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Desiring the Forbidden

Page 9

by Megan Michaels

  A little sob escaped her lips. “Y-yes, but I don’t want it.”

  “I bet you don’t. In a few minutes, you really won’t want it.” He tapped his forefinger on the paddle resting on the coffee table in front of him. “And then you lied, so now you’ll be receiving some swats with the spanking paddle too.”

  “B-but I had to lie. It was possible you didn’t know, and I could maybe save my ass. It was worth a shot.”

  She was as sincere as she could be, leaving him no doubt that she meant every word of it. It was how she viewed the entire situation.

  “As your Daddy, it’s my job to make sure you’ll never think lying is worth it, because once you’re caught in that lie, the punishment becomes much worse. It’s always best to confess and take the punishment set before you, foregoing the paddle. It’s okay, baby. You’ll learn. Daddy will make sure of it.”

  “H-how did you know that I was on Facebook?” She nibbled her lip between her small teeth. Obviously, she was afraid to ask the question, but at the same time dying to know how he’d figured out that she’d logged onto Facebook — from the other room.

  “There are troopers at the office that are watching all your social media for any activity or contact by Zack or Jared — or anything suspicious at all. While I was on talking with the DEA in my office, I received a phone call from Phil, the tech guy, who said that you’d just signed onto your Facebook account.”


  He raised an eyebrow at her. “‘Oh’ is right. Just like he had been able to see you log in, anyone who was watching your account, hoping to ascertain your location, could see it too. Hopefully, Phil was able to shut it down quickly enough and keep you invisible to outsiders. To be safe, there’ll be a cruiser outside watching and keeping us safe.”

  “The criminals can tell where I am just by me logging into Facebook?” Her eyebrows furrowed, the woman looking genuinely confused.

  “Absolutely. See, your Daddy doesn’t just make rules to bother you or inconvenience you. It’s about keeping you safe. Now, you’ve not only compromised your safety, but mine as well. Disobedience affects everyone who knows you. You’ll learn this lesson the hard way today, little girl.”

  He rose from the couch as he grabbed his belt, the buckle jingling until he palmed it. “Let’s get this taken care of. You need to go empty your bladder, and then come right back here.”

  He doubted she even realized that she’d done it, but she cupped her ass as she quickly ran out of the room. Once he heard the toilet flush, he stood at the back of the couch, waiting for her.

  She came back into the room, her eyes welling with tears, her lip quivering.

  “Come here.” He enveloped her in his embrace, kissing the top of her head, playing with her hair. “You’re embarrassed and uncomfortable now because you’ve been naughty. Once your spanking is over and you’ve paid the penalty, everything will be right again. You’ll see.”

  He pulled her away to kiss her on the forehead. Her small hand swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “But I’ll be sore and crying. It won’t be right at all.” She closed her eyes, sobbing and fervently pressing her head against his chest.

  He couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, you’ll be a very sore girl, but you’ll know it’s over. Bad girls get spanked. It’s the way it works in this house. Now, I want your hips up on the back of the couch.”

  He patted the top of the sofa. She walked up to it, but she was so short, she struggled to get her belly to even reach it.

  Holding her left arm, his other hand cupping her pussy, he lifted her body up, adjusting her hips until she draped over the top. “Keep your hands down inside the cushions. I don’t want them coming back.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Normally, he’d do a warm-up before the belt, but in this situation, he didn’t think it was necessary. She’d been defiant and put herself in danger, both of which were serious in his book.

  He swung his arm out, lashing her bottom harshly, following quickly with four more with no space in between strokes. She shrieked, her feet kicking the air behind her. He struck her feet lightly with the belt and growled, “Keep them down. No kicking.”

  Her legs stiffened, her thighs trembling, but she pointed her toes down vainly, trying to find the floor beneath her.

  Her buttocks were pink with darker stripes, but he was nowhere near done. “When I give you an order, what are you supposed to do, bad girl?” He swiped the leather across her sore flesh.


  She tried rocking her hips on the top of the couch, but he stilled her with a hand to her lower back.

  “I’m… supposed to listen.”

  “Yes, you’re supposed to listen to the rule. And what else are you supposed to do?” He lashed the underside of her backside several times, leaving deep red welts that she’d remember each time she sat down for the next few days.

  She screamed at the top of her lungs, pressing her toes into the back of the couch and bending her knees like she planned to climb up and over the top of it to escape. When she widened her legs, he thrashed her again, her shriek leaving little doubt that the leather had struck her pussy before he’d been able to alter the stroke.

  “Girl! Do we need to have a discussion about not screaming or screeching again?”

  “No, Daddy! No!”

  “Then you need to quiet down your screaming and crying, or things are going to get a bit more serious.” He swiped the top of her thighs to make a point, waiting for her reaction.

  She managed to quiet to soft sobbing. “I-I thought things w-were already serious.”

  Every once in a while the fiery side of her would erupt in a sassy comment and it tickled him. He couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted. “I guess things have been pretty serious, but as the phrase goes, ‘don’t dare worse.’ I can make it much worse.”

  “No. Please, no.”

  “All right. We aren’t done, sweet pea. Now, when I give you a rule, do you think you’ll defy it again?”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Let’s make sure. Just a few more.” A sob escaped and her body stiffened when she heard the buckle on the belt. He waited until she relaxed the muscles in her buttocks before lashing the crest of her plump bottom. For a small and petite girl, she had a beautifully round bottom that was just made for spanking. His cock wanted nothing more than to bury itself in the divide of that sweet, plump ass.

  The leather marched up and down her backside, leaving welts and faint purple marks. She’d been well-punished at that point, and he had not a shred of doubt that she would listen and obey all of his rules now. Well, as much as any naughty girl could, anyway.

  Although she was in obvious pain, she kept her cries and body controlled. He focused the last two strikes on her sit spots, then tossed the belt onto the couch into her line of vision. He stroked her bottom, patiently waiting for her sobs to subside.

  “Do you think you’ll mind me now?”

  “Y-yes, Daddy.” Her bottom jiggled as she cried, her hiccups racking her body.

  He continued to stroke and rub areas that were darker, until she shifted her hips with a petulant whine.

  “Is whining how you communicate your needs?”

  “It hurts. Stop touching it.”

  There was a bit of attitude and definitely a lot of whine to the words.

  “Did I stop too soon? Maybe I need to get my belt again?” He rounded the couch, and her panic-stricken voice halted him.

  “N-no! Oh God, no Daddy!” Her hands climbed up the back of the couch as she reared up. Huge blue eyes widened in fear, sought his own, and she shook her head emphatically.

  “That’s what I thought. How would a good girl speak?” He put both hands on his hips, watching her face closely.

  “Daddy, my backside hurts and your hands are rough. Can you please not rub it?” Her chin quivered as she said it, as if she feared her answer wouldn’t please him enough.

  By God, she’s irresistible.

tried hard to speak respectfully this time, and it was about as successful as he could expect, under the circumstances.

  “Yes, girl. Daddy will keep his rough hands off your bottom. Thank you for asking so nicely.” He rubbed his hands over her hair, petting her. “It’s time for you to stand up, sweetie.”

  Sunni slid down the back of the couch, gingerly testing her legs, her hands reaching back to lightly trace the weals, but not daring to rub them. He knew they’d be much too sore for that.

  “Hands at your sides.” He wouldn’t let her get away with touching a freshly spanked bottom, although he understood the need for the girl to feel the damage with her own hands. “Go get your paddle.”

  She gasped, unconsciously grabbing her backside again, then quickly letting go. She shuffled to the coffee table where the menacing implement rested, and returned to him, paddle in hand. Her peach colored nipples had tightened in the cold room, her strained nerves no doubt enhancing the visually pleasing reaction. He pinched the pebbled flesh between his fingers, gently pulling her toward him, before taking the paddle from her. Kissing soft lips still wet with her tears, he probed her mouth with his tongue. He pressed the paddle against her hot, red cheeks, pulling her body close, his hard cock poking against her soft belly. She immediately ground her sex upon his thigh, the moist, hot juices soaking his pant leg, her womanly scent filling his nostrils.

  She slid to her knees, reaching up to unbutton his fly. “Please, Daddy. Let me suck your cock.” He started to shake his head no, until she pleaded. “No, Sir. Please let me, it’s the least I can do for putting us all at risk. And besides…” She smiled that devilish grin he loved so much. “I kinda owe you one.”

  Chapter 13

  Sunni stared up at him, smiling. And although it appeared he was trying to hide a grin, he didn’t fully succeed. “By all means, don’t let me stop you if you’re feeling generous.” She reached up, undoing his pants, pulling them off completely, reaching for his boxers next, making sure to release his cock first, the thick member jerking free of the material.

  He stepped out of the boxers, and she clasped his ass until he ordered her to put her hands behind her back.

  “B-but how—”

  “Don’t you worry about using your hands. I’ll guide you with my hands.”

  Cade’s large hand wove into her hair. “Relax. I’m not hard to please, trust me. I’ve been dying for this. If I want something different, I’ll let you know with my hands and my voice. Now, lick me with that sweet wet tongue, baby. Make your Daddy growl.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at that, his words warming her insides, filling a space within her she hadn’t known was empty until that very moment. She leaned forward, licking his balls first. He apparently hadn’t anticipated that, judging by the thrust of his body and how loudly he sucked air through his teeth. She slowly and gently pulled the soft sac into her mouth, letting her tongue press against the delicate flesh, breathing deeply through her nose, taking in his wonderful musky male scent. Instantly, her clit responded, throbbing and causing her hips to thrust in reaction.

  Releasing his sac, she slid her tongue up his cock, following a large vein on the underside, tracing and circling the head. She continued to lick and circle the head until he ordered, “Take me deeply into your mouth, Sunni.”

  Grasping his penis, he guided it between her lips, until she felt herself gag.

  “Breathe through your nose. You can do this, girl.” She focused completely on her breathing, until she felt it pass and he drove it into her, and then drew it out before the gagging could return. He continued with this rhythm, the salty taste of pre-cum on her tongue raising her own arousal. She felt her juice gush from her sex, coating the lips of her pussy. She shifted her hips, her feet folded under her, and she rubbed her clit against her heels.

  “No! You will not cum!” He pulled her up by the hair, her scalp screaming with the burning pain. “You’re still getting paddled, little girl. You’ll cum only when I say. Suck!” His deep voice rolled over her, vibrating through her core. Her sex squeezed tight and she groaned, hoping he didn’t see her body flinch.

  “You better fight it or that paddle will be used a helluva lot longer than you’ll want.”

  Her heart leapt in her chest. Shit! She most certainly didn’t want that.

  “I’m coming, girl.” His legs trembled, and he pushed harder and faster down her throat, until a low growl rose from his chest. He thrust deep, his seed spurting, and she tried to not panic at not being able to breathe. Thankfully, he pulled out, releasing his hands from her hair.

  “Clean me. Every drop.”

  She pulled him into her mouth, licking and sucking until he was completely clean. He leaned down, kissing her tingly, almost numb lips. “Thank you, Sunni.” He slipped a finger into her pussy. “My lord, Sunni, did you drip onto the floor?”

  “Oh, Daddy…” She closed her eyes in embarrassment. She wondered if he’d always make declarations about her arousal like this. It mortified her terribly. “I-I don’t think so. Can we talk about something else?”

  “Sure. Let’s talk about me blistering your naughty backside.”

  Oh, shit!

  She didn’t want to talk about that — at all. Her bottom had finally stopped stinging, and he was reminding her that her backside had much more pain to look forward to. She wished she could say the burn had left completely, but she had a feeling that pain would be with her well into tomorrow. At least. All choice had been taken, it seemed. He lugged her into a standing position. “Lie over the arm of the couch. You’ll receive ten with the paddle for lying.”

  She didn’t even want to think about how she’d endure that, let alone not scream or screech.

  “Your spanking would’ve been done — and more than likely, I’d be giving you an orgasm by now — but instead, you’re getting paddled. It’s never worth lying. If you don’t learn with this spanking, little girl, you’ll learn it in time. Trust me.”

  She leaned over the arm, the cool leather pressing against her hot, moist sex. She wrapped her arms around a pillow, hoping it would keep her hands in front of her. His bare foot tapped the inside of her left ankle, the unspoken message to widen her stance. She moaned, but moved them nonetheless. He braced her hips with both hands, pulling her bottom out, the cool air brushing across the wet lips of her pussy, her vulnerable anus. Just knowing he would be looking at her in this way had her wishing the floor would swallow her up.

  The cold wood tapped only a couple times before she felt it lift away. She tried tightening her bottom cheeks, but in this position it was impossible. Nothing prepared her for the heavy swat. Her body rocked on the pillowed armrest, trying to find purchase to rise up — that is, until his hard hand pressed her against the couch with a warning. “Don’t even think of moving. You do not want extras. Trust me, girl.”

  He must’ve decided that giving the ten strikes all at once would be to her benefit, and if she’d been asked she would’ve argued that it wasn’t, but obviously her opinion wasn’t part of the decision-making process.

  Sunni expelled all the air in her lungs by the third swat, her chest constricting, seemingly unable to pull in air at all. The swats were so fast that she’d barely been able to comprehend that there would be no break in between them, when she finally gasped, inhaling deeply, her lungs burning, her low, loud wail sounding nothing like her own voice. She couldn’t remember a time in her life that she’d ever hurt so badly. Just as she began to panic, fearing that it might never end, the paddle was tossed onto the cushion in front of her.

  “You’ll stay there until I release you.” He scooped up his belt from the couch, and she felt herself stiffen.

  Oh, dear Lord, he wouldn’t… I just can’t do this anymore.

  He apparently saw her body language. “Your punishment is over, baby girl. There’ll be no more spanking tonight. I promise. Poor baby.”

  He walked behind her and she turned her head, watching his gorgeous ass stride do
wn the hallway, the dreaded belt dangling from his fist. He turned into his bedroom, then walked back out with something shiny in his hand, something she’d never seen before.

  He stood so close to her that the hair on his thighs brushed against her sore ass. “This poor bottom is so hot… and I’m sure sore. My poor girl. I think a reminder for the night will keep this lesson at the forefront of your mind.”

  He pressed his hips into her, his hardened cock nudging into the crevice of her ass and against her moist sex. “God, Sunni, you’re drenched.” He slid the broad head of his cock through the lips of her pussy, bumping against her clit. She ground herself on the now dampened leather arm of the couch, the stickiness sliding between her thighs.

  She jumped, however, when something cold slid up and down through the wetness gathered between her pussy lips. “Oh! What is that?”

  “This little friend of mine — and yours — is a plug. I’m going to be inserting this into your little rosebud. You’ll feel it every time you roll over or move, as a reminder of what happens to naughty girls. You won’t do this again, sweetie.”

  After twirling and thrusting the plug within her, coating it with her juices, he extricated it and pressed it against her puckered hole. She clenched tightly. “Oh, Daddy!”

  “This is a small one, Sunni. You can handle this. We’ll progress to larger ones, in time.”

  She felt Cade’s fingers enter her sex, and Sunni pushed back, plunging them deeper, her arousal climbing. Daddy seized the opportunity of her body relaxing, prodding the plug into her dark channel. The burn made her growl in her throat, biting her lip. It didn’t look that big in his hand, but it certainly felt much larger in her ass.

  Cade persistently thrust the metal intruder into her body until she felt it pop in, her muscles tightening upon the narrower neck. He patted her hip like one would a wild horse, or a passing dog. “Time to get you into bed.”

  “B-but”—he hoisted her up with a strong hand at her elbow—”I’m not tired, Daddy.”

  “Tired or not, you’ll lie in bed.” He urged her to walk in front of him to her room. She stepped with a mincing gait, the plug feeling too big, its weight jostling inside her. As much as she tried, she wanted to spread her legs, but felt foolish at the idea of waddling before him with her butt stuck out behind her. She was sure she didn’t look particularly attractive at that moment, no matter how she walked, but she knew this way at least she wouldn’t look like she had a corn cob up her ass.


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