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Wrist Shot

Page 15

by Kristen Echo

  “Oh, thank god. You’re not being traded.” She breathed a sigh of relief.

  He chuckled. “Not yet anyway. I don’t want to talk about hockey anymore. Say you love me again.”

  “I do, but I’m not saying it again until you do.”

  “Have lunch with me. Let me do this right.”

  She smiled, sat up and shuddered as he pulled out. A stream a liquid dripped down her leg. “We should clean up first.”

  “I plan on taking you again soon and I like the thought of my cum oozing out of you. Soaking your already saturated panties while we eat.”

  “That shouldn’t turn me on, but it does. I love it when you come inside me.”

  “I love it too.” He took her hand and led her to the table. Martin picked up the turned over chair and offered her a seat, kissing her temple as she sat.

  Once he took his seat, they removed the domes. “Bon appetite.”

  “What happened to you last night? Please tell me because I stayed up most of the night worrying,” she said as she pushed the food around on her plate.

  “I’m sorry. My absence wasn’t meant to worry you. I had some drinking and soul searching to do. You know I’m not good at expressing myself. It’s hard for me. Even now, I’d rather scrub toilets than tell you what’s going on in here.” He pointed at his chest and then rubbed over his heart. “I did a lot of walking this morning, making some big life decisions. Otherwise I would have been home sooner. Before your ex smarty pants showed up. What the fuck was that all about?”

  She swallowed a sip of water before responding. “I already told you why he came. But the question I have is why didn’t you throw him out. After the weeks we’ve been together, you’d think for a split second I’d take him back. Really?”

  Martin finished his plate. The man was used to wolfing down his meals. “Hey, I’m not perfect. I saw him touching you… you and I weren’t in the best of places. You kept telling me you’re leaving, reminding me I don’t get to keep you. And that jackass lives where you do.”

  “I don’t live anywhere. I’m homeless. Unless you count moving back in with my parents. I kept dropping hints I wanted to stay, but you didn’t ask me.”

  “Hints are too subtle. Hit me over the head and tell me when you want something. I would give you the moon if you asked for it. You were so hesitant to come here and then scared to open your heart. I had to move slowly. We played your game and all along I hoped you’d love me. Every time we took a step ahead, you’d pull away. Maybe I went too slowly.”

  She pushed her plate away. “You mean all this time you’ve wanted more? You don’t want me to go.”

  “Open the cards.” He flashed her a boyish grin.

  She picked up the deck in the middle of the table. “You want to play a game. Right now?” She removed the cards and put them on the table. “What game?”

  “No game this time. Flip the top cards.”

  Her hands shook as she pulled the top card and placed it right side up on the table.

  Her name was written with a red marker across the top of the card. She flipped the next and revealed a request so romantic her heart fluttered.

  “Sylvie, stay with me and be my Valentine.”

  She stared at the cards. His way of expressing his emotions. “Martin, my funny little Valentine.” Her breath hitched and her eyes watered when she found him on his knees beside her.

  He took her hands and kissed the tops. “Since the moment you arrived, I’ve been trying to win your heart. I love you and always have. You stole my heart the very first time I saw you walk by my house with your pigtails and attitude. Then you broke my face and didn’t apologize. You have a strength I need in my life. There’s been no one else I wanted to spend my life with; only you,” he said and gave her hand a squeeze. He exhaled and she could tell how difficult this was for him to say. “A while ago, you asked whether I wanted marriage and kids and I couldn’t imagine those things with anyone but you. I’m a despicable asshole and the world’s most horrible friend, but I did a happy dance when you called me crying about your breakup. Finally, I had my chance to be with the girl of my dreams. You took a long time to get here and I’ve been scared to say or do the wrong thing. Your friendship means the world to me, but your love means even more.”

  “Oh. Mon cher.” She touched his cheek.

  “It’s not every day a woman like you becomes available. You are perfect for me and I never want to lose you. Sylvie Lamont, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife; one day the mother of my children and staying forever my best friend?” He let go of her hand and pulled a ring from his pocket. Her fingers trembled as he slipped her grand-mothers wedding ring on her finger.

  “Oui! Yes. Yes… I will marry you.”

  He smiled, and she tackled him to the ground. She kissed every inch of his face before stopping on his lips. Lavishing attention to her fiancé. She’d always considered this day the most romantic day of the year and that would never change. A day where love conquered all, and this was a million times better than her wildest fantasies. The candles, the flower, the ring and the man made this a Valentine’s Day she would never forget.

  A Valentine’s engagement would be a story they would tell children someday and much later, their grandchildren.


  L ying in in a tub, nestled between Martin Thomas’s legs was an experience Sylvie never expected to happen. He showered constantly, but wasn’t a bath person. But he proved he had a lot of tricks up his sleeves.

  She glanced at her hand, admiring the sparkly diamond ring. The ring had been in her family for generations. “How did you get this?”

  “I called Bruno yesterday morning, before my meeting and asked for his blessing. Your mother cried and said you better call her later.” They loved Martin and already considered him a part of the family. It didn’t surprise her they would say yes. “She insisted I use this thing. Said it was all you ever talked about as a kid. That one day you’d wear this ring and live happily ever after,” he said mockingly.

  Sylvie smiled, picturing her mother with tears of joy in her eyes. “I’ve always loved it. The old-fashioned setting and intricate gold design. Its understated elegance.”

  He kissed the side of her neck. “Just like you, ma belle.” His tongue outlined the shell of her ear.

  “That’s sweet. But how did you get it? There were no deliveries here yesterday or today. Other than my Valentine’s Day surprise. Which I love by the way.”

  His hands were wrapped around her waist, drawing lines over her ribs and circles around her belly button. “I had the courier company hold the package and call me when it arrived. I got it last night after you refused to come to the rehearsal dinner with me. Why didn’t you come? It was a big blow to my plans. I second guessed us.”

  “We weren’t an us. That was the problem. I developed these feelings for you, and I had no idea how you felt. I fell in love with you and it scared the shit out of me. No strings attached or labels, remember?”

  “I remember.” He slipped his hand under the water and pressed it over her sex. He caressed her breast with his other hand. “You looked so frightened about being with me; like any second you might change your mind. I thought saying that would help you relax. It’s always been more for me. From the moment our lips touched for the first time, there was no turning back.”

  She opened her legs wide and gripped the edge of the tub as his fingers slid along her folds. The gentle squeeze of her breast sent tingles all over. Her breasts were so sensitive. “But you said it wasn’t a good idea. I pushed for us to try.”

  He pushed two fingers inside her. “Yes, you did. You had to be the one in control or it never would have worked. This was always going to happen. You and me. I knew once you finally agreed to come here that I would never let you go.”

  “Why didn’t you say something sooner? Oh… don’t stop.” She ground her pelvis against his hand as his thumb rubbed her clit.

  “Because when I
finally thought you were falling for me, you pulled away. After our trip, I figured we’d turned a corner. But you ran away from me the night of the bachelor party. Did you seriously think I’d leave you when you’re sick?” He doubled his pace, fucking her faster.

  “Oh… Yes!” She came against his hand. Sylvie turned her face towards him and kissed him as the ripples of pleasure continued.

  “Sit on my lap,” he said, lifting her in the water and sitting her on his cock. “We get to do this for the rest of our lives.”

  She used the edge of the tub to leverage herself as she moved on him. “I’ll never get enough of this or of you. I love you so much.” She picked up the pace, and he thrust into her over and over.

  Water splashed over the side of the tub as they made love.

  “I love you to too, ma belle. Pour toujours.”

  “Always,” she repeated as they came together.

  They got out of the tub and he helped her dry off. There was still a wedding to attend in a few hours. He handed her a bathrobe. They dressed and returned to the dining room. “Are you hungry? I noticed you barely ate.” He lifted her plate off the table and there were only a few bites missing.

  “Not really.” The truth was she’d thought the knots in her stomach would go away now that Martin had returned home and they were okay. Better than okay, they were in love and engaged. But she still didn’t feel like herself.

  “That’s not like you,” he said before shoveling a bite of chicken into his mouth.

  “I’ll be right back.” She kissed him and grabbed her purse off the couch. Reaching inside for her lip gloss, her birth control pill pack fell out. She checked the package and there were still a few pills left. Realization dawned that her period was due the day before. She was late, and she was never late. “Um. Martin, I need to head down to the drugstore. I’ll be right back.”

  Sylvie didn’t even bother putting on clothes. She pulled her jacket over the housecoat and slipped into her heels. The store was adjacent to the building, so she didn’t have far to go.

  Those were the longest two elevator rides of her life. She raced to the bathroom as soon as she was back. She tore open the package and peed on the stick. Three minutes and she’d have her answer. She sat on the toilet waiting.

  Martin knocked as he opened the door. “Is everything all right?” His eyes widened when he saw the stick in her hand. “Are you?”

  “I don’t know yet, but I’m late.” Her hands shook as she held out their future.

  He leaned over and stared at the little window on the stick. “What are we looking for? A plus or lines or what? How do we know?”

  “The box said this one is one line for not pregnant and two lines for yes, we’re having a baby. I bought another one just in case.”

  “In case what?”

  Two lines appeared on the stick. Bright pink lines and there was definitely more than one. “In case this happened.” She closed her eyes too afraid to see the disappointment in his eyes. She’d missed a few pills this month, but she never imagined this would happen.

  “We’re having a baby.” He pulled her off the toilet and hugged her. “You’re pregnant with our child.”

  She opened her eyes and laughed. Her panties were around her knees as he held her. “I’ll take the other test to be sure.”

  He kissed her mouth, surprising her with his tenderness. “How do you feel about having my baby?”

  “Scared.” She felt like this was her fault. That he would think she’d done this on purpose or something. “I must have missed a pill on the travel days. My schedule was all mixed up and I’m so sorry. I never—”

  His lips covered hers again. He caressed the side of her face and looked into her eyes. “Don’t be sorry; I’m not. I knew the risk when I came inside you. It takes two to make a baby, Sylvie. This is meant to be. I hope you’re happy about having a big family. Take the test so we can celebrate.”

  This was not the reaction she expected. Who was this man and what had he done with her best friend?

  She smiled and her eyes filled with happy tears. This baby wasn’t planned, but it would be so loved. “Get out of here so I can take the other test.”

  Martin reached onto the back of the toilet seat, grabbed the box and ripped it open. “Sit. I’m not going anywhere or missing a moment of this.” She sat down and he handed her the stick. He read the instructions as she peed. Having him standing over her was intimidating, but perfect all the same. “Give me the stick. I want to hold it this time.”

  “Gross, its covered in my pee.” She held onto the tiny white stick that any moment would show a plus or minus.

  He ripped the thing out of her hands and dropped to his knees so they could watch it together. “Nothing about you is gross. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met and I love you.”

  “Even if I get super huge and fat?” She chewed her lip, not relishing the prospect of gaining more weight; or the morning sickness sure to come. But as the first minute passed, she wanted this baby with all her might.

  “It’s not fat when parts of us are merging and creating life. Look… a plus sign. We are pregnant.”

  “You are sure you’re happy about this? I thought you never wanted to get married or have kids.”

  He rubbed his nose against hers. “Not with anyone but you. With you, ma belle, I want it all. The wedding, kids, the Stanley Cup and the happily ever after.”

  Can’t get enough of Martin and Sylvie’s story? An extended epilogue is available on my website in the Bonus section: Bonus Extended Epilogue.


  Thank you for reading Wrist Shot. Each book in this series has been a blast to write, and I hope you had fun reading it.

  If you didn’t get enough of Martin and Sylvie then head over to my website and check out the bonus content area where you can claim your extended epilogue. It’s exclusively available to members of my mailing list. Subscribe and get access to all the bonus content.

  I would be honored and grateful if you chose to leave a review. I read all my reviews and enjoy getting feedback about my writing. If you want more hockey stories then please leave a review, and let me know you love the series and can’t wait for more.

  The Puck Battle Series are written as standalone books that can be read in any order. That said, the characters do make appearances again in the other books. Book Four, Lucky Goal is coming out soon. Follow me on Amazon and Facebook so you don’t miss out.

  The new goalie may be new to town but he’s the one-man Beth’s been trying to forget. This second chance love story is bound to score.

  Flip the page to find out more in the Puck Battle Series Book Four—Lucky Goal.



  Puck Battle Series Book Four

  Lucky Goal is a New Adult Sports Romance and is intended for a mature audience. Follow the NHL team on their pursuit for love and the Stanley Cup.

  Benny Wilder is the one man Beth never wanted to see again. She avoided the NHL games when he played, and had moved half a country away, but fate is an evil and twisted mother-f*cker; just like her ex.

  Her luck ran out when she attended a friend’s wedding and bumped into the team’s newest goalie. Benny hasn’t changed, but she’s not the same girl anymore. He’s determined to make her life hell and by that he wants a second chance. Too bad they had burned those bridges and she'd lit the match. His good looks and charming smile may drop panties across the nation, but he’ll never win her heart.

  She may need the luck of the Irish in order to pull off the impossible and get her revenge. Sometimes in life, like in hockey, to win the game you have to pull the goalie. There’s nothing she won’t do to get even, but it may cost them both the things that matter most.


  Kristen Echo is a lover of romance stories. She writes passionate love stories that are both sexy and dirty. Her books will make you feel more than a little naughty in all the right places.

bsp; She lives in Manitoba, Canada where she spends any free time with her two lovely little girls and the love of her life. When she's not writing, you can find her contemplating life’s mysteries with her hands wrapped around a cup of coffee, or with her nose stuck in a sizzling hot romance.

  The Puck Battle Series is a sports romance series and as mentioned, she’s a Canadian, so of course she loves hockey. The Winnipeg Jets are her home team and will forever hold a special place in her heart. But her true love is football. Sorry, Canadian Football League—she’s a diehard NFL fan. Blue and orange are her colors.

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  Standalone book: Deceptive People – A Romantic Suspense Novella

  Puck Battle Series Intro Novella: Player Substitution

  Puck Battle Series Book One: Holiday Face-off

  Puck Battle Series Book Two: Poke Checking


  Thanks to all my friends and helpful folks in the online writer groups I’ve joined. The writing community is full of amazing people who are willing to share their knowledge with the minnows like me. This hockey series continues because of all the help and advice I’ve received along the way.


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