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Dirty at 30 (Love Without Batteries Book 1)

Page 11

by Cassandra Lawson

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Although I worked in Berkeley, I rarely went into the University part of town, and that was my only excuse for forgetting how bad parking was. After finally finding a spot, I was ten minutes late meeting Brook.

  Just as I was about to get out of my car, another car parked in the middle of the street, blocking traffic. Five feet of fury stepped out of the car and raced forward to pound on my hood.

  “This is my spot!” the guy shouted. Under normal circumstances, I might have been amused. I’d have been shocked to hear he weighed a hundred pounds. With his spiky blue hair, too large glasses, multiple facial piercings, board shorts, pink flip-flops, and what looked like a pocket protector in the bright orange shirt he wore under his mustard stained lab coat, he was strange even in Berkeley.

  I regarded him with annoyance, hoping he’d just go away. It didn’t work, and he didn’t seem ready to back down. People behind him were honking, but the little fucker just ignored them and focused on me.

  “Move your car!” he shouted.

  “Listen,” I began, trying for patience but sure my tone came across as irritated. “You were nowhere near here when I parked.”

  “I left this spot to get dinner, and I came right back,” he argued. “I always park here. It’s my spot.”

  I climbed out of the car and stood facing the guy who didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by me despite the fact that I had a foot and probably eighty pounds on him.

  The Amazon who climbed out of the passenger side of the crazy guy’s car was taller than me. With a mass of blonde hair falling down her back and a muscular frame, she looked like she could hold her own in a fight more than the crazy guy going for the mad scientist, surfer look.

  “Sorry,” the Amazon said to me with a soft voice that sounded like it belonged to a small child. “Leo’s working on forty-eight hours with no sleep, and way too much coffee. He’s not normally this irrational.”

  Leo’s lower lip pushed out, and he crossed his arms in front of his slight chest. “You never take my side.”

  “Just go,” the Amazon told me. “I promise he won’t vandalize your car.”

  Turning, I found Brook regarding me with laughter in her eyes. My gaze traveled down her body, which was encased in a hot as fuck red dress.

  “Like what you see?” Brook asked.

  “Very much so,” I assured her, moving toward her as my gaze moved along her sexy body. The dress clung to her perfect breasts before flowing around her slender hips and stopping just above her knees. I wanted to strip her naked and fuck her now. Scratch that, I wanted to strip her of everything except her sexy black shoes and fuck her.

  “Are you just going to stand there all night, staring at me?” she asked with a teasing grin.

  “That is entirely possible,” I admitted, reaching a hand around her lower back as I stood directly in front her. “I really like this dress.”

  “Thank you,” she said, and then gestured to my black dress pants and grey shirt. “You look pretty nice yourself. I can’t decide if I prefer you dressed like this or in jeans and a t-shirt.”

  Leaning forward, I spoke close to her ear, my voice suddenly rough with arousal. “I know how I prefer you.”

  “How’s that?” she asked, and I didn’t miss the fine tremor in her voice.

  “Naked and under me,” I said, taking her earlobe between my teeth.

  Brook moaned, clutching the fabric of my shirt. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

  “The answer to that question will always be yes,” I assured her, before reluctantly releasing her and taking a step back. That seemed like the smart thing to do if we were going to eat tonight. “I should feed you before I try convincing you to come home with me.”

  “You want me to go to your place?” she asked.

  Nodding, I threaded my fingers through hers and started toward the restaurant. “My place is closer, and I’m dying to get inside of you.”

  “What if I’m not planning to sleep with you tonight?” she asked with a teasing smile.

  I held her gaze until her smile faded and her lips parted. “What if I have no intention of letting you get any sleep?”

  Brook swallowed hard. “What else could we possibly do?”

  “I’ve got a few ideas,” I replied.

  “Monopoly?” she asked with an innocent bat of her eyes.

  Releasing her hand, I slipped my arm around her waist to her pull her close to my side before whispering in her ear. “Behave and I promise to show you.”

  “What if I don’t behave?” she asked.

  Her question had my dick throbbing with need, and I was definitely hoping she decided not to behave.

  My voice dropped so only she could hear me. “Then I’ll have to bring you to the edge over and over again until you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Which would you prefer?” she asked with a fine tremor to her voice.

  “I’ll enjoy both, but I’m definitely hoping you don’t behave,” I told her.

  “If we don’t stop talking about this, I won’t be able to make it through dinner,” Brook warned with a shaky laugh.

  “Are you coming home with me tonight, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” she breathed out. “I’ll come home with you.”

  “Are you going to be good?” I asked.

  “I’ll be very good,” she began with a sexy purr, “but I definitely won’t behave.”

  I bit back a groan as she turned the tables on me in our game. “We’d better talk about something else, or the only thing I’ll be eating is your pussy.”

  Brook moaned and seemed to be considering tempting me to follow through. With obvious effort, she tried to sound unaffected when she asked, “Did you talk to your uncle about quitting?”

  “Not yet,” I replied, stepping back to give myself some space from the temptation of Brook’s body. “I decided I should have some idea of what I’m going to do before I tell him I’m leaving. At this point, all I know is I don’t want to work there. It would be foolish to quit when I have nothing planned.”

  “Are you stalling because you don’t want to upset him?” she asked.

  “A little,” I admitted. “Before you ask, I plan to talk to him soon so he knows I’m not going to take over when he retires.”

  The hostess led us to a table near the windows and assured us our waiter would be with us soon.

  “I hope the service is fast here,” I remarked as I picked up my menu.

  Brook let out a sigh. “Me too. I also hope your place doesn’t look like the stereotypical bachelor’s home.”

  “What does the stereotypical bachelor’s home look like?” I asked.

  “You know. Toilet seat up,” she began.

  “Dirty magazines all over,” I added.

  “Exactly,” she agreed. “Porn collection on display in the living room.”

  “I put the toilet seat down before I left today,” I assured her.

  “But you left the dirty magazines and porn collection out?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “They’re buried under takeout boxes,” I explained, before looking down at my menu.

  The menu had both Italian and traditional American dishes, so I figured we’d have an easy time finding something we liked.

  “Everything looks good,” Brook said after studying the menu. “I really shouldn’t have skipped lunch today.”

  “Why’d you skip lunch?” I asked.

  “I got caught up on a project,” she explained. “My mind was in the wrong place this morning, so I wasn’t getting much done. That meant I was working extra hard all afternoon.”

  The waiter came to take our orders before I could say anything more. When he left, I studied Brook. I’d like to say her distraction that morning had everything to do with how well I’d fucked her the previous night, but something told me there was more to this.

  “What’s bothering you, sweetheart?”

  Chapter Twenty-F


  I hesitated for a moment, because I wanted to focus on enjoying my evening with Ty and getting back to the sexy banter we’d been enjoying, not on Rob.

  “Rob called today,” I admitted with a sigh.

  “What did he want?” Ty asked, his clenched jaw the only indication this bothered him.

  I shrugged. “I have no idea. He left a voicemail asking me to call him, but I didn’t.”

  “But now, you’re curious about what he wanted and wondering if you should call him back,” Ty accurately deduced.

  I nodded. “It seems strange that he’d call me after all this time. Not one call over the last decade to ask how Luke was or discuss filing for divorce, and all of a sudden, he calls me?”

  “Maybe he doesn’t want a divorce,” Ty suggested.

  “That wouldn’t make any sense,” I argued. “The divorce is just a technicality at this point.”

  “Nothing about your marriage makes sense.” After making that statement, Ty flashed a sheepish smile. “That was a total dick thing to say.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured him. “You’re right about it not making sense. Why didn’t he divorce me years ago?”

  “Why did he leave?” Ty asked, looking pissed and confused. “He married a gorgeous woman who is much too good for him, and then he abandoned you.”

  “Maybe he just wanted someone to leave Luke with,” I suggested.

  “You could be right,” Ty agreed, and he hesitated.

  “What are you afraid to say?” I asked.

  “It’s just that I found out a lot about Rob when I was trying to locate him,” he explained. “It’s probably not important, but his constant moves seem strange. I was worried he’d move again before you could serve him with papers.”

  “He doesn’t really work, so I guess he can afford to travel,” I said.

  “From what I was able to dig up, he has a pattern of living with a woman for six months to a year before ending things and leaving the area,” Ty stated. “It seems strange to me since it’s what he did with you, only he hasn’t married any of them. Maybe he uses being married to you as an excuse to avoid commitment.”

  “I’d like to say that’s not possible, but I honestly don’t know,” I admitted. “I’m hoping he’s just worried I’ll ask for money later. Rob’s a selfish ass who didn’t even have a college fund set up for Luke.”

  Our food came, and my stomach picked that moment to make a loud rumbling sound.

  Ty let out a startled bark of laughter. “You weren’t kidding about being hungry. That sound could have scared off the crazy guy earlier.”

  “What was up with his clothes?” I asked with a laugh. “This is the kind of stuff you only see in Berkeley.”

  “He’s a little over the top even for Berkeley,” Ty argued.

  I shook my head. “He’s not even close to the strangest thing I’ve seen here. I met a man wearing a skin tight bodysuit with a hole in the crotch. In case you’re wondering, he was not wearing underwear.”

  “Poor guy,” Ty said around his laughter. “I wonder if he knew.”

  “I pointed it out to him,” I began. “He assured me it wasn’t an accident. According to him, he liked to keep things aired out down there when he was power walking.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Ty asked.

  “I wish,” I told him. “It was shortly after I’d moved to the Bay Area, and I was tempted to move away.”

  “I’m glad you decided to stay,” he said quietly. “Eat your food,” Ty ordered, pointing to the burger the waiter had set in front of me.

  “I don’t like bossy men,” I complained with no real heat.

  “Now, that sounds like a challenge,” he began with wicked grin. “I’m definitely going to make you change your mind when it comes to me.”

  I snorted. “I doubt it. I like having control of my own life.”

  “I’m not interested in controlling your life, only your pleasure, and we both know how much you enjoy that.” His words made my body clench tightly with lust. “Now, eat, so I can take you home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Talk about driving while distracted!

  It was a real challenge focusing with thoughts of Ty running through my mind. When I’d decided sex with an actual guy would be nice, I’d never expected to become so completely addicted to pleasure. Addicted might seem like a strong word, but I was pretty sure I’d go through serious withdrawals if I had to give up Ty.

  I parked in one of the visitor spots at Ty’s apartment complex, while he parked in his reserved carport. When I got out of the car, I saw him leaning against the post of the carport, watching me. Even in the shadows, I could still make out the hard planes of his face and the contours of his toned body. In one hand, he clutched what I guessed to be a necktie. He’d probably taken it off before meeting me for dinner.

  I slung my purse over my shoulder and walked toward him, a small smile playing on my lips. “Hey there, handsome. Are you waiting for someone?”

  He raised an eyebrow before pushing off the post and sauntering toward me. “I’m a little lonely and looking for some company. How would you like to keep me company, sweetheart?”

  “That depends,” I purred, sidling up to him. “I need a real man to take care of all my needs tonight. Do you think you can give me everything I need?”

  Ty’s eyes darkened, and before I knew what was happening, he’d scooped me up in his arms and had me cradled against his chest.

  I let out a squeal of surprise. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you up to my place to prove I’m a real man who can take care of your needs,” he replied. “No, that’s not quite right. I want to prove that I’m the only man who can take care of your needs.”

  “What do you think I need?” I asked.

  “My mouth, my fingers, and my dick,” he replied in a guttural tone. “No more games, Brook. I need to get you inside before I give in to the temptation to go down on you right here, where all my neighbors can see.”

  Ty stalked up the stairs to his apartment before setting me down so he could open the door. Once the door was open, he pointed to the large sofa in his living room. “Take your panties off. Leave the shoes and dress on.”

  When I hesitated, Ty quirked an eyebrow. While Ty had been dominant in bed the night before, this felt more like what we’d explored during our dirty phone conversation, and I’d been wondering if I’d be willing to play that game in person. In the end, I decided this game turned me on, and I wanted to explore this fantasy more. As I moved toward the sofa, I heard Ty lock the door. Keeping my back to him, I slipped my panties off before turning to find Ty watching me.

  “Sit down,” he ordered.

  With a nod, I sat on the sofa. Ty sauntered toward me with a small smile playing on his lips. He pushed the coffee table aside and dropped to his knees in front of me before spreading my legs and lifting my dress to expose me to him. Leaning in, Ty inhaled deeply.

  “You smell incredible,” he rasped out. “I fucking love seeing you all bare down here. You’re completely exposed to me like some decadent offering. I want to run my tongue all over you. Do you think I should let you come on my mouth?”

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Put your mouth on me, Ty.”

  Looking up, his eyes locked with mine. “Ask nicely, Brook.”

  “You aren’t going to make me call you Sir, are you?” I asked hesitantly.

  Ty chuckled softly before flicking his tongue across my clit, making me arch up toward his mouth. “I’m not quite that kinky,” he murmured against my core, his warm breath teasing me. “When we are together like this, I want to be in charge because it turns me on. It turns you on, too, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I admitted with no shame. “It does turn me on.”

  “Now, ask nicely, sweetheart.”

  “Make me come, Ty, please.”

  “That’s better,” he praised, lowering his head and slidin
g his tongue along my clit in a feather-light stroke that had me ready to beg for more. His tongue explored me with maddeningly slow strokes as I gripped the edges of the sofa. It wasn’t long before I was desperate for more.

  Despite his obvious arousal, Ty seemed determined to go slow and make this last longer. The control he exercised over his own desire was impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the control he had over my desire.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” I whimpered after what seemed like an eternity of blissful torture.

  “I’ll take care of you, sweetheart,” he promised, before flicking his tongue along my clit in fast strokes while two long fingers slid into my body, curling to hit a spot that made me scream as pleasure washed over my body.

  Ty continued to lick and suck my clit as his fingers moved in my body, driving me closer to my climax. The climax that rocked my body had me screaming his name and clutching his hair to hold him in place. When my spasms settled, Ty continued to work me through the last of my orgasm with gentle strokes.

  I should have been completely sated, but I still needed more, proving I was insatiable when it came to Ty.

  “I need you in me,” I panted out. “Please, Ty. I need you so much.”

  When Ty looked up at me with his mouth still close to my clit, his expression was almost wild. There was an obvious struggle to remain in control, but I could tell he was losing that struggle. Quickly getting to his feet, Ty pointed to the door to the left. “Bedroom. There are no condoms in here.”

  Hearing how difficult it was for Ty to get the words out made me feel empowered and sexy. He was losing control because of me, which only seemed fair considering how out of control I felt around Ty. Standing on shaky legs, I hurried to Ty’s bedroom with him right behind me.

  Moving up behind me, Ty gripped my hair, pulling my head back slightly and nipping my jaw. “Bend over the bed and put your hands out in front of you.”

  When he released my hair, I walked toward the bed, my ass swaying back and forth. Looking over my shoulder, I found Ty watching me with hooded eyes. Bending forward, I placed my hands above my head on the bed. In my heels, I was bent slightly forward with my ass in the air, which felt strange with no panties on. I heard Ty’s slow approach before I felt him lifting the skirt of my dress up to expose my bare ass to him.


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