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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 16

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  In the depths of Alex’s darkest memories he focused on all of the horrors he’s seen this past year. The death of Gambit, the feeling of loss in the wake of his demise at the hands of his own cousin Rakkel. Lily’s execution order and her physical state after rescuing her. The deaths caused by Maiot and Gyro when they became the traitors. And yesterday, the unborn child on the pike being the most recent and grotesque of them all.

  The flare of emotions burned through him, but the white hot rage didn’t flame his strength for some reason like it did before. His heart beat angrily, but not like it does when he harnesses his power. Something was…missing.

  For the next twenty minutes all kept silent as Alex continued to concentrate on finding the right answer while also keeping a hold of the fury that the mental images brought. In an epiphany Alex came to a startling conclusion. He needed to find someone or thing to direct his anger towards, someone nearby. Odban and his men were all dead so his focus was needed to be directed elsewhere.

  Gerieg was the only one nearby and Alex only imagined that he was the cause of the disaster that befell the baby. The focus worked for the burning fury was unleashed and his heart began thundering.

  Alex opened his eyes to say “I did it!” but just as he found his master’s smile the images faltered and his heart-rate dropped back to normal. Alex looked down and sighed, but Gerieg came up and laid a hand on his shoulder. “That was a great first attempt. I felt your heat for a moment so I know you were on the right track. Tell me what you thought of.” As Gerieg listened he didn’t seem surprised, actually he was amused. He then said “Good, next time think as if I was your most hated enemy. I won’t take it personally for your father had to do it too and I did it to my father before me. You’ve found the key all by yourself. We elders can take pride if the young direct their anger at us, to better themselves. We’ve lived many years and the anger you direct towards us is nothing we haven’t seen before. I know you don’t resent me, but when you focus, remove your conceptions of me and hate me as you did the priest. Come, try again.”

  It took half the time to begin having his strength awaked and his heart pounded two more times after he opened his eyes and met his grandfather’s icy blue irises. What was odd was that the tremors didn’t react like they usually do. He didn’t have them at all. “I’ll take that as progress for tonight.” He then turned to look at his partner. “Elo, you can take over.”

  As Elo got to his feet, so too did Alex and Shade. The Beran asked what he was doing and Shade’s retort was “I want to follow and watch what you do.” Elo granted permission with a simple nod.

  The only reward Alex gained after being chased was skinning his shins on the rough edge of a root when he tripped. With no advances in harnessing his item they called it a night.

  Before falling asleep, Alex asked Gerieg more of his heritage, people and other aspects of his life that he was ignorant of. The proud grandfather humbly obliged with a youthful vigor.

  In only three days much progress was made.

  For the very first time, Shade finally outran Elo. Though his lead only lasted a few meager seconds, Shade took the title of swiftest of the fiends title back. The race was surprising for a minute or so the race was even, with not much ground gained or lost. The mad run was something to behold for the weaving through the trees and leaping over streams and even the unstoppable force of them crashing through the brush and bramble barely caused a hindrance. When Shade miraculously pulled ahead Alex hooted that the training was showing. Both of the giant fiends were the preeminent of their species and their speed was remarkable. Shade only made it a full length ahead before his endurance began failing and Elo’s continued. They ran the rest of the day but before they camped Elo looked to Gerieg with a knowing smirk to say strangely “Told you.”

  Alex continued doing the third and fourth level. His skill with the third increased slowly, for even as Shade ran during the day they trained on how to forcibly trigger his strength. After opening his eyes in a triggered state, focusing continually was the most difficult part. After the first night Alex went from two powerful heartbeats in less than a second, but on this day he could hold it for fifteen seconds. When Gerieg told him to stand, Alex’s concentration broke and his power left. What was more of a surprise was that he no longer has those raking spasms that forced him to run off the excess. He asked his master and Gerieg said “You’ve realized it, huh? Indeed, when you don’t rely on outside forces to initiate your actions, the consequences vanish all together. It is much more difficult to activate this way, but the risks and rewards are much more reasonable.”

  The only frustrating part of the training is that Elo’s unending assaults forced Alex’s concentration to scatter every time. He knew the reasons for the training. Keeping one’s focus in a stressful situation was the key to this step.

  Easier said than done.

  The terrain also began to change. The woods thickened into a healthy forest full and diverse in life. The ground’s soil began to have patches of rocky clearings. With all of the forest the humidity increased to sweltering proportions. The heat also made each of them more irritable and Sheer had to intervene several times when Elo or Gerieg became upset on how to further each of their students’ progress. Being partners for over fifty years, arguments were bound to rise. It was no different with Alex and Shade too. Sheer was definitely the mother hen of the group and the only one with a cool head, most of the time.

  As Shade and Elo crested a tall hill, nearing the end of the day, they both stopped for they could finally see beyond the tree canopy for the first time in two full days. Greenery spread as far as the eye could see and to the south it was raining. Alex and Shade wished the cool refreshment would visit them for both were exhausted and heated.

  Then Gerieg pointed east, riding atop his partner. “We will reach our destination in two days for there are the Shura Mountains.” Off in the distance was a vast ridge that bumped along the entire eastern horizon. It was faintly gray and purple. Alex couldn’t remember if he ever seen a mountain before, but it didn’t matter. In two day’s they’d reach their final destination. From the maps Alex has seen, the Shura Mountains rose in a ring of mountains that all passed around for no one could ever cross into the center of the mountains, but Alex suspected that was exactly where they were heading. What strange dangers awaited?


  Chapter 8

  “Lily, walk with me for awhile, we must talk.” Queen Allahandra asked as she suddenly entered Lily’s bedroom alone.

  Lily was highly surprised to see the queen of Alluan do this, for she never had intruded before without knocking beforehand. It was out of the ordinary for she never intruded unless she felt it necessary. Allahandra was yet again beautifully dressed in a green and black silk dress of the finest make and humble design. Her expression was calm, passive and revealed nothing of her intentions. She wore little jewelry save for a simple golden tiara and matching bracelets that were finely engraved. Her case, that carried her healing items, was simply made of carved wood which she held in her left hand. The queen’s presence was amplified in the castle for she wore heels that clicked on the white marble flooring of her palace.

  Lily was annoyed to have been interrupted in a critical part of her reading, but she put a place-mark between the pages and slid out of the large and lavish bed. Not one to be rude to a host, she sat the book down and approached Allahandra. She didn’t know exactly how far to stand away from royalty so she stopped, giving five paces of space between them. Another awkward situation presented itself. She herself wore a sleeveless grey tunic and snug brown pants. Her boots remained on her feet for she was prepared at any time for a confrontation.

  Placing a hand on the pommels of each sword she inclined her head to Allahandra so that she acknowledged her station. “This is unexpected. What is it you wish of me?”

  Queen Allahandra smiled pleasantly, showing she was grateful that her intrusion wasn’t met with hostility. “It has been s
ome time since we’ve been able to speak privately. The outer northern wall has been officially repaired this morning and the destroyed farmlands in that area are being tilled for planting by tomorrow at the latest. Since the people of the city have settled down again and began working, much of my time has been spent on eliminating the fleeing enemy forces, consoling the families that lost loved ones and being bombarded by requests from my military and other nobles. This is the first day that I have had some time to myself and I’d wished for you to join me. If you are busy I could return?” Allahandra peered to the thick book on the bed and smiled.

  Lily smiled weakly back. “I’ll never be so disrespectful and my legs needed to be stretched anyway. What kind of talk do you wish to have with me?”

  “Mainly… girl talk,” Allahandra boldly stated.

  Lily’s amethyst eyes widened for that was something she’s never had before and knew nothing about. An old, crippled chicken would have had a better chance of defeating a hungry fox in comparison to Lily actually spending quality time with another woman and enjoy the company. “My Queen, I’m afraid that I’m not good or versed in that kind of exchange.”

  “Lily, how many times have I told you to call me Allahandra.” The queen smiled happily, she loved making her friends call her by her name, if privacy and protocol wasn’t required. “Anyway if you never try acting like a girl you’ll never create a bond with another woman who could and would have the same problems and help you through yours. You of all people should realize the loneliness of being isolated. It is an empty and lonely existence to bear. Please come, I’ve also gotten a fresh report this morn.” Allahandra drew out to extend an olive branch of intrigue.

  Lily’s excitement swelled. Without deliberately meaning to sound overly eager, she asked “Is it about Alex and Shade?”

  The queen struck a nerve that only worked for Lily. This was the moment she was waiting for. “Come with me and you’ll find out, ya.” The queen said with an accent only those native to Alluan seemed to have.

  Allahandra turned to leave and Lily followed.

  Only the two of them traveled together this time and the guards stayed put. After descending the nineteen silent floors they exited the mouth of the palace. Many people who were out and about this midday all bowed respectfully in her presence. She inclined her head back in acknowledgement to each loyal person. Lily remained by the queen’s side, quickly feeling uneasy about as why she was invited for a simple stroll. She also felt fearful of something.

  What had happened? Lily wondered nervously and sporadically. What does she actually wish of me? Is this all a trap? Is someone around that corner ready to ambush us? Did she finally find Alex? Was he safe or was he and Shade found dead somewhere? Please don’t let that happen. I wouldn’t know what to do… If anything happened to them I’ll track down Runkamon’s father and do the same to him. Or could all this be about something completely different?

  Lily shook her head quickly to get rid of the thoughts that began to plague her and Allahandra didn’t miss the movement of tumbling, snow white hair. The queen laid a soft hand on Lily’s arm and said “Be at ease, you are not in trouble. I merely wished to have a nice conversation with one of my friends.”

  “Friends? Me?” Lily’s delicate white brows pulled together incredulously.

  “Of course,” Then the queen placed a gentle finger between her friend’s eyebrows. “Such an expression is unbecoming for you. Though I am queen by lineage, I’m no more powerful than the next person, I’m not a god. My birth was of a king and queen, I could have also been born to a farming family like many are. It is my duty to always remember that. I lead a great many people, but the many people do not know the weighted loneliness of being an entire land’s leader and each decision affects everyone’s life in some way. With but a word I could send a great many men and women to their untimely deaths or just as easily force my people into poverty and they are forced to turn to black markets and even become bandits. Not many can speak to me so openly let alone converse with me without looking away in fear should I feel displeased and have them executed.” She sighed and began walking around the corner of the palace to begin traversing the large and lavish garden of flowers. Bumblebees and butterflies occupied many of the prismatic flowers that were kept in perfect order by the palace staff, Lily’s eyes never wavered from Allahandra oddly enough for this was an unexpected confession. “When I first saw you I knew immediately that you speak as straightly with your tongue as well as being as sharp as your blades. You are one of but ten women I may speak openly with as a normal person and not as the leader of an entire peoples.” Allahandra’s dark eyes and skin were always intriguing to Lily for not many had such a unique complexion and kept such young fairness in her early thirties. “Now tell me, what have you been up to recently?”

  Unsure of where to start, Lily chose the beginning, not hiding her distaste as well she liked. “After Alex and Shade left with our enemy’s father, I didn’t know what to do exactly and it is infuriating not having some form of guidance. The next day, after a restless night, I decided to get rid of a little irritation and went to the training arena. After a decent session I went around the city, helping where I could. Many were pleasant, but other’s remembered me from killing one of their family members or heard of my reputation in the King’s Guard. If not for my new status as one of your saviors from the most recent attack, I would almost guarantee they would find a way to slit my throat when my back was turned. Those people I left alone. I’d try finding Marlin but he’d either be with Niranene or out on a ride with Clift. We’ve barely spoken since Alex left and he seemed to be taking it much better since he can alter and occupy his time. When I’d find free time I’d either go back to the arena or return to my room and read. That about sums up what I’ve accomplished since we’ve last spoken in length.”

  Allahandra chuckled silently and before Lily could ask what was amusing she said “I’ve gotten many complaints about this new habit, ya. It seems when you hone your skills on other opponents they need to make it to the healing center right after. Many instructors wish you would take it easier on the other warriors, but even they are afraid to speak to you should you challenge them, for they’d surely lose and nearly all know of this. If you keep this up, my greatest level five warriors will be likely to intervene.” Allahandra then made calming eye contact. “Beating others to gruel isn’t a healthy way to relieve your anxieties.”

  “What would you have me do then?” Lily asked, unintentionally clutching her chest as if her heart was shattering. “I have nothing except my items, no family, no friends besides Marlin. How else am I to focus my abundant time?”

  “By first admitting that all your stress is from missing Alex.”

  Lily’s jaw audibly snapped shut, but she didn’t contest the statement for that was the heart of the matter and the source of her anxiety. She did miss him, more than she could honestly acknowledge to herself and anyone else.

  “That hole in your chest you feel is because Alex isn’t here, and as much as it pains me to say this, he left of his own free will. He needed to go so that he wouldn’t die on any of us, but especially for your benefit.” Lily did feel like a hole was dug in her chest and constantly wished for it to be filled back in. “I do have a few ideas for your anger to be put to constructive use. Try acting more womanly and less of a hardened warrior.”

  “How?” She practically shouted. “How can I act as a woman when I look like this?” Lily gestured to her entire self. “I’m a born and trained warrior and as such I’m more like a man compared to actual women like you. I’m too tall. My arms are too big and scarred from my own items and the many battles I’ve survived. My breasts aren’t as full or bouncy like yours or other women. Do you even understand why I truly scarred my arms to begin with? Even my hands,” She lifted them both in front of herself as unshed tears of resentment began falling behind her eyelids. She blinked rapidly to keep them from spilling. “They aren’t slender as a woman�
��s should be nor should they be calloused to the point of being so rough that they snag on silk and ruin the delicate fabrics. I have no skills, save for killing and butchering.”

  “Now I know that isn’t true and I do understand what the scars mean.” The queen said curtly, taking Lily’s hand in her own for a moment to get a better look before letting go. “If you would like I could prove you have the love and instincts more of a woman than as a coldblooded killer. You wish to be proven wrong, ya?”

  She’s always been one for a challenge and she’s been proven wrong once before when Alex showed her there was more to life than blindly following orders. Lily nodded. “I’ll try, but if this doesn’t work…”

  “Then I’ll give you one of my priceless possessions from my personal treasury.” The queen clearly stated. “You would upset me if you tell me something similar to ‘You don’t need to do that, or, I cannot take a treasure for a simple wager.’ This is my decision, Lily, and if I win, which I will, I shall get the satisfaction of proving that Runkamon’s ideals are wrong once again. A former King’s Guard, a hardened warrior that was taught to be nothing else but a weapon, becoming a proper lady will be of more worth than a dusty trinket that does nothing except sit on a shelf.”

  For the first time in many years Lily’s face heated before she could hide her embarrassed expression behind her moonlight hair. For some reason she felt like she didn’t need to hide this from Allahandra, so she didn’t. “If it is possible then I’ll try.” After a silent and awkward moment Lily thought aloud “Didn’t you say you had something to tell me?”

  “That I did, ya.” Allahandra began walking amongst the flowers again, brushing her fingertips across many flower petals. A cooling breeze brushed everything in its path. The many wonderful scents filled the area with an added beauty that went beyond sight. “Actually it has been near a month since Alex’s departure. The scouts I’ve sent to follow them, for my own piece of mind, have all reported back this morning. It is amazing to me just how fast they moved for no horse that has ever lived could have caught up with them. My best trackers were seemingly incompetent in the face of such skill and the speed they used. Though they seemed to be heading in a straight line to the Widow’s Forest, the last track they could find was over two weeks old. They had no other alternative, but to come back and give their unsuccessful report. I wished we had such capabilities for our objectives would be much quicker if we had more fiends like Shade. We could set free so many towns and major cities with such creatures, but that can only be wishful thinking.” Then Allahandra stopped to lean in and smell a rose, Lily did the same to honeysuckle that climbed the castle wall. Such a fragrance was pleasant, but what she truly wished for was freshly cut grass and tilled earth for it smelled exactly of Alex. “And I was also given word that a man bypassed my many sentries without being noticed the first time and walked straight up to the city gate from the northern side, but an hour ago.” This caught Lily’s attention now. “He walked straight up to the guards without saying a word, bent down and plucked four blades of grass. He then took a grass-blade and cut it in half vertically and dropped the other half.” The queen stopped to look Lily in the eye pointedly and it was then that she knew the initial reason for coming for a walk. “He gave it to my guard and just stood there. When they asked what he wanted he said he was to see me immediately. Just to be on the safe side I dispatched Commander Yort and another truth seeker to verify that this man is who he says he is.”


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