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Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  “Yeah, I’m sure.” Her voice was harder, more to the point. Going out tonight was sounding better and better. Maybe if she actually let loose and had a few drinks she could relax and not think about unrealistic things? Things that would only mean trouble. “Lead the way.”

  He stared at her strangely again for the next several seconds, but then again her tone had been kind of sharp and to the point. He nodded once and headed up the stairs. She followed him down the short hallway and to the first door on the right. Her heart was beating a mile a minute when he pushed the door open and she followed him inside. How many other girls had he brought up here? She must be a masochist for thinking such things, because she suddenly felt so dirty, yet still aroused by it all. His room was small, but then again Alex was a huge guy, with broad shoulders and a frame that was so masculine it had her entire core melting. A large bed took up a lot of the room. A flat screen TV hung on the wall across from the bed, and a leather recliner across from that. Aside a few half-nude women draped over motorcycles, or in lingerie with football gear on, the room was bare. Yeah, it was everything she expected to find in his room.

  “I don’t really have any place for us to study aside from the floor, the chair, or the bed.” She looked over at the huge mattress and forced herself not to blush. “The floor is uncomfortable as hell.” Mary could only imagine how he would know why it was uncomfortable, and the nasty images of him and some naked girl rolling around on the ground appeared in her mind.

  “The bed is fine.” They stared at each other for a moment, and she realized time was being wasted over something so stupid. She made the first move, sat on the edge of his bed and got the books out of her bag. The sounds from downstairs were loud and obnoxious, but not nearly as thunderous as her beating heart. Alex sat beside her, and fortunately he was looking at the thick books she had set on the bed. He picked one up, leafed through it, and looked at her with knitted brows.

  “Well, damn, these things are thick as fuck.” The tension Mary had felt thus far vanished a little, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I didn’t think sex was this in-depth.” Still smiling, she took the book out of his hand and opened it to the first chapter.

  “That’s probably why you are failing Human Sexuality since it’s not just about sex.” Lifting only her eyes to his, she smiled at him, and a flurry of butterflies started moving in her belly and the lopsided grin he gave her.

  “Well, I can’t argue with you there.”

  For the next hour she explained how sex has played a role in society. She had to give Alex credit, he actually acted like he was interested in the subject, but she also reminded herself that they were still talking about sex, and therefore appealing to the guy in him.

  “Well, our hour is up, and besides, I don’t want to keep you from your date.” She grabbed the books and shoved them in her bag.


  It was already seven, and she still had to get ready and head over to the club. Traffic would probably be a bitch since it was a Friday night, and downtown Columbus was also busy. She looked at Alex.

  Mary didn’t comment on the fact he seemed confused by what she said, so she just kept talking about tutoring. “You want to get together tomorrow, maybe at two, if you’re free? I figure we can get two days in a row since I’m free.”

  “Yeah, I don’t have anything planned, so it’s all good.” They stood there for a minute, and she realized it was a minute too long as the awkwardness settled back in.

  “You did really well with the material tonight, Alex. I don’t have any doubts that you’ll catch on to this easy.” His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, and her smile grew. Well look at that, she had embarrassed hulking Alex Sheppard. “Okay, well I’ll talk to you later.”

  She turned to make a hasty retreat, knowing she needed some fresh air to help dispel the intoxicating scent of Alex that seemed to seep into every one of her pores. She reached for the handle of the door at the same time he did, and when their skin brushed together a shot of electricity shot up her arm. Their eyes held for a suspended moment, and now it was her turn to blush. Alex on the other hand seemed unaffected again, as if he caught himself actually acting human, which embarrassed her further. Before anything could be said, or she put her foot in her mouth and stumbled over her words, she hauled ass out of there and away from the one guy who was slowly making her come undone.

  Chapter Eight

  Alex followed Vince down the winding staircase that led to Tainted, the newest underground club in Columbus. It was more of an upscale, exclusive club, with a line that wrapped around the massive red brick building every day of the week. The club itself was underneath an old building, in the massive basement that had been converted for this specific purpose. The pounding beat of the music quickly approaching filled his ears and went through his body like a sledgehammer. The stairwell opened up to the basement, and they stepped onto the landing. The elevator that was located on the main level dinged, and a group of scantily clad females filed out. Their dresses barely covered their asses, and their tits were hanging out showing mile long cleavage. Their heels could have been construed as a deadly weapon. One of the blondes stopped and blatantly eye-fucked Vince.

  “Shit, man. I’m takin’ that one home tonight. Or maybe I’ll just fuck her in the bathroom.” Alex didn’t blink twice at Vince’s words. The chicks were hot, but they did nothing for him. The small landing opened up to the main part of the club. The lights were low, the air almost foggy, and the beats were bumping. Lasers flashed across the space, slicing through the gyrating bodies that were all but having sex on the dance floor. It was a new club, but Alex had been here a few other times with Vince. It was always crawling with chicks ready to get it on, and he was ashamed to think that that had always been a turn-on for him. Then he thought about Mary and how she had looked tonight. She hadn’t been wearing anything revealing, just some jeans with holes in the knees, and a form fitting tee. She had looked gorgeous with her dark hair spread out across her shoulders, and her blue eyes piercing right into him. She had curves that went on for miles, and he loved that she was thicker than the girls he normally went after. Fuck, he had it bad for her, but it only made it that much worse when he had her in his room and on his fucking bed. Yeah, they had been talking about schoolwork, but he had been having a shit time concentrating since the scent of her was like a fucking drug. He had picked up bits and piece of what she was talking about, enough that when she had asked him something he could bullshit his way through it without revealing he hadn’t been paying much attention at all. How in the fuck was he going to get through the next few weeks having her tutor him when all he could think about was stripping off her clothes and exploring every inch of her body? He ran his hand through his hair and tugged at the short strands at the base of his head.

  “I need a fucking drink.” He shouted to Vince, who gave him a chin lift in acknowledgment.

  “Me, too.”

  They pushed their way through the throng of people and leaned against the bar once they reached it. It was packed as hell tonight, and the scent of sweat and sex lingered in the air. There were two bartenders stationed behind the neon lined bar. Their movements were quick and accurate. Vince leaned forward, caught the leather wearing female bartender’s attention, and said something to her that made her stop and actually blush. Alex couldn’t hear what Vince was saying over the loud beat of music, but he was sure it was something pretty fucking dirty, and something that would have the punk rocker looking girl dropping her panties and grabbing her ankles for him by the end of the night. Vince tapped on the bar twice, and Alex could practically hear the girl sigh. A moment later there were two cold bottles of beer before them, and the bartender was sliding a piece of paper into Vince’s palm.

  They turned back around toward the club. Alex leaned to the side but kept his eyes on a couple of girls dry humping each other a few feet away.

  “Do I even want to know what you said to that chick?” He heard Vince chu
ckle but didn’t turn to look at him.

  “Not unless you want to watch what I told her I’d do with my tongue when she got off work?” Alex lifted his hand that held the bottle of beer and curled his lip in disgust. Vince chuckled harder. “I didn’t think so.” They stood there for another few minutes before Vince slammed his bottle on the counter. “I’m going to find myself a piece of ass.”

  “What about hitting it up with the punk chick?” Alex looked at Vince who was scanning the crowd. “I’ll be calling her later.” He looked at Alex and gave him a cocky smirk. The bastard always gave him a hard time for sleeping around, but Vince was just as guilty as the rest of them. Vince sauntered into the crowd, and the bodies parted before him like he was oil and they were water. Alex brought his beer to his mouth and took a long pull from it. He let his gaze sweep over the bodies, and when he made a second sweep his eyes landed on a redhead who stood a few feet in front of him. She was alone, her body facing his, her eyes locked on him. The shorts she wore couldn’t be called anything but the booty variety, and her top was nothing more than a strip of elastic that barely covered her huge, most likely fake, tits. She moved to the music, and each swivel of her hips was meant to entice. She ran her hands up and down her body, caressing her breasts, and then slowly moving them down her belly, over her pussy, and started the whole process again. Normally he would have been all over that, but here he was, still picturing Mary sitting on his bed, and not able to get the scent of her out of his head. This was bullshit, and he was acting like an idiot.

  He finished off his beer and set the bottle on the bar before moving toward the busty redhead. She continued to move her hips back and forth as she approached. He stopped in front of her, and she immediately hooked her finger around the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer. Their bodies connected, and he felt the firm, perfect globes of her tits against his chest, and the softness of her thighs met his. He wrapped his hand around her too thin waist, felt the edge of her ribs poking out, but didn’t focus on that. Her perfume was strong and slightly nauseating, but she was a female, relatively attractive, and wanted him. He wasn’t picky, especially not when he was trying to get a piece of ass and forget about a certain sexy and intelligent brunette who was tutoring him.

  “Don’t I know you?” She all but purred, and lifted her heavily made up eyes to his. She batted her eyelashes at him, and he was sure to other guys that look made them putty in her hands. To him it just made him even more indifferent.


  She scanned his face, and he saw her red painted lips purse. Apparently she wasn’t used to hearing that word.

  “Yeah, aren’t you a football player for OSU? I think I’ve seen your face in the paper.”

  It was possible, but he didn’t come here to talk about his stats, and he knew neither had she, not dressed like that. He didn’t bother responding, but did lift his head and scan the crowd again. Maybe he wouldn’t fuck her? Maybe he should just go home and jerk off thinking of Mary? That sounded a hell of a lot more pleasurable than what he was doing right now. He was about to walk away and do just that when a flash of inky blackness caught his attention. The bodies swarmed in momentarily, and the flash was gone. How he even saw something like that with all of the shadows shrouding the club was beyond him, but it had been something that had instantly jumped out at him.

  “Hey, you interested in me or something else?” They continued to dance, but his mind was no longer in this, and it seemed neither was his body since her sexual moves against him didn’t even have his dick twitching. The song switched to something more sensual, slower, and with more bass. The crowd parted again, and that was when he saw a strip of peach colored flesh amidst the form fitting dark dress. The flashes of lights washed across her, highlighted the heavy tumble of dark hair atop her head, and her killer ass body. But when she turned to the side slightly and he saw her profile, everything inside of him stilled. His dick got hard instantly when he saw that Mary stood just a few feet away from him, her dancing drawing the attention of more than one asshole in the club, his included. What was she doing here anyway, and dressed like she wanted to be fucked? Shit, the whole, smooth expanse of her back was exposed, and the twin feminine indents at the base of her spine beckoned him. The material molded to her ass, and he doubted she wore panties. Alex lifted his eyes again to her lower back, and loved that she actually had hips, ones that he could hold onto as he pounded the shit out of her. He had always been a sucker for a female’s back, especially those little dimples. The redhead pressed against him and moaned, thinking his hard-on was for her.

  “You’re a big boy, aren’t you?” She ran her hands up and down his arms, and his skin tightened in distaste. She started moving her hand down his stomach to his full blown erection, but before she could palm him he gently gripped her wrist, stopping her. His eyes never left the almost hypnotic sway of Mary’s hips. Stepping away from the redhead, he started moving through the dancing clubbers toward Mary. He didn’t give a shit when the redhead started calling out that he was an asshole, and he certainly didn’t give a fuck if anyone heard. All his focus was on Mary. There was another girl dancing with her, this one with a mop of wild blonde curls, but neither she nor any other chick in the club held his fascination like Mary Trellis.

  Mary’s friend’s eyes were closed, her head was thrown back, and her arms moved to the beat of the music that surrounded them. Her friend seemed to want to catch the attention of others by the blatantly sexual way she danced. Mary, on the other hand, flowed with the music, didn’t try to catch anyone’s attention, and was oblivious to the guys that were staring at her like they wanted between her thighs in the worst kind of way. Shit, he was one of those guys, but the difference between them and him was that he was going to make it happen. Mary would be under him, and he would have his dick inside of her. Rage boiled inside of him at the thought of any of these pricks going after her, because she was too good for them.

  Fuck, she was too good for him, but that wasn’t stopping him from moving closer, or from reaching out to her and barely letting his finger run down the length of her spine. She spun around, her eyes wide and her pink, bow-like lips parted in surprise. If he didn’t want her so fucking badly he might have found her shock amusing. She was in a club after all, one that wasn’t ignorant of people screwing in the darkened corner, or giving blow jobs under the tables.

  Alex gave her a minute to turn away and leave, because that would have been the smart thing to do, but after a second of her just staring at him he took a step closer until their chests almost brushed. Her pupils dilated instantly, and his damn dick grew even harder, which was saying a hell of a lot since the damn thing felt like it couldn’t get any stiffer. He was a dirty fuck, one that had no business lifting his hand and gently taking hold of her arm, but he did it anyway. He yanked her forward, and she fell against him. Even with the noise all around them he heard her gasp of surprise. The heat that came from her, and the way her eyelids fluttered told him she was into this just as fucking bad as he was. Leaning closer so their mouths were only separated by an inch, Alex stared into her eyes.

  “What are you doing here, Mary?”

  He didn’t phrase it as an accusation, but Tainted wasn’t a place he ever expected to see her. It might be a place he had come before looking for a piece of ass, but it also was full of a lot of bullshit and a lot of filth in the form of dirty hookups.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” She tried to sound angry, but she had no heat in her voice, and also wasn’t pushing him away.

  He wrapped his hand around her waist and started moving with her to the now slower, more erotic beat of music. “Dancing. It’s what people do at these places.”

  For just a moment she acted like she wanted to slap him, and that had him smirking. She was feisty, and that turned him on. The flashes of light that had previously swept across the dance floor were now absent as the DJ took everything down a notch. Couples moved closer together, started
fucking each other with their mouths and tongues, and ground their pelvises together. Although he thought she shouldn’t be at a place like this, he couldn’t deny that the atmosphere, the look and smell of her, and the way she had now melted against him made him damn happy he found her here. His dick was a steel rod between them, pressed tightly against her belly and all but throbbing in time with his pulse. “So, you never answered me. What are you doing here?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I came with my roommate.” Alex lifted his eyes over Mary’s head and saw the blonde now moving slowly with some guy with his lip pierced, a guy he had seen training at Frost before. He turned his attention back to Mary, saw her staring at his mouth, and nearly groaned aloud. “I thought you were going on a date?” Her words were soft, breathy, but he heard them nonetheless. Taking his other hand and sliding it over the small of her back, his breath quickened as he touched her bare skin.


  She slowly lifted her wide blue eyes to his, her pupils nearly swallowing the almost iridescent color like ink spilling over.

  She blinked a few times, and he watched as her throat worked as she swallowed. “Adam said you had a date.”

  Damn Racer and his fucking mouth. There hadn’t been a date, not the way she was thinking. He had gone out for a fuck, that was all. There was no dinner, no hand holding, and certainly no kisses on the cheek when he dropped the girl off at home. He had a few condoms in his wallet, and that was about as romantic as he got.

  Staring into Mary’s eyes, wanting so much to be the good guy and not just Alex Sheppard, the quarterback that got laid a lot and didn’t give a shit about much else, was something he suddenly wanted for himself. He let his gaze travel down her face, over the smooth, gentle arch of her neck, and further still. The back of her dress may have been nonexistent, but the front covered her up from mid-thigh to collarbones. But even that didn’t hide her curves, or the soft large mounds of her breasts, ones that he wanted in his hands and mouth. His cock jerked between them, and a small noise escaped her. Alex leaned in just a little bit more until their lips barely brushed. He should stop, but was he going to? Fuck. No.


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