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Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1)

Page 8

by Stephanie St. Klaire

  Not sure where to start answering her quiz, he started to speak, but Granny beat him to it, hands on her hips and a stern look to her face.

  “Now, little missy, where are your manners. Let the man in the room, darlin’, so he can put his things down and say hello. I’ll go down stairs and get you breakfast in a minute. It’s good to see ya, handsome, wasn’t sure we would see you today.” Gran said with that wink and a knowing look. He had a feeling it was quite the contrary, Granny Lou knew perfectly well that he would be here.

  “Actually, I wasn’t sure if you would all be here, or if Sam was, well, I wasn’t sure. I brought enough for everyone. Maybe a little extra, for later.”

  “That was very thoughtful, Dawson. Gran and Ellie are just getting here, I was here through the night with Sam. I was actually getting ready to head home for some rest, but I’ll stay for a fritter, I can smell them, and I can’t say no to Jed’s apple fritters,” Everly admitted, rubbing her hands together, anxious for her treat.

  Happy that he made the right choice and was welcomed with his goodies, he set everything down in front of them, glad he grabbed extra napkins for the little runt.

  “Sam and I do fritters and coffee after shift, so I thought it was pretty safe, glad I made the right call. I got you something different Ellie, I hope that’s okay?”

  Granny and Evie helped themselves to the coffees and doctored them up the way they liked, while Dawson handed out warm, melt in your mouth, apple fritters. When he got to Ellie, she had a disappointed look on her face. He gathered the fritters weren’t her favorite, but she was practicing those manners her Granny reminded her of.

  “I got a special donut for you, Ellie. If you don’t like it, you can have a fritter instead.”

  He pulled out her maple-frosted donut, embellished with her two favorite color sprinkles. Before he could get out another word or even place the baked good in front of her, Ellie began to jump up and down, clapping her hands, squealing in excitement.

  “You knew, you knew! That is my very, very favorite-ist donut in the wide whole world! You knew cause you are a Taylor too! Red is my favorite and pink is my other favorite, and the frosty part tastes like maple syrup! Maple syrup is my favorite on pancakes, but I love it on my donut with sprinkles too! Fairy sprinkles are my favorite! They’re your favorite too, huh!”

  Joy and a little pride filled him, at her declaration of love for the very donut that he picked out just for her, although he didn’t entirely follow what she was saying, it was a safe bet, he did well! She riled a little emotion that he hadn’t experienced before, but he was going to take the advice of his friends and just go with it, foreign as it was.

  “Well, good, how about that coffee, do you like it with sugar?” He asked Ellie.

  “Mr. Dawson! I can’t have coffee. I’m just a little person! Plus I sneaked a drink of Granny’s coffee and its blech! Gran told me if I drink coffee, I’ll grow hair on my chest, so I won’t ever drink it again. Gran also told me she sometimes puts special grown up stuff in her drinks so I shouldn’t sneak.”

  Everyone laughed at the admission, even Granny, who wasn’t ashamed of the occasional Bailey’s she added to her coffee on cooler evenings, every now and again, or the bourbon she added to her water, or rum in her coke, or gin she added to whatever she was drinking. At her age, it was her prerogative, and if you asked her, half the time it was serving medicinal purpose.

  Ellie’s words marked a place in time as Dawson recalled his afternoon at the park with Sam. He remembered Sam’s odd reaction to his comment about kraut putting hair on one’s chest. Hearing Ellie say it now, regarding kids and coffee, offered another clue as to why Sam reacted as she did that day. The horses, the hair on the chest comment, they all reminded her of Ellie, they were also missed opportunities to tell him about Ellie. He was trying really hard to suppress the sharp disappointment that brewed, go with it, Dawson, just go with it.

  “Well then, how about this chocolate milk?” He asked.

  “I hate to eat and run, but it was a long night, couldn’t really sleep. I wanted to be awake if she woke up. I’m on shift tonight, so I’ll be here as long as the chopper doesn’t get called out, so I can take the night shift again.”

  Everly was a nurse on staff at the hospital, assigned to Life Flight when it was called out; she floated around the hospital otherwise. She was also part of the area Search and Rescue, which was comprised of hospital staff, as well as several from Fire, Police, EMT’s, and a handful of civilians from the equestrian center, Sugar Pines. Being a mountain town, they managed things differently; it worked well for their small community. It was typically tourists that needed that level of rescuing, and it wasn’t too often.

  “That will be just fine, honey. Ellie and I plan to spend the day with our girl. I have a few errands that need taken care of, but that shouldn’t take too long. I don’t want her to wake up alone, so we’ll do our best not to dawdle,” Gran offered while studying a sleeping Sam, inevitably thinking what they all were, will today be the day she wakes up?

  “I’m off for the next few days, I’m happy to stay with Sam so you all can tend to your business. Just let me know where I can help,” Dawson quickly replied.

  He wasn’t sure where his voice had come from or why he had offered to take shifts with the family, but he had and it felt right to help take care of these ladies. He had been pulling double shifts off and on for months, covering his co-workers’ medical leaves, vacations, and even a few babies being born. Dawson was one of the least committed people with the most time, at the House, and he liked helping people, so it just made sense that he would cover. Too many hours in too short a time had forced longer weekends than typical. The House chief had warned him about burnout. He didn’t feel a burn out coming, he enjoyed the extra hours, being busy, yet found himself grateful for the flexibility in his schedule today.

  “Oh Dawson, that’s much appreciated, honey, but we don’t want to keep you, we will manage; we always find our way, don’t we ladies?” Lou replied, not wanting to take advantage of his kindness, but hoping he would insist. She rather liked him, especially for Sam.

  “Really, Lou, I don’t mind, I don’t have anything to tend to. I’m off the schedule at the House for a while, and I really have nowhere else to be.”

  In that moment, his admission stung for the first time, at the realization that he really had nowhere else to be. He had no one waiting for him, no one that needed him, and for the first time, that reality left him feeling a little empty. All he really had was his job, and they were managing just fine without him. His testimony, slumped shoulders, and downward gaze gave away his sullen thoughts. When he met Granny Lou’s eyes, they were met with a knowing smile and another wink that he didn’t know what to make of.

  “Well then, Dawson Tayler, we would love’ta have ya. I imagine these next few days are going to be as easy as petting a cranky rattle snake, especially when Sam there wakes up. I imagine she’s going to be a little cantankerous with all these gadgets and bandages everywhere.”

  As quickly as it arrived, the grief and loneliness dissipated and was replaced with warmth and knowing that he finally belonged to something again, maybe even someone, even if it may be temporary.


  The day passed on into night. Granny Lou had run her errands, Ellie in tow, and they returned with grinders from the deli for lunch. The three of them kept each other company as they waited for Sam to wake up. Ellie Lou hadn’t left Dawson’s side all afternoon, following him everywhere but the bathroom, and only because Lou stopped her. When her little tummy had growled, filling the room with giggles, Dawson offered to grab everyone a bite to eat for dinner. Ellie frowned at the idea of him leaving and made it known that she would much rather have him there.

  “Oh, I’m not hungry Mr. Dawson, you should stay right here next to me so we can watch mama together.”

  Dawson was flattered by her taking to him; he was becoming quite fond of her too. She was sharp, fun
ny, and full of laughs, something that he realized had been missing. It had been hours since returning with Granny Lou, and for four years old, he was impressed with her patience, but could tell perhaps it was running a little thin. He searched Granny Lou’s face, finding that familiar smirk and wink again, wondering where the boundaries lie, when her knowing eyes gave him confidence to proceed.

  “Well, if it’s alright with your Gran, maybe you would like to walk across the street with me and we can grab a pizza? That is if you like pizza; the Ponderosa has the best pizza for miles!”

  “Oh, pizza is my very favorite! My favorite is when the cheese is stretchy and sticks to my chin like a boy beard. Plus, I love olives and peppered-roni’s, and I can eat two big pieces cause I have lots of room for pizza, then I eat some for breakfast sometimes too, but I have to eat a fruit with my pizza, if its breakfast and the pineapples on the pizza don’t count.”

  “I’m starting to think everything is your favorite, and there is never a simple yes or no.”


  Ellie’s twisted expression and obvious confusion to his statement made Dawson laugh, something he found himself doing all day. Between Granny’s droll wittiness and Ellie being Ellie, he had enjoyed himself more than he had in what could be years even, all while sitting at the bedside of a comatose patient. The time with them was revealing what had been missing in his life—balance, which he so desperately needed.

  “Well, missy, I think pizza sounds as good as anything. A nice little walk might be good for the both of ya. Let me grab my wallet,” Granny said reaching for her purse.

  “Oh no, I’ve got dinner, my treat, a lady should never have to buy! Can I bring you back a salad or anything besides pizza?”

  “Salad?!? Salads for rabbits and those skinny bitches on the magazines, sweetie, I’ll be havin’ what you’re havin’, and I wouldn’t hate’cha if you wanted to share a beer with an old lady. I bet you can hide it in one of them cups they have to go, over at…”

  “I’ve got it. Don’t spill all of our secrets, Lou, or we’re likely to be found out. We’ll be back.”

  Before Dawson could say another word, he had the tiny hand of a four-year-old in his, and was being dragged out of the building.


  The hours grew later, the pizza was long gone, when Dawson had a little head laying on his arm, from the chair next to him. He was a bit overwhelmed and elated by the action; he hadn’t felt this way in some time, and definitely at the hands of a child. A child that was quickly finding her way into his life and quite possibly his heart.

  She was such an image of her mother, he found comfort in that, this new little friendship, or whatever it was. Dawson was realizing just how empty his life had been, and how much room he had for more. Maybe that was the answer to the mystery that was Sam, and why he found himself sitting at the bedside of a woman he was getting to know better while in a coma, than he would have otherwise.

  Looking at her watch, with a yawn and a stretch, Granny interrupted his thoughts, ready to take Ellie home and call it a night. He walked them to their car, carrying Ellie, as not to disturb her slumber, and gently placed her in the car, buckling her in. A grin crossed his face as he noticed his wet shoulder from an obviously exhausted, drooling Ellie Lou.

  “I’ll stay with Sam until Everly is on, if you don’t mind. If she wakes up…“

  “Yes, yes, if she wakes up…you’re a good boy Dawson Tayler, seems a few of our ladies are a bit keen on you.”

  With that wink and grin, she had been giving him all day, she gave him a grandmother’s hug, and said good night. He was falling for the family as quickly as he had fallen for the girl they all had in common.

  Everly was in Sam’s room checking her vitals, reading her chart, getting herself up to speed on what she had missed, when Dawson returned. They each took a seat on either side of the hospital bed and watched Sam for a bit, before either spoke.

  “I’m glad you decided to come back.”

  “I wasn’t sure if I was going to. I, I just wasn’t, I don’t know, I just wasn’t sure what to think of it all.”

  “I really think she was going to tell you about Ellie. Sam hasn’t had the kind of life you wear on your sleeve. She is kind, warm, and giving, but she is very guarded.”

  “I am starting to realize that. I just thought that things were different than they obviously are. We’ve had a good time these past several weeks, getting to know each other. It’s been easy to talk and be together, I just assumed…I don’t know what I assumed.”

  “Dawson, just be patient with her. Her life has been less than normal; she hasn’t had a man in her life since before Ellie. She’s been hurt by too many people.”

  “Evie, I would never hurt her, surely she knows that. You both have known me quite some time now…“

  “I know you are a good guy, Tayler, Sam knows it too; she just has a hard time letting people in. She has more than just her own heart to consider, she has that little girl. Ellie Lou is her life; she doesn’t let just anyone in her daughter’s life.”

  “Which is why I didn’t know about Ellie. Somehow, I found myself here, with her, and it isn’t something I’ve done before. I don’t date; I don’t do this, whatever this is I mean, uh, I uh…sound like a serious asshole.”

  “No, Dawson, you sound like a guy with his own past to work through, and some new surprises to wrap your mind around. You’re one of the good ones. It’ll work out the way it’s supposed to.”

  He sat quietly for some time just looking at Sam, trying to figure out what it was he was trying to get across to Everly Shaw, what was this. He knew he wanted to be there, needed to in fact, he just didn’t know why, what was stirring in him. Why did he care so much? Was it what the gang back at the House said? Was he in a relationship?

  He cared about her, enjoyed her family even. He didn’t see himself seeing anyone else at this point, and definitely not sleeping with anyone else. The night they shared at the rodeo, by the creek, and the days leading up to it, were something he couldn’t explain. He enjoyed their time together, desired the time with her, she wouldn’t leave his thoughts, and he wanted more than anything for her to wake up.


  Days turned into weeks and Sam’s condition hadn’t changed, other than the bruises fading and wounds healing. When Dawson wasn’t working, he was at the hospital or helping her family with all that needed to be done while Sam healed. His mornings usually included trips to Baker’s, collecting everyone’s favorites, down to how they took their coffee, or chocolate milk as it may. They had developed a routine of sorts, that included taking turns on all fronts, beyond just watching Sam.

  When meals weren’t sent over from friends and colleagues at the House or brought in by Sam’s hospital friends, they took turns bringing them in themselves. Dawson found himself chipping in more often than not, even with Ellie—trying to keep her busy and distracted was harder and harder as each day passed. She missed her mama.

  More than once, Dawson had volunteered to take Ellie to Sugar Pine’s for her riding club, and to her “Art on the Prairie” class. It was good to get her out of the hospital; it was good for him to get out of the hospital so he could reconcile the events of late and figure out what the hell he was doing. As much as he wanted to be there by Sam, wished her to wake, and felt drawn to help her family, he just couldn’t settle on why those desires were so deeply rooted?

  Sam the mystery had become Sam the muse, and now he didn’t know what this was called; a challenge he clearly accepted, but what is his goal and why was he so determined to achieve it? That, he could not answer. He was learning about and growing more fond of the woman that flooded his thoughts and kept him awake each night. He really needed to get a grip. He was falling hard for a girl in a coma.

  His handful of outings with Ellie usually ended with a stop at the Snow Cap Soda Shop for ice cream cones and floats.

  “What flavor are you feelin’ today, squirt? I think I’m hav
ing another round of that Sherbert.

  After a long pause and with eyes out the window, after a long sigh, she finally replied in a sad, small voice, that lacked all the charisma that was Ellie Lou, “I don’t feel like ice cream today.”

  “What? No ice cream? Are you trying to fool me into getting you extra ice cream again? Cause I’m on to you twerp!” His smile faded at the sight of what had to be the saddest little girl he had ever seen.

  “Not even my favorite lemon taster’d with whipped’d cream and fairy sprinkles. It might spoil our dinner and give us belly aches and make our teeths fall out.”

  “Wow, this is serious, I know how you love that lemon custard ice cream, and who doesn’t love all those fairy sprinkles that make you run faster?”

  He paused at his own statement, trying to figure out when he learned to speak kid, and how it flowed so easily. Fairy sprinkles make your wings and feet faster? He was clearly spending a LOT of time with the four and under club. If the gang at the House heard him, he’d be the butt of every fairy sprinkle foo-foo joke there was. They’d have him in a damn tutu in no time.

  “I just don’t feel the happies today, Dawson. Can we just go see mama? I wanna tell her I painted her favorite flower today with all her favorite colors of the rainbow. And you aren’t supposed to talk about fairy sprinkles making my wings faster, that’s a fairy secret.”

  “Oh sorry, I thought everyone knew about fairy sprinkles? I know about fairy sprinkles.”

  “You’re a fairy.” She deadpanned, with a sharp, all business, no play look in the eyes.

  “I’m a fairy? Why am I a fairy? When did I become a fairy?” Realizing what he just said, he looked around to be sure no one could hear him, small town gossip and all. Jesus, he was one foot stomp away from a full blown toddler tantrum, the transformation from man to child was nearly complete. He would figure out where to turn in his man card later.

  With a dramatic eye roll and heavy sigh, she explained what was clearly obvious to everyone but the big fairy himself, “You’re a fairy cause you are very giant and bigger than all the other fairies, and you are a boy so no one knows you are a fairy because you don’t eat fairy sprinkles, and you don’t…wear…a…tutu.”


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