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As the World Ends

Page 3

by Marian Lanouette

  “Disconnected…” He understood. Their current reality cast their previous lives in a surreal light. Lauren’s intuition sometimes disconnected her from the present, but he’d come to respect it throughout their marriage. It opened her up to things he could only imagine. Those very premonitions he believed had saved their lives a few times. He smiled at the memory of her causing a scene on the flight to Florida. She wanted off the plane. It was good enough for him. After an argument with the crew they let them off. Later, they learned the flight was cancelled due to engine problems.

  “Anything we should be worried about?” He studied her.

  “I don’t know…it’s not a joyful disconnect. I’m antsy and queasy.”

  “Oh, boy.”

  “We have no control over it, so don’t worry. I missed making love to you last night.” She changed the subject.

  “Me too.”

  “You romantic devil, you. If you don’t stop being so wordy, I’ll just blush,” she joked.

  “I’m a man of action,” he said, grabbing her and cupping her breast.

  “Mmmm, exactly what I like.” She reached for him. Massaging him through his jeans, he got hard as she struggled to open his fly. He moaned into her ear as he unbuttoned her shirt. Next, he fought with her bra before he got it unsnapped.

  She unzipped his jeans and inched them down his hips, watching her concentration waver as he sucked her nipple, first gently and then nipping it with his teeth. Happy the sensation sent her over the edge.

  He put a hand over her mouth to quiet her, not knowing if the cave dweller was in the area. He should have check before they got busy. But he couldn’t stop the need or the want for this woman. From the very first moment he had laid eyes on her, he knew she was the one. No matter how many times he made love to her, it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. Removing his hand, he lowered his head. Gently he placed a kiss on her full, inviting lips. Then his tongue pushed deeper demanding more. She bit his bottom lip, drawing another moan from him. He pushed off of her. She hissed in disapproval.

  “Relax. I need to get these jeans off.”


  “No,” he teased.

  “Bastard.” She laughed, started removing her own shorts. Grabbing her hands he knelt down beside her.

  “No, I want to undress you.”

  From under his lashes he watched her watching him. Her eyes half closed, her mouth slightly open in a tantalizing pout invited him in. Rob loved her full, soft lips and kissed her again. A tender, loving kiss filled with all the passion and love pent-up inside of him. All of it for Lauren, only her, he thought. Lowering her shorts, he inched them down her legs slowly, pressing kisses on her inner thigh. As she reached for him, Rob pushed her hands away. When it came to making love to his wife he never rushed. Throwing her shorts to the side, he lowered her thong, tossing it on top of her shorts. Excited, ready to burst, he lowered his body on top of her then entered into the wet, warm bliss as her body greedily folded and tightened around him.

  Rob loved the way she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked them at his back. Lauren was wet and ready for him as he eased into her. It was a tight fit which never ceased to amaze him. Their bodies so different, he thought, his wife, so petite and curvy, while he was tall and beefy. When he made love to her, he always needed to keep that in mind. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her.

  “I want more.” She panted.

  “Easy darling.”

  “More,” she screamed.

  “Impatient wanton,” he laughed.

  He pushed all the way into her. “Oh my God.” She raked her nails down his back.

  He jerked, the pain mingled with the ecstasy pushed him closer to the edge. Knowing she wasn’t ready, he fought for control. In a steady rhythm he moved his hips, building the friction until her muscles tightened around him. When he felt her near the edge, a volcano ready to erupt, he withdrew and slowed his thrusts.

  “Don’t stop, Rob.” She pleaded.

  “Patience, hon, patience.”



  She pushed him into her with her wrapped legs. He almost tumbled on top of her and laughed.

  “Bastard,” she hissed again—pistoning her hips up to engulf him completely.

  “My beautiful, Lauren, you’ll never understand how much I love and need you,” he said.

  Increasing his motion, he gripped her hips tighter as he lifted her up onto him, and then plunged deeper until she lost all control.

  “Rob,” she yelled his name, always his name.

  It pushed him over the edge. He pounded his cock hard and fast into her until they fell into each other arms. Spent and exhausted, he collapsed on top of her.

  Finding it difficult to breathe under his weight, Lauren pushed on his chest unable to budge him.

  “Rob, I can’t breathe,” she hoarsely shouted in his ear.

  “What?” He looked down at her then pushed up onto his elbows. “Sorry, I fell asleep. You know I want to stay inside of you forever. Too bad nature doesn’t allow that.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he rolled over onto his back dragging her on top of him as he did. “This isn’t that comfortable,” he complained.

  “No shit, Sherlock.” She grinned.

  He stroked her back. “We need to get up and get dressed. I hate to ruin this moment… We don’t know where he is, and I wouldn’t want to get caught with my pants down.”

  “Since when?” She joked.

  “Seriously, Lauren…What the…”

  Rob pushed her off him. Grabbing his gun, the purr was unmistakable. A mountain lion.

  “Make noise, Lauren. Grab the SPAM can and throw it at him. Stand up straight.”

  Jumping up, he pulled Lauren to her feet, shielding her with his body. He didn’t want to fire his gun in case the cave dweller was near. The two-legged animal in the other cave scared him more than the mountain lion.

  Lauren threw the can, looking around for something else to throw at him. She grabbed her backpack and heaved it at the animal. Both let out their breaths when he ran from the cave.

  “Wow, that was close.” She squeaked.

  “They’re dangerous animals, though they don’t like crowds or noise. The bigger you appear the more they’ll back off.”

  “He had great eyes. Did you see his coat? He’s so beautiful.”

  “No, I didn’t notice his eyes or his coat. I was trying to keep us alive. You sure are strange sometimes.” He laughed.

  “How come he didn’t roar?”

  “Mountain lions are a purring cat. They can’t roar. It has something to do with a bone in their mouth. I don’t remember all the details.”

  “How come you know all this stuff?”

  “Because I hike and camp in their territory, it’s smart to know what’s out there.”


  Roan lost the trail after a couple of hours.

  “It’s like they disappeared into fucking thin air.”

  First, the trail headed east, then circled back to the west, finally he found a path with footprints leading south. Hungry and cranky and running out of water his frustration grew.

  “Where are you, you bastard?”

  It was definitely two people he was hunting; one very large foot, which would fit with the guy in the video and one very small foot, that of a woman.

  He sat and took a drink of water, tilting his head up and eyeballing the sun. It was only mid-morning, but he made the decision to head back. What if it was a set-up and they were waiting for him at his camp? Wouldn’t that be a hoot?

  As he started to get up, the air changed around him. In the nick of time, he ducked as a mountain lion jumped in his direction. He grabbed several rocks from the ground and stood up, throwing them at the cat. The mountain lion turned and disappeared into the woods.

  “Jesus, that was close. Thank God for the nature channel,” he murmured, his heart pounding in his chest, sweat runn
ing down his back.

  Grabbing several more rocks, he put them into his bag before starting back to his cave. He wasn’t taking any chances if he met up with that cat again.

  “I’m going back to his cave and introduce myself. I want to feel him out before we make the decision to leave or stay.”

  “I don’t want to wait here by myself, Rob. What will I do when the walls start closing in on me,” she whined.

  “It’s safer this way. Who knows what this guy’s like, Lauren? The cave is big. If you need air, go outside for a while but stay close and keep your gun with you.”

  “What happens if the guy isn’t at the cave but finds me first?”

  “I promise I’ll find him first. Don’t let your guard down.” Rob reached into his duffle bag and brought out the two-ways he had packed. “Don’t use it unless it’s an emergency. Otherwise you might give my position away. Click it twice for an emergency, three times for talk. If I can, I’ll click in and talk. Understand?” he said, handing her one of the radios.

  She studied him. Nodded then grabbed it from him. Clicked the speak button to make sure it worked. “There’s a lot of static on these.”

  “They’ll do. Promise me, Lauren, you won’t stray far while I’m gone.”

  “I promise. I know why this guy bothered me, but what exactly bothered you about him?”

  “Can’t say, instincts maybe. I won’t be long, babe, come here, give me a kiss for luck.”

  “Rob, what if the mountain lion comes back?” She moved toward him, into him.

  “You know what to do now,” he said, reaching for her.

  Rob followed a different path back to the cave, making sure to wipe away his footprints along the way. It took him a good hour in the daylight. Before he approached the entrance, he observed it for fifteen minutes. No activity or sound encouraged him to explore it.

  At the mouth of the cave, he called out, “Hello. Are you in there?” It sounded stupid even to his ears. What else could he say?

  Roan heard the rocks grind under footsteps. He stopped what he was doing and listened. The voice startled him when the man’s voice called out.


  Could it be the couple he’d been tracking, or possibly a forest ranger? Either or, the only way to find out was to go out and greet the man. Anticipation and fear filled his gut. Picking up his gun and radio he headed out of his cave.

  “I’m coming out,” he yelled.

  Until he knew who or what he was dealing with, no one entered his cave. When he stepped out, he grabbed his sunglasses off his shirt where he had hooked them. They really weren’t needed. The grey sky shielded the sun. However, he didn’t want to show too much in his eyes.

  The man he came face to face with also had his sunglasses on. Positive it was video man. Roan looked around, disappointed when he didn’t see his video woman.


  So the dance begins. I hope he likes what he sees. Video man has an inch on me and about twenty pounds. Damn it’s all muscle too. The video didn’t exactly clue me on that, but I’m sure I can still take him. And to the victor goes the spoils.

  He made the decision, took off his sunglasses, reaching his hand out, he said. “Hi, I’m Roan Kline.”

  “I’m Rob Henderson.”

  Rob extended his hand while he continued to study Roan. An awkward silence filled the air. Looking around, he racked his brain for something to say. Normally, not a tongue-tied kind of guy, Rob studied the man. The guy in front of him gave off a creepy vibe with his gun on his hip and his ‘Make my day’ stance. Shaking his head, Rob couldn’t help but wonder what kind of yahoo he was dealing with. Did he think he was in a western movie or what? Sunglasses hooked on his t-shirt, a knife in his belt, Rob figured the man thought himself cool. It struck Rob as a lot of fire power. Looking down, Rob tried to figure out if Roan wore an ankle holster also.

  “I didn’t know anyone else knew about our cave,” Rob said.

  “Your cave?” Roan smirked, cocking his head to the side.

  Cocky bastard. “That’s what we came to call it over the last year,” Rob replied before he could stop himself.

  “We?” Roan probed.

  Choosing not to answer Roan’s question, Rob asked one of his own, “Are you alone?”


  “Just curious.” Changing tactic, Rob asked, “Are your radios working?”


  “Mine aren’t either. I have a battery powered one and a hand crank. I can’t raise the Emergency Broadcast System on either one of them.”

  “Same here.” Interesting, why’s he being so secretive about his wife? Let’s play with him.

  “Do you want to share the cave?”

  “Thanks, but not right now. We…I found another spot.”

  “There’s plenty of room.”

  “I know. I’ve explored these caves for a couple of years.”

  “Oh?” Roan quirked an eyebrow, the guy didn’t trust him. Good instincts.

  “I like exploring. I also explore underwater caves.”

  “Sounds like fun. What do you think about what happened last night?” Roan said, broaching the subject.

  “I don’t know. I’d be more comfortable if the radios worked,” Rob answered honestly.

  “Me, too.”

  Rob held out his hand. “It was nice meeting you. I heard you out and about last night. I thought it best to wait until daylight, to introduce myself.”

  Roan grabbed his hand firmly. “It was nice meeting you, too. If you change your mind, let me know. Oh, where are you staying?”

  “I stayed in my car last night. I’m gonna explore the area today and find a spot. I appreciate your offer, but I like my privacy. I’ll catch you around.” Rob turned to leave.

  “Rob, you never answered me, are you alone?”

  “Funny, you didn’t answer me either,” Rob grunted, and continued on his way.

  Roan smiled, cagey son of a bitch. Rob’s not dumb. I’ll have to change my plans. Work my way into their trust before I make my move. He leaned on the outer cave wall and watched Rob disappear into the woods.

  He gave him ten minutes before he decided to follow him. In twenty minutes, he was laughing. Yeah, not stupid this one, he wiped his footprints. I wish I had better tracking skills. Anticipation licked at his throat, he couldn’t wait until he held video woman in his arms. He would have to bide his time. Which way would he go? Me, I’d go into the sun. Roan headed west and walked the woods for another hour before he decided to return to his cave. Damn, I lost him. Yeah, next time, I’ll follow him sooner.

  Rob watched Roan roam the woods. He knew the guy would try to follow, so he climbed the closest tree and sat while he waited for him. It didn’t take long to spot him. The guy had a habit of talking to himself. A sure sign he was alone. There’s no way he was leading Roan back to Lauren. Rob watched him through his binoculars until he lost sight of him, and then waited another ten minutes, listening for any unusual noises. When he felt it was safe, he climbed down the tree and doubled backed a couple of times before he headed to their cave. The man didn’t seem to have any kind of tracking skills—a fact that lightened Rob’s mind.


  Rob walked into their cave and quietly called out, “Lauren.”

  “Rob,” she ran out of the shadows, startling him. She jumped on him as she wrapped her arms tightly around him, almost taking them both down.

  “Lauren, what’s the matter?” She was shaking in his arms, gulping for air.

  “I heard all these weird noises that sounded like footsteps. Afraid, I didn’t leave the cave all day. And I gotta tell you, I have to pee so bad, I can taste it. Can’t wait another damn minute. You need to come into the woods with me,” winded, she commanded him.

  “You didn’t leave the cave all day?” He held her tight.

  “No, I was more afraid of what was going on out there than being in the cave.”

  “Why?” He let go of
her when she pushed on his chest then walked away from him.

  “I didn’t know who was out there.”

  Upset when he noticed her trembling bottom lip. The ghost like paleness of her face, he watched her gather the toilet paper and a sweater. He never realized leaving her alone would scare her so much.

  “I’m sorry, Lauren. I won’t leave you alone again.”

  “Not your fault. I have to grow up. Did you talk to the guy?”

  “Yeah.” He frowned.

  “What? Is something wrong with him?”

  “Yeah, he’s creepy.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He offered his cave and asked if I was alone. I got the feeling he knew I wasn’t.” His brows knitted together.

  “How would he know?”

  “I saw his tracks this morning. They stopped about twenty yards before our cave. He must have tried to follow us.”

  “He knows where we’re staying,” she shuttered.

  “No, I don’t think so. He tried tracking me after I left his cave.”

  “He didn’t see you?”

  “No, I was up a tree.” He smiled.

  “Clever you. What makes you think he knows?”

  “The way he kept asking. I think he might have seen both of our tracks last night. Maybe I didn’t wipe them as good as I thought I did. I also noticed this morning that his tracks and the mountain lion’s were on the same path. So from now on we’ll make sure not to use that path. I don’t understand why the guy stopped twenty yards away last night. Could be something in the woods spooked him”

  “We can only hope,” Lauren said.

  Rob nodded “After you’re done in the woods, I want to track some animals. Hunt them for practice. We don’t have to kill them now, because we have enough food. I just want to be ready for when we don’t.”

  “We have to kill what we eat.”

  “I’m afraid so.” He watched her process it and grinned. Knowing the thought had never occurred to her.


  Laughing, he took her into his arms and kissed her hair. “I love you.”


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