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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 61

by Larson, Brian K.

* * *

  Time-Helix Axis

  Year: Unknown

  Jhahnahkan entered the dark void of the vortex once again, only this time it appeared very different. Everything around him outside of the vortex slowed and then stopped. He observed the visions that the head gear was displaying and he could hardly believe his eyes.

  There was what seemed like a long corridor within the vortex. Like a shaft that traveled down the center of a ringed helix spiral which seemed to spin slowly around the ship. The helix was more like the shape of a coil that was pulled at each end and stretched out. He could see what appeared to be markers at various points as he traveled down the axis at the center.

  The ship continued to fly through the open vortex and slowed to a crawl. His crystal was activated and was now beaming a bright silver color. He tried to comprehend what he was experiencing but nothing made sense. The computer attempted to scan the sector but was unable to penetrate the vortex.

  “Computer,” Jhahnahkan began, “Cease sector scans until further notice.”

  “Jhahnahkan, I am not able to detect our position beyond the phenomenon.”

  “Computer I repeat, do not attempt any further scans.”

  But it was too late; the computer core crashed and began a shutdown sequence thinking it had a major hardware failure.

  Jhahnahkan didn’t have the luxury for a computer shut down but had no choice but to wait and reboot the system until they exited the vortex. It was as if his thoughts were causing them to remain longer inside.

  He studied the screen through this head gear and began to focus on this axis when a voice echoed in his mind.

  He concentrated on the voice and it increased in intensity. Ignoring the control consoles, he shut his eyes tight and concentrated letting his mind escape his current thoughts.

  The voice echoed again in his mind, only this time he thought of a question, where am I?

  You have entered the time-helix and are traveling down time’s axis, the voice echoed in his mind.

  How is this possible? He thought to himself.

  Through the power crystal you possess, the voice echoed once again.

  What is this time-helix Axis you speak of?

  It is a place that exists in the fifth dimension and is usually only accessed by the knowledge of the crystal entity… until now that is, the voice answered.

  “What are you?” Jhahnahkan asked out loud.

  I am that which exists in this dimension, the voice echoed in his mind, time only exists within the confines of your three dimensional thinking and is the only way you can comprehend the movement of events.


  I will try to explain in terms you can understand, the voice continued, time is what you use to measure the duration of events that have occurred and when events will occur. You experience only one instance of time at any moment, but time exists in all instances at the same moment. Time, therefore, is more than a moment or measurement but a collection of intellectual structures within which you use to sequence and compare events.

  “This collection of intelligence is you.” Jhahnahkan said.

  Yes, the voice continued, I have been called many things, but many things I am not. Only that I am and I do exist and only in the fifth dimension. I am the essence of the time-helix.

  “Hmmm,” Jhahnahkan commented, “Father time.”

  That is one name that has been given me, but the more important question is where are you heading and what is your purpose?

  “I need to travel your time-helix axis 20,000 years into the past.”

  You have accessed the time-helix, you’re path is what you make it, now go and pass to your destination and leave this helix.

  “Are you not afraid that I will create a paradox and time will become changed?”

  I do not have any control over your actions, but paradoxes will occur and have occurred. I cannot stop them from happening. Only you can control your destiny.

  The voice faded away and the star ship exited the vortex which closed behind.

  * * *

  Terra Firma

  Year: 16,011 BC

  Jhahnahkan found his ship entering orbit around the third planet of the star system Sol. He was amazed at how accurate his helm setting brought him so close. This was a much different world than he first anticipated. The globe had a warm blue glow about it and there were ships flying in the atmosphere. There was a high level of advanced technology coming from the surface.

  His onboard ship’s computer began to come back online after the core crash, “Jhahnahkan, my sensors are unable to determine our exact position,” the computer reported.

  “Not to worry computer, reset your time index and rescan the sector. The stars are in a different position relative to your last time index scan. Adjust your time index minus twenty thousand years,” Jhahnahkan instructed.

  “Acknowledged,” the computer replied.

  “Now I need you to scan for any communications from the planet.”

  “Scanning is compete.” the computer again reported, “The planet does have a highly advanced technology, but there is nearly zero infrastructure.”


  “There are support vessels on the surface and ships flying about the atmosphere and there are no orbiting platforms. However, there are also weapons fire between what seems two fighting factions.”

  “Can you send a message of greetings to them?

  “They have already engaged us with communications from one of their ships,” The computer reported.

  “Put in on audio.”

  “Acknowledged, the channel is now open.”

  “This is the leader of the northern faction; state your business here at this planet,” the com channel answered.

  “I am Jhahnahkan of the house of Sö’ from the Ackturrian high council,” he answered, “I come in peace.”

  “I am Roth’stavous of the house of Sö’, leader of the Northern faction. It is not safe here. You must leave before you are destroyed with the rest of us.”

  * * *

  Chapter 7

  The Formula

  Ackturrian Palace

  Year: 2983.9

  Kate got up from the medical table and began to gather her clothes.

  “Just what do you think you are doing Kate?” the doctor asked as he reached to take the clothes she was holding from her hand.

  “I’m getting dressed,” Kate said snapping her clothes back, “We are wasting valuable time just sitting here, we need to make plans for departure at once.”

  “I would normally agree my love,” Jhahnahkan added, “but you need some time to rest.”

  “I can rest on the Leif when we are underway.”

  “I am not even sure if the Leif is ready to get off the ground yet,” Jhahnahkan said.

  Kate pulled away from the doctor’s grab and continued to dress herself as they tried to convince her to stay put, but their arguments were to no avail as she was done and heading out the room back to the main complex with or without the others.

  “She is a feisty one, isn’t she,” the doctor commented as they followed Kate.

  “Indeed she is doctor,” Jhahnahkan answered.

  The others met up with Qiaoshan, Jhovahkan, Tamika, and Uttarak as they discussed the pressing matter of locating the Rune and preventing it from reaching the Forge.

  Jhahnahkan interrupted his father as they were looking at the crystal cavern layout on a holographic display, “Uttarak, your fate has been secured. Someone did take you from the medical bay and vanished, apparently through a vortex.”

  Uttarak gave a big sigh knowing that destiny has kept him in this timeline, “This is very good news father. I thank you for your support.”

  “I still did not agree that this should have been allowed to happen,” Jhahnahkan added, “but I am starting to think that none of this would have been able to be stopped.”

  “You may be right father.”

  “None of us wanted it to have to
happen,” Kate said firmly, “but we all know there was no avoiding it. We must stop dwelling on these things and get to the task at hand.”

  “We have made great progress with the survey team,” Qiaoshan said, attempting to change the subject, “We are quite certain we have the Rune located.”

  “Excellent!” Jhovahkan said. “Our teams will secure the Rune and bring it out of the caverns.”

  “Who put him in charge?” Kate asked.

  “You did,” Jhovahkan noted pointing at Kate, “And if you remember, madam, that you and my brother will be heading for Zelinite very soon now, so I am in charge until you return.”

  “I don’t remember doing that,” Kate said with a puzzled look.

  “Oh I can attest that you did,” Luanren said as she sneered at Jhovahkan.

  “And now that I am in charge,” Jhovahkan ordered, “Tamika and I will lead the team below into the caverns and we will manage the recovery personally.”

  “Can she be trusted?” Glenda whispered in Kate’s ear.

  “Yes,” Kate whispered back as she studied Tamika, “I believe so. She will keep a sharp eye on him.”

  Tamika walked over to Kate and confronted her face to face, “Thank you madam.”

  “For what?” Kate asked.

  “For trusting in me,” she answered, “Doctor?”

  Sam stepped forward and administered the pellet in Tamika’s neck in the same manner he had been shot earlier by Jhahnahkan. Tamika winced slightly and rubbed her neck in the usual fashion after being assaulted by the doctor’s shot pistol.

  “Jhovahkan,” Sam instructed, “You’re next sir.”

  Jhovahkan begrudgingly obeyed the doctor’s orders and stepped forward to get his shot, only he yelped out in pain and immediately grabbed the doctor and took his shot pistol, held it up to the opposite side his brother injected, and fired another round.

  “Ouch!” the doctor yelped as he looked cross at Jhovahkan, “What the heck did you do that for? I already had been administered a pellet.”

  “Well,” he answered as he gave a wide smile of satisfaction, “Two is better than one, would you not agree?”

  The doctor grabbed the shot pistol from Jhovahkan and busily tended to the rest of the group rubbing his neck in disgust.

  “We have been studying the crystal caverns,” Qiaoshan began to explain as he brought up another holographic display of the cavern, “We think we have confirmed that the Rune has shifted down to this position here.”

  “Team one has returned from their survey and has confirmed this location as well.” Jhovahkan added.

  “However, we have not heard from team two.” Uttarak stated, “They are now 24 hours overdue .”

  Jhahnahkan stepped up to the map and pointed to a blank area just below the spotted Rune. “This area below the Rune is where the Forge is located. We must make every effort to preserve this area and not allow the Rune to enter the silver pool.”

  “The consequences would be devastating.” Uttarak said.

  “I thought the shielding would keep the Rune infection from spreading to the silver pool?” Glenda asked.

  “The shielding will hold the contagion,” Milanaka said stepping forward, “but the shield generator was damaged in the crash. There is no way of knowing if it has remained intact in the fall.

  “We leave for the Rune in one hour” Jhovahkan instructed. “Tamika, assemble your teams and make preparations.”

  Tamika followed her brother’s instruction and left to gather her team. She knew she would have her hands full with having to keep one eye on her brother.

  The com channel buzzed to life as Tamika left the center complex, “This is Lanatek, come in Jhahnahkan.”

  “This is Jhahnahkan,” he answered, “go ahead.”

  “Sir, your presence on the Leif Erikson is requested.”

  “Are you ready to launch?”

  “Yes sir,” was his reply, “we have made all repairs and she tests sound.”

  “Very well,” he said looking at the group. “We will transport in an hour, Jhahnahkan out.”

  “Allow Milanaka and I to board the Destiny,” Uttarak asked.

  Jhahnahkan paused and looked over at his son and asked, “Why not wait and see if the Leif makes orbit?”

  “Very well my father,” Uttarak said bowing down and away.

  “Milanaka will travel with us on the Leif with the other Zelinites,” Jhahnahkan ordered.

  “Then I shall depart and board Destiny, I have some things to attend. You know. The usual calibrations and settings and I need to check on the limiter field generation. We wouldn’t want that to cease too early now,” he said to himself as he stepped back.

  The group barely acknowledged Uttarak as he waited patiently for some attention. Uh-hum, Uttarak coughed.

  Jhahnahkan looked up and noticed his son standing there impatiently, “Yes? Is there something you need?”

  “Would you be so kind as to transport me to her?” Uttarak asked slightly red faced.

  “Ah, yes of course,” Jhahnahkan acknowledged as he reached for his crystal sphere.

  He held it out in front of him and opened up a vortex. The bridge of the Destiny was visible at the center of the vortex. Uttarak bid them all farewell and noted that he would be anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Leif Erikson. He bowed to the group and made a rolling hand gesture as he stepped through to his bridge.

  With the closing vortex, Jhahnahkan thought to himself, I am not sure why he was wanting Milanaka on the Destiny, and then resumed with the others as they made their final plans on the Rune recovery. No one even brought up what they would do with it once they had it on the surface… or no one dared to bring that up until they had to.

  The hour passed quickly and Tamika and her team joined back with the others. Jhovahkan took charge of the team and led them down the passage out of the palace and into the upper reaches of the cavern. It would take them several hours to construct their rigging to hoist the Rune chamber up to its original resting place, once they arrived. The plan was to lift the Rune back up the shaft that had been created during the crash. The team had already begun its work on exposing the shaft and to assemble the lifting assembly. Jhahnahkan followed the team and teleported them as close as he could without disturbing the Rune’s location using his crystal sphere.

  With the cavern extraction team in place they began to make their way to the Rune where they would inspect the shielding. They brought with them portable shields to be installed on the chamber’s exterior as an added insurance that the Rune contagion would not leak.

  Jhahnahkan returned to the group and gathered everyone together that was leaving for Zelinite. He prepared to transport to the command center aboard the Leif.

  * * *

  Leif Erikson Command

  Year: 2983.9

  Lanatek barked orders in final preparation of the launch. The scaffolding had been removed as well as the nose of the ship being fully dug out of the jungle. Thanks to the Klendessa, the engine realignment went so smoothly they saved weeks of repair time. This allowed the hull repair to be completed just in time to join the Destiny for the trip to Zelinite.

  The final reports that came in cinched the deal; there were no additional hull breaches or significant stress cracks that would prevent the Leif from being space worthy.

  The vortex opened on the bridge and Lanatek stepped aside allowing the now visible leader to exit with the rest of his crew.

  “Captain on deck!” Lanatek shouted bringing everyone’s attention to their leader as he took his rightful place at the command seat.

  “Welcome home sir!” Lanatek shouted with pride, “I officially return command to you.”

  He stepped over to his captain and shook his hand vigorously as the rest of the crew applauded the return of their captain.

  “Thank you,” Jhahnahkan replied with tears welling up, “The pride of the Leif has returned! We shall sail again, I promise you that. Computer, please note the date and tim

  “Sir, there is just one little issue left that we need to address,” Lanatek reported.

  “The reactor core is not yet started,” the engineer said.

  “We are having a slight bit of trouble with the inter mix formula,” Lanatek said, “This core is nothing like we have in this time and our formulas are so different that we cannot get the reactor to fire.”

  “And without power, we cannot access the computer to retrieve any data,” The chief added.

  “Very well,” Jhahnahkan said, “lead the way. We shall get them to fire.”

  * * *

  The Zeroditha

  Approaching Sector 5-2-3

  Year: 2983.9

  Sagrit and Torvon stood after their captors left and sealed the room they were in. They searched the walls and desk for any sign of being monitored. Convinced that they were under surveillance they were cautious of what they said.

  “We have to build his trust,” Torvon whispered to his captain.

  “It feels like we are underway,” Sagrit whispered back, “I can sense subtle ship movements and engine vibrations on these walls.”

  “Yes,” Torvon agreed, “We need to let them know about the undetonated nuclear war head somewhere in sector 5-2-3.”

  Yes,” Sagrit whispered to himself, Of course, that’s why Panru was taking me there.

  “Do you blame them?” Torvon said raising his voice slightly making sure his captain knew he heard him.

  “I suppose not,” Sagrit said on a serious note, “However, we may be able to use this to our advantage.”

  “Don’t be a fool Sagrit.”

  “No listen, Torvon,” Sagrit urged, “If we can direct them to the area and set it off, it may take them off guard. They would have to release the Telenian to reduce their mass in their getaway.”

  “No, that blast will take out this ship and the Telenian with her,” Torvon argued, “Besides, I agree we can use this to our advantage, but by letting them know they can trust us.

  Sagrit began to open his mouth to reply, but Torvon would not allow him, “And another thing, we do not even know if they have restored power yet, they could become a floating target out there if she was released.”


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