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Secrets in Blood: Lake Of Sins, #2

Page 29

by L. S. O'Dea

  They waited several minutes after the Guards passed. Hugh could no longer see them, but that didn’t make much difference. Only when Tim began to move down the tree did the others follow. Laddie came out of hiding, as Buddy dropped to the ground.

  “Okay, you two lower Scar to us,” said Laddie.

  He and Tim exchanged glances. Scar was really heavy. This was not going to be easy.

  “On the bright side,” whispered Tim. “At least we don’t have to catch her.”

  His lips twitched but he managed not to smile as they helped her move back to the branch. It began to creak as soon as her weight was on it. He grabbed her under one arm; Tim held her under the other. They leaned down. The muscles in his arms and back strained. She seemed heavier now than she’d been in the sewer.

  “Lower,” said Laddie. “We almost have her.”

  “I can’t go any lower without falling.” Tim had his legs wrapped around a different branch and was hanging upside down again.

  There was a loud snap and the limb cracked, shifting them all forward. His hands slid out from under Scar’s arms.

  “I lost her,” he said as loudly as he dared.

  She hung suspended for a moment, and then, as if in slow motion, she slipped out of Tim’s grasp and tumbled toward the ground.

  Laddie and Buddy bumped shoulders trying to get under her. Their expressions changed from concerned concentration to opened mouthed shock as the weight of Scar crashed into them.

  Tim pulled himself to a sitting position and then dropped from the tree, gracefully landing on his feet.

  “Damn, House Servants.” He pulled himself up and then hung on a branch before dropping. He stumbled and almost fell when he hit the ground.

  “Shit, you weigh a ton,” groaned Buddy.

  Scar was lying on top of both Buddy and Laddie.

  “Sorry.” She tried to roll off the other Guards.

  Buddy shoved and she fell to the side. He stood and brushed himself off. “No. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.” He grabbed her claw, pulling her to her feet.

  Laddie sat on the ground for a moment and then also stood, rubbing his back.

  “I’m gonna be sick.” Scar swayed as she turned and threw up.

  The smell was overwhelming, suffocating and dank like the sewage. It wafted around them. Tim scurried back up the tree, gagging.

  Buddy and Laddie stepped back, covering their noses. Scar continued to retch for several moments and then stopped. She swayed again and fell. Laddie jumped forward to catch her but the weight of her was too much and they both toppled over backwards.

  Tim crawled back down the tree and dropped to the ground. “At least, they landed out of the vomit.”

  Hugh shot Tim a glare. Now was not the time for levity. He and Buddy helped Laddie up and then reached for Scar but she brushed away their hands.

  “Leave me,” she said. “I’m dying.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Laddie patted her shoulder.

  This wasn’t right. Scar had been a vibrant, friendly Guard. A bit pushy around the other Guards, but she’d had to be since she was considerably smaller than them.

  “We’re not leaving you.” He began to dig in his backpack.

  “We have company.” Tim tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Company? If that’s your idea of a joke—”

  “The Guards are coming back. Probably that smell,” said Tim, staring into the distance.

  “Grab her and let’s go,” he ordered.

  Buddy and Laddie lifted her between them and they all ran, except Tim who stayed behind in the brush. They tried to move as quietly as possible but it was difficult while dragging Scar who wavered in and out of consciousness.

  “To the right,” said Buddy. “The carriage is to the right.”

  Tim caught up to them. “They’re at the vomit. We have a few minutes before they search. They are a bit...overcome by the smell and what could have caused that mess. They’re frightened. I take it they’ve heard stories about the professor’s experiments?”

  “Yes,” said Laddie. “Those of us on duty in that area are not supposed to talk about it, but it happens.”

  The carriage loomed ahead, the Grunts twitching nervously in the night. They sniffed the air and then turned towards the group. Their eyes widened and they bolted.

  “The Grunts,” shouted Tim.

  “Sorry,” yelled Buddy as he dropped his hold on Scar.

  Hugh quickly moved over to her and took Buddy’s place. Buddy and Tim raced after the Grunts. He and Laddie dragged Scar along the best that they could, Laddie taking the brunt of the weight.

  “Just leave me,” she said. “Save yourselves.”

  They stumbled to a halt, panting with exhaustion. He dug in his backpack.

  “You should go, Hugh,” said Laddie. “Thanks for trying.”

  “You too, Laddie,” said Scar.

  “I’m not leaving you,” said Laddie.

  “No one is leaving anyone.” He pulled out the three remaining water bottles from his backpack. He opened one and dumped it over Scar’s head. She blinked and then blinked again. He did the same with the other two.

  “I feel a little better.” She forced herself to a standing position.

  “Can you walk?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “Then let’s go,” he said.

  They followed as quickly as possible after Tim and Buddy, but they weren’t moving fast enough. There was rustling in the woods behind them.

  “The Guards are getting closer,” whispered Laddie.

  “How many do you think you can take?” He glanced back. This was not going to end well.

  “Two at the most,” answered Laddie. “They’re younger, but not as strong.”

  “I can get a couple. Maybe, one shot and they’ll run.” He pulled out his gun.

  “I doubt it,” said Laddie. “You defend Conguise and his property with your life, or else.” He looked at Scar.

  “Yeah. I suppose you’re right.” He’d rather die than become an experiment.

  Tim popped out of the woods in front of them. “Over here.”

  He said a slight prayer of thanks as they darted after Tim. Buddy held the Grunts while they climbed into the carriage. Once inside he grabbed Buddy’s backpack and pulled out the water. He and Laddie opened them and dumped them on Scar. Immediately, her color became better. Maybe, she’d be all right, at least, for a little while.

  “I guess old Jorge was right to be frightened,” said Buddy as he joined them inside the carriage.

  “Jorge? You’ve seen Jorge?” asked Laddie.

  “Yes,” he said quickly, stopping Buddy from answering. “He sought refuge with Viola but was killed in the bomb that was set at my house.”

  Buddy’s eyes widened slightly but he remained silent.

  “A bomb? At your house?” asked Laddie.

  “Yes, do you know anything about it?” he asked.

  “I know that Conguise ordered one of the Guards to bring up some old timing devices from the storage area about a week ago,” said Laddie.

  “Do you recall what day?” He held his breath. He’d met with Conguise about a week ago.

  “Not exactly.” Laddie pursed his lips in thought. “The days kind of run together. I do remember that it was right before Jorge escaped. I had to work a double because he left. I don’t blame him though.” He smirked. “How can I? I did the same thing.”

  Hugh stared out the window into the darkness. Viola had said that Jorge had arrived at his house the night before she left which meant Jorge had left Conguise’s house the day after he’d told the professor about Trinity. It may not hold up in a court of law, but he had all the proof that he needed. The professor would pay for killing his mother. He’d make sure of it.


  IT WAS DAWN WHEN Trinity and the Trackers arrived at the Finishing Camp. Travis ran out of the Guards’ building to greet them. She couldn’t stop smiling. She
hadn’t expected to ever see him again.

  “Hurry, open the gate,” he yelled to the male Producer who was nearest the lock.

  The Producer looked at the group of Trackers and shook his head, backing away.

  “Just do it,” said Travis. “Trinity’s with them.”

  The Producer, still looking unsure, pulled the gate open, keeping it between him and the Trackers. They strolled into the yard and she dropped off Mirra’s back and rushed over to Travis. His smile wide, he grabbed her, lifting her in the air and spinning around. She hugged him, laughing. He stopped and placed her back on the ground, his hands resting on her waist. Suddenly, she was aware of his large, strong body. She stepped away from him, breaking their contact.

  His eyes gleamed warm and brown, his face round and friendly. She relaxed. Here was the Travis she remembered, full of life and health, but there was something different about him too. It was in his eyes, the way he looked at her, appreciating. She hadn’t realized how tall he’d gotten, or how strong. Although, still a bit on the flabby side from months of non-use, his arms were large and she could just make out the shadow of muscles. It had only been a couple of days since she’d left but he looked ten times better. The color was back in his cheeks and his eyes were bright. He was definitely on the road to recovery. She smiled shyly up at him. “You must be feeling better.”

  “I am,” he said and then coughed. “Maybe not one hundred percent, but definitely better.”

  “The sunshine and fresh air are probably helping more than the herbs,” she said, not able to meet his gaze. What was the matter with her? This was Travis. Her friend.

  “Regular bathing too,” he joked.

  She laughed. “Yes, that is definitely a plus.”

  His face grew serious. “I’m glad you’re safe.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “I was worried about you.”

  His grasp was warm and comforting. Nerves in her stomach fluttered. She pulled back her hand. “These are my friends.”

  She introduced the Trackers to Travis and the other Producers in the yard.

  “I need to prepare a bed for Parra. Tammie, come with me. I want to show you the herbs that he’ll need.”

  The female Producer had been doing a great job gathering and preparing the tinctures for the other Producers. It was only logical that she’d do the same for Parra.

  “Wait a minute,” said Travis. “Why do you need to show us the herbs? Aren’t you staying?”

  Travis was not going to like what she had to say. She glanced at Tammie and the others. “Can you give us a minute?”

  “Oh. Okay.” Tammie smiled but her voice was deflated. “I’ll prepare the bed for Parra.”

  “Parra will need meat too. There’s plenty in the storage room. Make sure that he has his fill.” She touched Tammie’s arm. “Don’t let him go hungry. Ever.” Even though it had been her idea, she was a little concerned about Parra staying there.

  Tammie nodded and led the Trackers into the Guards’ building. The other Producers wandered away.

  She looked into Travis’ dark, brown eyes. “I have to go.”

  “Where?” His voice was harsh, demanding.

  “Gaar was captured by Benedictine. I have to free him.”

  She related a shortened version of what had happened after she and Gaar had left the Producers.

  “We’re almost ready to travel. You should come with us. You don’t need to go to Hugh,” he said.

  She touched his arm, his skin warm beneath her hand. What would it be like between them if she stayed? Would they remain just friends or become mates? They’d always been close but there was no spark like there was when she was with Jethro. She mentally shook her head. Jethro was an Almighty and not for her. She wasn’t sure that anyone was for her. She was too different. Even Travis may fear her once he knew about her claws and fangs, but right now, he was her friend and she needed him to understand. “I can’t stay with you. Others depend on me.”

  His eyes hardened. “Who? Some Guard. An Almighty. Who cares? You owe them nothing. They are our enemies.” He waved his hands around the area. “Look what they do to us.”

  She almost stepped back from his anger. He’d never been like this before. He’d always been accepting of their life. “I promised. That means something, at least to me.”

  “You still don’t get it, do you?” His fists clenched at his sides. “They are not our friends. They are not like us.”

  “I know that. But they’re not all bad. Jackson risked everything to help me and—”

  “What did he get out of it? There had to be something.”

  She frowned. Travis might be right about that. Jackson had been planning on taking her to Hugh before Jethro or Kim ever said anything.

  “I can tell by your silence that I’m right.”

  “I...I’m not sure.” Maybe, Jackson wasn’t a good friend, but this wasn’t about him. “I have to help Gaar.”

  “All right. Go and turn the Handler free and then meet us. Don’t return to the Almighty.”

  He had no right to boss her around. “You can’t tell me—”

  Mirra stuck her head out of the door. “Little One, come. Show what Parra need.”

  “In a minute” she snapped.

  Mirra cocked her head and stared at the two of them for a moment. “Hurry.” She slipped back inside the building.

  “I don’t think you understand how much I think about you.” Travis stepped closer to her.

  He placed his hand at the back of her neck and tipped her head. He leaned down. He was going to kiss her. Travis was going to kiss her! She couldn’t let that happen. She pulled away. Confusion and then hurt shone in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.” But she wanted to.

  “Why? You know how I feel about you.” He looked down at his feet. “If you don’t feel that way about me...”

  “No. That’s not it.”

  She looked up at him and he leaned closer. She turned her head. He kissed her cheek.

  “What are you afraid of?” he whispered in her ear. “It’s just a kiss.”

  “I can’t. Please, just let it go.” She pulled away again.

  His face fell and he turned and started walking away.

  This was horrible. She’d hurt him and was going to lose him no matter what she did. If she let him kiss her, he’d find out about her teeth and she couldn’t stand to see the same look of disgust and fear in his eyes that she’d seen in Randy’s. But he was her friend and he deserved better than thinking that she didn’t find him attractive.

  “Travis, wait. Let me explain.” She raced to catch up with him.

  “Don’t bother. I get it.” He didn’t stop.

  “But you don’t.” She touched his shoulder.

  He stopped but didn’t turn around which was fine. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to see his face anyway. Kim was right. She, like Jackson, needed to stop being ashamed of what she was. Wishing she was different didn’t change anything.

  “I can’t kiss you...well, not without telling you something first.”

  He turned around. “Go on.”

  She bowed her head, unable to look him in the eyes. “I’m not like you and the others. My father is a House Servant.” She held out her hands. “I have...”

  He clasped her wrist. “Are you saying that you won’t kiss me because of your fangs and claws?”

  Her eyes met his. “You know?”

  “Of course, I know. We’ve been friends since we were kids. Do you really think that you hid them that well?” He smiled and stepped closer, his fingers intertwining with hers.

  “Did others know?” He couldn’t be right about this. Someone would have turned her in to the Lead Producers.

  “No. At least not that I know of, but no one spent as much time with you as I did.” He touched her cheek. “I got suspicious when your face would swell on a regular basis. I thought your Mom or Dad was hitting you.” His fingers moved down her cheek to brush across her lips. “Inste
ad, they were filing down your teeth.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  He shrugged. “I knew you’d get in trouble if anyone found out, so I figured I’d just pretend to not know.”

  “And these?” She exposed her claws.

  “I saw them on a couple of occasions when we were working in the fields. You have a habit of exposing them to scratch your back.” He touched the tip of one claw. “Ouch, they’re sharp.”

  “Yeah.” She retracted them. He’d known all along and didn’t care. It was like a huge burden was lifted from her body. Even if the others didn’t accept her, it didn’t matter. Travis did. So did Jethro and Jackson and Gaar and Mirra. She was not alone.

  His hand wandered to her neck, tangling in her hair. “Now, where were we?” He lowered his face to hers.

  His lips were warm and soft. She relaxed into his kiss and he pressed harder against her, moving closer, eliminating the distance between their bodies. His strength and the familiar scent of him surrounded her. He was safe, a haven from the fear and darkness that had been her life lately. She sighed against his lips. He kissed the side of her mouth and then her cheek.

  “Come back to me, Trinity. I need you,” he mumbled against her ear. “Promise me that you won’t go to the Almighty.”

  She wanted to, but she couldn’t make that promise. She needed to see this through. Go to Hugh. See her parents.

  “I...I...don’t know.” It was too much. She wanted to stay with him where she was safe, but what about her promise to Jackson? What about Jethro? She pulled away and ran into the building.

  Parra was resting on a pile of blankets on the floor near a window. The other Trackers stood nearby, talking to him. She pulled Tammie aside and told her what herbs to give to him. When Travis entered the building, Tammie looked over at him, a wide smile on her face. He ignored her and leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest. Tammie’s smile vanished.

  Travis was brooding. Trinity had forgotten that about him. He was usually a lot of fun and easy going, but if he didn’t get his way, he had a tendency to pout. Well, he couldn’t order her around. She was not his in any way, at least not yet, and she couldn’t turn her back on Jackson and the others. She wanted to see her parents and they were with Hugh. She wanted to see Jethro again. It wasn’t as simple as Travis thought.


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