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Rescued (A McKenzie Ridge Novel Book 1)

Page 12

by Stephanie St. Klaire


  Dawson returned to Sam’s room where she sat completely defeated, her melancholy mood looming. To her surprise, without a word, he went straight to her bathroom, and started a warm bath. She watched from her bed, confused by his actions, was he really going to take a bath, what the hell? Before she could question his odd behavior, he returned to her bedside and scooped her up, careful not to jostle her injuries.

  He kissed her gently before gingerly placing her on the dressing bench near her deep, jetted, bathtub. She hesitated briefly as he began to undress her, but the gentle and caring look he gave her, saying everything she needed to hear without a word shed, she gave in, understanding the depth of his intentions. He tenderly lowered her in to the warm bubbling water, careful to cushion her bad leg on the make shift cushion he made with extra towels on the tub’s edge. He wanted to take care of her, protect her, help her feel better, his thoughtful loving act replaced any anxieties she previously had and the fear that plagued her, was washed away.

  The intimacy of this act warmed her body to the core. It was seductive, without a doubt, but it was as much emotional for her than a physical craving. He was so careful with her, understanding, and tender. Her larger than life alpha, macho, sex God, was warm and affectionate, as he cherished every inch of her. He was finding his way in, becoming a part of her, and that’s exactly where she was beginning to want him…for always.

  He was mesmerized by her beauty, as much inside as out, she was captivating. He was completely and utterly taken by her, craved her, and completely connected to her. The deep-rooted emotions he was feeling weren’t of carnal nature, it was pure intimacy, fiery, and sensitive full-blown passion that was so thrilling it stung. Her walls were falling and he couldn’t wait to be all the way in, she was the one that he never knew he wanted.

  Dawson kissed her again as he lifted her from the bath, where he helped her dry and dress. The single act divulged everything that was left to be said, yet not a word was shared, which left them as bonded as ever. He made her comfortable on the couch, while he made her a sandwich and tea, when the spell was temporarily broken by a knock at the door.


  Blake and Morgan were driving through the semi-rural neighborhood looking for anything out of place, after Dawson’s peculiar phone call, before stopping by Sam’s for their own inspection. There wasn’t much reason to think anything was amiss, other than an unresolved accident report that was doused in mysterious circumstances. Nonetheless, these were their friends and Dawson’s concern was enough for them to react as friends and professionals.

  They walked the property before checking in with a knock at the door. With little detail and even less direction to start with, they hiked around the perimeter, searching for anything. Reaching the rear of the house, they came across a broken plant below a rear window that was positioned next to the rear door, with only a few divots in the surrounding dirt that could be left by anything from wildlife prints to human, they weren’t specific in appearance. A sketchy clue perhaps, but it was just as likely an odd coincidence. Everyone silently agreed that something wasn’t quite right in their little circle, in their small mountain town, but they had nothing to go on but a gut reaction and savvy intuition that was harassing them.

  At the end of the trail, nothing left to find or follow up on, Blake and Morgan joined their friends inside, where a less than thrilled Sam greeted them with hesitation. She was unaware that Dawson had called in their friends, both irritating and appreciated, she found relief knowing that she had eyes and ears everywhere looking out for her, but was equally annoyed that she had to share details of something that may not have been real. This was becoming embarrassing; good Lord, she wanted to have her crazy moment and nervous breakdown in private.

  An anxious vibe brewed and hovered over the group as they compared details of the encounter with what was found both inside and outside. Still nothing conclusive, but there was no doubt that something very well could be emerging, a threat of some kind, but who, what, and why? Sam was struggling with the idea that someone was potentially in her home, targeting her for some reason, threatening her, when Dawson, her rock, grabbed her hand and helped her hold the pieces together. She wasn’t alone, not anymore; he was so good for her.

  Sam tried to explain away the details of the morning’s incident as another episode, much like that which happened in the hospital, it was just post-traumatic stress, and her body trying to fight off the unwanted memories trying to surface. Blake’s military sixth sense called bullshit after learning about the experience she had in the hospital, followed by today’s events and the possible evidence of an intruder. He started asking hard questions, knowing Morgan would pick up what he was laying down, and help him dig up the pieces they were missing.

  “I have to ask you this. Is there anyone that could be upset with you, want to settle anything with you?” He asked.

  “Blake, no! You know me, my friends are all your friends too, and my circle ends there. My world begins and ends in McKenzie Ridge, and the people in it.”

  “What about Ellie’s dad? I only ask because, well, no one really knows the story, and he’s obviously not part of her life,“ Blake said, being as delicate as he could with such a sensitive topic.

  This line of questioning caught Dawson’s attention like a house on fire. He felt that sense of jealousy, almost territorial, a need to protect what was his in that moment. Realizing how barbaric this instinct was, he pushed it down as deeply as he could. He tried to keep his wits about him while they finished the line of questioning, as it related to asshole numero uno, Ellie’s dad.

  “No. He has no reason to want anything from me. He ran the minute I said ‘baby’. He left town right away, even signed over his custodial rights right away, haven’t heard from him since,” she replied, a little annoyed that she needed to discuss this, to discuss him. He was the last nail in the coffin that contained her dating life, a first class jerk. She could handle the abandonment herself, she was used to it considering her upbringing, but she would be lying if she said it didn’t hurt her heart a bit for her daughter. She was the sun, moon, and stars in Sam’s world, how anyone could reject such a beautiful soul was beyond her. She couldn’t help but think Ellie wasn’t missing a thing with Dawson in her life, as temporary as it could be.

  As quickly as his chest puffed out like a threatened peacock, it fell hard with heartbreak for Sam, but mostly Ellie, at the quick abandonment by that asshole. How could anyone love and leave Sam? This guy was missing out not having Ellie in his life. She was pure joy, a love he had never experienced. Love…that really was it; he loved that little girl, and she would forever own a piece of his heart, just like her mama. Looks like asshole did him a favor, leaving Dawson the two most important people in his world. He’d have to thank the guy, should he ever have the opportunity.

  He understood why Sam was so guarded now, why it was so hard for her to let him in completely. He figured her hesitation stemmed from shitty parents—a dad she didn’t know and a mother who didn’t deserve the title. Hearing about Ellie’s dad shed a new light on why Sam was Sam.

  He would show her that she could trust him with her heart; he wouldn’t abandon her, or Ellie, for that matter. What was happening to him? The realization of what he was declaring settled in. This was new territory for him, but what once would have been anxiety that sent him running for the hills, now felt warm and fuzzy. Holy shit, he was a goner, head over heels for these two girls, and he was okay with that, more than okay.

  He pulled himself back to the conversation, a satisfied grin at his new awareness, despite Sam’s obvious irritation and distress. She didn’t like what she was hearing, more limitations, and babysitting Sam is all she heard.

  “For now be more watchful, check your locks, be more diligent about being safe until we know if there is a real danger or not,” Blake added apologetically, seeing the affect this was having on Sam. Knowing her like he did, giving up her independence an
d looking over her shoulder wasn’t something he thought she would go for, for long.

  “Blake’s right,” Morgan chimed in. “I know you don’t like the hovering, but you’re still laid up. I’ll help with Ellie when I can; I ride over at the stables with Rene all the time anyway, or I can hang here with you for some girl time if Tayler is out. We can talk about boys and eat Cheetos,” she added, entirely serious, especially about the Cheetos, trying to lighten the mood her friend was lingering in.

  “I’d rather eat Doritos but…guys, this seems a little excessive,” she argued, not interested in more people sitting watch over her than she already had. “It was probably all in my head, just like at the hospital. How ridiculous was that, seriously, I was suffocating myself! You’re all chasing a ghost, it’s just my head running from remembering that night, that’s all.”

  “But what if it isn’t, Sam. What if all of this is connected in some strange way? The accident, the hospital, and today— I couldn’t stand it if something happened and we did nothing to prevent it.” Dawson’s plea was almost desperate, trying to get through to her, so she would comply and let them help her until they could figure out if there really was a problem. He really couldn’t stand another incident, if anything happened to her again, he really would struggle with the fall out.

  “What if it was an accident, just me having a couple vivid dreams? Maybe Ellie left the door unlocked after she checked her garden, and after Gran had already checked the locks. It’s all just me…“ Sam defended, not sure if it was because she really didn’t want the attention or because she was afraid to believe there really might be a problem.

  “Look, we will step up patrols, watch for a while, if it blows over, it blows over, no harm, no foul,” Blake said putting it to rest, not letting her dispute their plan. He was with Dawson. He had lost enough friends in his former career and losing more wasn’t an option.

  “They’re right, it can’t hurt, babe. It’s the right thing to do. I’m not going anywhere, and with Morgie helping with El or hanging with you while we are out, it’s just peace of mind until we get past this last hurdle,” Dawson said, approving the plan, regardless of her hesitation.

  “Then it’s settled. Tayler is on guard duty, and when he isn’t, Jameson is, and you guys can do your nails or curl your hair and shit. I’ll get patrols going ASAP.”

  Matter of fact, GI Joe Blake was good for a joke here and there, his timing always appropriate as it did lighten the mood and everyone carried on with what shade of polish and lipstick they would play with. As irritating as this whole charade was, Sam found comfort in her friends and their genuine care and concern, but most of all, her hero, hot and sexy as he was, ready to rescue her at every turn. He really did make it hard to turn down what he was offering.


  Long summer days were passing by. Sam was healing, regaining some of her independence, she could finally pee and shower by herself, in peace! Hallelujah! Everything was calm, no odd episodes of any kind, which pretty much summed up what those incidents were—her mind was obviously healing too. Dawson still didn’t let her out of his sight much, even stayed each night on the couch, like a gentleman. They lived their days like a family, enjoying each other, but nights were hard for her, she wanted him in her bed.

  The couch was comfortable, but it was getting harder and harder to sleep on it knowing Sam was just feet away, but he would respect boundaries. Ellie was in the house after all, and he didn’t want to send the wrong message. He already vowed to prove he was one of the good guys, that he was in this for all the right reasons, and they could depend on him. If a constant hard on and set of blue balls didn’t scream honor and loyalty, he didn’t know what did. He would wait for her to make the next move. He just hoped it was sooner, rather than later…cold showers suck.

  As promised, Morgan had been spending afternoons at Sugar Pine Stables with Ellie, or just hanging around the house with Sam for a chick flick. Everly and Granny Lou spent a lot of time at the house as well, taking turns on meals, although more times than not, Dawson cooked for all the ladies in his life, under Lou’s watchful eye and instruction. He was a great student, loving every minute of Lou’s teachings.

  All was good in their world, things falling into place, Sam couldn’t be happier with her sudden fairy tale life, but she worried it would eventually end, as most fairy tales do, swift and abruptly. Dawson flooded her every thought, especially her dreams, making her cheeks blush, which didn’t go, unnoticed. That man swept in like some kind of hunky super hero, a really hot, sexy, mind blowing, super hero that made her squirm with a single look. Dear God, she needed him in her bed before she had an entirely new injury; it was already hard to sit, it was making her fucking cranky.

  Sam’s mood wasn’t lost on Dawson, or the others for that matter. Healing, yet still home bound since getting around was still a bit cumbersome, he was certain she had a bad case of cabin fever, an equal match to the fever of a different nature he was having himself. He came up with the perfect plan that was sure to ease some of that frustration he was sensing. She was getting around better, and it was time for an outing.


  Sam was happy to get out of the house. It felt good to be going somewhere, anywhere, a trip to the dump would be better than another day cooped up inside. It also didn’t hurt that it was with her favorite guy. He was scoring points all over the place, the kind that made her core ache. Just before leaving, she noticed Dawson had been busy in the kitchen, but they hadn’t eaten, so she imagined that the cooler he snuck into the back seat was their lunch, which meant picnic. This day was getting better by the minute.

  After a short drive to a more desolate area, he finally parked his truck. Her heart sank as quickly as it had soared. They were there, at their sexy spot by the creek. Her body hummed at the memory, her last memory before the accident, but irritation killed the sexy vibe as she wondered what he was thinking coming here. How the hell was she supposed to make it down that bank with a bad leg, slide on her ass? That would be super sexy, and not embarrassing at all, she could just finish off the day by climbing back up the hill on her hands and knees like a child, adorable, such a turn on.

  She was knocked out of her pissed off fantasy when Dawson opened her door and lifted her right out of the truck, and carried her down the slight hill, blanket under an arm, sans crutches. Endearing to say the least, his move was hotter than hot, feeling his body against hers was flammable, he was so damn sexy. When they reached their spot, he gingerly set her on a nearby boulder while he laid out a blanket, oh yes, their blanket. If this wasn’t screaming let’s have sex she didn’t know what did. So this is how the day was going to go, hot and steamy with a chance of naked; she could absolutely, without a doubt, handle that. Her sexual desires were pleading with the universe, oh please let me handle that.

  After laying out the blanket, he returned to her, perched on the boulder, and gave her a deep sultry stare, and a wicked grin. Excitement soared through her as he walked up and stood between her parted legs, grabbed her face, and kissed her. A deep, sensual, toe curling, kiss; he had every last part of her body at full attention.

  His hands roamed down her body, exploring and massaging as they went, making her thirst for more, before landing on her hips. He lifted her, wrapping her around his waist, hands now firmly planted on her ass. Hot damn he was getting right down to business. This was her new favorite kind of outing. He began to move toward the blanket, until thoroughly satisfied with this kiss, before gently lowering her, mindful of her leg, to the blanket below them.

  Breaking the kiss, he stood smiling down at her and laughed, noticing that she stared at the view before her. Oh yes, sitting as she was, eye level with one of her absolute favorite parts of him, directly in front of her. She licked her lips and reached for him, just as he stepped away and headed back up the truck. What the hell? What was he up to besides being a tease, she was far from done. Watching his tight ass and muscled legs perfectly displayed in her
new favorite basketball shorts, climb that hill back to the truck, gave a show worthy of forgiveness. Cold shower no longer, he was a praiseworthy show to watch despite his wandering off, and an admirable and deserving outing, so far satisfied.

  They sat on the bank enjoying the picnic Dawson had packed for them. His food choices were perfect and impressive really, especially the wine and cheeses. Completely romantic and entirely premeditated, considering the brownies that were undoubtedly Granny Lou’s. This side of Dawson had her absolutely smitten, this was no longer just physical for her, if she was honest with herself, it hadn’t been all along, it was just the bonus. The emotional bond was real, strong and exciting, but completely frightening, because he could still leave when this got old. This man, this sexy as hell dominant macho man was so tender and chivalrous, that made him all the more enticing.

  “I picked this place on purpose, you know,” he stated.

  “Oh really, and why was that?”

  “The bank…it’s a little steep.”

  “So you could make fun of me or so I would need you to get down here?”

  “No and yes. I would never make fun of you, ever.”

  He continued to snack on his grapes as if what he just said was completely normal, not peculiar at all. His actions and words weren’t in sync, missing their parallel by huge margins. He had her head spinning.

  “I knew you would need me to get down here, I was looking forward to that part. This was my way of getting you to myself.”

  “I see. So you trapped me. Isn’t that almost like kidnapping?”

  That comment earned her a leering, side eye, look with wiggling eyebrows and that sly smile of his. Ornery, but insanely adorable, he was going to be her undoing. She wanted him to believe she was appalled by his behavior, feminist crap and all that, but Lord have mercy, she was anything but. It was nice to let someone else take charge for a change, to let someone else be strong for her, something she never thought would happen. She was completely okay with it, as surprising as that was.


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