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Feel the Burn

Page 23

by MacDonald, Nicole


  Chapter Twenty

  The lizard steaks made an interesting addition to dinner. Afterward, while the girls and their guys retired for the evening, I stayed up late playing cards with Belsesus, Ignatius, Gredel, and Chaieth. Playing against the Lieutenants and Gredel, who all had decades of practice meant quite a bit of sitting out for me in the beginning, I lost so quickly. Then they paired me up with one of them each game, considering it a personal challenge to beat the others while teaching me how to play.

  ‘No,’ Belsesus murmured in my ear. ‘Play that one.’

  I shifted on his saddle, my perch for this game, and offered the card up for the others to see. Belsesus plucked the card from my hand and dropped it on the pile. The other three regarded it suspiciously, with speculative glances at their own hands. The deck of cards belonged to Gredel, the same deck we’d used those long months ago while traveling to the castle. There were four classes in the deck; water, air, earth, and fire, and the cards bore images of creatures that represented each element. Obvious ones, birds for air, fish for water, burrowing creatures for earth and then the unusual ones for fire; fire dragons, phoenixs and others.

  ‘Is this a fire creature?’ I whispered to Belsesus, cupping the card and he twisted at the waist to look.

  ‘They have bad tempers so are considered fiery,’ he explained softly, mouth close to my ear.

  Well I can’t disagree with that, I thought, regarding the card. The tehnear looked angry too, snarling in the picture. I held the card closer and studied it, remembering the speed and fury of the one that chased us that time.

  The first time Alek kissed me.

  A smile escaped as I remembered it. His hand slipping under the plait Sian had woven in my hair, the breath on my face an instant before he pulled me close and the hammering of his heart while he held me afterward.


  ‘Oh!’ I snapped out of it and found Belsesus arching an eyebrow at me.

  ‘Come on, our turn.’

  To the centaur’s blatant disappointment we lost, but then you can only do so much with a bad hand. I swung a leg over and dropped to the ground, sitting with Ignatius for the next game. Gredel scooped the cards up with one hand and started doing a clever swift shuffle, flicking through the large pack of cards, grinning at me as I watched avidly.


  Everyone twisted. Leseach stood back from our circle with a mug of nellor. Ignatius stood.

  ‘Here, let me. I’ll bring her over after this game.’

  The genuinely pleasant manner he said it in astonished me enough to forget grumbling about their excessive babying. Even Gredel and the other two looked surprised. Leseach handed the mug to Ignatius and he sat beside me, passing it over while we started the final game.

  Loi woke early and snuggled closer to Sabyn, giggling quietly when he mumbled ‘goddess’ in his sleep and fumbled, petting her back. Sabyn’s wandering hands had nearly earned him a black eye the first time Loi encountered it. Not that she didn’t like the affectionate touches, it just wasn’t expected when sound asleep. Especially not a hand fumbling its way up her side before latching onto a breast. Jerking awake, Loi’s sleep addled brain had just made the connection in time before she threw a fist out.

  Still, Loi thought in amusement when she remembered that night, if he ever tries that ‘honk honk’ trick again I’ll honk something of his and see how he likes it. The mental image of Sabyn abruptly waking due to that, caused more giggles and she bit her lip trying to stop the sound, her back quivering. A grumble and shift from the sleeping man made Loi freeze.

  ‘Nice try, goddess.’

  Loi giggled and pressed her face to his bare chest.


  ‘I’ll forgive you, if you keep your icy nose to yourself.’

  He shifted, rolling so her back pressed to the bedroll and Loi could sense him looking around, though other than the dim lights from those on guard nothing could be seen. Then she felt his breath on her face and a smile spread.


  Sabyn chuckled softly and his lips brushed over her nose while he sought her mouth.

  ‘Hmmmm,’ he responded, lips pressing to hers.

  It aroused a sense of illicit thrill while they moved slowly and quietly in the dark; fingers stroking, hands exploring and tugging clothes out of the way, the sinfully deep kisses that caught any sounds while they moved together. She locked her legs around his hips, pulling up when he pressed down and gasped against his mouth, feeling that dark smile when he thrust again. Beneath his hands and body she felt the tremble start and he went still, holding her gently; his turn to gasp when her muscles tightened around him. The sensations, like dozens of tiny sparks, flashed throughout, evaporating any tension and she slumped back against the bedroll, head ringing with pleasure. Sabyn ducked his head to kiss her and she pushed up to her elbows, rocking her hips, drawing him in while he neared his peak and intentionally squeezed. It made him gasp against her mouth. A tiny evil chuckle slipped out when she did it again. In response he drew out nearly full length then thrust in hard, dropping his head and bit the crook of her neck, shuddering when he climaxed. Loi could feel his heart racing, chest pressed to her breasts, and she nipped his neck in retaliation, then his ear, just to tease him.

  ‘Goddess,’ he tried to grumble, barely able to get the word out while his breath came back. Loi chuckled and nipped his ear again, deliberately tickling the lobe with her tongue.

  ‘Arrrgh,’ Sabyn seized her and flopped to the bedroll, his heart still beating a drum. The instant of joy literally snatched the air from his lungs—Loi knew he took a moment to recover.

  ‘You brat,’ he growled in her ear, her long hair tickling his nose. Then he returned the favor, shifting her hair out of the way with a sweep of a hand and delicately took her earlobe between his teeth, making Loi shudder when he flicked his tongue over it.


  ‘Serves you right,’ he murmured and felt the almost silent giggle from her reverberate through his chest. Not far from where they lay a soldier huffed then rolled over and they stilled. The solders weren’t resentful about the situation, but Sabyn, Rumal, and Daron, all found spots away from the main sleeping area to tuck their bedrolls. Pressing a light kiss to Loi’s forehead he shifted, rolling her so her back pressed to his chest and with an arm re-adjusted the covers over them. Beneath the covers Loi slipped her wool underclothes back on and he wriggled into his pants. Then they relaxed, sighing in unison and settled down to sleep again. She lifted the arm he’d draped over her, slender fingers entwining his and he smiled when her lips brushed his knuckles before she tucked the arm closer.

  Tomiar’s thoughts woke Loi later, when the others began to stir.

  ‘Wakey, wakey, plant lady.’

  ‘Morning, Tomiar. Sleep well?’

  ‘No. But every day is closer to the surface. How about you?’

  Particularly well for the last hour or so, Loi thought smugly to herself, but to Tomiar she thought, ‘As well as you can on a bedroll.’

  ‘In a cave,’ added the griffon.


  Strangely enough, or perhaps not, Loi found the caves comforting. With all her friends here and Sabyn at her side, and with the voices of the plants, she enjoyed the time spent underground. The remarkable beauty of the caves and the varying rock types. All manner of stalagmites and stalactites, it gave her plenty to admire. Certain rocks gleamed gold or silver in the lights and other rocks absorbed the light. And then all the different creatures!

  So many things to see, Loi thought.

  Around the fire, while they munched on supplies and discussed the day’s plan, Loi caught up with the other girls. A hug from Kassie, and Sian, a shoulder nudge from Cat, teasing when she crouched beside her. It made most around the fire laugh when Loi nudged her back, promptly causing Cat to fall over.

  ‘Why do that?’ She asked with a wide grin while Cat sat laughing on the st
one. ‘Your sense of balance is always awful in the morning.’

  Cat snorted and attempted to balance in the crouch again, a hand on the ground to stay steady. ‘It’s always awful you mean.’

  In next to no time they’d packed the camp up and set off for the day. Sabyn held her hand while Tomiar walked right behind them. She tuned into the murmurs of the plants and earth, reaching out to the resonant voices that had guided them this far.

  Maybe that’s why I don’t mind the caves, she realized, every time I speak with them I get the sense of fresh air and sunlight.

  Not so far now, earth one.

  You have made very good time.

  Only four sunrises before you surface.

  Four, Loi thought in surprise. You said five the other day.


  Fast travelers.

  Be wary of others.

  They feed.

  And seek.


  ‘They’re talking about the others again,’ Loi said quietly to Sabyn. He met her eyes before his gaze went distant, considering it.

  ‘Did they say anything else?’

  ‘Only four days left.’

  That made his eyebrows rise, a rare full smile illuminating his face.

  ‘Excellent, we’ll tell the others when we set camp.’

  The sound of hooves caused Loi to glance behind Sabyn, spotting Chaieth and Larvaste.

  ‘Did they give you any idea of the ‘others’, Loi?’ Larvaste asked.

  She shook her head.

  ‘No, they’re rather cryptic at the best of times. I think they expect me to know more than I do.’

  ‘Perhaps you will, once you reach your full potential,’ Chaieth suggested.


  The centaurs stayed close while they trekked through the array of tunnels and caves. Tomiar took careful note of ceiling heights and the widths of tunnels, letting the other griffons and Sito know. It felt lighter now to Loi and the surface being closer reflected in the change of rock and appearance of animals. Several times throughout the day they heard the sound of startled creatures attempting to flee, rocks tumbling in the corners of caves that they passed through and glimpses of shadows vanishing. Pretty lizards started to appear, tiny compared to the vorks, the largest the length of her forearm, and they glowed along the spine, little dots of orange.

  ‘Don’t,’ Sabyn warned when Loi reached for one. ‘The orange spots are poisonous spines.’

  She pulled her hand back and watched the lizard while it scampered up the wall.

  At midday they stopped to have a seat and a bite to eat while allowing the rest of the group to catch up. The sense of wonder and excitement at watching the other griffons amble into the cave, then Sito, hadn’t diminished and for a moment Loi let the awe sweep over her, comparing life two years ago to life now. It just blew her mind at times.

  Seated near her, Tomiar’s tail flicked when the other griffons entered and Loi caught the tufted end, playfully tugging on it. The griffon twisted to look over a shoulder at Loi, the motion uniquely griffon—smooth as a cat but dexterous as a bird.

  ‘Bored are we?’

  Loi grinned and tugged it again.

  ‘Maybe. Or maybe it’s just fun.’

  Tomiar regarded her with a long look then deliberately flicked her tail, swatting Loi in the face.

  Sabyn watched while Gredel and Cat walked in, behind Phroma and in front of Loushka. Standing beside him, Daron commented in a low voice, ‘It’s hard. Everyday I look for him.’

  Rumal, both hands busy while he worked oil into a stiff leather strap, glanced over at Cat.

  ‘She reminds me of the King.’

  Sabyn nodded, his arms crossed, and regarded his cousin. She did look like the King, her brows and the way she laughed. It brought up so many memories, causing a dull sense of pain in his chest.

  Alek, he thought, feeling the sorrow expand. Where are you now?

  Beside him Daron sighed and turned away, the lines of his face looking more pronounced when he walked across to Sian who sat with Sito. Rumal, still rubbing the oil in with slow circles of his thumbs across the strap, exchanged a somber glance with Sabyn.

  ‘Good thing it’s only three nights left.’

  ‘I don’t know. Going back without him, it doesn’t seem right.’

  Gredel, hearing Sabyn’s comment while he walked over, laughed humorlessly.

  ‘Not to concern yourself. The odds aren’t great.’

  The three men stayed quiet and the truth hung in the air. Many times over the years there had been real moments of concern, yet somehow they’d always pulled through.

  This time he felt old. Tired and done. In the solitude and darkness of the caves the reality of war hit home. There could be no honor in fighting those forced to fight and yet, without this battle the atrocities would continue; snatching lives and ruining realms. Already the cost of the approaching battle had been exorbitantly high and the stakes only grew.

  A sound caught his attention, pulling him back from the dark thoughts. Across the cave, Loi and Tomiar play fought. Watching as the griffon caught the girl full face with her tail allowed a little more light to creep in. Loi swiped at Tomiar with her long braid, giggling while she did so.

  Feeling eyes on him, Sabyn glanced back to see Gredel watching, a speculative, knowing expression in his eyes, his mouth grim.

  ‘And yet, we’ve beaten bad odds before.’

  Rumal gave a sharp exhale through the nose, gold eyes dark, and smiled thinly.

  ‘That we have, worth a shot.’

  They all turned away, moving back to their positions when the line assembled.

  Ignatius positioned himself behind Leseach and Rashid in the line, walking with the Cavalry soldiers and the goblins who rode them, their raspy voices echoing queerly within the hollow chambers. The soldiers reminisced of various battles and he joined in, absently correcting numbers or dates, while his mind drifted.

  There was an assumption amongst some of the noble houses of Elion, that those who entered the Guard did so due to a lack of intelligence. After all, why be a soldier when you could become a diplomat or work toward becoming a member of Council. Ignatius’ father tried both positions and settled on soldier.

  ‘It puts you in an excellent position,’ his father explained to Ignatius when urging him to consider entering the Guard. ‘You have the brains but will always be overlooked due to our lower status. However, enter the Guard and you can rise as high as you like. With your abilities, Ignatius, you could go far and get close to the crown. That’s where the possibilities lie, not in arguing with it, but with working alongside and protecting it. Earning a trust a council member will never have.’

  Like most advice his father offered before his death some time ago, it proved very true. Now what he needed was a diversion, something to give him an hour at the appropriate time. Various ideas floated about but none quite fitted. Something will turn up, he thought, just a little patience. Already the Northerner regarded him with the same disinterest she held for any other soldier, the acerbic edge she’d once reserved for him now gone.

  Hours passed and they kept the pace strong. Laura’s announcement of only four days lifted the spirits of all and made the time pass quickly. Soon, sounds echoed down the line when those ahead reached the desired camp for the night. All the decisions about where to stop lay firmly in Laura’s hands and the girl walked with a permanent dazed expression while she communed with the earth. It made Ignatius uneasy, knowing that Laura hadn’t done anything like this before. He followed Leseach and Rashid into a high ceilinged cavern, its walls littered with holes, like honeycomb. The Halenine fae and most of the goblins worked at checking all the holes while the other soldiers set up camp. Leseach deliberately sought out a position with no large wall holes near it and set up the tent for the Princess. Part of him wanted to offer to help but he resisted, knowing it wouldn’t have the desired effect.


He turned to find a Halenine fae hovering at head height.


  ‘I’ve found a scent, I’m not sure if it’s a threat.’

  ‘Show me the tunnel,’ Ignatius said, reaching for the two long bladed daggers he favored and slipped them into the sheaths strapped to either calf. It required a decent climb, accompanied with the usual jeers from those watching. Wriggling into the entrance he nodded to the fae.

  ‘I’ll let you know if I need help.’

  Then, thrusting the torch in front, he began crawling along the tunnel. It opened up quickly, high enough for him to walk along if he stooped.

  There is a familiar smell, he thought and crouched, holding the torch lower, trying to see evidence of life. Glowing lizards scurried along the walls, their dark purple tongues flicking against the stone. Not seeing anything yet, he walked along further then recoiled, uttering an expletive, and snatched a dagger. The vork screeched, attracting the attention of the other two down the tunnel. Jamming the head of the torch into the open fanged mouth, he slammed a dagger through the other head while jerking back to avoid the long tongue. Pulling the blade out he used the torch to flip the struggling reptile over and quickly slit the two throats. The other two lizards ran silently at him, their bodies arching from side to side and they lifted their fronts, readying to attack. Taking a firm grip on the torch and dagger, Ignatius breathed out steadying himself, eyes staring central. He focused on the toothless heads, those venomous long tongues already flicking the air, tasting his scent.

  ‘Not this time,’ he muttered.

  It was the only sane decision though he knew it would cost him. Kicking a loose rock at the furthest vork—causing it to jerk back—he used the torch like a club and smacked the closer vork, crushing its skull. Not unexpected, he felt the needle-like teeth of the other head sink into his forearm. The sear of pain spurred him on and it only took a moment to swing his other arm over and plunge the blade through the lizard’s head, a sharp twist forcing the lifeless body to jerk, releasing the death grip. Blood ran down his arm but he ignored it when the other vork launched itself off the side of the tunnel, mouths extended wide. It went against nature to ignore the visible teeth and he grunted in pain when those fine teeth breached the mail and sank into his shoulder. He dug his fingers into the throat of the venomous head, holding it away and repeatedly bashed it against the stone. The toothed head screamed, gnawing at his shoulder and the surge of pain triggered an adrenaline rush. With a growl Ignatius slammed the lizard’s body against the stone, making both heads screech. Then, getting a better hold on the throat, he twisted the head until he felt the neck snap. The lizard scrabbled against him, claws latching into the chainmail while the remaining head released his shoulder in a bid to escape.


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