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The Royal Heir

Page 5

by Tawny Amaya

  Oh, I was more than ready, but I couldn’t find the words to tell him. Erik jumped lightly in my hand as I kissed his chest, tracing over the swollen head, his fingers starting a slow, delicious circle around my throbbing clit. My knees weakened as I felt the pressure start to build, knowing it was going to be quick and oh so nice.

  “Yes,” Erik urged as I whimpered against the onslaught of his fingers. “That’s it.”

  I arched against his touch and then exploded, my body instantly stiffening as the orgasm overtook me. Erik grabbed me around the waist and held me close as my body literally shook, raining kisses on my neck. For a moment, I was floating.

  Lazily I opened my eyes to find Erik’s watching me, a heated look that curled my toes, his erection pressing into my belly. “Enjoy it?”

  I nodded, and he grinned, grabbing my hand. “Where’s the bedroom?”

  I pointed in the direction of my room, and he pulled me along, not bothering to cut on the light as he entered. He spun me around and kissed my lips urgently, his hands making quick work of my panties before lowering me to the bed. “Condom?” I whispered against his mouth. I was a horrible person when it came to birth control, and the last thing I needed was a child in my unstable life.

  He sighed and raised up, looking down at me with regret. “I-I don’t carry one on me.”

  I rolled out my lip, running a finger down the middle of his chest. “Well, I guess you might want to look in the top drawer of that nightstand over there.”

  His expression turned feral, and he scrambled over to the nightstand, finding the condoms that Jeanie stashed there just in case I might get lucky in my lifetime. I could almost kiss her right now for thinking that far ahead.

  Soon, Erik was looming over me, pressing against my center. He leaned down and kissed me lazily, his heavy body warm and welcoming on top of mine. “I apologize,” he whispered against my cheek. “This is going to be far too quick.”

  I just pulled him closer to me, letting him know that I didn’t care. I just wanted him inside me. He entered me in one push, and I arched against his intrusion as he filled me to my very core.

  Chapter 14: Erik

  Carrie felt fucking amazing. I gritted my teeth as I willed myself to last just a bit longer to keep it from being embarrassing. One move and I would lose it buried in her warmth.

  She made a noise, and I pulled out slightly, finding a rhythm that soon had her panting with need. My body was straining against the need to let go, yet I wanted to stay here as long as I could. Freezing time would keep me here, with her, longer.

  “Erik,” she breathed, her hands grabbing my upper arms, her body tensing around my cock. I knew what she wanted, and I was more than obliged to give it to her. Picking up the pace, she cried out as the orgasm overtook her and I pushed even faster, feeling my own build up inside. I would owe her after this, big time, but right now, I just wanted to let go.

  With a grunt, I finally did just that, pouring into her with a hoarse shout, filling the quiet apartment. God that felt good. She didn’t say anything, her hands releasing my arms as we listened to the apartment settle around us and I didn’t want to move. If I moved, then it was all over with, and reality was going to set in.

  But I did, pulling out of her with a wince. “Bathroom?”

  “Over there,” she said quietly, pointing to the opposite end of the small bedroom. I walked into the even smaller space and rid myself of the used condom, splashing water on my face before I reentered the bedroom. Carrie had already climbed under her bedspread, laying on her side, her eyes watching me as I climbed in as well, throwing the covers over us both. I knew I should leave, get back to the hotel before my uncle sent out a search party, but I didn’t want to go just yet.

  “So,” she said after a moment. “How much do you think I could get for my comforter?”

  I turned and looked at her, seeing her smirk. “What?”

  Her grin grew wider. “I mean, I just had sex with a royal. Surely someone will want to buy it.”

  I laughed and reached for her, pulling her against my chest. Her head fit right into the curve of my shoulder, and she sighed. “You are unlike any woman I have ever met,” I said to her, my fingers playing in her thick hair.

  “And you are definitely the first royal I have ever met,” she answered, her hand laying over my rapidly beating heart. “So, I guess we are full of firsts.”

  She had no idea. “Listen, Carrie.”

  Her hand stilled on my chest. “Please, let’s not talk about it tonight.”

  “Alright.” That was fine with me. We would keep the unanswered questions to ourselves for now. “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

  She gave a little laugh. “Probably working late and then taking the subway home.”

  “I want you to attend a gala with me.”

  Her head shot up so fast she hit my chin, and my teeth crashed together. “What?”

  I rubbed my chin as I looked at her. “There’s this gala for the clean energy summit, and I find myself in need of a date.”

  Her expression changed, and I saw the uncertainty on her face. “I-I don’t know Erik.”

  I pulled her against me once more, my fingers trailing down her spine. She didn’t understand. I needed her there. “Please. I will even take you out afterward.” I wanted to have her next to me so I would feel grounded in that room, a reminder of what the trip had truly brought me. Her.

  She blew out a breath, and I knew I had won. “Alright.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Your welcome.”

  Carrie snuggled against me, and I looked up at the dark ceiling, feeling some uncertainty myself. I was going to leave her soon, go back to my own little world and my own responsibilities. She would go back to her life, and after a while, we would be so immersed in our own lives that this night, this time together would become a faded memory.

  I didn’t like the idea.


  The next night I stood in the suite, glancing at my watch for the fifth time in the last five minutes. I would have to leave soon, and if Carrie didn’t arrive, well, I wouldn’t know how to take her absence. I had left her sometime early this morning with a kiss on her forehead while she slept, taking a cab back to the hotel with a damn smile on my face. If my uncle suspected anything, he was choosing not to confront me about it right now.

  I didn’t care what he thought. I had found the one thing in my life that was real.

  The suite door opened and I held my breath as one of the guards stepped aside, allowing Carrie to walk in. Damn, she was gorgeous, dressed in a little black number that nearly took my breath away. Her hair was down a mass of curls that my hands itched to be buried in again.

  “What is she doing here?”

  I ignored my uncle’s outburst as I walked toward her, keeping myself in check. I really wanted to kiss the hell out of her, but it would give my uncle too much ammunition, and I wasn’t ready to confront that aspect yet.

  I would after this night. I was tired of being told what my life was supposed to be when it came to the personal aspects of it.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I said lightly, my eyes searching hers. She looked nervous, and I hoped she didn’t bolt at any moment.

  “Um you look nice as well,” she said softly, gripping the clutch in her hands tightly. “Thank you for the invite.”

  I gave her a grin. “I couldn’t think of anyone else, really.”

  She shot me a look, though there was a tease in her eyes. “I could line up some girls. You could have a different one every fifteen minutes.”

  I leaned forward. “I only want one, and she’s standing in front of me.”

  She cleared her throat and looked down, though I was pleased to see the pink stain on her cheeks.

  “Your majesty, a moment?”

  I straightened and shot her a wink before turning back to my uncle, who was glaring at Carrie. “Yes?”

  “You cannot possibly be thinking of taking her,”
he hissed, loud enough for her to hear.

  I stared him down, pissed that he would even approach me about this. “It’s my choice.”

  “B-but she’s nothing more than a hotel worker!” he shot back, tugging at his bow tie. “If you wanted a date, I could have lined up someone more, more prominent. Someone good for your image.”

  “I’ve found her,” I growled, turning my back to him. I was done with this conversation. Carrie had moved closer to the door, no doubt to give us some privacy, but by the look on her face, I knew she had heard every word. I stalked over to her and held out my hand, beckoning for her to take it. “Come, we will go in a separate car.”

  She hesitated, and I inwardly pleaded for her to be strong. “Erik.”

  “I need you.”

  She took my hand.

  Chapter 15: Carrie

  I didn’t belong here.

  The car pulled up to an expensive hotel on the upper east side, and I froze as I saw the paparazzi standing out front, snapping photos of the arrivals. The only picture that had ever been taken of me in this sense was for a magazine spread about The Bismarck, and even then, I had been with a group.

  Certainly not with a prince.

  “You’re not thinking about running, are you?”

  I turned to look at Erik, who had been quiet during the car ride over, his thumb idly stroking the back of my hand. I could see the tension in his face, but didn’t know if it was from his conversation with his nasty uncle or if he truly thought that this was a mistake.

  Either way, I was doomed. “Of course not. I can’t run in these heels.”

  His smile was fleeting, and he released my hand, opening his door to step out. I blew out a breath as I attempted to tamp down my nerves, hoping that I could get through this night without doing anything stupid. My door opened, and Erik was there, holding out his hand to help me out of the car. As soon as I stepped out, the flashes went off, everyone yelling at once. Erik tucked my hand under his arm and walked me through the line, waving at a few people, his winning smile forcing me to smile as well, my insides jelly. I didn’t belong next to this gorgeous guy. I didn’t even belong in this dress, a last-minute buy with Jeanie after I told her about the gala. She had been beside herself, and I had been a nervous wreck.

  I hadn’t told her that I had slept with Erik though. That memory I was holding near my heart.

  Finally, we arrived inside, and Erik was greeted with his customary titles, making me feel more inadequate if I already hadn’t. I was with a true-blue prince. This wasn’t some weird dream. Erik was to be king one day of an entire county. I didn’t even own my own place. What was I doing with him?

  “Smile or people will think I kidnapped you and forced you to come here.”

  “The same could be said of me,” I muttered as we walked into the large ballroom full of glittering people. I wanted to tell him to take me back to the hotel, where at least I would feel comfortable. How did he do this all the time?

  “May I have a dance with your date?”

  I looked up to see his uncle standing before us, his expression calm and relaxed, much different than he had been earlier. Erik’s arm tightened around me, and I knew he didn’t trust this man any longer. “A dance or an interrogation?” he asked angrily.

  His uncle held up his hands. “A dance by way of apology for my behavior earlier.”

  “It’s fine,” I said, laying a hand on Erik’s chest. I was a big girl. I could handle this man.

  Erik looked as if he didn’t want me to leave but finally released my waist, stepping back. I followed his uncle onto the dance floor, and we got into some kind of rhythm, though my heart was nearly pounding out of my chest for even being in this position.

  “You know my nephew is going to be king soon,” he said after a moment, his eyes focused over my head. “That puts him in a very powerful position, and he deserves to have someone by his side that can handle those stresses, those decisions.”

  I let out a little laugh. “Trust me; I have no designs on being a queen.”

  He looked down at me, his eyes glittering. “But Erik has designs on you, Ms. Wallace and that cannot continue after this dance. Either you will blow him off, or I will have your job.”

  I froze, his uncle having to get me to move so that we wouldn’t get run over by the other couples on the dance floor. He was threatening my job, my very livelihood because Erik and I were attracted to each other? “I-I don’t know what you mean.”

  He let out a laugh this time. “I believe that you do know what I mean. This has gone too far, and Erik is quick to forget that he has an entirely different life in Maltan, with an entirely different woman.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest. Another woman? Was Erik dating someone else? Surely not. Surely, he would have enough decency to not sleep with me while dating someone else, someone far away. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. Had I been played by a royal?

  “I see I got your attention. Heed my warning Ms. Wallace. My nephew has great things back in Maltan, grand things and I will not have him pining over you when he leaves this miserable city. Leave him alone, or I will be forced to take action.”

  I dropped my hand from his and walked off the dance floor then, struggling to maintain my composure. Not only had my job been threatened yet again, but I had also learned that I was not the only woman in Erik’s life. A person could only take so many blows.

  I searched for him in the crowd, watching as he entertained a small group of people, hanging onto his every word. This was his life, his world to be admired for his title though I knew the man under the hefty title. I knew the man that had held me while I slept, the man that was scared of confined spaces. I knew the man that was nothing like the man I saw now. There was an air about Erik tonight, one that I knew I could not compete with. This was really him, the one that would appear when he left tomorrow. My heart ached as I thought about what the other woman in his life was like. Did she love him? Did they have some great relationship back in Maltan? Oh god, I couldn’t deal with this!

  Turning on my heel, I walked out of the ballroom.

  Chapter 16: Erik

  Something was wrong.

  I glanced at the approaching group, looking for Carrie’s familiar smile but didn’t find her, forced to nod to the giggling women before they labeled me as being interested. I had got caught up in some of the discussion on my speech and spending far too long attempting to get my point, and my father’s across. While I had been largely successful, I had lost Carrie in the process.

  “Well done Erik, well done!”

  I turned to find my uncle standing next to me, a grin on his face. “Where is Carrie?”

  He looked over at me, his grin fading. “You just won over half of this room, and you are worried about a woman?”

  I straightened my shoulders, clasping my hands behind my back so I wouldn’t strangle my blood relative. “She was my date tonight, Uncle Fredo. I believe it’s my duty to know where she is at.”

  He laughed, waving a hand in the air. “I wish you could see your face. She has you sniffing after her like a damn dog, and you can’t see your hand if you held it in front of your face. She’s nothing more than a distraction, and I thought by sleeping with her, you would have gotten it out of your system.”

  My hand shot out so fast it didn’t register, wrapping it around the collar of his shirt, pressing it against his windpipe. “What did you do to her?”

  His eyes bulged as I held the pressure, ignoring the gasps around me. Someone took my arm and pulled me away. “Your majesty now is not the time nor place to show your strength.”

  It was one of my details, and I brushed him off, straightening my tux coat and forcing a smile on my face to those that were outwardly staring. “Everything is fine.”

  “Yes, everything is fine,” my uncle wheezed, his hand clutching his throat. “Just a minor disagreement.”

  The crowd gradually went back to the party, and I turned to the security who had pull
ed me off my uncle. “Did you see her?”

  He cleared his throat. “I believe she caught a cab more than an hour ago.”

  That’s all I needed to hear. I walked over to my uncle and patted him on the shoulder, gritting my teeth. “If I find out that you did something to her, I will not stop next time.”

  “I did nothing but tell her the truth, a truth you are too blind to see,” he said, straightening his tie. “Go to your commoner, but tomorrow, we will be gone and whatever this damn mess is will be over.”

  I growled and walked on, motioning to the detail to follow me. I could make an educated guess where I might find Carrie and when I did, I just hoped that my uncle hadn’t turned her against me. Damn him for meddling in my personal life!

  The ride to her apartment was surprisingly short, and I left the detail in the car as I took the stairs to her floor, finding her apartment with ease. My heart pounded in my chest as I raised my fist and banged on the door, hoping that I had chosen right. This was supposed to be a night that I could spend time with her, not hunting her down because of my damn uncle. The door cracked a bit, and I could see her eye staring back at me. “Carrie,” I said, blowing out a breath of relief. “I need to talk to you.”

  “I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  She had been crying. Damn. I could kill him. “Please, whatever my uncle said to you, I can explain.”

  “So, there is another woman?”

  My blood froze in my veins. “What the hell are you talking about? Carrie, open the door.”

  She did so, and I could see the tear stains on her cheeks. But there was anger in her eyes, anger that made me want to take a step back. “He told me t-there was another woman in Maltan.”


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