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Page 101

by Douglas E Roff

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Because I’m switching sides to the humans. I intend to help them win this war or whatever it is. I’ll do everything they ask so, long as they keep us all safe. You, me and the children. And I want to be with Octavio. He’s part of the deal too.”

  “Have you discussed this with Octavio?”

  “It was his idea. He’s going to talk to Edward. Set the stage. Then I’ll sit down with whoever they wish and tell them everything I know. Everything they want to know.”

  “Even the Prophecy?”

  “That too. Not right away, of course, but soon enough. I think Adam St. James is the One. I spoke to Lena in Germany. Carlotta is dying, and Carolina is the last of her royal line. Carolina’s parents died in an automobile accident; she’s the only one left. This has to be the Awakening. I know it.”

  “You believe in all those old fairy tales?”

  “It’s all come true so far. Everything. So, yes, I do. I intend to do my part to make the Prophecy a reality and I think you should do the same.”

  “What can I do?”

  “You can switch sides too. Help me and help the humans. You know what will happen if we go back. Do you really want that?”

  “No, of course not. I just assumed…”

  “Assumed what? That we’re the weak Gens Germania just like the Collective says we are? That we have to do what our husbands say. No voice, no choice? Well I started looking at my options as soon as events began to sound familiar. Like everything happening was suddenly something I had heard about or read about before. Well, update the Prophecy to the twenty-first century and it’s all there.”

  “Should we, you know, call home and tell someone?”

  “Already done. Carlotta is already asking for Hans. Carolina is now being tutored for her role, preparing the way. Hans will take over her education once they find him.”

  “How can we be certain?”

  “Easy. Within the next year if Paulo issues the challenge, then we’ll know for sure. And I’m going to prepare myself to be a part of that. So, should you.”


  “We need to read the Prophecy over and over again in detail from the ancient manuscript and try to interpret its present day meaning. Paulo must be defeated, and his challenger must win the martial contest in order for the Awakening to begin. It will end the conflict between our two species, once and for all, and the new age can then begin. We need to talk to the Custodian soon and then prepare the Society for what’s coming next. And we need to find Him, the Nobilus.”

  “Can we trust them? The Society I mean? The Nobilus?”

  “No, of course not. The Society has unquestionably been infiltrated by Fortizi spies and goons. But there are some we can trust. And those who can be trusted need to be messengers for those who want to listen and for those who already want détente. I need you to be on board with me.”

  “Of course. Tell me what I need to do.”

  “I can do better than that. In the Prophecy there a passage about two sisters and what they must do to fulfill their role in what is to be.”

  “And you think that’s us?”

  “I don’t think; I know. We have kept our family secrets all these many years. You are my sister, not just a friend, and we have an important role to play in all that’s destined to be. I have a copy of the Prophecy that I brought when we came here from Germany. The Custodian gifted it to me. I’m sending you a link to a replica stored in the cloud written in the ancient script. Read it, print it out and study it. Then we’ll talk. After that, we speak to the Human.”

  Chapter 58

  Adam and Misti stepped through the main entrance of their residence at the Manor, then unlocked the front door of their living quarters that opened into the main living room. No one was present, so Adam, dragging all the luggage for the now pregnant Misti, shouted out, “Honeys, we’re home.”

  An even more heavily pregnant Noki and a not as yet pregnant Alana immediately appeared at the connecting doorway into the kitchen.

  Noki said, “Oh you’re home finally. You made it! I’m going to hug you both – I think. Might not be able to reach that far.”

  Alana said, “Oooh I missed you all so much. I’ve been a wreck all morning. I thought you’d never get here.”

  Misti said, “Well, it was an eventful week or so, and I’m glad we went, but we’re both over the moon to be home. We missed you guys so much. How are you sweeties? Noki?”

  “Feeling like a ginormous bubble about to pop. But aside from not being able to see my feet any longer, I’m great. Better now. Come here papa and say hello to our son. He’s missed to awfully and I need a kiss.”

  “Ditto here,” said Alana, “Except for the part about my feet and our son. But I missed my two roommates and my best girlfriend. How you feeling, Misti? How was the air travel?”

  “Good, good, all good. Feeling very energetic, and not sure why, but I’m really, really good. His nibs here slept all the way home. Gonna have to learn how to do that. Had to get an extender for my seatbelt to fit, but that’s about all there was to complain about.”

  Alana turned to Adam, “And you, my friend, look delicious but are in a major league bit of trouble. If what Misti has been telling us is true, then you have been a very bad boy and have some ‘splainin to do. So, lug those bales into your rooms, then come back out here front and center and be prepared for a tongue lashing.”

  She smiled her delightfully wicked smile, pointed to the hallway leading to the bedrooms and said, “Now, skedaddle.”

  Adam looked surprised. He could see that, beneath the smile, Alana was actually a little peeved at him, though he had no idea why. He had only spoken to her directly a few times since he and Misti had left for Casky with Edward and Rafi, but he knew Misti had spoken to her every day. Alana was so seldom ever cross with anyone; he couldn’t imagine what he had done to upset her.

  “Geez, how can I be in this much trouble? I just got home.”


  Alana and Misti walked over to the couch and sat down, hugging, holding hands and whispering something in low, hushed tones. Noki took up her spot on the loveseat opposite, with the large glass top living room table in between, a profusion of flowers in a crystal vase in the center resting on a lace doily.

  When Adam re-entered the room a few minutes later, all eyes were glued to him as he walked slowly and cautiously to a space next to Noki. She was patting the seat, as if to say, “Better sit here. It’s your safest spot.”

  “Now. What exactly have I done?”

  Misti started out, “Four days? Four days with that creature? You told me four minutes, a quick in and out. That’s all you needed.”

  “I said no such thing,” Adam was suddenly defensive. “Noki, is that what I said to you on the phone?”

  “Nope. But on the other hand, I knew what you were going to do. I remember exactly what you said. Sorry ladies, but that isn’t what he said, at least not to me.”

  Alana was very piqued at this point. “And I didn’t give you my permission to go off on this little tryst. I told you to call me because I had some concerns. Remember Hawaii? This could’ve been that and worse. You had no right to decide that for yourself and just do as you please. It isn’t how we operate.”

  Adam now understood why Alana was so angry with him. Tears began to well in the corner of her eyes. The last thing Alana wanted was to be angry at Adam. She loved him, but this was a violation.

  “But sweetie, I never spoke to you. Did I? I can see I should’ve and if I thought I’d ever do anything to hurt you, no matter what it is, I wouldn’t have done it. You must know that.”

  Alana had more to say. The words Adam spoke were no consolation. She had suppressed her anger for days, alternately hating Adam for a betrayal, and herself for still loving him.

  “Four fucking days with her. Four fucking days. And not a word from you. You said four minutes; how
did that become four days?”

  Noki looked at Alana, understanding on an emotional level why she was angry with him; she missed him too. The fact that he was a continent and ocean away and was rolling around in bed with some half human, half Gens tart, was just too much. He apparently had enjoyed himself and Alana felt hurt. But Adam had also just said he had never spoken to her.

  “Alana, sweetie,” asked Noki. “When did you, and Adam talk last?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe Sunday, maybe Monday.”

  “Monday was six days ago. Are you sure you spoke to Adam about this?”

  “Yes, of course I did.”

  Misti had suddenly gone quiet. She began to cry, now realizing what had happened. She too was angry with Adam, but she now knew what she had done to make things worse, particularly for Alana.

  “It’s my fault,” said Misti. “I’m so sorry.”

  All eyes turned to her, Alana in disbelief, and Adam and Noki in confusion.

  “I’m the one to blame here. I got mad in South Dakota waiting and waiting, while Adam was doing that thing. I was the one who spoke to Adam, Alana. You told me to have him call you, but I forgot to ask him. And I thought, you know, four minutes. No big deal. It’s just four minutes. When I remembered, he was already finished. I just didn’t, you know, think. Oh God, Alana I’m so sorry.”

  Alana had now burst into tears and ran out of the living room and into her bedroom. The bedroom she was now sharing with Adam. Adam heard the door slam shut and the door lock.

  Misti looked at Adam, “I’m so sorry, Adam. This is my fault. I was mad at you and I didn’t think. I was selfish and angry. I’ll go talk to her.”

  Adam looked at Misti. “No, it’s better if I speak to her. She has every right to be in my grill about this. I never should’ve started with Helena without talking to her personally. I just … wanted what I wanted. What Dad wanted. I didn’t think about anything, or anyone, just what I needed to do to get what I wanted.”

  “What, Adam? Get what?”

  Noki said, “He went in Helena’s mind, roamed around her human mind and then her primal mind. I’m guessing you spent a lot of time in her transitional mind and trying to understand how they do what they do. Am I right?”

  “Right on the button. But I was also after one more thing.”


  “I wanted to get all their languages, all their codes and all their plans for the future. I went back in time and saw their past. Helena got some really hot ‘mind sex’, but I got the keys to the kingdom. In four fucking days, I got it all.”


  Francois and Marie had quietly made arrangements for their journey across the Channel to their new home in England. Francois thought Marie might, at first, balk at the notion of leaving Paris for the UK, but when he told her about his new job, their new home and all the people she would meet there, she was tearfully very happy. She would be able to spend time with Rod and Cindy’s kids, meet Cindy’s parents and finally, finally meet Cindy. She was nervous and excited and, well, just really nervous. Cindy had promised to be at the Manor on the day they arrived. Then they would go for a long walk on the beautiful grounds and get to know each other – in the flesh.

  Francois and Marie took the bullet train to London, got off and headed by taxi to a building in Kensington. There two men met them, stowed their luggage and a few boxes of things, then took the circuitous route to an underground parking garage. They switched to two large white panel vans, left an hour or so, later and drove in two different directions. They each crossed a small one lane bridge over a gurgling creek, then waited to see if anyone was following. Then, taking separate routes, they converged on the front entrance to the Manor. The guard at the entrance checked them in. They arrived on time to see their new home in daylight. In the distance, Marie spotted a small plot of grassy lawn already staked out with pink markers.

  “Is that for us? Marie whispered to Francois.

  “Probably for the golf course. But maybe for us.”


  Adam knocked very lightly, hoping Alana would let him in. The door barely cracked open and Adam could only see a sliver of a face, one giant, beautiful green eye peering out. She turned and ran back to her bed, leaving the door slightly ajar. She climbed in her bed and pulled the covers up over her head.

  Adam came over to her gently, sitting next to her on the edge of the bed after shutting the door behind him. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I should’ve. I know I was wrong. Will you forgive me?”

  Alana burst into tears, reach up from under the covers to throw her arms around him. “I’m sorry, I just thought … just thought you left me out. Like my opinion didn’t matter. Like I didn’t matter.”

  “Alana you know I don’t think that. Never. I love you. When Misti told me, you were both OK with it, I just didn’t think. I wanted to do what I needed to do, and it took longer than I thought. I went in and looked around. Four minutes. When I knew I could get their language, all their codes and a lot of their secrets, I stayed. I stayed until I got what we needed. It wasn’t all fooling around, you know.”

  “Was she any good? You know, at that?”

  “She was awful, terrible and no fun at all. Makes the word ‘hideous’ seem beautiful compared to her.”


  “Pinky swear; she was a toad and she had big warts all over her face and some awful flesh-eating disease on her tits. I barely got out alive.”


  “I swear.”


  “I can show you later if you want. Tonight. And we can both watch everything together, all four days if you want.”

  “You’re not a very good liar. I’m much better than you. Misti’s the best, but you and Noki suck. But you’re very sweet. And yes, I want to see everything. You saw everything in her skull?”

  “You have no idea. And she had no clue what I was doing. I distracted her then went poking around in her transitional mind most of the time. I got their languages and codes, but I also know exactly how they transform. How and why.”

  Alana sudden jumped up, excited forgetting her earlier drama. “We have to share this. We need to get started right away. This is huge. And, I forgive you for being a brat, and enjoying yourself far too much.”

  Adam smiled his best winning smile and started to get up, but Alana pulled him back. “Not so fast, Mister. You owe me makeup sex. At least a quickie. And when I get that wife of yours, she’s in for it for making me crazy and mad at you. I’m sorry. I should’ve known better.”

  Adam said, “Now then missy. Let me give you a preview of coming attractions. That Helena is one sex starved little minx and one freaky deaky girl. Want to watch or feel? I can plug you in now.”

  “You can do that now?”

  “I can, and a lot more. I’ve been a very busy boy.”


  “He called you? Did you answer?”

  “No, of course not. I know my father. He’d have his bloodhounds out looking for us. He’s going to try to track my phone. I knew that I couldn’t contact him until we got on a secure line at our new home. But we are going to have to call him. I can, or we can. Up to you.”

  “No, I think I should do the talking. He’s your Dad but you’re my wife. He’s a big bully, but not so, tough with me. I won’t put up with his mierde. Whatever he has to say, he’s going to have to say it to us both. Or just me, whatever. You don’t have to be on if you don’t want to. You can let me handle this.”


  “Oooh there you two are,” she said. “I could just eat you both for lunch you look so beautiful. And you, Miss Marie, are even more beautiful in the flesh than you are on TV. HD just doesn’t do you justice.”

  “And you, Madame Cindy look perfectly perfect. Better than my imagination, and my imagination is really vivid. Where’s your better half?”

  “He’s in with my brother and my Dad. Plotting somet
hing grand and spectacular. But come, come, come, you’re bunking with Rod and I in the Old Manor House. Two hundred years old, but all modern now. No outhouses. And tonight, we’re all having dinner at Building Misti with the family and a few friends. Just be warned, the living arrangements are a little different, but after a while it will all seem pretty normal.”

  “It isn’t? asked Marie.

  “Oh God no. But I’ll fill you in once we get your stuff to your apartment. Then tomorrow, we have an appointment with the architect while your hubby starts his new job in the operations center. We have walked every evening at five before dinner. Everyone goes; all the employees. Sometimes we split up into groups, but we always begin and end together. Grownups, kids, dogs and even our gardeners. Some of us stroll, some sit down and talk, some just wander around in the trees. But the only rule is no work talk. Verboten.”

  “Should we come along tonight. Before we meet everyone?”

  “Of course, silly. Everyone’s dying to meet the France’s most beautiful model.”

  Marie giggled and said, “I’m no such thing!”

  Cindy smiled her most devilish smile, and said, “No, I meant Francois.”

  Chapter 59

  Alana said, “Oh … my … God. She is such a dirty whore, that woman. Excuse my French. I mean, who even thinks of shit like that?”

  “I think we might know one ‘you-know-who’ who does. That was only a small taste of what she wanted to do. I’m telling you after one day I wanted to quit but she had reserves of sexual depravity that would make the Marquis de Sade blush. Seriously.”

  Alana asked, “I suppose you’re going to tell Misti?”

  “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Hell, yes I would,” she said. “I mean Misti is the only human on the planet who can match Helena in that department. I can promise you that.”

  “Yeah, I know. The original Ms. Freaky Deaky 2016. You know, we could all three of us do ‘things’ together if we want. We don’t have to take part, but we could just watch.”


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