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The Bad Boy's Girl (The Bad Boy's Girl Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Blair Holden

  He frowns at me for a second and I know it’s because he wasn’t expecting me to sound so sarcastic. It’s partially my fault since every time Jay tries talking to me, I end up sounding like my mom when she accidentally took too many painkillers after she bruised her ribs. Suffice it to say I sound like a flower-crown-wearing hippie.

  “Is Cole forcing you to go?”

  “No!” I laugh nervously and tug at the sleeves of my sweater. When I look up again, Jay’s still there looking extremely unconvinced.

  “I’m going to this party because I want to. There’s only so much homework you can do on Saturday night.”

  There’s a sad smile on his face as I say this and . . . guilt? I try understanding why he’s looking so forlorn at my pathetic social life but come up empty.

  He opens his mouth to say something but stops as he looks at something in his line of vision. Before I can see what or who it is that’s made him quiet, an arm is slung across my shoulders and I’m pulled to a very well-muscled side of a body.

  “There you are, Tessie, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Cole says as he ruffles my hair. I elbow him and pull away, fixing the mess he’s made of my hair. He pretends to wipe away a tear and coos, “Ah shortcake, always so affectionate.” He returns his arm to around my shoulder.

  I will not think about the fact that the weight of it around me actually feels good.

  “Let go of me, you oaf!” I struggle in his grasp, refusing to be assaulted by his scent and to feel any kind of attraction to him. He’s only doing this to annoy Jay, and while I’m enjoying the look of utter shock on Jay’s face, I think we’re taking it a bit too far.

  “In the name of your pea-sized balls, I say unhand me!” I say and stomp on his foot. He gasps and pulls away but I suspect my feeble attempt at hitting him has made little difference.

  “I’ll let you know that my balls are not pea sized!”

  “Whatever makes you sleep at night.” I glare at him but before he lunges at me, someone clears their throat. I then feel the overwhelming urge to hit my head against my locker. Jay’s standing there with his nostrils flaring and fists clenched as he glares at the two of us. I’ve never seen him so angry and I can’t figure out why he’s reacting so intensely.

  “Don’t you have a class, Jay Jay?” Cole asks like he’s annoyed about his brother’s presence, and I feel like hitting him again for testing Jay when he’s obviously in a bad mood. I swear this boy brings out my violent streak like nobody’s business.

  “I do. Actually, Tessa and I have the same one so I was hoping we could walk together.” He offers me a small smile but before I can say yes Cole answers for me.

  “No can do. She’s coming with me.”

  “I am?”

  “She is?” Jay and I ask at the same time and Cole nods at both of us.

  “I know you didn’t get to do your homework last night because of me so I got us out of class by charming the principal’s secretary into letting us do stupid volunteer work in the AV room.”

  Okay, that’s surprisingly nice for someone who could possibly be part demon. It’s true though—he kept annoying me last night, refusing to leave my room once he’d dropped me off. I think he mostly felt guilty about opening up a particular can of worms and wanted to make sure I wasn’t too emotionally vulnerable. A part of me, the part that didn’t want to be alone following a revelation like that, was glad for his company at the time. My father had been downstairs watching the game but I suspect he’d been secretly throwing around confetti because of Cole’s presence.

  By the time he’d left I felt so tired that I crashed immediately and woke up only due to the ringing of my alarm for school. I’d been complaining about it at lunch knowing that my history teacher would no doubt give me a detention for the assignment I hadn’t done. Cole’s just saved me, thank you, baby Jesus!

  “You two were together last night?” Jay asks. He sounds so crestfallen that I feel like giving him a hug, but the fear of Nicole keeps me rooted to the spot.

  Cole shrugs. “We were, and now we really need to go. We have DVDs to organize and wires to untangle.” He steers me around so that I’m no longer facing his stepbrother and pushes me in the direction of the AV room. I can’t help but turn around and catch one last glimpse of Jay, still standing at the same spot. A familiar tug at my heartstrings occurs and the crush that I’ve had on him since forever rears its ugly head.

  “He’s not worth it,” Cole says quietly as he’s now walking beside me. I don’t have it in me to ask questions or deny my feelings for Jay. Everyone knows I like him, right down to the lunch lady. It’s not exactly a big secret since I’ve been pining after him for what seems like eons.

  Cole gives my shoulder a little squeeze before he opens his big mouth and so appropriately consoles me.

  “Trust you to fall for the uglier brother. I can bet he has a smaller pe—”

  I slap a hand on his mouth at this point and his voice is muffled by my fingers. “Stop talking, or I will throw up on those overpriced designer sneakers of yours.”

  That certainly shut him up.

  Chapter Five: If You Wanted Me To Play Sexy Doctor You Could’ve Just Asked

  Saturday evening around six o’clock I lie slumped on my bedroom floor with my back pressed against the foot of my bed. My thumbs twitch to type out a text on the cell phone I hold in my hand; however, my brain just isn’t cooperating. Like Beth and Megan would ever be stupid enough to believe that I’d contracted malaria in a space of twenty-four hours. Last I checked, my town isn’t suffering from a mosquito epidemic.

  Okay then, malaria definitely needs to be crossed off the list of possible excuses. I try thinking harder but for someone with a 4.0 GPA it seems pitiful that I cannot come up with anything worthwhile. After I’ve racked my brain thoroughly I decide to hell with it and switch on my laptop, going to the holy shrine where all questions come to be answered—Google.

  I type in “Most Commonly Contracted Diseases” in the search bar and my page is immediately flooded with an onslaught of information relating to STDs. I wrinkle my nose at some of the images I see and turn my face away from the screen in disgust. I quickly skip the pages that mention STDs, finding it somewhat outrageous that my friends would believe that I’ve not only managed to lose my virtue in a day but on top of that have also been unlucky enough to actually end up with a “problem” afterwards. I shudder before carefully studying my other options. I quickly select food poisoning as my favorite and after doing a bit of research I decide that it is highly realistic that no one’s going to want to be around me when I make the epic reveal. I could just blame it on something I drank or ate, and it is a serious enough excuse to skip Jared the Jock’s party.

  Grinning, I take out my phone and write a text to both Megan and Beth explaining how I’m camped out in the bathroom. Adding just enough gross details about my condition, I gleefully begin to press Send. In an afterthought I add that I’ve seen a doctor and he says I’ll be fine by Monday, seeing how I can’t afford to skip school.

  Before sending the text I pause and quickly add Cole as a recipient. The last thing I need is for him to butt in and somehow ruin my master plan. I hope that he doesn’t see through my lie and for once in his life leaves me alone.

  I snuggle down in my bed satisfied with what I’ve achieved and decide to take a quick nap. I hardly slept the night before worrying about what I could do to get out of going to the party. Cole doesn’t understand why I can’t go, and my best friends seem to be recovering from partial amnesia. They faked aloofness over my claim that Nicole would turn us into little lamb chops if we dare show our faces at any social gathering, even Stacy Miller’s sobriety party. I remember her threats with extreme clarity and in no way do I wish to incur her wrath.

  I’m just about to slip into the most peaceful sleep I’ve gotten all week when my door bursts open. I know almost immediately that I most certainly won’t be napping this evening, and it is a well-known fact that a
lack of sleep makes me cranky. So whoever is at my door better watch out.

  Of course it’s him.

  “What is wrong with you?” I half yell at Cole, who’s standing in my doorway smirking at me.

  “I could ask you the same question, Tessie, aren’t you supposed to be dying?”

  Oh, right.

  He doesn’t give me the opportunity to speak up; instead he walks forward swinging a picnic basket behind him, which causes me to become somewhat anxious.

  “See, I got your text and I realized how serious your condition is.” He takes a seat at the foot of my bed. “Obviously I got worried; I mean, food poisoning is nasty business. Lucky Cassandra was around so I went up to her and asked her what I could possibly do to make you feel better.”

  I gulp; Cassandra is Jay’s mom and Cole’s stepmother . . . and a doctor.

  “She sends her best wishes, by the way, and suggested that I bring these to you—apparently they work wonders.”

  I’m too scared to look as he opens the basket and first produces a small container containing a very disturbing green-colored liquid.

  “This, shortcake, is called the mean green juice. It’s good for cleansing the system.” He grins, patting his stomach. I shrink back into my sheets, pulling the comforter around me so tightly that it hides half my face. I cannot let him see the dread and obvious disgust on my face due to that abomination in his hands.

  Mean Green? That sounds like a Marvel comics villain. Why would anyone ever drink something that looks so funky?

  “Aww, don’t be like that, shortcake. You need to drink this. What will I do with myself if you’re hunched over the toilet all weekend? Let’s not be selfish here—drink up.” He coos like he’s talking to a three-year-old. I scrunch my face in pure revulsion as he pours a good portion of the juice into a glass and brings it near my face.

  “Open wide,” he sings and I can feel the bile rise up my throat. The idea of that slimy, bitter liquid going down my throat has me sweating and I am positive that my heart’s palpitating. Before I know it I push the covers aside and jump out of bed.

  “Get that away from me!” I say in a shaky voice, still eyeing the glass like its contents might come to life and attack me.

  “Well, would you look at that!” Cole slaps his knee in amazement and gives me a mock wide-eyed stare. “You’re all better already. See, I told you it would work.”

  “Cut the crap, Stone! You win—just get that thing away from me,” I say sourly, still just a little afraid that he might actually make me drink the dang juice. He holds my gaze for about a minute before bursting out laughing; he rolls over in my bed clutching his stomach as his laughter resonates in my room. He continues doing so for about five minutes until tears are streaming down his face and he’s sort of panting because apparently he’s forgotten that he needs oxygen.

  I’m mortified and stand in a corner red-faced. Perhaps faking sickness hasn’t been my brightest idea.

  “Oh God, Tessie,” he gasps between another bout of laughter. I glare at him; this is embarrassing enough without him being here to antagonize me.

  He’s still laughing five minutes later but I guess he sees how red my face is becoming and his laughter fades. There’s still a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth but he’s doing his best to keep quiet and that little gesture seems to warm me up on the inside.

  Until he opens his big mouth and ruins it all.

  “If you wanted me to roleplay Sexy Doctor and his misbehaving patient you could’ve just asked.” He winks and I groan in exasperation, which only leads to his further amusement. He gets up from my bed and walks until we’re face-to-face; placing his hands on my shoulders he whirls me around in the direction of my attached bathroom and pushes me until we reach the door.

  “I can picture it right now. You could call me McSexy and be my Bambi.”

  I cringe at the thought as he continues picking my possible hooker names until I can’t stomach it anymore. “Oh my God, shut up, Cole!”

  He grins. “Have I grossed you out enough?” I nod vehemently and he seems pleased. “Good, now go shower—everyone’s waiting for you,” he says as he deposits me in the bathroom.

  “I don’t want to go, Cole.” It’s time to play the pity card. I might just add in a dash of tears and it’ll be a home run. No guy, even Cole, could say no to a crying girl.

  “Not working with me, Tessie. Use the puppy dog eyes for someone who hasn’t known you your entire life,” he says without even looking at me.

  I stomp my foot in fury and whine, “But Cole.”

  He blows out a breath and walks toward me again, placing both his hands on my shoulders, looking like he’s ready to give me the pep talk of my life.

  “I know this is way out of your comfort zone and I know the idea of being surrounded by a bunch of people who haven’t treated you well doesn’t sound all that appealing but I promise you, I won’t let anything bad happen okay? Do this and show everyone out there what the real Tessie is about. Don’t let Nicole dictate your life, please, just for today.

  There must be something about his words that affects me because I find myself agreeing.


  Wrapping a towel around myself I peep through the door to see if Cole’s still here. When the search comes up empty I tiptoe back in. Solely for the purpose of this party, I head into the part of my wardrobe that’s filled with the things my mom bought me. I think she had tears in her eyes when she could finally go out and buy me skimpy dresses and bikinis. She went a little overboard and I think it’s because shopping for me is her way of being a good parent. What she lacks in motherly instincts she makes up for in her taste for Stella McCartney. Lots of clothes still have tags on them, seeing how I only use the jeans and some tops. Most of my clothes still come from the same stores as Fatty Tessie’s did, but now they’re just five sizes smaller. I pick out a cropped sleeveless red silk blouse and a pair of high-waisted jeans that fit me like a glove. I finish the outfit with my favorite leather jacket and biker boots. I feel like my outfit needs to scream that I’m not to be messed with and I keep that in mind as I do my makeup, slightly heavier than what I would normally go for. When I’ve done my hair and am ready to go out, I unlock my door and come face-to-face with Cole.

  “Would it be inappropriate to tell you that you look hot?” That’s the first thing that leaves his mouth and I think we’re both a little dazed by the comment. My cheeks flood with heat and even he looks a little flushed.

  “Perhaps, but now that you’ve said it, I suppose I should say thank you.”

  He nods, still looking a little flustered as he takes in my appearance.

  “Well then, now that we’ve got that out of the way, shall we?” I gesture toward the stairs. If I’m going, then I’d rather be done with it sooner than later.

  As we head downstairs, I discover that he’s ordered some pizzas for us and my stomach growls in approval. The smell of it fills the living room and I’m instantly drawn toward the cheesy goodness. It warms my heart a little that there’s one pizza with extra mushrooms, extra jalapeños and corn, which is just how I like it. The fact that he’s paid attention to little things, like how I like my pizza, is endearing. But I’m afraid that he’s done it more so because of how little I’ve eaten today. He hasn’t approached that topic again, thank god, but it does make me question all the little things he does for me. But of course, I can’t let this moment get too poignant.

  “You do realize that you’ve crossed a certain boundary when you start ordering food at my house, right?”

  “I’m creepy but not that creepy, shortcake. This is for both of us.” He shrugs but I need to know more; I need to know why he’s so nice to me, why he cares.

  “At least let me pay for some of it,” I offer, and am about to reach for my wallet when he shakes his head.

  “Think of it as a peace offering. I know this party isn’t how you planned on spending your night, but thank you for giving it a shot anyway.” H
e shrugs.

  I have the urge to ask more questions, the ones that would make sense of this strange new relationship that Cole and I seem to be developing. But of course, the doorbell rings and I open it to have Beth and Megan barge in looking absolutely stunning. Megan goes into a state of absolute shock as she sees Cole, and Beth smirks at us like she’s caught us doing something wrong.

  “Well, you certainly got better,” Beth says dryly and once again I feel like hitting my head against a wall for that moment of stupidity.

  “It was my mean green.” Cole grins proudly and I nearly snarl at him.

  Turning back to my friends, I gush, “You guys look amazing!”

  We hardly get the opportunity to dress up so seeing them like this is pretty rare. Megan’s wearing a burgundy sleeveless top with black lace detailing and skinny jeans. Her red hair’s cascading down in thick waves to one side, giving her the old Hollywood look. Beth’s gone the opposite way with her figure-hugging little black dress that rests two inches above her knees. She’s paired it with black leather boots and her frenzied, raven-colored hair is twisted into a sleek ponytail.

  “You think?” Megan squeals and twirls in front of my full-length mirror. I can tell she’s excited and I feel really guilty for taking this aspect of high school out of her life. Had she and Beth not been friends with me, they’d be pretty popular since they were both stunning inside and out.

  “I agree, and I think the occasion calls for some pizza!” Cole says and gets up to head to the kitchen to get us some plates. “You two look amazing.” He smiles as he leaves and I can practically see them melt, even tough Beth whose breathing falters just a little bit. Megan looks like she’s about to collapse there and then or have a full-blown panic attack. He comes back and literally serves all of us food.

  “I’ve got to walk home for a little while, there’s been some kind of family emergency and they need my help. I’ll be right back though.” He winks at me and leaves.


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