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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 63

by Larson, Brian K.

  The outer brig which contained her cell began to illuminate as the door clicked and rolled open making a brisk swooshing noise and out from the shadows stepped the ship’s security chief, Totidaar. He paced the floor up and down the outer room to her cell before he stopped, turned and faced his captive, and instructed her to get up.

  “Come on, I do not have all day,” Totidaar begged, “It is time for your treatment, the good doctor is waiting.”

  “You cannot continue to keep me a prisoner,” she returned coldly.

  “The fact of the matter, madam, is that I can and have.”

  “How is it you can so easily disregard the truce? You are required to turn me back over to the North!” She demanded.

  “We go over this every time,” Totidaar said growing impatient, “And every time we have the same little talk. You are under arrest for treason and will be held accountable for your crimes.”

  “What crimes have I …”

  “Enough!” Totidaar shouted not allowing her banter to continue, “You tried to have this ship destroyed by the Northern fleet. You breached a secure channel without authorization and assault on numerous officers and crewmen.”

  “Yes, yes yes!” R’ihia said as she got up off the floor, knowing once again she would lose the daily battle. “I will comply, as I always do.”

  “So why do you continue to resist me every time?”

  “I wish to annoy you as much as I possibly can,” she said half smirking.

  “Well, you are doing a fine job of that. Fine job, fine job,” he grimaced.

  R’ihia held out her red and sore wrists which were cut by the daily shackling over the seemingly never ending days of her nightmare, “Go on then. What are you waiting for?” R’ihia mused.

  “Always a game with you, eh?” Totidaar chuckled, “How many times have you attempted escape now?”

  “Over the last few weeks,” she began looking up and to the right as she recalled the number of occasions, “Sixteen assaults, twenty-five consoles broken, eight actual near successful attempts.”

  “Yes, a rather lengthy list, and that is why I always wait for my security team for back up,” Totidaar sneered at his captive, “You already broke my nose once and a number of my detail has suffered significant injury. You are one bad lady, but you never seem to get it right.”

  “Well maybe if the good doctor would treat my headaches, I could focus better.”

  “He is doing everything he can do to ease your pain,” Totidaar tried to assure, “The more you resist the more you will suffer.”

  “I will not allow my mind to be manipulated, you will not turn me.”

  “I do not even want to continue wasting our time on you, but the captain insists that he will break you.”

  The rest of the security detail arrived at the cell block and Totidaar stepped over to the panel that held her freedom. He punched the code and the power shield sparkled and fluttered before it vanished.

  R’ihia continued to hold her blistered wrists before the guard letting him willingly install her clamps with a snap.

  The clink of the metal made her wince at the sound as she anticipated the pain, but to her surprise there was none. Possibly from the nerve damage they had inflicted, or simply she was far too numb to feel pain any longer. She had thought of the possibility that she could escape if her sensitivity to pain was reduced.

  They carefully escorted her to the medical bay where the chief medical officer, Ral, waited for her by the examining table. The ship’s captain was standing on the other side holding his corrupted crystal fragment that had been given to him by that strange old woman.

  The captain looked up and made eye contact with R’ihia as soon as she was brought into the room. She tried to look away but was succumbed to his deep penetrating stare; this time was no different than any of the others; she simply couldn’t resist.

  The doctor secured her to the usual exam table while the security detail removed the magnetic shackles from her wrists. She found the strength within her to shut her eyes for just a moment giving her the opportunity to strike back. Still feeling no pain in her body, except the excruciating headache, she lunged forward with all her being. Her arm managed to strike the doctor and knocked an instrument out of his hand. That was her first goal; take away the power of them to inflict any more pain in her head. Still reeling from the throbbing migraine that never seemed to end; she mustered another powerful blow with her leg.

  She connected with the knee cap of the security sergeant causing him to drop the shackles on the ground with him landing on top. He writhed on the ground in agony and it was apparent, by the position of his leg, that it had been broken.

  She was almost in position to attempt to leap over the rest of them and find a speedy exit when four other security crewmen each grabbed one of her limbs and body slammed her back to the table with a thud.

  R’ihia had the wind knocked out of her and they quickly activated the shield restraints keeping her firmly planted to the table, a place she dreaded. She knew now that she would have to save all her energy to endure the torture that was about to take place that always rendered her unconscious. She knew that she would once again awake up the next day in her cell only to wait for the security chief to come and fetch her for another round. It was the same routine day in and day out. She became desperate to gain her freedom, she thought long and hard on what she was about to do. If her commander ever found out, he would surely have her executed. It had become apparent that it no longer mattered, she would die either way; at the hands of Jhovahkan or by the Remedy’s infected captain.

  She opened her eyes and found Rivynon leaning close to her face and staring deep into her eyes as he held his crystal shard over them. Its glow already enveloped them as she continued to have these thoughts.

  Once she relaxed and gave in to the mind probing, she was able to hear the captain speaking to her mind, Well my dear, it seems we have a breakthrough.

  She couldn’t be sure if these were her thoughts, or if Rivynon had actually broke through her mind block. But glancing at his wide smile was all she needed to verify that she had broken.

  Yes, that’s right, Rivynon transmitted telepathically to her, you are mine now.

  I…I will cooperate… you must trust me… she replied in her mind.

  I know, you just want to be free and you would do anything to stop the agony, the daily suffering. Is that not what you are thinking my dear?

  Yes, my suffering ends today. Here and now.

  You will be set free and shall lead us to the North Base. Rivynon again probed with his mind.

  The North Base, yes. I will lead you to them, she acknowledged. Probe my mind Rivynon, know I speak the truth; it is in my heart.

  Yes, Rivynon thought back. His concentration intensified as he probed her deepest parts of her mind.

  R’ihia shut her eyes in a moment of panic as she struggled to retake control of her mind. She convulsed on the table as she fought to break away. The shield restraint began to flicker slightly giving her the edge she needed to break free of her bonds.

  Finding the sudden burst of energy, she shot up knocking Rivynon off guard, causing him to stumble into the doctor. Finding herself free from the grip of the table she leaped up in the air and over the heads of the remaining security detail. She heard a clink and then the sound of glass shattering and knew in an instant that the sound was Rivynon’s crystal shard breaking into thousands of useless pieces.

  She landed on her feet and found that she had turned and was facing the remaining men. She managed to block every blow of the approaching security team. She did some roundhouse kicks, threw a few punches, and a couple of side snap kicks. Just as quick as the ruckus had begun, the room fell silent after the rage of her escape fell on everyone in the bay. She had done it. She had reacted so quickly that no one had time to sound the alarm.

  She stood for a moment watching everyone that she had overtaken. None of them remained awake, including the captain.r />
  She reached up to her head and felt her scalp noticing that she no longer had any pain in her head. She thought to herself that crystal shard is what was causing all this pain.

  She stood still for only a few more moments as she relished the sweet smell of victory. Then remembering that she still needed to get back to the shuttle bay, take a shuttle and get through the two-hundred or so other fighters that surely would give chase. She knew that at least during her initial escape she was glad those weapon’s dampeners were in orbit.

  But she felt good, real good and confident that she will make it this time. This is the farthest she has gotten since this ordeal began.

  She grabbed one of the unconscious guard’s weapons before heading out the door and cautiously but swiftly headed down each corridor.

  At first she noticed that there seemed to be no one else in the passageways, but just after thinking about it; she heard voices around the corner and braced for anther encounter.

  The six crewmen didn’t even know what hit them before they found themselves helping each other off the deck. At least for those that could stand as two of them suffered multiple broken bones.

  R’ihia felt good as she made her way closer to the launch bay. She had only encountered a moderate number of crew, but enough to keep her on her toes. She was very satisfied that she was able to maintain her agile movements after being caged for so long. She hadn’t worked out since just before leaving the Kalentun on this mission.

  Alarms began to sound bringing her to full alert. She thought things had gone too smoothly to believe, but the sound that noised the corridors now would only bring several squads of men. She picked up her pace as she neared the shuttle bay with the sounds of approaching troops marching and closing in on her. She did not want to be taken back to that cell, no matter what the cost. The passion that flowed through her veins made her heart pump faster and faster. Her adrenal glands must have kicked in a few minutes ago as she was now feeling the full rush and panic race throughout her body. She was covered with sweat as it poured out of her skin and dripped down making the rest of her cloths wet.

  At last the doors to the shuttle bay opened, the men chasing her were just far enough behind to give her the edge. She tossed the weapon aside behind her to try and blend in with the rest of the flight crew. Still wearing her pilot vest and rank insignia, the deck hand tossed her a flight helmet, thinking that she was just in a hurry to take off, and who was he to argue with a full ranking officer.

  R’ihia climbed up the ladder of the nearest fighter and tossed it over the edge. The ladder slammed onto the flight deck, nearly striking the crewman who had given her freedom. He looked up and swore at her telling her to watch it next time, as he no longer cared for her rank. She could have nearly killed him.

  The fire from the fighter’s engines ignited causing the ship to lift and slide to the left knocking the already distressed crewman to the ground. She regained control of the ship and lifted off the rest of the way before her canopy closed. She turned the fighter and headed down to enter the launch deck.

  The radio came to life as the carrier’s flight deck’s commanding officer barked orders for her to stop. She turned off her radio, not bothering to reply; it was all or nothing. She flew down the deck cutting another fighter off from beginning their take off run.

  Her canopy closed and sealed, she took the opportunity and floored the ship to maximum and flew as straight as she could down the launch tunnel that was situated down the entire length of the carrier interior.

  She gave out a victorious yelp as she flew out and away from the Remedy, grinning as wide as her face would allow. She thought to herself that she truly had succeeded in escaping. Now she knew there was only one destination; the North Base.

  * * *

  Terra Firma

  Year: 16,011 BC

  “I repeat,” Roth’stavous once again said, “Leave this planet before you are spotted.”

  “Do you need assistance,” Jhahnahkan asked, “My computer scans show a ship in pursuit.”

  “Do not interfere,” Roth’stavous cautioned. “We shall be left for our own demise.”

  “No, Grandfa…” he stopped himself before he finished realizing that this Roth’stavous would not have known who he was in this time. “No, I offer a way out. I offer you peace.”

  The computer reported to Jhahnahkan that the pursuing ships were nearing weapons range and that Roth’stavous’ ship would never withstand the full barrage of weapons fire.

  “Computer. Set course to intercept, maximum speed.”

  The computer quickly plotted a course and prepared the ship for battle, “Jhahnahkan, I have taken the liberty of arming all weapons and engaging maximum phosphorus shielding.”

  “Good work computer,” he responded, “Only fire upon them if he is fired on first, but only a warning shot.”

  “Very well sir.” The computer replied as the ship fired a set of plasma bursts.


  “You said to fire warning shots.” The computer complied.

  “Well, we are in the mix of it now…” he said under his breath, “give me the trajectory report.”

  “The Plasma beams missed every target as instructed, Jhahnahkan. The pursuing ships have all veered off and are heading away.”

  “Roth’stavous, do you read me?” Jhahnahkan said into the com link.

  The very angry Roth’stavous changed course to enter orbit to see what this new ship was all about, “What gives you the right to interfere?”

  “Jhahnahkan,” the computer reported, “There is a vessel on an intercept course, ETA five minutes.”

  “Computer, change course and move back into high orbit,” Jhahnahkan instructed, “Roth’stavous, come along side, I mean you no harm.”

  The quickly approaching ship remained silent as Roth’stavous commanded his crew to face this new threat head to head.

  “They are arming weapons, Jhahnahkan.”

  “Roth’stavous, you must listen to me,” Jhahnahkan cautioned.

  “They are firing.”

  Jhahnahkan removed his crystal and held it out before him. He closed his eyes and the crystal began to come to life with pulsating white flashes. The inbound missiles were quickly approaching but were deflected by the energy burst that exited the crystal and traveled out in all directions like a sphere shaped shield which encompassed Jhahnahkan’s ship. The missiles deflected and flew out into space hitting no target.

  The sphere continued to glow around his ship as Roth’stavous ordered his crew to come to a full stop just nose to nose with the command centers of each ship. Roth’stavous wanted to get as close of a look as he could.

  The two stood proudly on each of their command centers and peered over and studied each other.

  Roth’stavous was amazed at what he saw this man doing on his bridge. He was holding this crystal object that emitted a kind of power that he could use to stop weapons. He thought to himself, I must learn of this thing as it could change the tide of this ongoing war.

  Jhahnahkan returned from his trance like state. The crystal began to diminish in power and the field shrunk that he had placed around his entire ship.

  “What is this thing you possess?” Roth’stavous asked through the com channel.

  “I did not intend you to learn of this,” Jhahnahkan said now understanding that he was fulfilling destiny at this very moment.

  He hadn’t planned on showing his grandfather the crystal power. He intended to show them a way of peace; he would have done everything in his power to prevent his grandfather from seeking Ackturra, even knowing that his own existence would be in jeopardy. What had happened proved to him that there was nothing he was able to do in his power to prevent the search for Ackturra. It was to be Jhahnahkan of the House of Sö’ that caused his grandfather to seek the power of the crystals on Ackturra.

  “No, you must show us!” Roth’stavous begged, “You see, the north faction is now losing the war to the South
. We must have this device, it will even the fight. We will have a chance again.”

  “You do not understand as yet, Roth’stavous,” Jhahnahkan answered, “I must speak with you… in person. You must allow me to board your ship.”

  “I will agree to your boarding,” Roth’stavous answered eagerly, “However, this is a warship, and we do not have much space in our landing bay.”

  “I assure you, my transport craft is small enough to land almost anywhere.”

  Jhahnahkan knew he could have teleported to the bridge of Roth’stavous’s ship, but didn’t want to show him any more of the crystal for fear that he wouldn’t be able to stop them from the path they were about to embark upon.

  Roth’stavous was very anxious to greet the visitor, and waited at the landing bay airlock doors to be present for his arrival.

  Jhahnahkan maneuvered his shuttle into the landing bay and waited for the cabin to pressurize. He opened the shuttle door and stepped out onto the deck and began to walk toward the exit that had opened on the other side of the bay.

  As he got closer, he recognized a very youthful and enthusiastic Roth’stavous who greeted him with a brisk handshake.

  “Come with me, we must talk,” Roth’stavous employed nearly taking Jhahnahkan off his feet by the tug on his sleeve.

  “Wait, wait, where are you taking me?”

  “To the command center of my ship. You must tell me of this crystal device. I tell you… your arrival is perfect timing….This will even the sides now.”

  “What are you talking about,” Jhahnahkan asked as they hurried down the corridors, “You said you are losing to the Southern Faction, what is it you fighting about?”

  “It is a very long story, we simply do not have time; we are fighting for survival.”

  “We need to bring the north and south leaders together and form a truce.”

  “Nonsense, we shall do no such thing,” Roth’stavous battered back, “This war turned a few weeks ago, until then, the north was winning. They were outnumbered three to one… Then he showed up.”


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