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Secrets in Blood: Lake Of Sins, #2

Page 32

by L. S. O'Dea

  “Now, others,” said Mirra.

  “Come.” Gaar marched to Emmanuel’s enclosure.

  Emmanuel moved to the front of his cage.

  Nirankan and Sikka stepped forward and sniffed at the Handler. Suddenly, Emmanuel reached through the bars, trying to grab Sikka. The Tracker slashed at him, barely missing his hand as he leapt back, baring his teeth.

  “Enough,” yelled Gaar.

  “Trackers killed my friends,” said Emmanuel. “I kill Trackers.”

  Another Handler repeated what Emmanuel said and then another. They began to chant as they glided in the shadows, eyes always on the Trackers.

  The hair on the Trackers’ backs began to rise.

  “Enough,” shouted Gaar again.

  “Never enough, until Trackers are all dead,” said Emmanuel.

  “This no work,” said Mirra.

  “I cannot free you if you cannot have peace with the Trackers,” he said, frustration evident in his tone.

  “You’ll leave us here to die?” asked one Handler.

  “Your own kind,” shouted another, young Handler.

  “After all that Petarvarius did for you?” asked Emmanuel.

  “You leave me no choice.” Gaar strode over to the cage Trinity was in and unlocked it. “Let’s go.”

  She followed the group toward the door. The Handlers shouted after them. Some yelling obscenities, others pleading.

  She grabbed his arm. “You can’t leave them here to die.”

  He jerked free from her grasp. “What would you have me do? They’re not right. They see no reason!”

  “They’ve never been shown reason,” she shouted back at him. “You said it yourself. All they’ve ever known is pain and hatred. They’ve never experienced the pleasure of running free in the forest or sitting high in a tree, watching the stars. They have only cages in their memories. They’ve never felt the love and friendship of others not like them. They’ve only had each other, in here.”

  The Handlers quieted, some grasping the bars at the front of their cages.

  “Look around. This building is the holding cell for death. They’ve never known life or love. They were created by the Almightys to do their bidding and it didn’t work. The Almightys got it wrong. They couldn’t get the Trackers and Handlers to bond. In that, you’ve won.” She turned and addressed the Handlers. “All of you. You have beaten the Almightys by not bonding in servitude, but, you will eventually lose if you die here because you allow the hatred bred into you by the Almightys to rule your life. You have a choice. You can live free, bonding with whomever or whatever you want. Or you can stay here and die.”

  The Handlers whispered. The Trackers paced around her.

  “She’s right,” said Emmanuel. “We should not hate Trackers. They were like us. Forced to fight. It’s the Guards and the Almightys who are our enemies.”

  “It was a Tracker who killed Seepie,” said the young Handler.

  “But it was a Guard who killed Petarvarius,” said Gaar.

  There were murmurs of agreement from the Handlers.

  A female Handler stepped to the front of her cage. She was tall with long, black hair streaked with white. “I want to live free, like that one said. I want to feel the earth under my feet. If that means that I have to let go of my hatred for the Trackers, then so be it.” She knelt at the cage door, lowering her black gaze. “Please, set me free.”

  Gaar looked at Mirra. She shrugged. He walked over and freed the female Handler. She hesitantly stepped out of the cage. Crazy bared his teeth but didn’t move. Another female knelt at her cage door. Gaar let her out. The two walked together past the Trackers and out the door.

  “It could be trap,” whispered Nirankan.

  Gaar turned to Mirra. “All of you wait outside.”

  Mirra and the Trackers left the building. One at a time, the Handlers knelt and Gaar freed them. As a group, they exited the building with Trinity and Gaar in the front.

  The Trackers were waiting by the Guards building. The two groups eyed each other cautiously and then Emmanuel raised his head to the sky and let out a howl. Soon, another joined him and then another until they were all howling. Then, the Trackers added their voices and for a short moment in time the Handlers and Trackers were joined in harmony. The odd song slowly died and the Handlers wandered one-by-one into the forest.

  “Now,” said Mirra, eyes gleaming. “We kill Benedictine.”

  “No, Mirra, you should run, hide.” They needed to stay as far away from the Almightys as possible.

  “Mirra no fear Benedictine.” She puffed out her chest.

  “Mirra, perhaps Little One is right,” said Gaar calmly. “We should lie low for a while. We’ve caused enough damage. The Almightys will probably hunt us, but they’ll lose interest. Benedictine will suffer for the loss of the Producers at the Finishing Camp and the loss of all the Handlers and Trackers. He’ll be punished and we don’t have to do anything, but if we attack an Almighty, they will slaughter us.”

  “Mirra no fear Almighty. Mirra kill Benedictine.”

  “Mirra, you need to listen,” said Gaar.

  “Gaar-Mine no handle Mirra.” She turned back and rubbed along his side. “Mirra love Gaar-Mine, but Mirra teach Benedictine lesson. He no beat Trackers. He no cage Trackers. He be punished.”

  “Where are my things? The Guards took them.” Gaar looked around.

  Mirra shrugged. He went into the Guards building and returned with his backpack and quiver full of spears.”

  “Gaar-Mine hunt with Mirra,” said Mirra happily.

  “Yes,” he said. “I go where you go.”

  Mirra purred and rubbed against him.

  She touched his arm. “Gaar, what are you doing?” This was not going to end well.

  He brushed her hand away. “But first, we should take our shots.”

  “Mirra no like shots. Shot make Mirra sick.” Mirra backed away, her fur bristling down her back.

  Gaar pulled out a syringe. “Mirra needs her shot. So, does Gaar.” He jabbed the needle into his arm and pressed down the plunger, injecting himself with the fluid. He pulled the needle out and dropped it into his sack. “See, I went first. Now, your turn.” He took another syringe out of his backpack.

  “No. Mirra no take shot.”

  “It’s good for you. Please, for me.” Gaar stepped forward.

  Nirankan placed his hand on Mirra’s shoulder and she jumped, hissing at him.

  “What shot you take?” asked Nirankan.

  “It’s to keep us both healthy,” said Gaar calmly.

  “Where it come from?” asked Nirankan, stepping between Mirra and Gaar.

  Gaar glanced at Trinity, a battle waging across his features. Mirra would never forgive him if he lied.

  Nirankan’s eyes narrowed. “I no trust shot. No take this.”

  Mirra looked from Nirankan to Gaar, confusion clear on her face.

  “Mirra, I have been with you forever. I only want to help, to keep you safe, healthy.” Gaar gently took her arm and lowered the needle.

  Mirra looked at Nirankan and he shook his head. She jerked back and slapped at Gaar’s hand, sending the needle flying across the yard.

  “Mirra, no take shot.” She stepped back from a shocked Gaar. “Mirra kill Benedictine.” She turned and started off at a slow trot into the forest. The other Trackers followed.

  Gaar dug in the brush, searching for the syringe.

  The last Tracker disappeared into the woods. Trinity should follow and try to persuade Mirra to postpone her vengeance, but Gaar was going to get ill. If he hadn’t been able to sway Mirra, she probably couldn’t either. Here, she might make a difference. “When will you become sick from the shot? What should I expect? Fever? Nausea?”

  “It doesn’t make me sick. It makes me stronger. I only pretend that it makes me ill for Mirra.”

  “Does it make her stronger too?”

  “No. I didn’t lie about that. It makes her easier to control, wea
ker. That’s why I didn’t give it to her earlier. I wanted her strong in case we encountered any Guards or other creatures. I should’ve given it to her anyway.” He continued scouring the brush.

  “Shouldn’t we go after her?”

  “I have to find it. I only had two with serum in them. The damn Guards were using them for darts.” He stood with the needle in his hand. “Got it.” He recapped the syringe and put it in his backpack. “Let’s go. We need to stop them before they do anything that we can’t undo.”


  HUGH WAS IN THE DEN of his mother’s house getting ready for Jethro’s party when Buddy escorted Jackson into the room.

  “Where’s my Producer?” He studied his reflection in the mirror. There were shadows under his eyes from the late night and his face was drawn and tight. It had been a rough couple of days. “Your Guards have been arriving here in groups of two all afternoon, and yet, not one of them has any idea where Trinity is.” He brushed a stray curl off his forehead. Damn hair was always falling in his face. Viola had found it sexy. He needed to apologize to her, big time.

  “Trinity’s not here?” asked Jackson.

  “Would I be asking if she were?” He straightened his tie.

  “She should have arrived hours ago.”

  “You were to bring her to me.” He turned to face the Guard.

  “Plans changed. She wouldn’t come.” Jackson held up his hand. “Let me explain. I had everything in order and then Conguise sent his own Guards.”

  “Conguise has her?” Shit, this was not good.

  “No. She’s free.”

  He motioned for Jackson to hurry. He didn’t have time for a game of twenty questions.

  “You knew about the wild Handler and Tracker,” Jackson continued. “But did you know that they’re Trinity’s friends?”

  He snorted. That was impossible. “Gaar and Mirra friends with a Producer? I don’t think so. They’d more likely eat her.”

  “They’ve been protecting her, traveling with her pretty much since she escaped.”

  “I’ll be damned. Gaar played me. That wily old coot.” He sat down at the desk. He’d given the Handler extra serum and the entire time Trinity had been in Gaar’s care. He laughed.

  “Benedictine captured that wily old coot and the Tracker. That’s how we caught Trinity.”

  “Benedictine captured Mirra?” He stood and walked over to the liquor cabinet. “Do you want a drink?” He picked up a bottle of whiskey. His father had always kept liquor handy. He looked at the bottle in his hand. Maybe, he should cut back. Tomorrow. No sense in doing it before the party. He poured a few inches in a glass.

  “No, thanks,” said Jackson. “Trinity refused to come with me. She wanted to free Mirra and Gaar.”

  “You couldn’t force a teenage, female Producer? What kind of Guard are you?” He turned to study Jackson. The Guard didn’t appear to be incompetent. There was more to this story.

  “She...surprised me.”

  “How?” Did Jackson know she was more than a Producer? How obvious was it?

  “She is not an ordinary Producer, but I’m guessing you already know that.”

  “What do you mean?” He took a sip of his drink.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean.” Jackson’s brown eyes studied him closely.

  “Don’t want to betray her, huh? She must be something special if she befriended Mirra, Gaar and you.”

  “That’s not all she’s befriended,” muttered Jackson.

  “Do tell?” He enjoyed sparring with this Guard.

  “Nah. I’ll let her introduce you to her friends. It’ll be more memorable that way.” Jackson grinned.

  “Of course, that is if I ever meet her,” his tone no longer friendly.

  “She’s traveling with a group of Trackers.”

  “A group?” That wasn’t possible. There was only Mirra.

  “Benedictine was in charge of two secret camps. One contained Handlers and one Trackers. The plan was to have them bond and then be controlled by the Almightys. Your Gaar and Mirra are not exactly controllable,” said Jackson.

  He ran his finger around the edge of the glass, forcing his anger at bay. Why hadn’t he been told about this? “Do you know who paid for the camps?”

  “No,” said Jackson.

  “Were they successful? Did any bond?” This could be a major game changer. If Trackers and Handlers could be controlled by the Almightys then whoever controlled them would be very powerful.

  “No. They always attacked each other and many fought to their deaths.”

  That was a relief, but it still didn’t make sense. “Where did they come from? There are none in the wild besides Gaar and Mirra and they can’t mate.” Or could they? If the other classes could mate and produce viable offspring, could Handlers and Trackers? He had to get some of their blood for testing.

  “I’m not sure. I wasn’t stationed at the camps. All I know is that they had eight others besides Mirra,” said Jackson.

  “Do you remember anything else? Any little detail may be helpful.”

  “Not much. Benedictine did take their blood. He took a lot from Mirra. I think he was planning to bleed her dry.”

  “Were any of them young?” he asked.

  “They were all full grown adults. Some might have been a little younger, but they all looked to be in their prime.”

  Adult specimens. The blood. They were creating them. “Was there a laboratory there?”

  “I don’t...” Jackson frowned. “There was a building that I wasn’t allowed to enter. It wasn’t much to look at from the outside, but I guess it could have been a lab.”

  If this were sanctioned, then why hadn’t he been told? He needed answers and he might be able to get some of them at the party. He tossed back his drink. “I need to get going.”

  “Where?” asked Jackson.

  “To Jethro’s party. Benedictine dropped off an invitation this morning. He was very jovial, so I’m assuming he didn’t know that Trinity was gone. I can’t wait to see the mood he’s in tonight.” He couldn’t hold back a grin as he put on his dinner jacket. “Conguise too. By now they must know that the Producer is gone.”

  “Benedictine may not know,” said Jackson.

  “What do you mean?” He turned to check his appearance in the mirror one final time. “I’m sure Conguise wanted his payment as soon as Jethro could walk.”

  “He did. There was a switch.”

  “What do you mean a switch?” He brushed some lint off his jacket and turned to face the Guard.

  Jackson paused for a long moment. “As I was saying earlier, Conguise brought his Guards to Benedictine’s. I couldn’t sneak Trinity out as we discussed. So, we came up with a plan. Viola took Trinity’s place. She—”

  “What?” Viola was in a cage? He had to get her out.

  “She wanted to prove that she was loyal to you, not her father. And she is the right size,” defended Jackson.

  “Shit.” He rushed out of the den.

  “It should be fine.” Jackson chased him down the stairs. “She’s with her father. The professor will be angry but he won’t hurt her.”

  Jackson grabbed Hugh’s shoulder to stop him from running out the front door. Buddy jumped forward, knocking Jackson’s hand away.

  “Don’t touch him. Ever,” snarled Buddy

  “Sorry. I didn’t want him to rush out unprotected and do something foolish.” Jackson backed away with his head slightly bowed.

  Viola had switched places. She’d helped free Trinity or was it a trap? Was that really why Trinity wasn’t here? Did Viola and her father dupe all of them? “You’re sure Trinity is with Mirra.”

  “Yes,” said Jackson. “Well, she was. Mirra was going to free the other Trackers and then they were going to find Gaar. I went back to inform my Guards of the situation. I couldn’t let them suffer at Benedictine’s hands for something that I did.”

  “Right.” Buddy nodded.

  “So, Tr
inity is with Mirra and probably, Gaar by now. Viola was taken by Conguise and Benedictine has no knowledge of any of this,” Hugh said.

  “As far as I’m aware,” said Jackson.

  His heart slowed. This was not quite the plan, but it was still working out for him. He laughed again and patted Jackson on the back. “I think I like you. They’re going to be livid. This is going to be fun.”

  “I still don’t think you should go,” said Tim as he walked into the room.

  “Tim, meet Jackson, one of my new Guards. I have acquired quite a few in exchange for your daughter.”

  “Trinity? Where is she?” asked Tim, excitedly.

  “So, you’re her father. She said she was part House Servant.” Jackson’s eyes fell to Tim’s claws. “I definitely see a resemblance.”

  “She clawed you, huh?” This niece of his had spunk. He couldn’t wait to meet her.

  “That she did.” Jackson rubbed his arm.

  “Where is she?” asked Tim again, impatiently.

  “She’s with friends,” Hugh answered.

  “She should arrive here shortly,” said Jackson.

  “Jackson, I want you and three of your most trusted Guards to wait here for her. Buddy and I will go to the party. Send your other Guards and Reese to my cabin. When Trinity arrives take her there immediately. Buddy and I will meet you later.”

  “You shouldn’t go to the party,” repeated Tim. “Even Buddy agrees and we don’t agree on anything.”

  Buddy snorted.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that I’m in charge then because I’m going.” He wouldn’t miss this for anything. He couldn’t wait to see Benedictine’s face when the man realized that he’d been tricked by his own Guards. He was also looking forward to taunting Conguise all evening with hints about the break in at the lab. The professor had to know by now that Scar, Tim, Laddie and two House Servants were missing.

  Barney and his mate had been waiting for them at the hotel when they’d arrived to gather Reese. Hugh had sent Laddie and the two House Servants to Dr. Kalper’s to have their tracking devices removed. He’d told the two Servants to wait for him at his cabin and Laddie to meet him at his mother’s house. He’d been afraid to let the doctor see Scar because genetic experimentation was not sanctioned. So, once he was at his mother’s, he’d checked to ensure that her device had already been removed. It had, of course. If Scar was found, Conguise would not want her leading back to him.


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