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Undeniably His (Undeniable Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Ramona Gray

  “Yes. I don’t have any idea why they’re in the city,” Luke said. “Pierre’s email said they would be arriving tomorrow and could they meet with me and Amy Friday afternoon.”

  “They want to meet Amy?” Mark said.

  “Unfortunately, yes,” Luke sighed. “Think I can convince her to meet with them?”

  “You’re going to have to,” Mark said.

  “I know she hates doing this kind of stuff but if it means they invest in the line, then she’s going to have to do it. Going international is the right move, Mark.”

  “I don’t disagree,” Mark said, “but Amy’s not going to be happy with you.”

  “Probably not,” Luke said. “Listen, make sure you’re available on Friday afternoon in case they want to meet with you as well.”

  “Sure,” Mark said.

  “Really?” Luke said.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Didn’t think you’d come to the meeting if Amy was there,” Luke said. “The meeting earlier today was,” he paused, “tense.”

  “I didn’t notice,” Mark said as a muscle in his jaw began to twitch. “Do you think I can’t do my job anymore, Luke? Is that what you’re saying? You think I should quit?”

  “Whoa,” Luke held up his hands, “where is this coming from? You know I don’t think that.”

  Mark glared at him before sitting back in his chair. “Sorry.”

  “Mark, we need to fix whatever’s happened between you and Amy,” Luke said. “Both of you are miserable.”

  “Maybe it has nothing to do with Amy,” Mark said. “Did you ever think of that?”

  “No,” Luke admitted. “But that’s because normally you tell me everything.”

  Mark gave him a guilty look. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a shitty friend lately.”

  “No,” Luke said, “I’m being the shitty friend. I’ve been preoccupied with other stuff.”

  “Preoccupied with your assistant,” Mark said. “You ever going to admit to me that you’re fucking her?”

  Luke glanced at the closed doors. “Keep your voice down. Fine, we had sex on Saturday night. We both said that was it and I meant it, I did. Only she walked into my office on Monday and I...”

  He trailed off and then said. “Let’s just say that my no sex at the office rule is null and void now.”

  “Shit, man,” Mark said. “You need to be careful. Screwing your assistant in your office is a bad idea. Hell, screwing your assistant is a bad idea, period. What if she sues you for sexual harassment when you end it?”

  “She wouldn’t do that,” Luke said. “You don’t know Jane the way I do. She’s sweet and kind. Besides, who said I’m going to end it?”

  Mark shrugged. “Your last serious relationship was in University. You’ve never dated a woman for longer than a month since then.”

  “I’ve been concentrating on building the company,” Luke said defensively. “Besides, you’re one to talk. When was your last serious relationship?”

  “Francine,” Mark said. “We were serious.”

  “University girlfriend,” Luke said.

  “No, she wasn’t. She was...”

  Mark trailed off and Luke leaned back in his chair. “Face it, buddy, we’re idiots when it comes to women. Neither of us have had a serious relationship in years. There’s something wrong with the both of us.”

  “I’m serious about you, Lukie,” Mark said solemnly.

  Luke rolled his eyes. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “If you think we need couples therapy, I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you want me to do to keep you happy, my little snugglebunny.”

  “Shut up, you ass,” Luke said.

  Mark grinned at him as Luke stared out the window for a minute. “Do you ever get tired of being alone, Mark?”

  “You thinking you want something more with your assistant?” Mark asked.

  “Maybe. I don’t know,” Luke said. “I haven’t known her very long but there’s something special about her. Not that it matters much how I feel. She wants to end it by the weekend. It’s only sex for her.”

  “So, tell her you want more and see what she says,” Mark said.

  “Yes, because working together after she rejects me won’t be awkward at all,” Luke said.

  Mark laughed. “You’re just afraid of being rejected in general.”

  “She doesn’t want more,” Luke said. “She needs her job and she’s afraid she’ll lose it if things go bad.”

  “She makes a good point,” Mark replied.

  “Yeah, I know,” Luke sighed. “Anyway, let’s go for lunch early. You can help me figure out how to convince Amy to meet with the investors on Friday.”

  Chapter 13

  Jane stopped outside of her bedroom. After her conversation with Luke, he had left early for lunch with Mark. When he returned, he locked himself in his office and she hadn’t seen him at all. She didn’t have the courage to knock on his office door and say goodbye before she left for the day.

  She sighed and rested her forehead against the door. Her visit with Mama J had gone horribly tonight. Mama J didn’t know her and she had cursed repeatedly and thrown whatever items she could reach. Somehow, hearing sweet, soft-spoken Mama J cursing loudly and vehemently was the worse part. The staff finally sedated her and Jane spent the last half hour of her visit trying not to cry while she watched her foster mother sleep.

  Her lack of sleep last night had left her exhausted. Working at the club was the last thing she wanted to do and she was almost tempted to say screw it and call in sick. Instead, she had taken the bus to the club. She rubbed at her ass and winced slightly. The pinching and squeezing was over the top tonight and she was pretty sure the guy at table five had left a bruise.

  She rubbed her aching back then gripped the door handle. Luke wouldn’t be in her bed - of course he wouldn’t. He was angry with her earlier over her refusal to tell him the name of the club. It was better that he wasn’t here, anyway. She was tired and needed sleep.

  Are we going to bed or just going to stand in the hallway? Her inner voice asked grumpily.

  She opened the door and, despite her belief, squinted at the bed in the darkness. Her breath caught in her throat and she hurried across the room and flicked on the bathroom light. Luke was a quilt-covered lump in the bed and a rush of happiness went through her. She closed the bathroom door and quickly showered and scrubbed the makeup from her face before brushing her teeth. She dropped her towel and slid into bed next to Luke. He was breathing deeply and she pressed a kiss against the back of his shoulder. He didn’t move and she hesitated before turning her back to him and curling on her side.

  It was enough that he was here with her, she thought happily. He was probably as tired as she was but he was still in her bed. She scooted backward until her back touched his warm back. She yawned and pressed her head into the pillow. The bed was toasty warm thanks to Luke’s body heat and she smiled again. There was nothing bad about having Luke in her bed.

  He turned and molded his body against hers, throwing his arm over her and cupping her breast. He kissed the back of her shoulder before mumbling, “I like finding you naked in my bed.”

  She smiled in the darkness. “You’re naked in my bed.”

  “Tomato, tomahto,” he mumbled again. “Work okay?”

  “Yes,” she said as he yawned. “I asked one of the other girls to take my shift tomorrow night so we could have an extra night together.”

  She shouldn’t have taken tomorrow night off but she couldn’t resist.

  “S’good,” he muttered. “Ready to be fucked?”

  She giggled. “You’re half-asleep.”

  He squeezed her breast as he yawned again. “Too tired, honey?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Go back to sleep, Luke.”

  He pulled her even closer and kissed her shoulder again before his body relaxed and he began to snore. Her smile widened as she snuggled into him and closed her eyes.

  * * *

sp; “Luke? What time is the meeting with the investors tomorrow?” Amy stuck her head into his office.

  “Three o’clock.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Thanks for being so agreeable to meeting with them,” he replied.

  She shrugged. “It’s my company too and I agree with you that it’s time to go international with the clothing line. I’ll do whatever is needed to make that happen.”

  “I know,” he said. “But you were just saying that you hated the business side, remember?”

  She shrugged again before saying, “Can you do me a favour? I told Jane I would give her a ride to see Mama J tonight but Valerie texted me. She got some last-minute tickets to see the Florida Georgia Line concert and I really want to go. But I need to leave to meet her right now. Can you give Jane a ride to the care home? It’s so cold out and I hate thinking about her waiting for the bus in this weather.”

  “Yes,” he said. “That’s not a problem.”

  “Great!” Amy said. “Also, I’ll be in late tomorrow.”

  “I figured,” he said.

  She grinned at him. “Can I assume you’ll give Jane a ride to the office in the morning?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yes.”

  “Have a good night, young Skywalker.”

  “You too, Yoda.”

  Amy flipped him the bird and left his office. Luke checked his watch. It was half an hour before the office closed for the day but he closed his laptop and stood up. They could leave a little early. He would take Jane to see Mama J and then take her out for dinner. After, he’d take her home, undress her and spend the rest of the night touching her and making her come. Amy would be gone so there was no concern about keeping quiet. He grinned at the thought of making Jane scream his name again.

  He’d woken at a little after four this morning with Jane’s small body plastered against his. She was snoring softly and it was ridiculous how adorable he found it. He’d studied her sweet face and ignored his temptation to wake her for morning sex. She was tired and needed her rest. He’d never been much for cuddling but there was something comforting about waking up with Jane in his arms.

  He grabbed his jacket and walked out of his office, checking his cell phone as he did. “Jane, I’m giving you a ride tonight and I think we should leave a little early so...”

  “Mr. Dawson,” Jane’s voice was too loud and anxious, “I finished the documents you needed.”

  He glanced up. Maria, the head of HR, was standing in front of Jane’s desk.

  “Hello, Luke.”

  “Hello, Maria. What brings you up to this floor?”

  “I had a meeting with Mark and thought I’d stop by and see how Jane was enjoying her new position. But seeing as you and Jane have plans, I’ll head back to my office and - ”

  “We don’t have plans,” Jane said.

  Her face was turning red and Luke said, “Amy asked if I could give you a ride to your appointment tonight as she’s had a sudden change in plans. It’s on my way home so I said yes.”

  Jane gave Maria an anxious look. “That’s very nice of you, Mr. Dawson, but I can take the bus.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “But I do need to leave a bit early so...”

  He trailed off as Maria studied Jane’s red face.

  “Yes, of course. Thank you,” Jane said.

  “Good to see you, Maria,” Luke said.

  “You as well. I’ll need to book a meeting with you next week. I’ve already got a few potential resumes for the website upgrade.”

  “Good. You can book it with Jane. She has my schedule.”

  “You bet. Good night, you two.”


  Maria walked away as Jane busied herself with closing her laptop and grabbing her purse. She gave Luke a look of panic as soon as Maria disappeared and Luke said, “It’s fine, Jane.”

  “It isn’t fine. I can’t lie worth shit.”

  “That’s for sure,” he said with a small grin. “You need to work on not looking so guilty.”

  She glared at him. “It’s not funny.”

  “It’s kind of funny,” he said. “Don’t worry, she didn’t suspect anything.”

  Jane pulled on her jacket. “I think she did.”

  “She didn’t,” Luke said. “Amy said you were going to visit Mama J, is that right?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Is everything okay with Amy?”

  He nodded. “She just had the chance to go to a concert.”

  “I really can take the bus,” Jane said. “I’m not expecting you to - ”

  “I don’t mind,” he interrupted. “After we visit Mama J’s, we’ll go for dinner. Do you like Thai food?”

  “I do,” she said.

  “Good,” he replied.

  She was giving him an odd look and he arched his eyebrow at her. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said.

  “All right. Let’s go visit with Mama J.”

  * * *

  “Is she sleeping?” Luke whispered.

  “I’ll check,” Jane said.

  Mama J was sitting in her chair by the window with her eyes closed. Her frail body was slumped over and he followed Jane as she hurried across the room.

  “Mama J?” Jane said in a low voice. She touched the old woman’s shoulder. Josephine lifted her head and squinted blearily at her.

  “Hi there,” Jane said as she pulled up a second chair and sat in front of her foster mother. Their knees were pressed together and Jane stroked Mama J’s thigh as Luke sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Did you have a good day?” Jane asked.

  “Who are you?” Mama J said in a quavering voice.

  Sorrow crossed Jane’s face and Luke suddenly wanted to pick her up and carry her out of the room. She didn’t deserve this kind of hell.

  “It’s Janie,” she said. “I’m your daughter.”

  “I don’t have a daughter.”

  “I’m your foster daughter.”

  “I wouldn’t foster kids. I hate kids. I hate you. You’re ugly!”

  “Jane, maybe we should go,” Luke said.

  Jane rubbed Josephine’s knee. “You don’t mean that, Mama J. You love kids. You fostered a lot of them and everyone loved you. In fact - ”

  Quick as a snake, Josephine slapped Jane viciously across the face. “My name is Josephine! Not Mama J!”

  “Jane!” Luke rushed over and placed his hand protectively on her shoulder.

  Jane shook her head at him before smiling at Mama J. “I’m sorry, Josephine. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Who is that?” Josephine glared at Luke. “Is he here to steal my jewelry? Where’s Walter? Walter knows what to do with fucking no-good jewelry thieves!”

  “He’s not a thief, Ma – Josephine,” Jane said. “His name is Luke and - ”

  “Are you his whore? Is that it? You’re his ugly little whore?” Josephine spat at her.

  “No, “Jane said. “Luke is my friend. He’s not - ”

  Josephine tried to slap her again but Jane caught her hand.

  “Don’t do that, my love,” she said in a low, grief-filled voice. She kissed the old woman’s knuckles as Josephine’s face crumpled and tears flowed down her wrinkled cheeks.

  “What’s wrong with me?” She moaned as she slumped in her chair again. “What’s wrong with me? I’m so tired.”

  “I know,” Jane said soothingly. “Why don’t you lie down, Josephine? I’ll help you into bed.”

  Josephine stared blankly at her. “I’d like that. I am very tired. What did you say your name was?”


  “You’re a good girl then, aren’t you, Jane?”

  Jane helped her stand. “Let’s get you into bed, my love.”

  The old woman shuffled to the bed and Jane helped her lie down before tucking the covers around her. Luke stood at the end of the bed and watched as Jane smoothed back the old woman’s thinning white hair.

��Is that better, Josephine?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Where’s Walter?”

  “I’m not sure,” Jane said.

  Mama J yawned as her eyes closed. “Can you find him? Tell him I’m waiting for him.”

  “I can do that,” Jane said as she stroked Mama J’s hair. “Go to sleep now.”

  “Find Walter?” Mama J mumbled.

  “Yes, I’ll find him,” Jane said. She continued to stroke Mama J’s hair until she fell asleep. She sat and watched her thin chest rise and fall for a few minutes before leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “I love you, Mama J. I’ll see you later.”

  She stood and Luke watched as she discreetly wiped her cheeks before turning and smiling at him. “Ready to go?”

  He stared at the red mark on her cheek as she gathered her purse and stood next to him. “Jane, are you all right?”

  “Fine,” she said. “But would you mind if we skipped dinner and just went home? I’m not very hungry.”

  “I’ll pick up something on the way home,” he said.

  She shrugged. “Sure.”

  With a final look at Mama J, she started toward the door. Luke hurried after her and took her hand.

  * * *

  “Jane, you should eat more,” Luke said worriedly. He had stopped and picked up a pizza before driving Jane home and he watched her pick at the slice on her plate.

  “Right,” she said. She ate a couple of bites before putting the slice down and dropping her napkin over her plate.

  Luke frowned but didn’t have the heart to berate her about not eating. Hell, he barely had an appetite himself. He’d only met Mama J once and seeing her tonight was upsetting for him. He could only imagine how Jane was feeling.

  Not that she would tell him anything. He had tried twice in the car to bring up what happened but she had changed the subject both times. He watched as she carried her plate to the counter and tossed the slice into the garbage before putting her plate in the dishwasher.

  “Do you want any more?”

  He shook his head and she closed the pizza box and stuck it in the fridge. Her face was pale except for the lingering red mark on her face. She drank the rest of her water as he said, “Jane, I’m sorry about what happened tonight.”


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