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Secret of the Crystal - Omnibus Edition Books 1-3 (Time Travel Adventure)

Page 69

by Larson, Brian K.

  Jhahnahkan, not wanting any scene, stood and formally addressed the bridge crew, “Welcome Ambassador Milanaka.”

  Kate looked over at Jhahnahkan and gave him a slight wink and stood as he entered. “Ambassador, can you tell us what we will find when we reach the home world?”

  Milanaka strutted over and stood at the front glass on the bridge and gazed out into the color light show before the ship. He paused for a few moments and then turned and faced the rest. “There are many things you will discover on the Zelinite home world… things that you may not understand or that you may find unpleasing… but it is our way of life...”

  Jhahnahkan and the rest quietly rolled their eyes as Milanaka held his arms behind his back and paced back and forth across the bridge.

  “There is one main land mass, the rest is uninhabitable.” Milanaka continued, “There are many sites to behold on our home world…”

  “We’re not going on a safari,” Jhahnahkan finally said trying to get him to the point.

  “Just give us the details about the Rune.”

  Milanaka stopped himself, “Oh yes, the Rune.”

  “Yes, that is why we brought you here... Remember?” Jhahnahkan said.

  Milanaka continued pacing the deck and began to explain the immense size of the actual Rune matter. He told them its expanse was over five thousand miles long, but since it was more fluid in nature it was hard to put dimensions to it. He explained that it was always changing and molding on the surface and that his people have mastered harnessing the energy of the thing. They have given the Zelinites the necessary technology to enter space. There sole mission, as directed by the Runic, was to deliver a piece of itself to various planets. The Runic were looking for one thing in particular, but didn’t exactly know where it was. Only finding what they sought was the only thing they cared about.

  “We still really don’t know how long the Rune has been on our planet,” Milanaka finished, “But we have been a slave to its desires for centuries. We do its bidding, willingly. In return the Runic have given us great power and a higher consciousness.”

  “How many planets have you deposited Rune material on?” Kate asked.

  “In my time we have delivered the Rune substance to five planets. At least those are the only ones which I am aware.”

  “What effects have you seen?” Lanatek asked.

  “What did you witness?” Portov said leaning closer.

  “The planet becomes dead.”

  “Dead?” Jhahnahkan exclaimed.

  “Yes” Milanaka said, “Lifeless. Not one microbe left behind.”

  “Then why did you do this?” Glenda asked.

  “Like I said, we are slaves to the Runic, we must do their bidding. We have no choice,” Milanaka said shrugging his shoulders “At least most of us, I’m immune you know.”

  “We all have choices to make, you could have chosen not to,” Portov said standing to his feet.

  “You will never understand,” Milanaka said now backing up from the approaching Portov.

  “Your people infected our home world!” Portov shouted now charging the Zelinite ambassador.

  Milanaka let out a shriek as the Karillian tackled him to the ground. Jhahnahkan raised a shield using his crystal sphere to separate the two.

  “I will not have this on my bridge!” he said with authority.

  Portov stood and looked at Jhahnahkan while Milanaka picked himself off the deck and shook himself off giving Portov a disgusted look.

  “I protest!” Milanaka spat, “There was no call for that attack on me! I am the Zelinite Ambassador to Ackturra! Besides, I wasn’t the one who deposited Rune material on Karillia; it may have been a Zelinite, but it wasn’t me personally.”

  “My apologies Jhahnahkan,” Portov said bowing to him, “I let my emotions overcome me.”

  “I think you need to apologize to our ambassador here, not to me.”

  Portov turned begrudgingly to his arch enemy and extended a hand. Milanaka backed away slightly not expecting this gesture.

  “Relax Milanaka,” Jhahnahkan said, “Remember, it’s a hand shake.”

  “Oh, right.” Milanaka said quietly as he extended his arm and shook. Then he smiled as wide as he could, “This will be a celebration of our three sides teaming up. I will order up some fine Tarklotaz when we arrive.”

  “Sir, we are approaching the Zelinite home world,” Rex indicated.

  “Bring us all out of slipstream,” Jhahnahkan ordered.

  The green and blue glow once again vanished returning the stars to the front view screen of the Leif Erikson. The three ships slowed to one quarter impulse speed and looked out front where the planet should have been. There was a blackness that was in space before the ships.

  “Glenda, are you reading anything on your scanners?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “Sir, I’m not picking up any sign of life on Zelinite, nothing at all!” Glenda said with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Sir,” Tim and Chuck almost started together, “There is a massive object of unknown size between us and the planet,” Tim managed to say over his brother.

  “That’s the Rune!” Milanaka exclaimed with horror. “What happened to our world?”

  “It seems as if the Rune has launched!” Jhahnahkan exclaimed. “We’re too late!”

  “Rex, turn the fleet ninety degrees port and move around this object,” Lanatek ordered.

  The ships all turned in unison to fly around the massive object in space. After about thirty minutes, they safely traversed around to the edges of the object and could see around to the Zelinite home world.

  They turned and plotted a course that safely maneuvered around the object and came into orbit around the planet.

  The crew looked out at the planet that Milanaka called his home. The planet was dark as if it was suffering from a deadly illness.

  “I want a full analysis of what happened to this planet!” Jhahnahkan ordered.

  “These readings are exactly like we found on Karillia,” Glenda said choking back emotion.

  “They lied to us!” Milanaka said with dismay, “They promised they wouldn’t harm us.”

  “Apparently, they will tell you anything to get you under their power.” Kate said.

  “Scans have confirmed that there is no longer any life on Zelinite. Every microbe has been consumed!” Lanatek reported from his station. “The atmosphere is still venting from the hole the Rune left as it exited the planet. I’m afraid no one could have survived unless any were off world.”

  Milanaka stared down at his dead world in amazement, “How could all my people be gone?”

  “The Rune! Portov said. “Welcome to my world. Now you will know how it feels to be the last of your kind!”

  “It’s just Thmmeli, Thakaro, and me? We’re it… not a soul left?” Milanaka said in dismay as his arms fell to his side and he slumped down.

  “There may be others that have traveled to other places; maybe you’re not the last.” Glenda said trying to make him feel better.

  Milanaka shrugged his shoulders as he spoke with a broken voice, “I guess I have been the shortest lived Ackturrian ambassador in history. If my planet is gone, then I can’t be an ambassador to anyone.”

  “Nonsense,” Kate said, “Ackturra still needs a representative from Zelinite.”

  “Really?” Milanaka said with a slight lift in his voice.

  “Yes,” Jhahnahkan assured with a smile, “Really.”

  “Wait!” Lanatek exclaimed. “I’m picking up another vessel coming from the planet.”

  “Open a channel,” Jhahnahkan said motioning to Glenda.

  “They’re not responding,”

  “Their weapons are arming!” Chuck said with an enthusiastic Tim looking eager for some action.

  “Raise shields, arm weapons! Have the fleet stand by,” Jhahnahkan ordered. He closed his eyes for a short moment and then opened them wide and shouted, “He’s not coming for us! He’s heading right for the R

  “Helm, leave orbit and get some distance between that fighter and the Rune,” Lanatek ordered.

  Rex complied with his orders and maneuvered the Leif around the planets northern hemisphere and up toward the polar cap and then climbed straight out away from the planet.

  The Zelinite ship flew past the Leif as they were leaving orbit. They flew straight toward the massive object. The Zelinite captain began firing everything they had at the thing to no avail. The Rune behaved no differently than before. The vessel grew closer with every passing second still blazing full weapons fire.

  Jhahnahkan opened a vortex using his crystal sphere and pulled the suicide pilot from the ship as it impacted with the Rune matter.

  The screaming Zelinite fell to the floor with no cockpit under him and rolled over. He looked up as he propped up on all fours and stared at Jhahnahkan as the vortex closed.

  The fighter ship penetrated and exploded on impact, but no debris exited the Rune as it was completely contained within.

  “I want readings on that!” Jhahnahkan ordered.

  The ship turned around and pointed back toward the Rune object, “Scanning now!” Lanatek reported as he studied the console output.

  A few suspenseful moments passed, the new guest picked himself off the deck and stood by his kind while the rest of the bridge crew looked on at the sight of the vessel becoming completely consumed by the Rune.

  “You’re not going to believe this sir,” Lanatek said with awe.


  “The ship has become part of the mass,” Lanatek said as he repeated his scan to verify. “Yes. I have confirmed. That thing out there absorbed that ship and its explosion. It has morphed it into itself.”

  “That thing is one big energy conduit,” The new Zelinite said stepping forward. “That thing consumed everything on the planet when it was ready to leave for Ackturra.”

  “What else can you tell us about this thing?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “Honey,” Kate interjected, “Let the man introduce himself first.”

  “My apologies, my wife is correct. My name is Jhahnahkan of the house of Sö’, high council leader of Ackturra.”

  “Why should I tell you anything!” the Zelinite snapped. “And how did you take me from my mission? I was going to destroy that thing for what it did to my home world!”

  “You must believe us that we have come in peace,” Jhahnahkan said.

  “It is true,” Milanaka voiced, “I’m the Ambassador to Ackturra. What he says about peace, is true. I know, I know, it may be hard for you to grasp in this moment. But know this; I have come on this quest…”

  “…So you see, our intentions are pure,” Jhahnahkan said cutting him off. “We have come here to fight and to keep this Rune from traveling to Ackturra.”

  Portov stepped forward making Jhahnahkan flinch for a moment. He offered his hand to the Zelinite, “I am Portov of Karillia. Your people planted Rune material on my home world. I should have killed you where you stand, but for the greater good, we must join forces to defeat this threat. You’re now as homeless as I.”

  The Zelinite reluctantly shook his hand and stared at all the crew in complete amazement, “If you had asked me if I would ever trust an Ackturrian, yesterday that answer would have been a definite no.”

  “But?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “Today, I see I have no choice.” The Zelinite said, “My name is Xucaleechee of Zelinite.”

  “Welcome aboard” Jhahnahkan offered.

  “Humph, some welcome.” Xucaleechee said, “I’m yanked from my cockpit so I can’t complete my mission.”

  “You mean your suicide mission,” Lanatek interjected, “That ship was completely consumed by that thing.”

  “That’s because I didn’t get a chance to detonate my weapon.”

  “What weapon?” Milanaka asked.

  “A group of us immunes developed a weapon that would destroy the Rune, but it had to be flown and set off at the very center of the mass,” Xucaleechee proudly exclaimed, “But you pulled me outta my seat and I never had the chance to set it off.”

  “Where are the others?” Portov asked.

  “No one else made it.” Xucaleechee sadly said, “I was the only fighter in space when the Rune punched a hole in our atmosphere. There was such a great wind, a wind that no one had ever seen or experienced before. It was bad, so very bad… it sucked everything out into space with it.”

  “Are there any other devices?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “Nope, just this one,” Xucaleechee said, “But that one device is still inside her; I’ll tell you that right now.”

  “No, that is impossible,” Lanatek said shaking his head as he looked up at the Zelinite.

  “Yes, it is,” Xucaleechee insisted.

  “How can you be so sure?” Jhahnahkan said.

  “Because of its shielding technology,” Xucaleechee said with attitude.


  “Of course!” Milanaka yelled, “We have the technology to contain it within shielded chambers, so you used that to shield your weapon.”

  “Why can’t we just fly close enough and detonate it then?” Lanatek asked.

  “Because we need the detonator switch and that’s on the fighter that is now destroyed.”

  “Can you program another switch?” Jhahnahkan asked.

  “I could,” Xucaleechee said, “but it would take some time.”

  * * *

  Chapter 12

  Surprise Visit

  Earth – Grassy Field – Twilight

  Year: 1983

  Uttarak exited the vortex and stood in a tall green field in the twilight sky. He reached down in the grass and picked up a stone and held it and waited patiently.

  A few moments passed and then another vortex opened that swirled around and around. Jhahnahkan exited the vortex holding a clear colored crystal in his hands and had a look of great despair on his face with seeing his father being killed by his brother Jhovahkan.

  Uttarak swung the stone at his head with all his might and struck him on the temple causing Jhahnahkan to fall to the ground. He dropped his crystal in the grass and lay unconscious while Uttarak dropped the rock and left the scene the same way he came.

  * * *


  Year: Unknown

  Jhahnahkan entered the blackness of the void from his ship now buried in ice. However, this vortex was very different from what he had experienced. The vortex seemed to envelop him in a bubble which sustained his life in this emptiness. He traveled down what seemed like an endless tunnel in blackness.

  There was a shaft of fibrous tubes that were interlaced into one massive core that traveled down the center of this helix shaped tunnel. Occasionally a white colored strand would fly past. He looked around and noticed that there were several strands traveling out from the main fibrous cord, giving off a white glow about them and floating outward into nothingness.

  Out of curiosity, Jhahnahkan reached out to try and touch one, but missed as it quickly flew by. He turned and reached for another approaching glowing strand but as he reached he traveled in what seemed like slow motion and was not able to connect with it again. He tried a few more times but to no avail.

  He noticed, as he studied them, that the strands were covered with flowing white hair as if it were feelers which grew out from the strand and then relaxed as he passed.

  A voice echoed in his mind that he recognized, Jhahnahkan.

  You are the time-helix entity.

  Yes, that’s right.

  How am I able to be here?

  You have mastered something that not many other beings have been able to accomplish, the entity explained in Jhahnahkan’s mind. You have entered the fifth dimension without the need of an Ackturrian power crystal. Within the vortex bubble, your physical body has stopped; you are timeless here. The last breath you took before entering is all you will need while you are here. Time moves very differently here as you will
come to discover. Your physical body is held in this vortex you created and is in status. You are only seeing this through your mind.

  I do not need a vessel to travel the time-helix axis? Jhahnahkan affirmed.

  You are correct; you have advanced to a higher consciousness. The entity again echoed within his mind.

  He reached out to touch another approaching strand when the alien being spoke in his mind nearly startling him with urgency, Do not touch the marker until you find the correct one.

  Jhahnahkan withdrew but nearly let another brush his shoulder. Markers?

  Yes, these strands are time markers. You can exit at any one of these points on the time-helix coil. This is how you will find the one you seek. The entity echoed again.

  “Uttarak has been here,” Jhahnahkan said out loud.

  Yes, he has traveled here.

  “He has gone insane. I must find him and stop whatever he is trying to do.”

  No, he is not so much insane, but rather infected. The entity stated.

  “The Rune!” Jhahnahkan exclaimed.

  Yes Jhahnahkan.

  “Do you know what happened?”

  Uttarak became infected because of your actions, the entity coldly replied.

  “How could that be possible, unless you are referring to my other self in the fractured timeline?”

  “What time is he from?”

  He came from the center of time on this helix. His birth is the product of a time paradox. This is something that not even I foresaw. The entity sadly said.

  “Tell me which marker it is that I must take.”

  You must find the marker using your own instincts. You have the ability within you Jhahnahkan, the entity echoed, you must trust your instincts- yes, trust your own instincts.

  “How did he become infected?” Jhahnahkan asked as he continued to avoid the strands.

  Your son is born of you and your wife Kate in the fractured timeline, The entity began, Then he was taken by his grandmother to grow and learn from another time.


  Yes, it was Helen who took your son from you in that fractured time.


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