Book Read Free

Life Unwritten

Page 18

by T. I. Lowe

  Adrian lets out one of those nasally laughs and shakes his head. “Now there’s the Harper Blume I met that night at the release party. So glad to see you again. May I come in?” Adrian asks, making me aware of how rude I’m being.

  “Oh, sorry. Sure.” I lead us inside and on to the kitchen, place the flowers on the counter, and stealing a long sniff of their sweet perfume before turning back to Adrian. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please.” He settles onto a stool, places a briefcase on top of the one beside him, and folds his hands. “I must say, Miss Blume, you look much different than the last time I saw you.”

  My cheeks warm, wondering if last night’s revelation is advertising as brightly as a neon billboard sign. I keep my back to him until the coffee maker sputters to life. Pulling on an air of bravery, I retort, “Last time you had just squashed my career.”

  “Nonsense. I did you a favor.” There’s a sharp edge of irritation in his tone, making me whip around to eye him. As soon as our eyes meet, he says, “I’m quite disappointed in you.”


  “Yes. I waited for you to stand up for yourself. Instead, you acted like a coward and ran out of my office.”

  I’m tired of being called a coward. Every irritating man in my life has chosen to voice this in only a span of one week. Tears sting my eyes. I sniff them back and look away.

  Adrian places his hand on top of mine and lightly squeezes. It feels fatherly and makes me homesick for something I’ve never had. “I thought I found an individual cut from the same cloth as myself when we met. One who wanted to be unique, instead of blending into the generic fabric society likes to weave everyone in until there’s no distinction left. You’re too brilliant to blend, my dear one, and it’s past time you stand up and stand out.”

  While pondering his words, I turn around and busy myself with pouring us a cup of coffee. Funny how he used fabric for his object lesson, because lately I’ve viewed my life as threads, weaving in a different pattern. One that finally feels to be a proper fit.

  “Adrian, why are you here?” I place a cup before him.

  After taking a sip, he places the cup back down and answers, “I’m here to save you from the sharks.”

  “What sharks?”

  “The agencies trying to get their claws into you. You have to know this.”

  I shake my head. “I’ve sort of been in hiding since that picture.”

  “Everyone’s scrambling to figure out how to snag you up. I’m surprised I’m the first to show up on your doorsteps.”

  “I’m not so sure you’re the only one.” I rub my palms against my temples. “There have been plenty of visitors, but I assumed they were all paparazzi so I’ve not answered the door.”

  “Smart move.” He reaches over and fishes out a folder from the briefcase and hands it to me. “This is what I’m here to propose.”

  I flip through the papers, finding a contract and a seven-figure check made out in my name. Gasping, I look over at him and hold up the check. “What?”

  “Wild Idea Publishing has wanted you from the start. You, Harper Blume. Not an actress named Roselyn Scott. That folder was sitting on my desk during our meeting, waiting for you to demand your rightful place. Instead, you ran.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” His voice fills with trepidation.

  “I’m sorry for being a coward that day. For being a coward for most of my life, for that matter.”

  “You’re twenty-eight, correct?” The edges of his eyes soften, conveying that fatherly vibe once again.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Young lady, I think you can get a pass this once. Live and learn, and then live some more. Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” There’s no containing the grateful smile pulling at my lips. Adrian Wild is the first person to tell me it was okay. To give me a pass for my mistakes. I really like this peculiar man.

  He pulls a card from the pocket of his lime-green button-down and slides it across the counter top. “This is my personal number and I’ve written the number of the hotel I’m staying at here in town. Have your lawyer look over the contract and get back with me.”

  Studying the card, I ask, “How long are you here?”

  Adrian taps the contract. “Until you sign this.” His eyes crinkle as he offers a kind smile, a smile promising me every career dream I’ve ever wanted. “With everything coming out in the last week, I’d also have your lawyer look into your options with the Roselyn Scott books.”

  “Okay.” I gather everything into the folder with slightly shaky hands. It feels like I’m dreaming right now.

  After he drains the cup, Adrian stands and reaches for his briefcase. “And, Miss Blume, also get a new cell phone and keep it away from the garbage disposal.”

  Adrian Wild offers a reassuring pat on my shoulder before leaving me with a lot to think about.


  “Hello?” Adrian’s voice muffles through the phone.

  “This is Harper. I bought a phone.” I stare at the door in front of me, stunned that I’ve spent my entire day actually out and about in public.

  Surprisingly, no one cracked a fat joke nor did they act judgmental. It made me realize that, yes there will be critics, but Jack was right all along. I’m being more accepted than shunned, and that’s why I finally feel worthy enough to stand at this door and claim my identity.

  “That was quick.”

  It only took two days to get everything in order to finalize this next chapter. Never have I been so ready to begin one in all my life.

  “Yes, and if you could open this door, we can quickly wrap up some business.” I raise my hand to knock, but the door opens before I manage it.

  Dressed in a grey button-down with a pink plaid bowtie and dark-wash jeans, Adrian motions me inside the hotel suite. It’s ultra-modern, reminding me of his swanky office. “Are you sure you had enough time to go over the contract?”

  “Yes, I just left my lawyer’s office.” I sit on the couch he directs me to and hand him the folder.

  “You understand I want exclusive publishing rights? No middle man?”

  “Yes. I will work directly with you. I really like that idea.” I smile while smoothing my skirt. I feel like a grownup today for the first time. Fixed my hair and everything.

  “Good, good. I say we go out and celebrate.”

  My smile falters but then picks back up when I dare the coward lurking inside to whine about it. I’ve given that part of me too much power for way too long. “Sure.”

  “Okay. This is your town so I’ll let you lead the way.”

  “I’m a recovering recluse, so we are both in the same boat.” I think for a moment and pull my phone out. “But I may have a wild idea.” I wink at him while dialing Jack’s number.


  I reach over and slap Jack on the arm with as much strength as I can muster up as soon as he sits down beside me.

  “Ow!” He rubs the offended spot while slicing me a look. It’s equal to my own scowl. “What was that for?”

  “A male review? Really? This is what you come up with when I ask for a night out!” I yell over the pulsating music. My eyes flicker back to the stage that’s tucked on the third floor of Vel. A private floor where at the moment is displaying lots of male perfection. The performers sway to the hypnotic music while the flashing stage lights follow them around the slightly raised platform. Thank goodness, they are keeping most of their clothes on. Only losing their shirts during the dance routines. I tear my attention away and look back at my mischievous friend for an answer.

  “This was already scheduled and I had to be here. Thought you’d get a kick out of it, beings you’ve only recently been introduced to the male species. Wanted to make sure you understand there are plenty of options.” Jack’s grin is rascally until his face transforms into a grimace. “Dang it! Y’all gonna leave bruises.” He rubs his other arm while glaring over at Beck.

  “Move!” Beck
yells while shoving Jack to make room for himself beside me on the long couch. He leans close and whispers loudly in my ear. “Looks like your new boss is having a good time.”

  We both crack up while looking over at Adrian Wild where he stands close to the stage, an older woman on each arm. One has procured his bowtie and is now wearing it around her neck.

  I take another sip of water, not needing the effect of alcohol. The scene before me is dizzying enough. I lean over and yell, “He’s probably second-guessing my contract now.”

  “Nah. There’s no sign of a regretful man over there.”

  “Nadine’s husband is looking a little regretful, though.” I tip my bottle of water in their direction, watching my giddy friend jump up and down while gripping her husband’s arm.

  “I bet old Mick won’t mind later on tonight when he gets his worked-up wife home.”

  Luckily, Nadine’s mom took her two children overnight. She and her husband were just as stunned as I was when we entered this room with its wild show. Nadine warmed up as fast as Adrian, but it’s taken the rest of us aback.

  “Seriously, Jack. What’s the deal with this?” I yell into his ear.

  He points to the considerably large group of elderly ladies cheering at the edge of the stage. “It’s their fault. They hoodooed me. Said this was a fashion show fundraiser… For the children, of course.”

  “Of course.” I burst out laughing and watch a few of the ladies high-five each other. “I’ve never seen such a fashion show as this one before.”

  “You won’t see it here again either. Mrs. Gertie and I had a heart-to heart talk, and I told her she wouldn’t be pulling a stunt like this over on me again.” Jack shakes his head, looking a little put off by having someone getting something over on him.

  The show continues raining men for the next longest stretch of time. A fireman sets the place ablaze. A policeman instigates pure mayhem instead of bringing order to the place. And a distinguished businessman in a black suit and grey tie struts around the stage. There’s no doubting the grey-haired ladies paid a fine penny to book this show. Each act is well choreographed and the men are clearly professionals.

  By the time we leave Adrian in Jack’s care—no, that’s probably not a good idea—my ears are ringing and my mind is reeling.

  “What was your favorite model?” Beck asks as he steers the Jeep onto our beach road, the nightlights welcoming us back home.

  “I don’t know… Maybe the cowboy. Sorta inspired me to want to take up riding.”

  Beck growls and shakes his head.

  I cluck my tongue. “To be honest, I’m quite disappointed.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “There wasn’t one military guest. Now that would have been hawt.” I giggle when he cuts me a menacing look.

  Once parked, Beck walks me to the door, but doesn’t make a move to go inside.

  “Don’t you want to come in?” Please!

  “Not tonight, babe. I think you’ve had enough excitement for one evening.” He runs his fingers through my hair and leans down to give me a chaste kiss. “Good night.”

  “Stay.” I reach out and try stopping him, but he’s stronger and makes it down the porch steps.

  “Another night. Go to bed and behave.”

  “You know how I feel about behaving.”

  “Don’t make me bend you over my knee and spank you,” he says sternly.

  “I kinda like the sound of that,” I call out, hoping he’ll turn around and chase me inside.

  He doesn’t turn back to scold me, just loads up and drives away. Disappointed, I head inside and lock the door. The clock reads close to one in the morning, but I’m wide awake and a little frustrated by Beck’s attitude. Guess I wouldn’t be too thrilled spending the evening with him watching women strutting around, so I let it go and make my way into the bathroom to shower off the night’s shenanigans.

  Once that’s done, I slip into a nightshirt and head to the kitchen for a bottle of water. Just as I take a sip someone knocks on the door. I hurry over to peep out the blind and see the Jeep is back. Excited, I sling the door open but freeze with dread at the sight of him.


  “Please tell me you don’t have to go,” I barely squeak out while taking in Beck’s Army fatigues. Head to toe in camouflage and black combat boots strapped to his feet. His hat is pushed low over his eyes, but those full lips are on display and pressed in a severe line.

  “I’m a soldier, Blume, and a soldier has to follow orders. No matter what.”

  The lump in my throat won’t allow me to swallow and tears instantly blur my eyes.

  “Please don’t—”

  “No room for negotiation. My orders tonight are to give you a thorough inspection.” His lips twitch before he lunges at me. I’m slung over his shoulder before I can comprehend his words.

  “You jerk! I thought you were leaving me for an assignment.” I slap at his back as he walks me to the living room.

  “Ma’am, you wanted a soldier, and I’m here to deliver.” His voice is full of command and makes me shiver all over. He pops my behind rather harshly before planting me in the wingback chair.

  The sexy soldier docks his phone into my speaker port and cranks up “Sexyback.” He found out I use that for his ringtone, so I guess it’s the perfect song for this unexpected performance.

  “Oh… Hawt!” I squeal, watching him whirl around as his imposing body starts moving to the song. This model of male perfection fills the space with his presence and makes me pure dizzy.

  And he’s still completely dressed!

  Whistling and catcalling, I watch those lean hips of his undulate to the beat as he begins working the buttons free on his jacket. The garment makes one rotation over his head before landing across the room. Beck’s massive hands move over his tight T-shirt, gripping the front, and then, holy moly, he rips that sucker off like it’s made out of nothing more than tissue paper. Tossing the shredded material to the floor, he moves his hands back over his rippling muscles in time with the beats pumping from the speaker.

  Beck McCaffery could give Channing Tatum a run for his dancing money.

  With the hat remaining low over his face and his dog tags glinting against his tanned skin where they swing around his neck, Beck dances in a circle until his backside draws my full undivided attention.

  “Shake it, baby!” I can’t help but yell beings it’s such a fine one and swiveling right before me.

  Beck scowls at me over his shoulder and the man just recreated the first glimpse I ever had of him. Sexy smolder at its finest.

  He dances around to face me and saunters over. “Stand up,” Beck directs while helping me to my feet. “Turn the music down,” he orders.


  “You have a story to tell.” He settles me into his arms and leads us in a slow dance and arches an eyebrow at me.

  “Oh?” Grinning, I reach over and turn the speaker way down.

  “Tell me our story.”

  I love how he always wants a story from me, so I gladly launch into one. “You pushed your way in and sought out the darkness of my soul… Not giving up until filling me completely with light, making me see for the very first time. Life. I see it now. Clearly. Unwritten life that longs to be written with you. I can only see it with you.”

  Beck reaches over and shuts the song off, but keeps us swaying to a melody only we can feel. We dance until my feet hurt, but I don’t want this scene to end. Eventually it does and I have to reluctantly walk him to the door.

  “Beck,” I whisper and that’s all it takes for him to turn and wrap me in his arms.

  “This is one of the best moments of my life,” Beck mumbles against my neck.

  A small giggle slips from my lips. “It was pretty amazing.”

  “No past tense. It is and it’s only going to get better.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Some may say this moment has been in the making for about a year now, but they’re wro
ng. It’s been in the making for twenty-nine years, but maybe it’s still too soon.

  “I can’t believe this is what I wanted. Have I lost my ever-loving mind?” I huff out a nervous breath while peeping out the backroom of a fancy bookstore in New York. The place is packed and has a line out the dang door. What was I thinking?

  It took until another summer has met up with me, but Wild Idea Publishing has just initiated a relaunch of the Breakers Series under the name of Harper Blume. We’re celebrating this by releasing a new novel, my debut into the world of contemporary romance.

  “Only thing you’ve lost is your cowardly mentality. I’m proud of you.” Beck wraps his arm around my waist and presses a kiss to my forehead.

  “Stop with the psychobabble. I’m about to pass out!” I pull in several inhales of his clean soapy scent, willing it to calm me.

  He chuckles. “How about a gift to take your mind off this.” He reaches over and closes the door.

  “I seriously doubt any gift you have could help.” I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him, knowing I just lied. Beck being by my side, reminding me I’m not alone is all the gift I need.

  “Close your eyes and we’ll see what I can come up with.” His turquoise eyes gleam with a secret.

  I do as I’m told and feel something heavy meet my finger where it now rests in Beck’s warm hand. My eyes flash open and find the most beautiful diamond ring I’ve ever seen. Princess cut, I think it’s called, set in a platinum band.

  Stunned by its delicate beauty and the unexpectedness of receiving it, I haul off and punch Beck in the arm with all my might. “You can’t do this right before I go out there!” I rear back to deliver another punch, but he easily blocks the blow.

  “Behave yourself.” He presses his lips into a firm line.

  “You manipulative jerk. Now I’m going to spend the entire day mentally planning my wedding instead of focusing on the book signing.”

  “I take that as a yes?” His eyebrow arches.

  Slinging my arms around his neck, I jump up and down in excitement. “Yes!”


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