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Marked by Darkness: Dark Fae Hollow 8 (Dark Fae Hollows)

Page 6

by Lia Davis

“Yeah, I thought you talked to her earlier.”

  Tension rolled off Landon and he stood, hovering by the door way. I leaned closer to Nate and asked, “Who’s Martha?”

  “Landon’s mom. She’s an energy healer.”

  “Oh.” It was the only thing I could think to say. Studying Landon, I wondered if he didn’t get along with his mom.

  “What’s up, Lan?” Cyron asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not like you to avoid your mom. But you have since the three of you arrived.”

  Landon avoided my gaze as he replied. “Nothing. I’ve been distracted with getting Ro’s room ready. You know how Mom is. She’ll see Ro and assume things.”

  I frowned and tried to keep the tears from forming. Did he not want me meeting his mom? “I don’t have to go.”

  “You’re going,” the three of them said in unison and faced me.

  I hugged my waist and looked away. “I’m tired and need to lie down.”

  “Fuck this,” Nate said, crossing the room to me. When he stopped within inches, he pulled me into a hug. “Landon, tell him.”

  I speared a glance to Cyron, who studied Nate and me with an intense stare. Then, he glanced at Landon and threw up his hands. “For the love of the gods, she called to all of us?”

  My heart sank to my feet. He knew about the call. He didn’t seem too surprised that I could have called to all of them. Confused, I watched him while leaning on Nate for support.

  Cyron scrubbed a hand over his face and sat on the foot of the bed. “I should have known. The way the two of you raced in here, dropping her off with me to watch over until she woke up. Then rearranging our rooms to put her in one when we have spare rooms with the families.”

  He blew out a breath. “So, what are we going to do?”


  Landon sat next to Cyron on the bed and held out a hand to me. Nate’s hold tightened for a brief moment before he let me go. I could feel him move with me to the bed.

  I placed my hand in Landon’s. Wrapping his fingers around mine, he tugged me closer. “A part of me wants to be selfish and run with her. The other half doesn’t want to leave my family, which includes you two guys. I’m not sure how it works. Or if it would.”

  “Are you suggesting we share her?” Cyron lifted his gaze to mine. “I’m half fire fae. How are we even compatible?”

  Fire fae? I smiled and cupped his cheek. “I have no idea what I’m doing. I came searching for a rumored rebel camp in hopes you’d help me storm the castle and kill the princess. Pain and anger drove me to seek revenge. I still want that revenge and the impossible. But what I found was the three of you and this place. There is warmth and love here. Now, I’m confused and lost.”

  And tired. It was like the fight was leaving my soul. I sagged and Cyron gathered me into his lap. “To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel. But we don’t have to make any decisions now. We’ll train you and help you in any way to gain the power to stop the evil. You are our only hope, right now. So, we focus on that and building defenses.”

  I nodded and glanced at Landon. “Why don’t you want me meeting your mom?”

  He bunched his brows and dipped his lips into a frown. “That’s not what I meant. Mom will take one look at you and know you are calling to all three of us. It’s in your aura. She’d out you and since Cyron hadn’t known until moments ago…”

  I placed a hand on his arm. A strange current of energy flowed between him and me and to Cyron. The three of us gasped in surprise. “What is that?”

  Nate straightened. “What’s what?”

  Landon grabbed the other man’s wrist and the flow increased. Nate’s eyes grew large. “Whoa, what is that?”

  A laugh burst from Landon. “Mom would know for sure, but I think it means the Fates have plans for us.”

  Like we were fated to be together? There was a purpose. We had a purpose.

  “Well, let’s not keep her waiting any longer,” Cyron said, lifting me out of his lap so he could stand.

  Landon frowned again. “Ro, Mom can be a little intense. If you feel overwhelmed, tell me.”

  I wasn’t sure I was ready to meet anyone else, but I was curious about the woman who raised Landon. Besides, it would allow me to get to know all of them better. I could also use the distraction. If I stayed behind, I’d curl in bed and depress myself. “I’ll be fine.”

  Nate nudged me. “You’re going to like her.”

  Landon stood, rolling his eyes, and grabbed my hand. “Let’s get it over with.”

  He really didn’t want to go. Or, at least, dreaded what his mom might say or do when she met me.

  The walk to the area where the families lived took less than five minutes. The guys were quiet along the way and I wondered if they were normally like that. There were so many things I wanted to know about them.

  “Here we are,” Landon announced when we came to a stop at a wood door. He knocked and my stomach twisted into a nervous knot.

  Cyron and Nate both rubbed my back, which I was grateful for the support.

  The door opened to a petite, elfin woman. She stared at each of the guys before her gaze landed on me. Her hair was pastel blue, matching her pale blue eyes. She was beautiful and youthful, like most elves were no matter their age.

  She smiled and reached for me. Before I could blink, she drew me into a tight hug. Magic enveloped me, cool and calming. The scent of lavender and cedar filled my senses. A tear escaped the corner of one eye as I hugged her back. I couldn’t explain it, but somehow, my grief lessened and the pain in my heart twisted into hope and determination.

  When she pulled out of the hug, she framed my face. “You are so much stronger than you believe. Use your heart and not your mind.”

  I was about to ask her what she meant when Landon wrapped an arm around my waist, extracting me from his mom. “Mom, what did you do?”

  She gave her son a half frown before answering. “I healed her grief—well, the worst of it—so she can focus on the training and testing the three of you will be putting her through.”

  I glanced at Landon, who just shook his head as if to tell me he’d explain later. But I remembered he said she was an energy healer so it made sense she’d want to heal my pain.

  Stepping out of Landon arms, I reached for his mom. “Thank you.”

  She cocked her head slightly as she studied me. “No need to thank me. It is the least I could do for you. Have my boys not told you about the ice fae?”

  Her boys? They weren’t brothers by blood, but since she claimed them as hers, I was starting to see how close they were. Weird since I’d known two of them a little more than twenty-four hours. “They told me.”

  “But you don’t believe.” She sighed and motioned for us to come in. “You must believe. It’s the boys’ job to help you with that, too. Because when the curse is reversed, I will have grandbabies.”

  “Mom!” Landon looked like he was about to run out the door and take me with him. He sent me an apologetic look.

  Martha shook her head and put her hands on her hips. “You boys think too much like humans and their non-beliefs. When the Fates pick your path, you can’t change it. Fighting it will only cause you heartache. Besides, the four of you already started to bond. Yes, I know. You should feel the connection, like an electric current that flows through each of you and all of you. Don’t look at him like that.”

  “We’re discussing things,” Landon muttered and dropped onto the sofa.

  I glanced at Cyron who had been quiet this whole. He smiled at me. Drifting to him, I tugged him to sit with me on the sofa. I sat between them. Nate sat on the floor at my feet.

  The whole act seemed to amuse Martha. “You see. It has begun. You three can’t stand to be away from her. I’ll get the sandwiches for lunch and be right back.”

  When she disappeared, Landon blew out a breath. “Sorry.”

  I laughed. “Don’t be. Thanks to your mom, I can think clearer. I still miss my family, but at least I d
on’t want to hide under a rock and die.”

  The guys all stiffened at my admission. I changed the subject before they could comment. “Why hasn’t she healed Soora?”

  “Soora doesn’t want to be healed.” Cyron frowned so I linked our fingers together.

  “Soora doesn’t want to let go of the grief,” Martha said when she entered the room, carrying a very large tray of food.

  Nate rushed forward and took it from her and sat it on the coffee table. “I still say do it any way. You didn’t give Roshia the option to say no.”

  Martha’s features fell. “I didn’t think…”

  “No. It’s fine. I’m not mad.” My words rushed out. She didn’t need to feel bad for helping me.

  A slow smile reformed on Martha’s face. “See. No harm done. Now, eat.”

  The guys grabbed sandwiches, Cyron took two and handed one to me. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” His words were soft and low. A shudder of warmth rippled through me, making me relax and lean into him.

  With them so close and me still in my layers of clothing, I was starting to get too warm. I ignored it because it was comfortable being so close to them. Like being drawn into another family and the love from my own had never left me.

  My family wasn’t dead. Well, America was. But the others…they were just lost. It was my job—with the help of the guys—to find them. I had to believe we could stop the widespread evil freeze.

  Landon tugged at my sleeve. “You’re getting too warm.”

  “I’m fine.”

  He grunted and tugged again. “Take off a layer of clothes. You’re underground and it stays around sixty degrees. That is too harm for all those layers. Especially for you.”

  Nate glanced up at me from the floor, a grin spreading across his handsome face. “Mom has spoken.”

  Martha laughed. “I’m Mom. That’s Mr. Bossy.”

  I giggled, which earned me a jab in the ribs. I jerked up straight and met Landon’s stare. Laughter lit up his eyes. Without thinking about it, I leaned in and kissed him quickly on the lips. Then froze. “I…umm…”

  My heart pounded and I stood. I needed some air. The guys jumbled my mind and I kissed Landon in front of them. What did that say?

  Glancing at Martha, I held out my hand. “It was nice meeting you. I’m going to lie down.”

  Then I made my escape. Once outside the door, I heard Martha tell them, “She’s confused. The three of you need to show her it’s okay and you need to make it work.”

  Closing my eyes, I took steady, calming breaths. Was I ready for any of this? Or would we all die for nothing?


  I amazed myself by making it back to my room tucked between two rooms the guys slept in. A sinking feeling settled deeply inside me. Understanding slammed into me about the calling while we sat in Martha’s living room. Once the heavy grief was lifted and I was able to think clearly, I saw the threads forming, reaching out to each of the guys.

  Did they see it, too?

  Even though it scared me, I couldn’t bring myself to imagine being without them. They’d stormed into my life and made me hope again. I felt things with them I’ve never experienced before. Warmth. And Possibly what could be love. I believed, that together, could reverse the evil.

  After removing my boots and coat with underlying sweater and T-shirt, I felt more comfortable. I stretched out on my bed and stared at the dome-like stone ceiling. How did one reverse evil magic?

  A tap came on the ice door I put up upon entering minutes ago. A sigh slipped past my lips. I knew it was them without looking. With a flick of my hand, the ice door disappeared. The guys stumbled inside as if they were leaning against the frozen barrier.

  The bed dipped on both sides. Nate stretched out on my left, taking my hand in his, while Landon and Cyron sat on my right.

  “Are you feeling well?” asked Cyron.

  Leave it up to the doctor to check on my wellbeing. “I’m fine. Just tired, confused, and worried.”

  “You don’t have to feel bad for showing any of us affection. That’s something we have to deal with, not you.” Cyron brushed a strand of my black-purple hair from my forehead. His fingers were warm and left a tingling trail behind.

  I turned my face into his hand and met his two-toned gaze.

  Landon spoke next. “I agree with not worrying about showing affection. However, this is still new and I’m not sure if I could contain myself if you kissed me again.”

  Heat flooded me. Nate nodded with his nose nuzzled against my head. “Same. How about you throw the other two out so I can have you to myself for a day or two.”

  Landon punched Nate in the arm. “You’ll get your time as soon as we figure out a schedule.”

  “A schedule?” I asked, glancing at Cyron and Landon.

  Cyron shrugged. “It’s so we don’t fight over your time or one of us hogging it.” He sent a pointed look at Nate.

  Nate blew out a breath and flipped Cyron the bird. When he lowered his hand, he hugged me closer, then he rolled, taking me with him. He tucked me into him on the other side of the bed so I face him. I could also see the other two over Nate’s shoulder.

  Landon rolled his eyes. Cyron, however, didn’t look amused. He eyes changed from the two-tone green and gold to red. Something snapped in my mind. When Cyron reached for Nate, I jumped up and over Nate. I crashed into Cyron, knocking him to the ground.

  He landed on his back and I straddled him, my hand on his throat. His eyes grew large in surprise and the coloring returned to normal. “Roshia, what’s going on?”

  “Don’t touch him. I told you I couldn’t handle jealousy and fighting.” Fear obliterated my logic and all I could do was protect Nate from the malum.

  Wait. What? My magic flowed through me, moving on its own accord. No. Something wasn’t right.

  Focusing back on Cyron, I noted how ice formed around my hand on his throat. I gasped, released him, and crawled to the far side of the room. What happened? I was unstable. A cannon ready to go off at any moment.

  Cyron coughed and rolled to his hands and knees. Tears blurred my vision. I hurt him.

  Landon moved toward me, but Cyron held up his hand. “I got it.”

  Nate was at my side faster than I expected. He gathered me in his arms and rocked me as Cyron made his slow approach. Kissing my temple, Nate kept his voice low. “Cyron is the brother I never had. He would cut off all his limbs before harming me.”

  I buried my nose into his neck. “His eyes changed and I saw a malum. I’m sorry.”

  A moment later, I felt a hand on my back, then Cyron snuggled into me. “The serum fucks with your mind. I would never harm Nate or you. Well, not anything lethal, that is.”

  His teasing tone made me smile. I lifted my head and looked at him. “Your eyes changed. I thought you were mad.”

  “I was calling my magic. I was going to zap him. Not hurt him, just get his attention.” Cyron sat up, putting a small space between us.

  “Show me,” I prompted.

  Nate jerked his head up. “What will that do to her? Your power is fire magic.”

  Landon spoke from where he stretched out on the bed, looking too comfortable. “It should hurt. But Cyron, be aware that her magic protects her like yours does you.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Cyron met my gaze. “Hold out your arm.”

  I did as he asked and watched as he held his fingers up. His eyes changed again but this time I expected it. Then he touched my skin, sending a jolt of a spark up my arm. I jumped and jerked my arm away. “That hurt.”

  His features fell but he grabbed my arm and inspected it. “Hurts how?”

  The panic in his tone relaxed me. “Just my skin. Nothing internal.”

  “See. I keep telling you that shit hurts.” Nate pulled my arm to him as if looking for a mark.

  Cyron sighed. “I only do it to Nate when he’s being annoying.”

  Nate moved his head side to side and made a face. Then
he looked at me and pouted. “He picks on me.”

  A laugh burst past my lips.

  Landon moved off the bed and stretched. “Let’s take her for a walk, meet some of the families, and see what else goes on around here.”

  Cyron stood and offered his hand to me. I took it and allowed him to tug me to a stand. His lips lifted slightly. “You forgive me?”

  Rolling my eyes, I decided to tease him. “I don’t know. You did want to hurt Nate.”

  “Ha!” Nate said from behind me.

  I turned and narrowed my eyes. “Stop egging him on.”

  Mischief lit in Nate’s stare. “But it’s so fun.”

  “Come on. Let’s leave the children here and go on that walk.” Landon linked our hands together and tugged me out the room.

  “Are they always like that?”

  Landon nodded with a smile that reached his eyes. “Yeah, but more so since you’re here. They grew up together. I met them a few years after Crystal woke.”

  “But you’re close to them?” I couldn’t shake the sadness I felt coming off him. He’d lost someone. Like so many of us. Or maybe the darkness poisoning the Hollow affected him.

  “Yeah. My mom said the three of us are soul mates. Only in this life, we’re meant to be best friends.” He shrugged. “She’d know. I don’t question her about those things.”

  I smiled. “No, I guess not.”

  Nate and Cyron caught up to us and walked a little ways in silent. It wasn’t awkward, but comfortable. I followed them through the halls of the caverns, again, amazed by the structure.

  We were entering a different part where families lived. The sound of children playing tugged at my heart. A knot formed in my throat. I wasn’t sure I could handle being around families right then.

  As if sensing my mood, the guys reached out to me. Landon and Nate held each of my hands while Cyron touched my lower back. I relaxed instantly. They calmed me and empowered me at the same time.

  The bond was strengthening. The Fates really did have a plan for us.

  Just then a toddler—no more than two, maybe, three years old—collided with my legs. I caught him before he hit the ground. Squatting, I helped him steady himself and met his vivid green eyes. He smiled back, warming my heart. “Are you okay?”


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