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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 44

by Larson, Brian K.

  “Evasive!” Jhovahkan shouted as the entire section of space ignited with twelve nuclear detonations. “Shields to maximum!” he barked, “Divert all available power to the shields… helm, get us outta here!”

  The Kalentun’s shields rose, which prevented the blast from damaging their ship and then turned about and sped away from the site as quick as possible.

  The Annihilator burst into flames and split into multiple sections but the flames were extinguished almost immediately as they had ignited, snuffed by the vacuum of space. The carrier spun in chaos slamming one of its massive sections into the cruiser closest in formation to them, The Fine Bravery. Even with its shields being raised, the accompanying nuclear explosions still going off in the sector was too much for her as she erupted in destruction.

  The jamming station’s automatic programing kicked in that the southern fleet had programed and began targeting any ships in its range. The stations computer targeted one of the fleets’ destroyers, The Void William. With multiple direct hits on its engines, they were quickly disabled and became adrift, only using maneuvering thrusters to try and make their escape from imminent doom.

  The station fired upon two cruisers only sustaining minor damaging to the Scimitar and Eccentricity before they were out of range.

  The jamming station’s explosives finally detonated after the attack program completed within its parameters. The station’s center deck erupted first, followed by the others causing debris to fly out from all directions. But the remaining fleet had all turned and left the target zone. The northern fleet had become chopped down in size in a matter of minutes, leaving them with comparable fleet as the south had.

  “Damage report!” Jhovahkan said with disdain in his voice.

  “Sir,” his first officer, R'ihia began, “We have heavy losses to our fleet…one destroyer, one cruiser and our carrier… destroyed… two cruisers damaged.”

  “Did any of our fighters make it off the Annihilator before she was lost?” Ghaia asked.

  R’ihia turned to Ghaia and answered with a definitive shake of her head, “No… no one made it off her or the other lost ships.”

  “Who do we have left?” Jhovahkan asked with concern.

  R’ihia read her report out loud to the captain, and the rest of the crew, with little emotion in her voice, “Sir, the ships that remain are as follows… Destroyer Class, Flag ship Kalentun, the Slayer, the Verdict, the Chameleon, and the Glaive… Cruiser class, the Bane, the Scimitar, and the Eccentricity… Frigate class, the Menace.” She paused for a moment to regain her composure, and then continued in her monotone voice, “The Scimitar and Eccentricity were damaged in the attack but are battle ready.”

  “Very well then…” Jhovahkan said, clenching his teeth. You could see his jowls pulsate with anger. He had a bitter taste in his mouth that he couldn’t wash down. “Open a channel to all remaining ships…”

  “Channel open, sir,” his com officer said, acknowledging the order.

  “It is clear that we underestimated our southern brother’s ability to fight in this civil war… they are resourceful… we dropped our guard and fell into a trap… even though we lost three good ships and thousands of men, we shall prevail… we are still up on the southern fleet by three… Do not despair… the south will pay for this… We shall regroup… set course back to Ackturra… make any necessary repairs and prepare for battle…” Jhovahkan ordered the channel to be cut. “Helm, bring the fleet together and bring online the crystal net.

  “Sir,” R’ihia began, “We may be three ships up on the southern fleet, but they have a carrier and hundreds of fighters at their disposal… might I remind the captain that we did lose our carrier…”

  Jhovahkan cut his first officer with a shout, “Silence! I do not need to be reminded of our tactical situation…” he said giving R’ihia a stare of daggers, “If I want a commentary, I will ask for one!” he said with spit flicking from his lips. “Do not focus on the negative, but rather think on what we have and how we can use it to our best advantage.”

  The remaining northern fleet assembled into formation and activated their crystal net and set course to return to Ackturra.

  * * *

  Leif Erikson

  On Course to Ackturra

  Year: 2983

  Jhahnahkan sat at one end of the conference table. Sitting opposite was Milanaka, Thakaro, and Thmmeli. Luanren and Kate sat next to Jhahnahkan. Qiaoshan sat between them and observed.

  Milanaka stared at Jhahnahkan, the room was quiet but the uneasiness between the two races made everyone feel on edge. It seemed as if neither side was willing to speak first. Kate stood to her feet in disgust. “Oh, come on now, everyone… we need answers and we need them fast… just staring at each other isn’t going to solve our immediate problems.”

  Qiaoshan, not being a bit surprised at his new daughter-in-law’s outspokenness, jumped into the conversation. “She is right, you know.”

  “Well, of course she is,” Luanren said.

  Jhahnahkan unfolded his hands and placed them flat on the table, “So… can you tell us what happened?”

  Milanaka looked back at distrust, “Why should I?”

  “You want a crystal… don’t you?”

  “What are you doing?” Luanren said putting her hand on her son’s arm.

  “Do not interrupt me mother…” he said sharply, glancing at her, Trust me… I know what I am doing. He said to her with his mind. I think we are after the same thing here.

  “Tell me more… what about a crystal… hmmm?” Milanaka said with a slight chuckle.

  “First you must tell me about the Rune… tell me how you got here.”

  “I think you need to give me a crystal first… how do I know that you won’t betray me and not produce one after you do not need me?”

  “You need to trust me… there is much more at stake here than you know.”

  “Tell ya what…” Milanaka said tapping his appendage on the table, “You tell me some things… and I’ll tell you some things… but you start off in good faith,” he said as he leaned toward the table with what seemed like a smile on his face.

  “Why should I go first?”

  “Because you need me,” Milanaka said with satisfaction. “I am immune to the effects of the Rune, so if you plan on combating it, you will need me.”

  “I am immune to the Rune as well,” Luanren added.

  “Yes, that may be so madam, but you need to know what to do with it… being immune is not enough now is it,” he said with a smug attitude.

  “What we need here,” Qiaoshan said, “Is a mutual understanding… or cooperation.”

  “A partnership,” Milanaka said stroking his jagged shaped jaw, “Yes, a partnership. Indeed.”

  “Can you look aside of our differences being enemies and become allied? Just this once?” Jhahnahkan said.

  The other two Zelinites quietly whispered in their leader’s ear each giving their viewpoints. After a few moments the two sat upright and faced their hosts letting Milanaka speak.

  “We have agreed to form a mutual understanding,” he said with a straight face.

  “Go on,” Jhahnahkan said.

  “I help you with your little Rune problem and you help me obtain the trade we first sought.”

  “Tell me how you got here. You share information and I will return in good faith an exchange of information.”

  Jhahnahkan stood and approached Milanaka extending his hand toward him.

  Milanaka backed up in his chair not sure of his intentions. “What are you doing?”

  “It is called a sign of friend ship… shaking hands is also used to promise the words of two and forms a binding contract,” Jhahnahkan said, only slowing his approach to soften his stance over his new guests.

  The two enemies stared straight into each other’s eyes, Jhahnahkan’s hand firmly extended toward Milanaka, who slowly raised his stump and placed it in the palm of Jhahnahkan’s palm. Jhahnahkan closed his hand fi
rmly around the stick like arm and shook it twice.

  “Agreed?” Jhahnahkan said as he shook his arm.

  “Agreed!” Milanaka said as he began to laugh.

  * * *

  Chapter 12

  The Accident


  Southern Fleet

  Year: 2983

  Acoth sat on his battle ready bridge of the Hawk, one of the most powerful and outfitted destroyers on either side of the war. He sat and contemplated their battle plans and ran them over and over in his mind. The fleet would arrive and approach orbit with the carrier and frigate lagging behind. The frigate would provide back up to the carrier, which would launch one hundred and fifteen of its two hundred and thirty fighters to accompany the remaining fleet.

  He would dispatch the Telenian out front to run interference to the targeted orbital platform. Commencing the attack, Panru would draw their fire, giving the main fleet of destroyers, room to come in and take out the platform before another platform could maneuver into position to close the gap in the shield coverage around the planet.

  Acoth’s first officer, Poratar, alerted his captain of an incoming message. “Reports just coming in that our trap has been sprung…” he began, “… it was the northern fleet… scans indicate that there is debris… but we cannot determine what or how many were affected… but based on the size of the debris field, it has to be at least two ships…” he finished as he turned to the captain with a grin.

  “Excellent!” Acoth shouted. “It is time we had some success in this war!”

  “You can bet that they are en route back to Ackturra…” Poratar said. “They are only a few hours behind us…”

  “Open a channel to the Telenian.”

  “Channel open, sir.”

  “This is Panru… go ahead.”

  “Take the Telenian and move out ahead… we are thirty minutes from target…”

  “Ay, sir,” Panru said with confidence.

  “You know your mission… keep that platform from firing at the main fleet…”

  “I understand sir… this is likely a suicide mission… we volunteered knowing full well what the outcome might likely be… we are prepared and will carry out our mission at all costs.”

  “You are a good man, Panru… you and your entire crew have our thoughts… good luck!” Acoth said with honor.

  The Telenian increased the output to their engines and brought her out in front allowing them to arrive two minutes before the main attack fleet… two very long minutes, but enough of a window to draw the platform’s fire before the main fleet arrived.

  * * *

  Leif Erikson –En Route for Ackturra

  ETA: Two Hours

  Year: 2983

  Milanaka now feeling better about his encounter with the Ackturrians, despite his last encounter, began to return to his jovial self. “So, there we were… sittin’ at our dining table,” he said as he tried to hold back a chuckle, “with Tarklotaz sitting before Tamika and Luanren… they both stared at each other not knowing what to do… so my mate, Thmmeli, stood up and showed them how we consume Tarklotaz… I actually thought that Tamika was going to take a sip… I almost split a gut watching.” He slapped his leg with laughter.

  “We were not laughing at the time,” Luanren commented with a sneer.

  “Come now, madam,” Milanaka said, calming down a bit from his hysteria. “You should have seen the look on your faces when we told you what it was…” he said, not being able to contain his laughter once again. “Have a sense of humor here.”

  “And that is when Lanatek opened fire with the Karillians…” Jhahnahkan said trying to get his guest back on track.

  “… yes” he answered definitely, “We weren’t doing anything wrong… we just wanted to come to Ackturra and trade for Crystals.”

  “What did you possibly have for trade anyway?” Luanren said.

  “Why the Rune of course…” Milanaka said with assurance.

  “Why would we want the Rune?” Qiaoshan asked, “We would not want to infect the crystals on purpose.”

  “You claim you were only using the Rune for an insurance policy, you threatened to launch the Rune on Ackturra if we didn’t trade. “Now you say you were going to offer us the Rune?”

  Once again, Milanaka acknowledged a definite yes.

  “Wait a minute.” Kate started, “Luanren, didn’t you tell me the Rune was connected to his ship and that it was a power source?”

  “Why yes madam!” Milanaka stated addressing Kate, “You are a bright one madam.”

  “Power source?” Qiaoshan asked.

  “Yes… we were going to offer the Rune as an unlimited power source… isn’t it everyone’s desire to have power and to save there planetary resources?” Milanaka said with a puzzled look. “Really… ah how do you say… my bark is worse than my bite… yeah… that’s it… bark worse than bite… we were bluffing… we meant no harm… we didn’t think the Rune would have been deployed with its containment breached… we just assumed you would offer us a few crystals for such a wonderful power source.” He finished with a nod.

  “This is a key to us solving the mystery surrounding the original corruption.” Jhahnahkan said, “Perhaps if we can go back to the point before you disembark for Ackturra and convince your people to leave the Rune behind… war would never break out and the crystals would never become corrupt…”

  “Not so fast Jhahnahkan…” Qiaoshan cautioned, “we really need to think that through…”

  “Son,” Luanren said resting her hand on his arm across the table, “we could risk corrupting the timeline even further… This is the same thing Tamika and I thought when we first discovered that we had traveled back…”

  Milanaka had to interrupt. “What are you talking about? Go back? Corrupted timeline?”

  “You never knew for sure…” Luanren said looking at her foe from across the table “did you.”

  “My sister traveled back in time…” Jhahnahkan said, “I was the cause for her coming back to your time… that is when I was sent back by Helen and my Power Crystal. My traveling back pulled her back… just like when we traveled back from the outer rim through the vortex… that adrenaline that the doctor pumped in me gave me the extra push to invoke the vortex, but it opened up… at your side as well… in your time… pulled you through and deposited you in near proximity of our exit point.”

  “Humph,” Milanaka said as he stroked his jaw with his good hand. “I thought something was funny, but I couldn’t put my finger on it about you two. I can help you harness the power of the Rune…” he said with a tempting voice. “And we have shaken… We agreeing to help one another… right?” he said with a huge grin.

  “Yes… we did shake on it didn’t we,” Jhahnahkan said, “my word is my bond… I will provide you with crystals.”

  Luanren again probed his mind and said to him. Are you nuts? We can’t give him a power crystal…

  Shhh mother… he probed back, trust me.

  “Very well,” Milanaka said, “I will tell you that the Rune is, in fact, a power source… but it’s more than that… It has a will… but I know how to control it…”

  Just as he was about to tell him more the com channel broke in the conference room. It was Lanatek with a status report.

  “Go ahead,” Jhahnahkan acknowledged.

  “Sir, we are less than two hour from Ackturra… recommending we drop from slip stream soon.”

  “Not just yet,” he ordered. “What is the maximum limit for dropping out? I want to get there as close as possible.”

  “Sir, that is very risky. We should drop out and scan the region before we get too close… we do not know what we will find there. The north has taken the palace. You can bet that they control the defense platforms, too.”

  “I have a feeling…” Jhahnahkan replied, “I have to think that the south has struck back by now. We could be the deciding factor if any battle were under way… so what can you tell me? What is the l
ast possible moment we need to drop from slip stream?”

  “We would have to ensure our calculations were very accurate… but we could do this within two minutes… it would be pushing it… but we could do it.”

  “Very well then…” Jhahnahkan said with assurance. “Make preparations for all battle stations.”

  “Yes, sir… we will calculate for a two minute drop out.”

  “Mother,” he said turning to Luanren, “Take Kate and Father to the launch bay… I want you off the ship…” he said looking at his wife. “I couldn’t bear to have anything happen to you… mother… father… protect her.”

  “Yes my son.” Qiaoshan said standing and bowing in return.

  He motioned to the others that would accompany them. Kate threw her arms around her husband and kissed him on the lips.

  “You had better not let anything happen to you, mister.”

  “Nor should you…”

  Kate interrupted her husband by pressing her index finger to his lips. “Don’t say it… I will,” she started, and then looked at Qiaoshan and Luanren. “We will be just fine.”

  The three left for the shuttle bay to prepare to depart. They would plan to take off at the same time they would drop out of slipstream. It was a tricky maneuver to open the launch doors and take off at those speeds, but Qiaoshan was confident that it could be done.

  “Jhahnahkan,” the com channel erupted with Sam’s voice, “I have built a new device…

  You are needed in medical.”

  “Very well,” he acknowledged, “Milanaka, you will accompany me. The rest of you can remain here for the time being.”

  Jhahnahkan departed the conference room escorting Milanaka to the medical bay to see what the doctor had come up with this time.

  * * *


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