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Olivia's Return

Page 6

by Cindy Matthews

"Where do you think you're going?" Valori addressed the quivering chauffer in her typical calm manner. "This aircraft soars very high in the sky. You wouldn't want to open the door by accident and fall out of it."

  He sat back down. Had an invisible firm hand pushed him? "They didn't tell us you had mental powers," he murmured.

  Valori gave him a gracious smile. "Forgive me. It's because I didn't know I had them myself, but I have heard the legends... the legends of how the Pure Bloods were able to lure their captives home without resistance. Perhaps it's this world which creates or strengthens them? Either way, you will cooperate and tell my friends why you wish us harm."

  They were all standing now. Hernando approached his driver and stared hard at the quivering man. "Where are you taking us?"

  The man shrugged and uttered a nervous laugh. "Directly to New York. You're saving yourself the hassle of a connecting flight."

  Annara now came to his side and knelt beside the driver. "You would do well to tell us everything you know. I don't need a weapon like your cowardly lot. I've been known to take out my enemies with my bare hands." She leaned in closer and grinned, eyes blazing. "I'd enjoy doing so today."

  His face took on an ashen appearance in spite of his olive complexion. "I believe you. You're not super friendly like the ambassador and his girlfriend are. Everybody loves them, but it's the little old lady with the silver bun over there who really worries me. What is she?"

  "She's my friend," Olivia said, coming up the aisle, "and you still haven't answered our questions. Shall I ask her to do something nasty to you with her mind?"

  He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing hard. "Will you protect me from her kind if I tell you?"

  "No promises." Hernando stood tall. "Tell us what you know or we'll see if you can skydive as well as you drive a limousine—and without a parachute."

  The driver gulped again and followed Hernando's gaze toward the forward door. "All right, I'll tell you what I know. I'm an underling anyway, and they don't have much confidence in me. I'm a goner, either way. I'm essentially working for a company called Krotz Brothers, but get this," he lowered his voice in case his employers could hear him from hundreds of miles away, "I hear tell they're just a strong arm for Goldbar-Staks."

  "The crooked Wall Street bankers?" Olivia blinked. "Why would a bunch of billionaires want to kidnap an ambassador? They don't need the money, and don't they exercise enough power on this planet already?"

  He shrugged. "They don't want to harm the ambassador from what I understand. They just like to cause... unrest. Keep the world on its toes. It's good for business, if you take my drift. Everyone fighting everyone else means more weapons sales—private, police, military, terrorist and otherwise. Everybody will want more guns and ammo. More dead and wounded can equal big bucks in pharmaceuticals and health services, too. Lots of money in the stock market to be made that way."

  Annara frowned, unable to hide her disgust. "What kind of people would do such horrible things to their own race, and why?"

  "Profits over people." Olivia sighed and shook her head. "Greed over compassion. Why am I not surprised?"

  "But why me?" Hernando asked his driver. "Wouldn't it be easier for these amoral billionaires, who want to provoke endless war, to create a domestic dispute and manipulate the public to focus on that issue alone?"

  "Beats me. All I know is that they have new vampire friends who will pay well for causing trouble between the governments both here and there and the peasants. You as half-breed do-gooder serve the bill. They figured they'd get two things done for the price of one."

  Hernando nodded. "I see." He turned to Valori. "Now it's time for this gentleman to go to sleep with the others. If you'd be so kind?" Valori closed her eyes and the limo driver did likewise.

  Hernando turned to Olivia and Annara and lowered his voice. "Someone on BloodDark is paying to stir up enmity between the ruling council and the people. We all know who she is, don't we?"

  "In Clan Alpha it's got to be the high priestess Drucinda." Annara sighed as she reached for her side arm then grunted in annoyance, realizing it had been checked in. "She's been demoted in the eyes of her brethren since signing the armistice and promising to cooperate. She's not one who will take such a slight lying down. It's impressive to what lengths she'd go to re-establish her power."

  "Who'd have thought they'd want to dirty their pointy-nail hands doing business with lowlifes on Earth?" Olivia thought out loud. "How have they been able to make contact with these Earth billionaires? I thought every person had to be screened before traveling to and from BloodDark? We've sent government ministers and scientists from Earth so far—no bankers."

  "They are screened thoroughly," Hernando said, "and we're keeping records, but it doesn't mean all Earth travelers are telling the truth, or some aren't doing double duty."

  Annara scowled. "I knew this would happen. We need to keep closer watch over the Earthers when they are on BloodDark. Our enemies will constantly look for assistance for their cause. This incident makes it more obvious they've found friends in unlikely places."

  "We still don't know what we're going to see when we land, either." Hernando sighed. He turned to Valori. "Can you read the pilot's mind from here?"

  "The woman flying the aircraft?" Valori stood very still for a full minute, staring at the cockpit door. "She's wondering how they will pay her when we land—in cash or a check. She hopes it's cash. She's had her eye on some diamond earrings she wishes to purchase for her lover."

  "Can you find out where we're landing?"

  Valori closed her eyes and furrowed her brow. Drops of sweat formed from her intense concentration. "I see... I see a small airport, not a large one. It's located on a long island not far from a big city."

  "Your driver did say we were going to New York. Could be we're going to a small private airstrip on Long Island?" Olivia pursed her lips. "What happens when we disembark? Valori, can you make another bunch of hired henchmen go to sleep on their feet?"

  "I can try. This ability is very new to me. I'm not sure of its limits." Her face turned pale. She clutched at her stomach. "I'm not feeling well."

  Olivia rushed to her friend's side and helped her to settle back into her seat. Tugging the small paper bag free from the pocket on the back of the seat in front of her, she handed it to Valori. I hope it's either too much pumpkin pie or simple airsickness. We're going to need your help when we land, Valori. Who knows what we'll meet?

  Chapter Six

  The plane landed without much fanfare on a small but well-lit airstrip. Olivia peered out the window and scanned their surroundings as they taxied toward a hanger. She was certain she'd guessed their location right. They must have landed somewhere on Long Island. A lighted walkway led toward a white colonnaded mansion in the distance. Could it be their destination? It looked familiar, but where had she seen it before? She turned to check on her quiet friend.

  "How are you feeling now, Valori?"

  "Very weak."

  Olivia observed the older woman's discomfort. Her pale complexion and clammy hands indicated Valori was in need of medical attention. Using her new-found psychic powers must have taken a toll on her body. A sense of dread came over Olivia. They'd have to handle their kidnappers without paranormal assistance.

  "Don't worry. We'll take care of you." She tucked the light felt blanket about Valori tighter. "I have a feeling our hosts will let us go free after they make their point."

  "Their point?" Valori tried to smile, but Olivia could see how difficult it was for her.

  "Said their piece. Isn't that the way with those who feel they're entitled? They want to make sure we know how stupid and weak we are and how rich and powerful they are and..." Olivia's thoughts trailed off into another direction. "I remember who owns this mansion now. A big blustering buffoon my dad—and a lot of other people—call him."

  "Are you psychic as well?" Hernando leaned across the aisle and took a quick glance back at the sleeping men behind them.
"Do you suppose these are the only hired goons this gentleman has at his disposal?"

  "No, he could afford to hire many more if it's who I think it is." Olivia reached over to the pocket in front of Valori and retrieved her magazine, then flipped it open to the page she'd seen the photo of the mansion on and passed it to Hernando and Annara to study. "I knew this place looked familiar. It's Roland Grundfest's palatial home. They're always writing about him and his former runway model wife in the fashion magazines. The media can't seem to get enough of him and his antics."

  "Billionaire businessman buys yet another estate in the Hamptons," Hernando read aloud, frowning. "Why would a real estate tycoon be interested in kidnapping me or any of us? He doesn't need the money, does he?"

  Olivia shrugged. "Probably not. Then again, he's filed for bankruptcy a few times already, and his wife's shopping habits are beyond legendary. I wouldn't want to pay their credit card bills."

  "You think this is a simple kidnapping for ransom?" Annara shook her head. "It seems too risky an act for raising funds to cover debts."

  "I agree. It's even too stupid a decision for a blustering buffoon to make." Olivia sighed. "The only other thing I can come up with is he's doing this to show off for his Clan Alpha contacts. He wants to show them what a big shot he is and how capable his operatives are so they'll continue to do business with him."

  "Hmm, he's a big, fat coward is what you're saying?" Annara rolled her eyes and sniffed. "He cannot fight his own battles, so he hires street thugs to make himself appear powerful and scary."

  Olivia nodded. "That's a good way of putting it." The plane came to halt at the opening of a small hangar. "Looks like we'll be meeting the blustering coward in a minute. What's our plan?"

  "We talk to him—make him see reason," Hernando said. "I'm certain a businessman wouldn't want to make enemies of a foreign government by kidnapping its representative. Starting out on the wrong foot would be bad for long-term trade agreements and commerce. He'll let us go."

  Hernando sounded confident, but Annara's frown reflected Olivia's own feelings. "You're assuming the man's a rational human being and not a spoiled brat used to getting his own way, who will stop at nothing to get it."

  There. Olivia had said it. She and Hernando and Annara had risked their lives before in a worthy cause, but still...

  "I may not have my bow, but I now have this," Annara whispered, holding up a wicked-looking combat knife and flexing her fingers.

  Olivia looked at the blade as it glinted in the light. "Where did you get the knife?"

  "From one of those thugs. I took their knives and some small canisters of something called pepper spray they'd clipped to their belts." She produced one from her pocket and looked at it with a dubious squint. "It doesn't resemble any weapon I know, but I presume it has the same effect if I hit someone with it?"

  "Yikes!" Olivia swallowed, and gingerly moved Annara's fingers away from the trigger at the top of the nasty looking device. "They came prepared."

  Annara shrugged. "They are but common hoodlums. I can deal with them. Cowards are easy to kill." Smiling, she produced three more of the slim black canisters and clipped them to her belt.

  Olivia felt uneasy at how quickly her friend had grasped the principle of pepper spray. "Please, Annara, don't kill anyone. It'll look bad to Earthers—Earthlings—if you do."

  "We'll see." Annara's expression of indifference didn't instill any confidence in Olivia her fellow Resistance member would follow orders.

  The pilot's door opened, and the outside hatch was unlatched. Steps were swung around to meet the aircraft, and the pilot gestured for them to disembark.

  "Get off. Now. I have to return this plane from where I got it." The pilot took in the snoring henchmen in the back rows. Her gray eyes widened in shock and confusion. "What the..."

  "Not staying to enjoy cocktails with Mr. and Mrs. Grundfest on the veranda?" Olivia's forced laugh didn't make her sound nonchalant the way she'd hoped, but she enjoyed the sudden stricken look on their pilot's face. The pilot was taken off guard. "I'm sure they'll sleep it off soon enough, but who's next?" Olivia grinned.

  The implications they had a weapon which could do just that did the trick. The pilot raised her hands and backed toward the cockpit door. "Look, I didn't sign up for any funny stuff. Just a simple flight. I hold no ill-will against you, folks. It's just a job."

  "We might possibly hold some bad feelings towards you." Annara jumped to her feet and rushed the pilot, but it was too late. The woman slipped into the cockpit and locked the door behind her

  Olivia sighed. "Well, she won't take off again while the aircraft's main passenger door is open, but the stairs being moved into position for us to disembark indicates we're not alone."

  Annara peered around the corner of the hatch and scanned the area. "I don't see anyone, so perhaps they've returned to the hangar?"

  "Makes sense." Olivia rose and smoothed down her clothes. "They could have assumed our sleeping beauties would escort us to our hosts. Eventually they'll wonder what's up and come out to get us."

  "That gives us the upper hand—they come to us and not the other way around. As long as we stay on the plane with the door open, we're not going anywhere, and we can call for help." Hernando pulled out his mobile phone and frowned. "Why isn't it working? I know I charged the battery last night."

  "I know it's weird. You'd think we'd be able to get service, and we've not been able to since we came on board. Something is blocking the signal." Olivia turned her smartphone over and examined its signal strength. "Mine's still not working, either."

  Annara's face set in a determined expression. "Then it seems we shall have to go hunting—and I'm very good at hunting."

  Without another word she slipped through the open door and all but skipped down the airstair.

  "Wait!" Olivia called, but Annara had disappeared into the shadows alongside the hangar. Olivia grabbed the canister of pepper spray Annara left behind. "Why doesn't she listen? She could be walking into a trap."

  "There's no holding back Annara when she gets in the mood to hunt." Hernando sighed. "I guess we'd better go see what we can find." He leaned against the wall as he peered around the door. "Looks deserted. I expected someone to be here to greet us. Instead they just pushed this set of steps up to the door and left. Why is that?"

  "It could be more of this Grundfest guy's head games. He's trying to show we're of little importance in the great scheme of things by not having a reception committee. He left it to these sleeping beauties to escort us to him."

  "It's not very neighborly of him not to greet us at the door." Hernando shrugged. "We can't wait forever. Let's go see."

  "Will Valori be okay if we leave her?" Olivia glanced at their friend. The older woman sat with her head tilted back, eyes closed, a blanket over her lap. Without opening her eyes Valori made a shooing motion with her hands. "Go, children. I shall be fine."

  "Only if you're sure."

  "Yes. I sense the pilot's thoughts. She's terrified of what might happen to her if she comes out of her little room. She will remain where she is. Go."

  They descended the stairs taking soft steps and headed for the hangar. The massive main doors were closed, but a personnel door set in one of them stood ajar with light shining through the crack. Hernando risked a quick peek inside.

  "What do you see?" Anxious, Olivia glanced around at the empty tarmac to double check they weren't followed. "Is Annara in there?"

  "I don't see anyone, but there's a light showing in the windows of a small office in a corner at the back. Another similar jet plane is housed here. It bears a big letter G on its side."

  Olivia snorted. "I knew it! It's the Grundfest business logo. Let's go in and check out the office. There's bound to be a landline there we can use to call for help. I wish Annara had stayed with us."

  "So do I, but I'm confident she knows what she's doing."

  He pulled the door open wider and stepped over the sill. Ol
ivia followed, her nostrils twitching at the reek of aviation gas and hot metal that greeted her as she stepped inside.

  The concrete floor of the hangar was polished smooth as glass. Her sneakers squeaked on the glossy surface, earning her a pained look from Hernando. "Sorry," she whispered.

  They moved to the side of the cavernous interior where barrels of aviation gas and large mobile tool chests stood. The hanger looked spotless and free of unnecessary gear.

  "It's weird. Why is it so clean?" Hernando's soft voice echoed as they made their way with deliberate caution toward the office.

  " I read somewhere they worry about things getting sucked into the jet engines. It's why they sweep and polish the floor and keep everything tidy."

  He nodded then pointed to the office. "Makes sense. I don't see anyone moving in there. We might be in luck."

  "In luck or not, we'll have to move with speed." Olivia pointed up to a small black glass hemisphere mounted on one of the metal roof beams almost overhead. "The camera's focused on the door we just came through. Grundfest's security could be here any minute."

  Hernando looked perplexed. "Why do your people feel the need to constantly spy on each other?"

  Olivia took his arm. "Good question, but let's not get into that right now."

  They trotted toward the office. The door stood closed but the light shone bright within. Olivia risked a quick peep through the window and saw the little room looked empty. "I'll go in and use the phone. You keep watch at the door."

  She slipped inside and pounced on the landline phone on the desk. She lifted the handset and heard a dial tone, then punched in 9-1-1. A rising trio of sharp beeps sounded. An automated voice told her the number was unrecognized and to press zero for an outside line.

  "Duh!" Olivia bit her lip and tried again. As she pressed the last button the phone went dead. "Oh, no... The line's dead. Security must have seen us on the camera feed and cut this phone off at a central switchboard."

  Hernando glanced about the windowed office. "We can't hide or defend ourselves well here. We need to go back to the plane."


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