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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy)

Page 35

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Alex wondered, but Shade was the one who voiced the question. “Why are you telling me this? Isn’t he your leader? Why are you telling me his personal strategy? Aren’t I your enemy to your Alpha?”

  Beta merely shrugged, but his words were clear that he didn’t like Midnight. “Why indeed… Before I answer I want to know why you are challenging for his rule? Is it to take control of us? Is it because you are doing it solely for Crest’s safety?”

  Before he could ask more questions Shade answered openly to his watchers. “Crest is the main reason I’m going to fight him. He attacked because she didn’t obey his ridiculous rules. The other reason I’m doing this is because he is just like the enemy we are about to enter into combat with. Midnight’s the fiend representation of Runkamon. Both make meaningless and petty rules that have consequences that don’t befit nature or common sense. Crest has told me the reason Midnight has agreed to bring our kind into the war is to gain more territory and have a larger variety of game.”

  “That cannot be disputed.” Beta said simply. Apparently it was common knowledge for the other lords mumbled their own displeasure with how Midnight thinks. “Let me ask you this,” The beta began curiously. “If you win in tomorrow’s challenge and survive, what is it you’ll do as the new Alpha? What is it you’ll change about our society?”

  Shade and Alex looked to each other and began to chuckle for the first time since Crest’s injury. All of the watchers stopped with them to look dumbfounded and curious at the three siblings. Ava remained quiet, but she shook his left shoulder as she hid a laugh of her own. Shade eventually locked his gaze on the high beta and all of the Alphas around them. “The only thing I’ll ever ask is that in times of danger you’ll fight with me.” All stopped and went even more silent to listen carefully to the rest of Shade’s explanation. “When I win tomorrow I’ll only keep the title of High Alpha until the war ends. I know the reasoning’s of having a leader among leaders to keep the packs together and that will be the burden I’ll shoulder. When Runkamon is gone and Gerieg returned to his throne I’ll cease retaining myself as Alpha above other Alphas. All I ask is that we stand together when the battles come. Does that sound reasonable?”

  The top beta and all other Alphas were struck speechless. They had never heard of someone of their race state something like this before. Shade just boldly stated that he wanting nothing more than to stand together. Then the watchers began whispering all at once and their excitement became clear as a wagging tail knocked Ava from her perch, but Alex caught her before she hit the ground. She wanted to shriek the one who struck her but stopped when she saw a change happening amongst the giant predators. It was as if new life and hope sprouted within each. She has seen the worry building in every individual since the fiends began gathering for the fight, but this was something new. Each Shadow Fang became excited in the hopes of being led by Shade. They instinctively knew he wouldn’t take advantage of them and all would be treated fairly. With Midnight out of the way they would have their freedom back. It was their only chance to take their lives back into their own paws. This chance wouldn’t be lost.

  Beta regained control of the situation by stating “You, Alex and Ava have all proven your trust many times over and we will do what we can to make you succeed in tomorrow’s endeavor.” He then turned his eyes down upon Alex. “I remember the oath you gave and I will never go back on the promise unless in mine death. You and your partners have honor we had all but forgotten. We will make a new oath…” he then returned his sights upon Shade. “If you survive, we will all gladly follow and stand with you as the new High Alpha. We will tell what we know of his dirty tactics and maneuvers. You win, so do we. You lose, we remain where we are.”

  “I can live with that.” Shade grinned.

  “When would you like to begin?” One of them said and couldn’t be distinguished.

  Shade answered “After I check on Crest.”

  It was understandable that he was still worried and all began following and guarding Shade back to the spot they left her.

  In minutes they found several fiends who stayed close, but Crest was the object of Shade’s focus. She remained on her side, completely flat with the ground and Krum hadn’t moved much. Seeing their arrival he held a finger over his lips and signaled she was sound asleep. The watchers broke their surrounding as Shade approached her. With a lover’s look, he carefully watched and saw she was resting comfortably. Much of her blood had been shed and her body heat melted the snow she was first placed on. Blood still saturated the air, but its freshness was drying with each passing moment. The sun had just passed over the mountain peaks and cast a quickly moving shadow. The barren branches were all around and not much noise filled the area.

  Seeing that she was safe for the moment he went back to the watchers and led them just far enough away that they could speak without disturbing her.

  Alex and Ava moved out of the way and gave Shade space for this was his challenge and they would be in the way. They were worried for his health and tried to support him. The last thing he needed was to hear how they really felt. If Midnight had ruled for so long he had to be overwhelmingly strong. Shade knew that, but reminding him would cause unneeded worry and doubt and in battle he would die from thinking such things. The best possible solution was to support him from afar and they did. At least the other Alphas were giving pointers. Alex thought. Any edge would increase the dire odds.

  By themselves Alex looked up and to his left. “Ava, what happened after we left to help Crest?”

  She smiled as she flapped her wings once, showing she was glad to speak on the subject. “After you ran off, hundreds of fiends arrived quickly. Because I gave Midnight a short burst of my shriek he awoke a minute or so after you left, only because I didn’t give him a full dose.” She added proudly. “He was disoriented for a few seconds and tried to chase after you. I flew in his path and he almost forgot what I was. When he figured it out he stopped. Even my mother told him to stop. Oh he was so angry.

  “A minute or so later Elo and Gerieg arrived. They asked questions and knew the truth once they saw the skirmish on the ground and the scent of blood. Elo then had Midnight follow him and I perched on the backside of Elo. I never let Midnight so much as twitch a whisker without me being there to stop him. He might be fast, but he’s no match for the speed of sound.” She laughed as she finished her accounts. “When we made it to the interlocked trees I remained focused on keeping him there. Gerieg asked for me to retrieve you and the other Alphas, but I told him you ordered me to not allow Midnight out of my sight. He didn’t even argue with me and sent my mother. Apparently a Furion cannot order another partner to do anything they don’t wish, after they become masters that is. But that’s not all…”

  “There’s more?” Alex asked with a playful glance.

  “You bet!” She said with a hint of glee. “While guarding Midnight I overheard Gerieg whispering with the Orggian. Apparently he knew this whole situation would turn into a bloodbath soon and ordered the battlegrounds cleaned. He would have had Midnight and Shade battle it out there, even before Shade issued the rite of challenge.”

  “You’re right, that was interesting.”

  Alex then smiled and lifted his arm up and Ava knew exactly what to do. She sidestepped all the way down to his forearm, careful not to dig her talons into the fabric of the sleeve. He then pulled his arm close to his torso and began stroking her wings the way she likes. She nearly purred in pleasure and began nuzzling her cheek against his chest and collarbone. For all the good work, this was her favorite reward.

  Soon Shade learned all he could from the other Alphas and returned with Alex and Ava just as Crest began to awaken. The watchers made a perimeter around them with some looking in and making sure Shade stayed put while most watched the outlying trees for any trespassers.

  He told her his plans and she was worried mostly for him, but she said she didn’t wish to see her father die either. He asked if she loved him a
nd she did. Shade said to trust in him and she did grudgingly. She eventually called him a fool and it made the situation lighten as ever single present person laughed in the night.

  Shade was told to sleep and he did for tomorrow was going to be difficult.

  Chapter 17

  Midmorning, Gerieg arrived alone and looked calmly upon Shade and those that stayed nearby. “It is time. Are all of your affairs in order?”

  Shade first glanced to his brother and the silent support from Alex fortified his resolve. Ava never backed down from a challenge and was telling him to do exactly the same. They were both everything to him and their full support was needed as the time neared. Then he stole a glance at Crest. Krum was adamantly against her moving just yet, but her resolve to bear witness to the event was as solid as stone. She cried many times and begged Shade to withdraw the challenge for she didn’t want to see either of them harmed and most likely killed in a senseless duel, but she knew deep down there was a reason this had to be done. Since time immoral good faced evil, no matter how petty or insignificant, and this was no exception. Even the other Shadow Fangs who watched and guarded him knew much was on the line and this day would either change or continue as is. Shade returned to the question. “I am ready to do what needs be done.”

  “Very well, follow me to the arena.”

  As Gerieg turned and began walking eastward Alex moved over to help Crest stand. It wasn’t easy for she still had a few more days of treatment until she was recovered enough to not be coddled. Alex placed a firm and strengthened hand beneath her ribs, where they didn’t hurt, and supported her weight so that her legs could move without ripping the stitches. Crest was grateful for the assistance and began hobbling with the others. Shade walked directly behind the elder Furion, but constantly turned to make sure Crest was alright. Since Alex, Ava and Krum were so close and offered ample protection his worry eased. The other Alphas made a loose circle around them all and their excitement for the fight was injected in the way they spoke.

  “Tell me something,” Gerieg casually asked Shade. The elder began walking backwards, moving and maintaining balance throughout the many roots and obstacles the forest floor held. “If you die out there today, why would you risk your training and the mission to usurp Runkamon for this?”

  The answer came simply and Shade smiled a bit. “There are many reasons, but the way he rules cannot proceed. I told you already that I fight my battles head on, but Midnight has another point of view that will be a hindrance. His tactics are cowardly and are against everything we stand for. If we are to succeed in our campaign we cannot be a beacon to those that depend on us if we use cowardly means. We need to be pillars for all. And should I die, that means everything I’ve done in my life could only bring me this far. I regret nothing, nor should you. At least I have something he never will.”

  “What would that be?” Gerieg asked curiously.

  Shade glanced to those he loved, who followed behind. “I have something worth fighting for. He fights only for himself.”

  “That is our greatest strength.” He admitted and turned back around.

  Thirty minutes later, and at nearly high noon, a multitude of voices filled the entire area as the challenger approached the arena. Thousands of fiends surrounded it for the coming fight. Fury perched themselves high in the trees while many Orggian hung from limbs to see over all others. Beran, Grizon and Shadow Fang alike intermingled in the crowd. Many Pikro also arrived to bear witness, but many gave them a wide berth for none wished to be poisoned. The crowd all battled for the best vantage point and none wanted to give up the best places. It was as if all had come to see if change or continuation would win today’s match.

  Seeing the challenger and the escorts approach, the throng separated to allow passage.

  The arena was nothing more than a steep recess that was void of trees and greenery inside the pit. Mainly circular in shape, the leveled base was over two hundred feet from one side to the next. Small stone chips littered the ground, but many had been cleaned out for the event. The slopes barely changed in degree, but it would be easy enough to exit. Scents of many resided within for creatures chose to use the open space and solid ground to hone their varying skills.

  Then they made it to the very edge and looked down.

  Waiting down in the natural pit stood a tightly wound Midnight. Immediately his eyes locked with Shade’s and a hush fell throughout the entire crowd. Realizing that this wasn’t just a dream and what could happen, all of the hackles on the back of Shade’s neck rose for the confrontation and a defiant growl passed between his sabers. The silence only amplified the reverberations. Shade was both afraid and angry because Midnight was a dangerous opponent, but what he did to Crest couldn’t be forgiven without retribution.

  Crest, Alex and Ava moved to the edge as well so that all could see how bad of shape she was in from her father, as Alex eased her to the ground. Once her belly rested on the plush ground Krum went to work and checked that the stitches held, they did. She then began showing the welling tears behind her lids as she looked between her father and the one she chose as her lifelong mate. At least she didn’t speak for his resolve would have wavered.

  Alex gave an appreciated pat to Shade’s shoulder while Ava pecked him between his paws. She made him laugh as she said she’d do worse if he failed.

  It was now time to end this, now that the sun hung high above them.

  Sensing it was time, Shade moved over the edge and properly positioned his legs as he slid down the scree and into the bottom of the pit. It was an easy twenty feet to the recess. As he landed he expected an immediate attack from the adversary, but it didn’t come.

  Both of their eyes were firmly on the other, ready to react and fight. Their focus never wavered as Gerieg’s announced loudly “As all of you here have come to witness, Midnight and Shade are here to fight for the title of High Alpha! The winner will be decided by whoever gives up or survives! Use all of your abilities to the limit and may the strongest be the victor! BEGIN!”

  Alex and Ava watched more closely than anyone else for their hearts felt like they were encased in stone and it was hard to breathe. Others didn’t have that problem as a roar built through the crowd to bolster the combatants. The Fury’s were the only who didn’t voice themselves the loudest, for obvious reasons. The competition bordered on maddening, but the fiends kept themselves in check while also making the area more exciting and the sensations electric.

  Shade and Midnight both began slowly circling, sizing the qualities of the other for any advantages or weaknesses to exploit. Two dark streaks faced each other in preparation for a final confrontation. Midnight’s knotted muscles and subtle scars showed he outclassed Shade in raw power, but in speed even Midnight knew he was lacking. Neither made jerky movements for their fluid motions showed that both were in prime condition and well matched. Keeping a clear mind was difficult for both wished to cause harm to the other. At least they didn’t initiate the fight as immediately as they’d like to have done yesterday.

  As they circled, Midnight spoke threateningly. “Did you enjoy your final day of life?”

  Shade returned the tone in kind. “More than you ever will. I spent my time with those that love me, not fear me.”

  “Fear is good, for it makes them obey.”

  “That is where we disagree.”

  “Just so you know,” Midnight began in a quieter tone “once I finish you off I’m going to do the same to Crest and everyone else who befriended you.” In a mistake, Shade hesitated and stopped circling after hearing what this Alpha planned.

  Seeing that brief break of concentration, Midnight lunged into an explosive run and opened his maw to sink his nearly foot long sabers into the opponent.

  Fear of being harmed made Shade’s honed instincts react. The overriding sense of self-protection saved his life as he jumped and turned. Midnight bit only air, but as Shade turned he forced his hard tail to whip across the opponent’s snout. It dazed hi
m for a moment, but allowed Shade enough time to create enough distance between them.

  Quickly regaining control he reflected upon his training with his former master. He calmed his mind with a few deep breaths while keeping an eye on the enemy. In the brief attack Shade learned all he needed to about Midnight’s physical capabilities. His enemy liked to knock his opponent down with brute force, but his speed was pitiful. Midnight sacrificed his latent speed for strength. At least the accounts from last night weren’t false. Shade thought off to the side.

  When Midnight regained control he dove into his shadow and charged Shade. Knowing what to expect from listening to Midnight’s beta, Shade waited in place and watched the streaking darkness on the ground. Just as the shadow touched the one Shade cast beneath himself, he jumped straight up not a moment too late as two sabers appeared cut above the ground. Apparently Midnight liked to flip upside down in his shadow and cut out the legs and feet of his opponent from beneath them with his razor sharp sabers.

  Midnight realized too late that he underestimated this pup when he flipped over again and prepared to rise from his shadow. As he tried reentering the physical side of himself Shade swiped his razor sharp claws along his ribs, easily opening four swiped wounds. Unfortunately the neurotoxin he laced his claws with did absolutely no damage for Midnight was also a Shadow Fang, and therefore immune. He growled in pain and jumped to safety, which Shade allowed. The damage was superficial, but it proved Shade was no mere pup pretending to take over his father’s land.

  Training with such difficulty these past months had a profound effect on Shade. The battles with Elo and the physical exertions he undertook had turned him into the perfect predator and protector. The skills beaten into him along with the knowledge of last night’s information gave an edge none were ready for.


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