it. She’d just given her heart, her life, everything to these men. And they would cherish her gifts.

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t go slower,” Cy said, not looking sorry at all. “That’s not how this was supposed to go. But we were just… I promise we’ll make it up to you.”

  She giggled, which was so unlike her.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  The headache was gone. She’d been too distracted to realize it. “I feel great. Strong and full of energy.”

  “You’d grown pretty weak. Our precious, independent bride. That’s why you feel so much better.” Cy’s slackening cock eased out of her still-twitching pussy. “Now, we want to give you a wedding gift,” he said. “What would you like?”

  She thought about it for a moment. Her Masters had already given her just about everything a girl could want, with the exception of a great new wardrobe. But she’d come to appreciate the benefits that came from not wearing clothes. For one thing, her skin seemed to be more sensitive now. She hadn’t realized how much clothing rubbed and irritated the skin. “I just want more time like this, with you and Maks.”

  He smiled. “I thought you’d say that. Which is why we bought you something anyway.” He helped her ease off of Maksim’s slackening cock before leaving.

  Mks helped her sit up. She dangled her legs over the edge of the table, swinging her feet while she waited, wondering what kind of gift they’d bought her. Especially since it seemed like they’d planned on sending her home. Had they known all along that she’d refuse? Or maybe they’d hoped she’d ask to stay.

  Maks refused to say a word, even when she threatened him with bodily harm. He laughed and, lifting her off the table took her place, setting her in his lap, his face shining with love. She snuggled closer.

  She was so happy. She could never be any happier than this.

  Cy returned a few minutes later with two boxes, wrapped in silver paper. He handed them to her, and she accepted the gifts with tears in her eyes. They had to know they’d already given her everything she wanted. And yet, they gave her more.

  Happy sigh.

  Gosh, when was the last time she’d gotten a present? She couldn’t remember, she realized. Couldn’t remember anything at all about the life she’d lived before she’d come to Alyria. But that didn’t bother her anymore. Not at all. She had her life here, with Cy and Maks.

  “Are you just going to stare at them, or are you going to open them up?” Cy taunted.

  “You!” She wagged a finger at him, grinning. “Be careful.”

  “Or what?” he teased back, poking a finger at the boxes in her hands. “Open them or I’m going to.”

  “Fine, fine.” She ripped the paper off the top one, which was the smaller of the two, and discovered a beautiful slave collar in it. Clear jewels were draped and strung over a narrow leather band, making the collar look more like a choker than a collar. It was absolutely gorgeous and she couldn’t wait to put it on.

  Maks helped her into it, and it fit perfectly. Her eyes burning with tears, she thanked them both with kisses and hugs, and they gave her kisses and hugs in return.

  And then she opened the second box and discovered a stack of paper and a bunch of pencils. She glanced up at Cy, wondering why they’d given her such a strange gift. He motioned to Maks. “It was his idea.”

  “Your writing and artwork inspired me. I saw them earlier, shortly after you arrived. You have a great gift, one that I couldn’t stand to see wasted. I’ve started a new line of products for the Twelfth Knight brides, and I’m hoping you’ll help me.”

  It took her several minutes to realize what he was saying. “You mean, you’re offering me a job? A real job?”

  Maks smiled and nodded. “It was the only way I could allow myself to keep you here. You’ll work from home for now, since it is the law. You must remain sequestered. I just want you to continue to write those stories and sketch those pictures. And with your permission, I’ll use them in the new line. We’ll be publishing a series of erotic books for our new brides. It’s the first time anything like this has been approved by the goddess. It’s very important. An opportunity to make things easier for future brides to adjust to their new lives. And I need you. To make it work.”

  Cheryl was totally speechless. She’d grown so used to the idea of being at home, doing nothing but the sexual homework her Masters gave her -- which was fun. She’d never expected this.

  And so, unable to actually verbalize how she felt, she resorted to showing Maks. After setting the box of paper on the table, she took his face between her hands and pressed her mouth against his. As he deepened the kiss, her body warmed and those wonderful pulses of pleasure started thrumming through her body again. A thought blazed through her mind. “Will you show me now?”

  “Show you what?” Maks asked.

  He knew what she meant. When her gaze flicked to his mouth, his lips curled up into a sly smile. She raised a brow.

  “Are you sure?”

  She second guessed herself. “No. Yes. Ma

  Laughing, he waited for her to make up her mind.

  “Okay. Yes. I want to see. Just tell me you aren’t going to turn into some kind of monster.”

  “Monster? Nah. Not me. Or Cy. How do you feel about cats?” Maks asked as he lowered her off his lap.

  “Little cute kitties?” she said, moving back a bit to give him some space. She didn’t really believe he was about to change into something, did she? Well...?

  “No, more like big kitties,” he said, eyes glittering with a feral glint that made her warm and toasty all over.

  “Um...” She took another step back and watched, her heart jumping up into her throat as he bent over at the waist. And as she swallowed a shriek, his legs and arms shortened, his head broadened, and a thick coat of black hair grew over his twisting, changing body. In a blink she was staring at a huge black cat. Panther. Its dark eyes were still glittering, but this time that feral glint she’d found so sexy made her stumble backward.

  “My turn,” Cy said beside her. “Are you ready?”

  “I...guess so.” Backing into a corner—yeah, she trusted Maks the man, Maks the Dom, but she wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with Maks the panther--she watched as Cy’s limbs slimmed, body stretched, a thick coat of gold fur with black spots springing from his pores. “Well, I guess that explains how you move so fast,” she said, flattening herself against the wall as Cy, the cheetah prowled closer. “Holy shit. You weren’t lying.”

  Both cats stalked closer, their lithe, powerful bodies near enough for her to touch, but that was one thing she didn’t dare do. There was no saying how much of their humanity remained.

  Cy opened his mouth in a big cat yawn. Those were some huge freaking teeth. Sharp.

  “O-okay,” she muttered, breathlessly. Had she ever been so freaking scared? “I’ve seen enough. You can change back. Now. Right now.” When she saw no sign of their bodies shifting back to men, she added, “Masters? Please?”


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