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Audrey Hepburn

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by Barry Paris

  Mayerling (TV production)

  Mealand, Richard

  Melford, Jack

  Mellor, William

  Memorial performances

  Men, Hepburn and

  Mendelson, Howard

  Mengelberg, Willem

  Menicucci, Tony

  Men of Arnhem (film)

  Mercer, Johnny

  Merrick, David

  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Ferrer (Mel) and; and Funny Face; and Green Mansions

  Michener, James, Hawaii

  Middleton, Gabrielle

  Middleton, Guy

  Miles, Sarah

  Miller, Gilbert

  Miller, Kitty

  Mills, Hayley

  Mills, John

  Minnelli, Liza


  The Mission (film)

  Mitford, Diana

  Mitford, Unity

  Mitterrand, Francois

  Mizrahi, Isaac

  Mockridge, Norton

  Modeling jobs

  Mohammed: Messenger of God (film)

  Monkhouse, Bob

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monte Carlo Baby (film)

  Montessori, Maria

  Montgomery, Bernard Law

  “Moon River” (song)

  Moonstruck (film)

  Moore, Roger; and Hepburn’s UNICEF work

  Moreau, Jeanne, Lumière

  Morfogen, George

  Morley, Sheridan; and Ferrers’ divorce

  Morricone, Ennio

  Morrissey, Paul

  Moseley, Roy, and Grant

  Moses, Rebecca

  Mosley, Oswald

  Mother Goose Suite, Ravel

  Motherhood, Hepburn and

  Movies on television, Hepburn and

  Mullally, Frederic

  Müller, Georges

  Mulligan, Robert

  Munshin, Jules

  Murdoch, Henry P.

  Murphy, Audie

  Murton, Lionel

  Museum of Modern Art, Hepburn tribute

  Music, Hepburn and

  My Fair Lady (film); Academy Awards; restoration of

  My Fair Lady (on stage)

  My Mother Thought She Was Audrey Hepburn (film)

  Nashville (film)

  National Enquirer

  Nauta, Max

  Nazi Germany, and Holland

  Nazism, Audrey’s parents and

  Neal, Patricia; and Academy Awards ; and Breakfast at Tiffany’s

  Nesbitt, Cathleen

  Netherlands: ballet in; “Film and Fashion” festival ; liberation of; World War II,

  Newman, Paul

  Newsweek reviews: The Brave Bulls; Charade ; Gigi; Ondine; They All Laughed

  New World Symphony Orchestra

  New York City: Dottis’ trip to; Hepburn’s arrival

  New York Daily News, and Bloodline

  New York Film Critics Awards

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Mirror

  New York Times; Capucine obituary; and Mayerling; and Monte Carlo Baby

  Nicholas and Alexandra (film)

  Nicholson, Jack

  Niel, David, Winnie the Pooh oratorio

  Night at the Opera (film)

  Nina (play)

  Niven, David; and Hepburn’s marriage to Dotti

  Nixon, Marni; and Hepburn

  No Bail for the Judge (film)

  Noises Off (film)

  North Africa, immunization of children

  Novak, Blaine

  Nude scene, Two for rhe Road

  The Nun’s Story (film); promotional tour

  Oakes, Philip

  Oberon, Merle

  O’Connor, Donald

  O‘Donohue, Irene. See Ferrer, Irene O’Donohue

  O’Donohue, Joseph J.

  Oh Rosalinda! (film)

  Olivier, Laurence

  Ondine (film)

  Ondine (play); “Tony” award

  O’Neal, Ryan

  One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

  One Wild Oat (film)

  Openda, Katherine

  “Operation Lifeline”

  Operation Petticoat (film)

  Orunesu, Giovanni

  Oscar nominations. See Academy Awards

  O’Toole, Peter; and Finney; How to Steal a Million

  Out of Africa

  Page, Geraldine

  Pagliai, Bruno

  Pagliai, Bruno, Jr.

  Pagliai, Francesca

  Pain, emotional, Hepburn and

  Paint Your Wagon (film)

  “La Paisible,” (Hepburn home) ; Hepburn’s funeral; last days at

  Pamplona, Spain


  Papas, Irene

  Paramaribo, Surinam

  Paramount Pictures; ABC and; and Astaire ; and Breakfast at Tiffany’s; contract with; film proposals; and Funny Face; and Hepburn; and Hepburn’s marriage plans; and “Isn’t It Romantic,” ; and Paris When It Sizzles; and Roman Holiday ; theft of Hepburn films; and War and Peace

  Pardo, Denise

  Parents, Hepburn and

  Paris: Hepburn in; Funny Face filming

  Paris Does Strange Things (film)

  Paris When It Sizzles (film)

  Parker, Lou

  Parker, Suzy

  Parry, Natasha

  Parsons, Louella

  Passaniéronique. See also Peckéronique

  Patrick, Nigel

  Pecci-Blunt, Camilla, Countess; and Hepburn’s marriage to Dotti

  Pecci-Blunt, Dino, Count

  Peck, Gregory; and Hepburn; and La Jolla Playhouse ; and Roman Holiday; tributes to ; tribute to Hepburn


  Peploe, Mark

  Peppard, George

  Pepper, Curtis Bill

  Peralta, Angel

  Perkins, Anthony; Lincoln Center tribute to Hepburn

  Perkins, Millie

  Pertwee, Michael, Laughter in Paradise

  Peter Pan (film)

  Peters, Susan

  Pfeiffer, Michelle

  Photoplay: Hepburn interviews

  Picker, David


  Picturegoer Film Annual

  Pike, Robert E.

  Pilchard, Frances

  Pipes, Todd

  Planer, Franz

  Plaskin, Glenn

  Playwrights Company, and Ondine

  Plunkett, Patricia

  Poem by Hepburn, tribute to Grant

  Poitier, Sidney

  Polanski, Roman

  Polio, Ferrer and

  Politics, Hepburn and

  Ponti, Carlo

  Popcorn Venus, Rosen

  Population, slowing of growth

  Porter, Cole, You’ll Never Know

  Porter, Gene Stratton, Girl of the Limberlost

  Powell, Michael

  Power, Tyrone

  Preminger, Otto; and censorship

  Presidential Medal of Freedom

  Press: Hepburn and; and Hepburn’s illness; and My Fair Lady

  Press conferences for UNICEF

  Previn, André; and Funny Face; and Harrison; and Hepburn; and Hepburn’s singing; and My Fair Lady

  Previn, Dory

  Price, Vincent

  Privacy, Hepburn and

  Prizzi’s Honor (film)

  Problem-solving, Hepburn and

  Producer, Ferrer as, Wait Until Dark

  Providence Journal, and They All Laughed

  Psycho (film)

  Public speaking, Hepburn and; concert-stage performances

  Publishers Weekly

  Pullan, Bruce

  Pygmalion, Shaw

  Quant, Mary, clothes by

  Queenie (film)

  Quine, Richard

  Quinn, Anthony

  Quo Vadis? (film)

  Racklin, Martin

  Radio, Ferrer (Mel) and

  Radio Orange

  Rambert, Marie

  Ran (film)

  Rancho No
torious (film)

  Raphael, Frederic

  Raphael, Sally Jessy

  Rattaz, Denise

  Ravel, Maurice, Mother Goose Suite

  Ray, Satyajit

  Record collection of Hepburn

  Recording projects

  Redgrave, Vanessa

  Reed, Donna

  Reed, Rex; and Funny Face

  Reggiani, Serge

  Reisz, Karel

  Religion, Hepburn and

  Rembar, Jill

  Rendlesham, Claire

  Renoir, Claude

  Resistance movement, World War II Holland

  “Responsive stillness”

  Return Ticket, Deane-Drummond

  Reviews: Always; Bloodline; The Brave Bulls; Charade; The Children’s Hour; Dutch in Seven Lessons; From the Diary of Anne Frank; Funny Face; Gigi ; Green Mansions; How to Steal a Million ; Laredo (TV series); Love Among Thieves ; Love in the Afternoon; Mayerling; Monte Carlo Baby; My Fair Lady; The Nun’s Story; Ondine; Paris When lt Sizzles ; Robin and Marian; Sabrina; Secret People; They All Laughed; Two for the Road; The Unforgiven; Young Wives’ Tale ; War and Peace

  Reynolds, Debbie

  Richard’s Things (film)

  Riding, Alan

  “Rights of the Child” postage stamp

  Ripetti, Daniela

  Ritter, John

  Rizzuto, John

  RKO: Ferrer (Mel) and; and Green Mansions

  Robbins, Jerome

  Roberti, Paola Dotti (mother-in-law)

  Roberti, Vero

  Roberts, Julia

  Robin and Marian (film)

  Rochester, New York; Wolders home

  Rodgers, Richard

  Rogers, Henry

  Roman Holiday (film) ; Academy Awards

  Rome; Dottis’ apartment in; filming in; Hepburn and

  Romney, Edana

  Room at the Top (film)

  Rooney, Mickey

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Rose, named for Hepburn

  Rosen, Marjorie, Popcorn Venus

  Ross, Herbert, The Turning Point

  Rossen, Robert

  Rostand, Edmond, L’Aiglon

  Rotary International

  Roth, Christa

  Rotterdam, Nazi bombing of

  Roughhead, William, Bad Company

  Rouleau, Raymond

  Royal Military Invalids Home

  Rule, Janice

  Running Time: Films of the Cold War, Sayre

  Russo, Sergio

  Russo, Vito, The Celluloid Closet

  Ruston, Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra. See Hepburn, Audrey

  Ruston, Joseph (father) ; Audrey and

  Ruttenberg, Joseph

  Ryan, Cornelius, A Bridge Too Far

  Ryan, Robert

  Sabrina (film); Oscar nominations; remake

  Sadique (Sudanese ruler)

  Sadler’s Wells Ballet

  Saint Jack (film)

  Saint Joan (film)

  Saint-Saëns, Camille, Carnival of the Animals

  Salary: early years; for Funny Face; for Mayerling ; for Ondine; for Sabrina; for The Unforgiven; for War and Peace

  Saturday Review; and Ondine

  Sauce Piquante (review)

  Sauce Tartare (review)

  Saunders, Charles

  Sayre, Nora, Running Time: Films of the Cold War

  Scaramouche (film)

  Schickel, Richard

  Schifrin, Lalo

  Schlee, Valentina

  Schloss, Eva

  Schneider, Romy

  Schooling of Hepburn; boarding school

  Schwartz, Bernard. See Curtis, Tony

  Scott, George C.

  Scott, Ken

  Screen Actors Guild Achievement Award Screentests: of Astaire; Ferrer (Mel) and

  -of Hepburn; for Roman Holiday; for Secret People

  Seberg, Jean

  The Secret Fury (film)

  Secret People (film)

  Seidenbaum, Art

  Seldes, Marian

  Self-image of Hepburn

  Sellers, Peter

  Selznick, David 0.; and La Jolla Playhouse

  Serenity, Hepburn and

  Seton, Susan

  Sex, Hepburn’s view of

  Sex and the Single Girl

  Sexuality of Hepburn

  Seyss-Inquart, Arthur

  Shamir, Yitzhak

  Shanley, John Patrick

  Sharif, Omar

  Shaughnessy, Alfred

  Shaw, Bernard

  Shaw, George Bernard; Pygmalion

  Shaw, Irwin

  Shaw, Robert

  Shaw, Susan

  Sheldon, Sidney, Bloodline

  Shepherd, Cybill

  Shepherd, Richard

  Sherwood, Robert

  Shopping, Hepburn and

  Short, Martin

  Shubert, Karin

  Sidney, Philip

  Signoret, Simone

  Silva, Henry

  Silverman, Stephen

  Silver Screen

  Sim, Alastair

  Simmons, Jean Sinatra, Frank

  Singing, Hepburn and; lessons; in My Fair Lady

  Sinopoli, Giuseppe

  Skiing, Hepburn and

  Smith, Harry

  Smith, Lillian, Strange Fruit

  Smith, Liz; and Robin and Marian

  Smith, Muriel

  Snider, Paul

  Snodgress, Carrie

  Somalia, UNICEF field-trip

  Somes, Michael

  The Song of Bernadette (film)

  Soukhotine, Elisabeth “Lisa”

  The Sound of Music

  South America, UNICEF field-trip

  Spadafora, Marina

  Spain, Robin and Marian filmed in

  Spanish Riviera, Ferrer home

  Spielberg, Steven

  Sports, Hepburn and

  Springhill Nursery

  Sragow, Michael

  Stage-fright, Hepburn and

  Stage performances, listed

  Star! (film)

  Stark, Ray

  Starr, Ringo

  Steiger, Rod

  Sterling, Steve

  Sterne, Herb

  Stevens, George

  Stewart, Jimmy

  Stone, Laurie

  Stone, Peter; “The Unsuspecting Wife”

  Stradling, Harry

  Straight, Beatrice

  Strange Fruit, Smith

  Strangers Kiss (film)

  Strasberg, Paula

  Stratten Dorothy

  Streep, Meryl

  Street children, UNICEF and

  Streisand, Barbra; and Bogdanovich

  Stroud, Pauline

  Styne, Jule, High Button Shoes

  Sudan, UNICEF field-trip

  Suddenly Last Summer (film)

  Sullavan, Margaret

  Sumac, Yma

  Summer and Smoke, Williams

  Summer Nights

  The Sun Also Rises (film)


  The Survivors, Edwards

  Susskind, David

  Suzman, Janet

  Swanson, Gloria

  Switzerland, Hepburn’s homes: Bürgenstock ; Tolochenaz-sur-Morges

  Swope, John

  Tarassova, Olga

  Tavares, Gustavo

  Taylor, Elizabeth; and Hepburn’s UNICEF work; and My Fair Lady

  Taylor, Henry, Jr.

  Taylor, Samuel, Sabrina Fair

  Tea break, Wait Until Dark set

  Television; Hepburn and; memorial documentary ; performances, listed

  Terrorism, fears of

  Testimonial appearances, Hepburn and

  That Touch of Mink (film)

  Theatre Arts, review of Gigi

  Thefts of Hepburn items

  These Three (film)

  They All Laughed (film)

  Thomas, Bob

  Thomas, Michael Tilson; From the Diary of Anne Frank; and Hepburn

  Thompson, Frank: and
Breakfast at Tiffany’s; and Robin and Marian

  Thompson, Kay

  Thomson, Archie

  Thomson, Virgil

  Thouroude, Jean-Claude

  Tiffany’s, Hepburn and

  Time magazine; and Breakfast at Tiffany’s; and The Children’s Hour; and Robin and Marian; and Sabrina

  Time-Life films, and They All Laughed

  Time-Tested Beauty Tips, Levenson

  Tito’s Hats, Ferrer

  Tobruk (film)

  Todd, Mike

  To Have and Have Not (film)

  Tokyo, Japan, UNICEF benefit

  Tolo, Marilù

  Tolochenaz-sur-Morges, Switzerland, Hepburn’s home; funeral at ; final return to; gardens at

  Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace

  “Tomorrow” (cat)

  Tony Awards; Hepburn and

  Toomey, Gerry

  Torlonia, Princess Olimpia

  Tracy, Spencer

  Trauner, Alexander

  Trebbi, Daniela

  Trilling, Steve

  Tripp, Barbara

  Truman, Harry S.

  Trumbo, Dalton

  Tulip named for Hepburn

  Turkey, UNICEF field-trip

  The Turning Point, Ross

  20th Century-Fox

  Two for the Road (film); remake

  Two Women (film)


  Ulysses (film)

  The Unforgiven (film)

  Ungaro, Arabella

  UNICEF; benefits for; and Hepburn foundation ; Hepburn memorials; and Hepburn’s funeral; and Hepburn’s illness ; Hepburn’s work with; tribute to Hepburn; TV documentary

  United Nations Children’s Fund

  Universal Studios

  UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration)

  “The Unsuspecting Wife,” Stone and Behn

  Urquhart, Roy

  Ustinov, Peter

  Vadim, Annette

  Valenti, Jack

  Valentino (dress designer)

  Valley of the Eagles

  Van Asbeck, Elbrig (grandmother). See also Van Heemstra, Elbrig

  Van der Linden, Charles Huguenot

  van Dreelen, John

  van Hall, Hesje

  van Hall, Willem

  van Heemstra, Aernoud, Baron (grandfather) ; in World War II

  Van Heemstra, Elbrig, Baroness (grandmother)

  Van Heemstra, Ella (mother) ; and Academy Awards; and Audrey’s dancing; and Audrey’s illness ; and Audrey’s success; and Caron ; Chevalier and; death of; in England ; and Ferrer; first marriage ; and Funny Face; German sympathies ; and grandchild; and Hanson; and home in Tolochenaz; in New York; and Ondine; views of; Wolders and; in World War II. See also Hepburn-Ruston, Ella

  van Heemstra, Hako Sixma

  van Heemstra, Jacqueline

  van Heemstra family; in World War II

  Van Lanschot, W C. J. M.

  Van Limburg Stirum, Miesje (aunt)

  Van Limburg Stirum, Otto

  Van Loop, Lucienne

  Van Oven, Loekie

  Van Rhenen, Pauline

  van Ufford, Alexander Quarles; death of; in World War II


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