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Silent Orchids (The Age of Alandria: Book One)

Page 11

by Morgan Wylie

  “Calm down, you’re shaking. Tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to freak me out.”

  Chel immediately folded her hands to still them. She took a deep breath and looked Kaeleigh in the eyes and said, “I can’t tell you.”

  “What?! You come in here looking like somebody just died. You’re shaking and you’re not going to tell me, Chel? Bullshit!” Kaeleigh said, totally freaking out now.

  “Wait, just wait a minute. Everyone is all right. I don’t even know how to tell you any of this, there’s no way you’ll believe it; I’m still trying to believe it,” Chel said, scattered. Then she realized how frustrating this must sound when she saw the look of impatience on Kaeleigh’s face. “Okay, I need you to trust me and let me try to explain.” She looked Kaeleigh in the eyes and waited for her to nod her consent.

  “I went to my parents’ last night to get some advice about this stalker guy situation. They seemed way too overly worried about him hanging around and it finally dawned on me that they knew something and were hiding it from us.” Chel took a deep breath. “Remember, they love you and thought they were doing the right thing by both of us. Even though I’m still trying to believe that one myself—side note, sorry, I’ll explain.

  “Oh my god, I’m so not going to be able to explain this right.” Chel started to get antsy and couldn’t get her thoughts straight and finally just blurted out, “So, apparently my family isn’t normal and they came to live here to watch out for you because, oh by the way, you’re not entirely normal either. Your stalker guy—he isn’t normal either. And when I say ‘not entirely normal,’ yeah, I mean not entirely human!” Not even pausing for reaction, she finished, “And he’s been sent here to find you and take you back with him but we’re not sure who sent him yet. Why? I don’t know, but we won’t let him take you!” Burying her face in her hands, Chel took a shaky breath. “Oh, this sounds like a cruel joke, and I know this doesn’t make any sense, but it’s unbelievably true, although I can’t tell you how I know that yet. I’m sorry.”

  And with that, Chel jumped up and ran toward the exit, not knowing how to tell her best friend in the world any more than she already had. Chel was still trying to process her own discoveries and secrets. She felt like a failure to her friend, like she should have known these things sooner to help prepare her, but instead it was like someone dumped a dunk tank of water over both of them. Not only did they have to figure out how to handle their own personal revelations, but they also had to figure out what they were dealing with in this stalker.

  Kaeleigh sat in her spot in the booth unmoving for who knows how long. Dumbfounded, Kaeleigh didn’t know whether to laugh at the absurdity of it all or cry at the terror of the truth she felt in Chel’s words. Worrying her necklace between her fingers, she looked for comfort. She felt betrayed. How could Chel just dump something like that on her then bolt? Why would she bring her parents into it too? What kind of friend is she?

  But then Kaeleigh thought about the kind of friend that Chel was and the people her parents were; they would never mean to hurt her. She didn’t know what, but there had to be some kind of truth to what Chel had said, But WTF! Something at the back of Kaeleigh’s mind told her not to disregard what was said no matter how far-fetched it sounded. After all, she had freakish dream/flashes and she had a freakish, yet gorgeous, stalker. Oh! And don’t forget the orchids that seemed to magically appear.

  Kaeleigh found herself getting angry, so angry, that there were people out there that knew who she was, that knew at least something of her past, that maybe even knew her family—if she had one—and they kept it from her, possibly even kept them from her.

  How could they betray me this way? After all that I have been through, no one thought it prudent to perhaps tell me, “Oh by the way, we know things about your past that might help you understand all of this,” but no. No one did.

  Kaeleigh felt a hodgepodge of emotions—hurt, betrayed, confused, full of doubt… She felt like she was floating on a cloud flitting from one reality to the next. What’s real? What’s going on? AND what the hell did Chel mean by “not entirely human”? I’m going to be sick. She got up and ran out of The Station, heading down the street. She kept running until she ended up near the river. She knew that Chel liked to go there to think so maybe she would too.

  After hours of thinking—or not thinking—and coming up with more questions and no answers, she decided to go to work. At least there she could be distracted. Only the distraction she found was not what she had in mind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kaeleigh had made it through her first few hours at work without losing her mind and even managed to have friendly conversations with some of the restaurant patrons and the waitstaff. On her break, she stepped out the side door to get some fresh air. Usually there were a couple of others taking a smoke break out there but tonight there was only one—a girl about the same age as Kaeleigh who had been working there a couple months longer than she had. Her name was Melanie, Kaeleigh remembered; she pretty much kept to herself. Kaeleigh said hello while Melanie simply nodded at her, then focused on the cigarette she was working on. The door opened behind her, shining more light on the side street that they were facing. Melanie looked up, stiffened, and glared at whoever was behind Kaeleigh. She put out her cigarette and stormed back inside, slamming the door and taking the light from inside with her. An uncomfortable icy feeling came over Kaeleigh as she turned to see her boss, the manager, Mr. Delacroix, standing there with a look that imitated sympathy on his face.

  “How are you, Kaeleigh? Any more issues with that guy that was giving you trouble yesterday?” he asked. Like a snake, he put his arm around her shoulders, attempting to comfort her, but Kaeleigh stiffened. Her skin started to crawl. She did not like to be touched. Not only was he invading her space that she had not invited him into, but she got an ill feeling that crept up her spine.

  “Mr. Delacroix, I’m fine. Please remove your arm and don’t touch me again,” Kaeleigh said as she tried to pull away, not really caring if her job was now on the fence. Slime ball!

  The manager responded by pulling her in closer and tighter and said, “You are a good worker, Kaeleigh, and I would hate to see you lose your job because you were too upset that you couldn’t concentrate.” His eyes had traveled a bit south of her eyes as he leaned closer. “I’m always here for you. I want you to know that.”

  Kaeleigh felt trapped and claustrophobic the more he pulled her into himself. The more she struggled, the tighter he held on. Panic started to choke her. The manager pulled her in for a hug that she would NOT be reciprocating and bent down to whisper in her ear as he stroked her hair, “I like you, Kaeleigh. I want to keep you safe and all mine. You be good to me and I’ll be good to you,” he practically crooned to her.

  Is he possessed?

  Kaeleigh was outraged. She had been in a similar situation before and she couldn’t believe that it was happening again. It wasn’t like she wore a sign saying “easy target,” because she wasn’t one. She was a fighter. Kaeleigh grabbed hold of his arms like she was going to give in to his insanity. Satisfied, he loosened his grip just a little and she looked up at him with innocent eyes and said, “How dare you! You fucking pig.” Then she kneed him where it would count as hard as she could. As he fell to the ground gasping and grabbing himself, his face turned green. She bent over him and whispered into his ear, “That’s me being good to you.”

  She turned to walk away as he shouted at her, “Don’t bother coming back to work, you’re fired!”

  Kaeleigh turned back only slightly, not wanting him to see her shaking, and yelled, “Did you miss my resignation, because I can come back to deliver it more formally if you’d like.” He quickly cowered in on himself again and she turned the corner, only slightly satisfied.

  She couldn’t believe what a scumbag her boss was and wondered how many of the girls she worked with he had accosted and maybe even succeeded at raping them. Kaeleigh wouldn’t put up with
that and she wasn’t afraid of defending herself. She was shaking so hard as the realization of what had just happened—what could’ve happened—hit her, that she didn’t see him coming around the corner until she bumped smack into him.

  Kaeleigh quickly jumped back, not realizing yet who was in front of her. Daegan. He stood there, intimidating and emotionless, as he looked her over, yet asked her with sincerity and concern, “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head, not sure yet what he wanted, but afraid she was about to cry in front of him or puke on him. Oh my God! Now what? “What are you doing here? Is this gang up on Kaeleigh night and someone forgot to tell me?” she asked sarcastically.

  He looked at her, confused. “I was waiting for you to get off work so we could perhaps talk a little more, but then I felt your distress and came to see if you were okay... But apparently you handled your situation. He needs to be finished off.” Daegan said that last part with an evil sneer as he looked beyond her into the alley. His anger was palpable.

  Kaeleigh looked at him, trying to understand what he was saying. With horror, she realized he had been watching her encounter with her boss. He stood there with one hand at his waist gripping the handle of some kind of knife that looked incredibly sharp, and she had no doubts that he knew how to use it well. His other hand was balled up in a fist even though he seemed to be casual and uninterested. She believed that he really had come to help her, rescue her even, had he been given the chance.

  “Finish him off? Uh, no, that’s not necessary although deserved,” she replied, then added, “Thanks, I believe you would have helped me.”

  Daegan looked at her again, then looked back into the alley, his nostrils flaring and his eyes lit again with flame. His whisper was lethal, though not directed at her. “Stay here.” He stalked into the darkness of the alley, drawing the blade that had caught her eye.

  This can’t be good, she thought. What was only a couple of minutes later, she started to fall over as the adrenaline wore off and exhaustion set in.

  He caught her arm, barely holding her up as he appeared next to her with lightning speed. “You’re shaking. You must get home before you collapse.” He jostled her slightly, trying to get a better grip. “May I assist you home? I vow I mean you no harm. Or if not, allow me to call one of your friends,” he added gently.

  Kaeleigh looked him in the eyes and saw honesty and gentleness in them. Feeling calm and at peace for the first time all day, she agreed he could walk her home, but that she would be doing the walking on her own.

  “What did you do to him?” she squeaked out, not entirely sure she wanted to know but also secretly happy that the pervert got what he deserved.

  Daegan snuck a peek her way with a slight smirk. “You really want to know?”

  Kaeleigh looked him in the eyes, then nodded resolutely.

  “I simply impressed upon him that he would never again be doing something like that and that perhaps he should resign and turn himself in,” Daegan stated.

  “And why would he just turn himself in?”

  “Let’s just say I am strongly persuasive when I want to be.” He sneered with the same hint of danger she had seen in him before. Satisfied, she left it at that.

  After her initial question, they walked slowly and silently. Kaeleigh was still shaking a few blocks down the road and even lost her footing and tripped several times. The first time, Daegan grabbed her elbow to steady her so she wouldn’t fall then released her as she righted herself and pulled away. The second time she stumbled, however, he grabbed her elbow like before but did not let go. Reluctantly, she didn’t pull away, realizing that she actually needed his help. He kept her steady the rest of the way to her home. Awkward in the silence, Kaeleigh decided to give conversation a try.

  “So, any revelations about my shocking new tattoo?” she asked with a bit of humor behind her voice as she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.

  “Ah, you think this is funny,” he said, more to himself than to her. “To answer your question, no.” They walked quietly for another block. Then Daegan stopped gently, turning her toward himself. “There is deep strength in you, Kaeleigh. An almost reckless courage,” Daegan said, again looking so deep into her eyes that she felt like she was standing in front of a stranger, naked for all to see.

  She didn’t like feeling examined and on display. Especially when she could feel the heat from his body radiating off of him; they were that close. And even more when there was a small, minute part of her that wanted to curl up and be enveloped by that heat. I must still be suffering the effects of shock, because what the hell!

  Kaeleigh jerked her arm out of his hand. Uncomfortable with his proximity, she took a step not backward but to the side—another one of Chel’s dad’s lessons: do not back down in front of a predator but move to the side to give yourself some room. Not reacting at all to her movement, Daegan just watched her. Feeling her strength return, Kaeleigh started walking again. She didn’t say anything, didn’t look behind her to see if he was still there, or if he was following her—she knew he was. Not sure how, but she could sort of feel him, feel his presence. Their paths entwining closer together. This should have creeped her out but instead it gave her an odd sense of comfort knowing he was there. He wasn’t going to hurt her, this she was sure. Maybe this stranger was even there to protect her. From what, she couldn’t even imagine. When she arrived at her apartment building, she stopped before going up the stairs to turn and thank Daegan, but instead she asked the question that had been on her mind since last night.

  “What happened when you touched my wrist last night?” He didn’t say anything. “I know you know something,” she said as she sat down on the steps leading up to her apartment and looking down at her wrist as if she could see through the stack of bracelets that covered it. She looked up at Daegan, his eyes hard with some sort of internal struggle as he stared at her then at her wrist. She planned to wait for his response before she fired off another of her hundreds of questions; maybe that way she would actually get some answers.

  Kaeleigh watched as Daegan seemed to come to a decision. His body shifted from stiff and controlled like a soldier to a little less so as he relaxed his shoulders and even looped his thumbs through the belt loops on his dark jeans. A gesture that was very normal for a very not normal thing happening. For the first time, Kaeleigh really noticed before her, not a stalker, but simply a man who looked about her age.

  He was slightly taller than average and built like an athlete, toned and muscular. His T-shirt under his opened jacket was stretched tight in all the right places revealing muscular ridges, the kind a girl could let her hands wander over for hours. Hair—shorter all around and slightly longer and mussed at the top—the inkiest black she had ever seen. His eyes were like deep vats of chocolate mixed with flecks of spicy jalapeño. Daegan was definitely good looking but less like a model and more other. Fighter even... warrior, the scar peeking out of his neck collar possibly confirming her thoughts. Thoughts came to Kaeleigh as she tried not to make her studying him obvious.

  He cleared his throat, causing her eyes to return to his, which in turn created a heat that ran up her neck into her face. He let it slide without comment. “The marking on your wrist is similar to other markings I have seen called srontas, which relate to cultural backgrounds; however, I have never seen that particular one before—it’s different,” he said with a frown. “I don’t know what yours means, perhaps it’s a mistake.” Daegan seemed to be speaking more to himself than to Kaeleigh.

  “Okay...” Kaeleigh began to say as she was thinking. “So, how did I get one of these... snortas marks?”

  “Srontas,” he corrected her with a slight twinkle in his eyes. Then suddenly serious again, “I don’t know,” he said with frustration, running his fingers through his hair. Frustrated perhaps that he didn’t know, perhaps at the situation, perhaps at her.

  Kaeleigh replied, not caring if he was irritated or not, determined to have some answers a
fter everything that had happened. “Well, what happened when you touched mine? Something happened, I felt it. I can’t describe it, but it felt weird and now I seem to be oddly aware of you if I think of you.”

  “You think of me?” Daegan asked, suddenly serious and confused. She thought for sure she would be getting some smart response laced with sexual intonation once she realized the opening she had given him with her last statement.


  When she was about to blurt out something just to distract from the awkward silence of the moment, he started pacing, raking his fingers through his hair again... clearly uncomfortable.

  “I’ve never had that happen before. I have never heard of that happening before. I tried to find out, but my contact was... unavailable.” He looked her in the eye. “The only thing I can think it might be is that my touching your mark somehow activated a piece of who you are...” He drifted off, apparently thinking out loud to himself. “In other words, there is something in you that is responding to the energy in me.” He was silent for a moment, then said, “Kaeleigh, I need to take you back with me. No harm will come to you while under my protection. I give you my word.”

  Kaeleigh stood up, wiped off the back of her jeans, and said, “Well, good luck with that. I have no intention of going anywhere with you.” She started up the stairs and then turned back around and said with meaning, “Thank you for walking me home.”

  He nodded and turned to tell her one last thing before he left, “For your safety, you must stay close to your guardian and take his advice. Goodbye for now, Kaeleigh.” He smiled a sincerely handsome smile that made her heart do a little flip, and then he walked away.

  Confused, Kaeleigh ran back down the several stairs she had climbed to ask who he thought her “guardian” was, stopping at the street corner. She was about to open her mouth when she saw Daegan disappear... DISAPPEAR? And not just disappear as in “losing sight of him as he walked off into the darkness of night,” but as in “poof, gone.” WTF? She blinked several times, shook her head, and headed back up the stairs and into the safety of her apartment. Great! As if the weird flashes and the cryptic messages from the good-looking stranger weren’t crazy enough, he disappeared! He actually disappeared!! My friends are going to love this—if they don’t kill me, that is.


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