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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 42

by Larson, Brian K.

  “It is already done my brother,” Tamika said nonchalantly.

  “Do not mock me, my dear sister,” Jhovahkan said as he moved closer to Tamika.

  “Stop! Do not come any closer my brother.”

  “Or what?” he said now with a sinister look on his face.

  It was apparent that the Rune infection had returned and had now fully engulfed Jhovahkan. His eyes glowed like Tamika’s and his hair had changed from his once dark red color to complete white. His skin had again turned ashen grey and now began to look sinewy. He stared back at his sister with a very wide grin as he continued to inch his way closer. But the power of the Rune was now drawing him causing him to change his attention from his sister to the Rune.

  “What’s the matter my dear brother?” Tamika said as she pulled out her crystal, “Can’t resist the power of the Rune… huh.”

  Jhovahkan stopped and turned back to Tamika. “Yes… it is… very alluring… but not as much as I would like to wring your neck.”

  Jhovahkan approached Tamika even closer. Tamika raised her power crystal and invoked an energy beam as Jhovahkan willed his crystal to suspend directly in front of him, absorbing the energy.

  He grabbed his crystal with both hands and returned the energy back at his sister.

  “Oh no you don’t my brother,” she said forcing her beam back and thrusting her body into the force.

  The two beams waged war on each other. At the center where the two beams connected a larger ball of energy formed and moved from one side to another with the shear will power from each. It was apparent that Tamika had the upper hand in the energy battle.

  “I… told… you… I… already filled my end…” Tamika shouted in a deep ominous voice. “Go check it out for yourself…”

  With one mighty surge, Tamika opened a vortex and pushed her brother through with a final burst of energy closing it behind him as he vanished within.

  * * *

  Outer Rim – Leif Erikson

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan sat at the center of the floor of his quarters. His eyes were shut and he concentrated on the last events trying to understand what he was able to accomplish. Without even trying or thinking about it, he was able to resist the energy from his brothers infected crystal. The more he thought about it, the more perplexed he became. He supposed if he could only council with Roth’stavous one more time, he could get more answers to the puzzle he needed to solve in order to save the universe. Both Helen and his grandfather indicated that time as we knew it would be destroyed forever. He must find this crystal forge and talk with the ancient one of Ackturra. Somehow, through this meeting, he will find the answers to combat this Rune that had crashed on Ackturra. The more he concentrated, the more his resolve became assured that he could not allow this time paradox to continue… but he needed some guidance.

  He sat for what seemed like minutes but in actuality had been hours when all at once he opened his eyes and found himself standing within the white sphere. He looked about in amazement. “How am I able to be here with no crystal?” he quietly asked himself.

  “Because you communed with this power crystal… just as I did.” Roth’stavous said to him as he materialized from nowhere.

  “Roth’stavous!” Jhahnahkan exclaimed.

  “Yes,” the entity replied, “It is I… your grandfather… or what remains of his essence within the infected crystal.”

  “I need answers my grandfather.”

  “I do not have much time,” the entity said, “I am taking advantage of a momentary lapse of consciousness while your sister recovers. She is weak at the moment… too many vortexes in a short amount of time.”

  “What can you tell me?”

  “I am afraid I do not possess good news.”

  Jhahnahkan’s anxiety elevated as evidenced by his tone. “Grandfather, I cannot accept more bad news.”

  “I must warn you… Since you communed with the power crystal that Tamika has infected… and now that you have come to me in this infected sphere, you shall have the same fate

  as your grandfather did… you will die… your essence will be added to the crystal’s consciousness just as Roth’stavous did.”

  Jhahnahkan’s expression on his face told the whole story on how he felt at the moment. The thought of not being there for Kate and their child overwhelmed him and he began to weep softly struggling to hold back his emotions. He knew he had to find this crystal forge. His resolve changed from sorrow to that of utter conviction in reaching Ackturra.

  “You must guide me one more time my grandfather,” he said with a powerful tone.

  “Very well, my grandson,” the entity reached out and touched Jhahnahkan’s forehead with the tips of his right two fingers. A wave of energy surged through Jhahnahkan’s body, causing him to convulse. Roth’stavous removed his hand and began to fade slowly away.

  The Sphere had begun to change from its white shell to showing bits of yellowish red, which began to bleed on the surface.

  “The Rune infection is beginning to penetrate the sphere… I cannot hold it back much longer… I will tell you that you will find the crystal forge… but you must know that in doing so, there will be more painful sacrifices made… There will be no other way… and you will know it when you arrive at that moment on the timeline…”

  “Wait…” Jhahnahkan said in haste, trying to learn more before the entity vanished completely. “Tell me how I can create a vortex…”

  “Adrenaline… it all ties with adrenaline…” the entity said before the sphere disappeared.

  The room returned to normal and Jhahnahkan found himself where he had been for the last several hours. He felt a hunger within his heart, but it wasn’t for food. He hungered to return to Ackturra. Realizing that they couldn’t waste any more time he stood, gathered himself after his experience, and returned to the command center.

  * * *

  Ackturrian Space – Kalentun

  Year: 2983

  Jhovahkan tossed and turned within the vortex just before he exited on the bridge of the Kalentun. He stepped out from the opening landing on his two feet and the vortex abruptly closed.

  “Well, well, well…” a woman said from the command chair, “It is about time you finally showed up.”

  Jhovahkan regained his composure after been tossed through the maelstrom and fixed his gaze on Ghaia. “Mother dear… so good to see you alive,” he smiled.

  “Yes… I almost did not make it after nearly drowning in that river… Tamika saved me from falling over the falls…just in time I might add.” Ghaia said with disdain in her voice.

  “So Tamika did hold up her end of the bargain.” Jhovahkan said.

  Ghaia stood from the command chair and relinquished the con to her son. Jhovahkan took command and ordered his officers to relay messages to the Northern fleet that their true leader had finally escaped and now has returned to take that which was wrongfully stolen from him.

  “Transmit this message to the high command that I have assumed the role of High Council Leader. Jhahnahkan was appointed leader under false pretenses. Now that the North fleet is winning this civil war, my brother took his merry crew and fled his home world and abandoned his people.”

  His crew acknowledged his orders and gladly accepted his return with elation.

  Jhovahkan turned to his mother as she proudly fixated a stare at him. “Looks like we will win this war after all. And once we have the Southern fleets complete surrender, we will move on with our original plan of eliminating the Zelinite species from existence.”

  Ghaia smiled back at her son. “Of course my son… and now with Luanren, Helen and this

  Kate out of our way, there will be nothing to stop us… and of course I will reassume my role as high priestess.”

  “Of course mother… you shall resume your rightful duties as the High Priestess of the council.”

  She turned to the helm to give instructions. “Helm… set course for sector 523.”

nbsp; “Have the rest of the Northern fleet assemble there,” Jhovahkan added. “We shall wipe out the remaining pitiful southern fleet at our jamming stations.”

  * * *

  Outer Rim – Leif Erikson

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan stepped onto the bridge and Lanatek jumped to attention. “Captain on Deck!” he formally announced.

  Jhahnahkan remained silent as he walked over to relive Lanatek from command.

  He somberly sat in his command chair and soaked in the beautiful colors of the slipstream flying past the forward screen.

  “All Stop!” he ordered.

  Rex turned slightly to acknowledge his orders, “Aye, Sir.” He said while manipulating the console. After a few beeps and switches set Rex reported that they would decelerate out of slipstream in two min.

  “Glenda, open a ship wide channel.”

  Glenda had already prepared the ships communications in anticipation of him wanting to address the crew. “All set… channel is open.”

  “Crew…” he began, “this is your captain speaking. I need everyone’s attention…” he waited for a few moments to ensure he had everyone’s attention. “As you know my brother has left the ship with seemingly the only means to return to Ackturrian space… I am here to tell you that we will make it back… I have acquired the means and the knowledge to transport us back without using a power crystal.”

  The crew stopped what everyone was doing and turned to listen intently at what they were just told.

  “It’s true…” he continued, “I have met with the entity within the power crystal I once possessed. The essence of my grandfather was there… he was able to unlock a small part of the knowledge within my mind… knowledge that we need to completely understand if we are to defeat the Rune.”

  The ship exited slipstream space and returned to normal velocity. Rex reversed engines and slowed the Leif Erikson to a full stop and reported to Jhahnahkan they were in position.

  “There is more I must share… I am afraid that my exposure to the entity’s sphere, and my connection to the power crystal that my sister possesses, has sentenced me to the same fate as my grandfather suffered.”

  The crew almost all gasped at once hearing Jhahnahkan’s last words. Kate jumped up and pointed a stern finger at her husband’s face. “Just what does that mean for me and our baby?” she said while maintaining her composure. “I don’t want to lose you… we need to have more time together… it’s not fair,” she said, finally breaking down in tears.

  “Let us all relax for a moment…” Qiaoshan said. “Hear him out before jumping to any conclusions.”

  Jhahnahkan acknowledged his father’s statement with a nod and then continued, “Understand that I still have time to correct this… I am confident that we will overcome the Rune… My grandfather suffered his death since his essence was pulled away from his body… it was drawn to the Rune infection within the power crystal… he had no way to combat the Rune…”

  “And we do!” Sam said, jumping into the conversation. “We have the Cerebellum Quasiinducer collars.”

  “Exactly,” Jhahnahkan said cutting off the doctor.

  Sam took one of the collars he brought to the bridge and began to fit it around the back of the Jhahnahkan’s neck when Jhahnahkan turned and raised his hand to stop him.

  “Not just yet…” Jhahnahkan said looking at the doctor’s eyes. “Yes, I will need to wear the collar… but I first must use all the power I can to open the vortex.”

  Sam backed off and stood by his side. “I understand Jhahnahkan. I will have it ready when you need it.”

  “Now everyone must concentrate on Ackturra… fill your heart and minds with the desire to return…” Jhahnahkan said as he closed his eyes.

  The entire crew ceased what they were doing. Rex was the only crew who continued with his task in order to maintain the ship’s station keeping protocol. But he was too concentrated on the task at hand.

  A swirl of energy slowly began to move around the hull of the Leif Erikson as a vortex began to materialize. The crew broke concentration when they realized that they were actually succeeding by the readings on the monitors. But Jhahnahkan wasn’t able to fully produce the vortex with the broken thought patterns. His mind filled with the chatter of the crew talking all at once which made him stop.

  He hung his head low in exasperation from the defeat. “We mustn’t stop concentrating,” he said shaking his head. “Let’s try again… do not let anything detract you from your feelings… your thoughts…”

  “Wait…” Luanren said.

  Jhahnahkan opened his eyes and turned to his mother.

  “What is the one thing that is common when you are able to exercise the power?” Luanren continued. “The threat of the moment brought you through the vortex when you rescued Helen… a few hours ago you were pumped up with emotion when confronting your brother and were able to withstand his energy beams. Kate, you healed his hands because of the love you have for him… it all ties to emotion.”

  “Adrenaline…” Jhahnahkan said. “The entity said… adrenaline.”

  The entire crew then began to focus their attention to bring about an emotional response. The emotional brain wave signals from the crew were key for Jhahnahkan to focus on as he closed his eyes to attempt the vortex once again. But even this was just not enough to trigger a strong enough response within to produce the vortex. The energy streamed around the hull but never quite took full form.

  The doctor opened up his metal case and assembled a sonic spray used to inject medicine without the use of needles, which was another fine invention that had been stowed in the medical bay.

  Sam quickly approached Jhahnahkan and held the device up to his arm and pulled the trigger. The liquid in the container he had prepared emptied into his blood stream and the effect was almost immediate.

  Jhahnahkan’s eyes grew wide and his pupils became fully dilated. His skin dripped with sweat and his body trembled and shook. He panted heavily and took in deep breaths as if he was suffocating.

  “What did you just give him?” Kate asked with concern.

  “Epinephrine… a very high dose…” Sam smiled.

  The extra push of adrenaline was all Jhahnahkan needed to fully open the vortex which formed around the Leif and carried it through.

  “How did you know doctor?” Kate asked.

  “I found one of those mysterious files at my medical station…” he answered. “It was from Helen again… it was a message on how to help her grandson invoke the vortex.”

  The Leif traveled through and exited on the far side of the galaxy. Ackturra was only six hours away, which would have given them plenty of time to scan the sector for hostiles. However, there was a Zelinite battle cruiser dead ahead.

  * * *

  Chapter 11

  Unexpected Allies

  Sector 5-2-3

  Year: 2983

  Acoth pulled himself out from under the reactor core coupling and stood holding his spanner wrench in one hand and wiping the sweat off his forehead with his other.

  “Well,” Acoth said, “The reactor on The Eastern is now repaired. Prepare the shuttle to extract the team from the jamming station. All the remaining ships have now been fully repaired and are fully operational.”

  “Aye, sir,” the com channel replied.

  Acoth turned to the engineer of The Eastern. “I hope this repair holds for you. We cannot afford to lose any more ships, especially one of our last two destroyers.”

  “Yes, sir!” the engineer exclaimed. “We will hold her together the best we can.”

  The com channel opened with the voice of Susumu, captain of The Griffin, which was the only other Destroyer class ship that remained in the Southern Fleet besides the Hawk. There were heavy losses almost as soon as the civil war fully erupted. Among the losses were The Allegiance, The Liberator, and The Princess' Honor, all Destroyers. They lost five of their six Cruiser class star ships as well. The Telenian was the only rem
aining Cruiser in the Southern fleet. The only other ships that remained were The Frigate class the Eastern, and their Carrier the Remedy.

  “Sir,” Susumu said, “we just intercepted a coded transmission from the Kalentun.”

  Acoth’s attention now fully focused on the com channel. “Go ahead.”

  “Jhovahkan has returned to the Kalentun… He has resumed command of the High Council in the absence of his brother.”

  “This is bad news for the southern faction…” Acoth said, rather solemn.

  “There is more…”


  “Ghaia is with him and just gave the order to assemble their fleet and are approaching our sector here… sir, they are on their way.”

  “How soon?” Acoth almost shouted.

  “Once they assemble their fleet, they could be upon us in five hours or less.”

  Acoth turned to his chief and began barking orders. “Get that shuttle over to the station… now! Order the crew on the station to get packed and ready to depart at as soon as the transport docks… we are bugging outta here.”

  Acoth hopped a shuttle back to his ship and made his way to the bridge of the Hawk to make final preparation of their battle plans.

  Acoth and the rest of the ships captains all knew it was a matter of time before the Northern faction would attempt another run, especially since they had lost nearly half of their fleet.

  The Hawk’s crack munitions team had been sent over to the jamming station to set up a little surprise for the north. Acoth ordered a com channel to be open to the station. “Dammoru,” Acoth began, “are your charges in place? We need to bug out.”

  “Yes, sir,” Dammoru answered. “We planted enough nukes to tear a hole in sub-space… if that were possible,” the gruff sounding officer barked.

  “Phash has been dispatched for your extraction… ETA is five minutes.”

  “Understood!” Dammoru acknowledged. Just before the com channel cut off, you could hear Dammoru barking orders to his men to pick up the pace and make ready for extraction.

  Acoth turned to his first officer, “Poratar, get the rest of the ships to fall in to formation and plot us a course for Ackturra…”


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