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Welcome to the Family

Page 12

by Nancy S. Reece

  “What happened?”

  “I dreamed there was a huge explosion, and a building collapsed onto you and me.”

  Sean smiled and kissed her nose. “That particular bad dream happened several days ago.”

  Cassie looked at him in confusion.

  “I think we need to wean you off the hard pills soon. You’re having some odd reactions.”

  “Okay.” Cassie rolled over onto her left side, facing away from Sean. “G’night Sean.” She was asleep again in a heartbeat.

  He slid next to her and pulled her into his embrace. “My heart is within yours,” he whispered.

  He was almost asleep when the sixth sense he credited with saving his ass more than once began to twitch. Something was wrong. Standing up, he walked to the windows, grabbing the night vision glasses off the dresser. He swept the cliffs and along the ridgeline. Nothing was visible, which just increased his discomfort. Someone was watching him, Sean was certain of it. The only question was who.

  Though wide awake, Sean lay down in bed again. No sense giving anyone watching an easy target. He made a mental note to discover if there were any shutters for the back of the house. It would help him sleep easier if they could truly lock down.

  His mind drifted back in time, basking in the last fade of passion. There was no drug, no drink, nothing that ignited his soul like sex with Cassie. When they were together, he was whole. The crimes on his soul were erased and he felt worthy again. In her arms, he could forgive himself for those things done in the name of ‘security’. He felt redeemed. The fact no other woman could hold a candle to her in bed was only the cherry on top. Sean knew thousand dollar-a-hour hookers who weren’t as nimble or willing as Cassie.

  His first deployment after their wedding had been the worst. The others in his squad were all single, making notches on their belts with different women over the world. Learning their fearless leader decided to tie the knot with the only daughter of one of the most vicious arms family they dealt with resulted in weeks of jeers and jokes. He still kept half a dozen of the whips they planted around his quarters to illustrate their opinion of his changed status. But he hadn’t let it get to him. Cassie was worth a little good natured ribbing.

  As he fell asleep, his dream was of the days they spent on their first honeymoon sailing around off the coast of South America. Perhaps it was time for a second trip.


  Cassie woke early the next morning. The clock beside the bed said seven in the morning. A glance confirmed Sean was out for the count and she smiled. She loved watching him sleep. Then the hardness that marred his features loosened and he resembled a man half his age. Cassie frowned, remembering how desperately she wanted him to retire from this profession. Any time she knew he was away, the sound of her phone ringing brought the possibility he was gone forever.

  Slipping out of bed, she tiptoed into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, then glanced in the mirror while waiting for the water to reach temperature. The bruises on her body were still ugly and her two black eyes from the broken nose and resulting surgery gave her the impression she was a blue eyed raccoon. Removing the old bandages, she studied the work.

  Much to her chagrin, she still looked the same. Cassie frowned at the woman in the mirror. Regular height, long hair, blue eyes, there was nothing outstanding about any of her features. She was no beauty like her mother, but had grown to accept herself for who she was, inside and out. More than one therapist told her until she loved herself no one would ever love her. That was wrong. Sean’s love made it possible for her to love. He showed her she was worth love.

  Stepping into the shower, Cassie closed her eyes and let the water run over her frame. Every nerve in her body sang with the glory of being alive and wide open. She felt sore from the beating and the bomb, surgery and running for her life. But none of that mattered now. All it took was Sean and his magnificent body to renew her strength, restore purpose and clarity. He remained her North Star.

  After washing her hair and shaving her legs, Cassie stepped from the shower in time to hear Sean answering his satellite phone. She glanced at the time as she wandered back into the bedroom—eight a.m. It must be one of the brothers.

  Sean answered on the third ring, “What’s the old lion roaring about now?”

  Kevin’s voice sounded over the speaker of the satellite phone. “Is this line secure?”

  Immediately Sean’s demeanor changed. “Tell me everything,” he demanded.

  With the skill of the high priced trial attorney he was, Kevin laid out the newest developments. “Greg and Martin have each flown to the West Coast, supposedly to run operations from there. Matthew elected to stay with me, and I let him. If you have a problem with it, tough, Matt needs us.”

  “No problem,” Sean spoke into the phone, watching Cassie’s eyes the whole time. “What about our unwanted visitors?”

  “Pieter hasn’t left Atlanta as of yet. The State department is keeping the FBI apprised of the movements of all known organizations upset with MM Air and Martin Devlyn. Kwan Tsi is spending some time up in Seattle, vacationing with the extended Nishamora family. No one else appears on the radar as of yet. Maybe we got lucky.”

  Sean rubbed his hand over his face. “Something in my gut would disagree,” he broke down and let his friend into his primary fear. “Someone, or something, is already stalking us. I feel it.”

  “I never question your judgment,” Kevin agreed, knowing better than to bet against his friend’s sixth sense. “You’ve got the nine lives of a cat my friend, even though I think a few have already been spent. What do you do now?”

  “We’ll stay put for a while. Don’t try to find or call us. I’ll contact you in ten days. If there is an emergency, send word to Joe Callahan. He will get in touch with me, but make sure it’s a true emergency. You’ll be endangering all our lives.”

  Sean continued. “Try and get after Pieter, keep him focused on Martin and Greg. He’s the unknown in this all. If he truly feels as bad about the kidnapping as he says, he might be willing to turn coat on everyone.”

  “How’s Cassie?” The casual tone in her sibling spoke louder than his words. Kevin was upset. Usually questions about Cassie were forbidden between the two. Things just worked better if Kevin didn’t think too much about the fact his good friend was screwing his sister, even though they were married. It was still weird.

  “She’s going to be fine, once all the bruises and cuts heal.”

  “What about emotionally?” Kevin pressed.

  Sean didn’t answer for a moment. At last he replied, wariness in his voice, “Everything is going to be fine. Don’t fixate on what happened, help work toward the future. Her future, our future—help me save her life, Kev.”

  “I will, just do your part too.”

  “Talk with you in ten days, mate,” Sean muttered.

  “Sorry Sean, I didn’t mean to upset you. If Callahan needs anything have him contact me on this number. It’s my burner cell and I’ll always answer it.”

  Suddenly he remembered, “Kevin, what is the remark about the favorite spot?”

  Kevin chuckled. “As teenagers, Cassie and I went on a scouting trip white water rafting on the Chattooga River, and she hated every minute. It’s been a running joke between us ever since. If you need to leave a message, the clerk at the outfitters is an old school friend of mine, who works part time for the NSA. He’ll get it to me safe and secure.”

  Clicking off, Sean looked up at Cassie. Forcing the gloom away, he held out his hand for her to join him on the bed.

  “Good day lass, how are you feeling this bright winter morning?”

  “Fine, just muscle sore. What’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Nothing,” he smiled indulgently. “We’re where we’ll be for at least the next month to six weeks so my vote is for lots of sex. Anything else is optional, including clothing.”

  “In that case, let’s have some breakfast. You’re going to need your strength.” H
er smile pulled him out of bed and into the kitchen. “Would you like me to make some coffee?”

  Sean wrinkled his nose. “Sorry love, but you’re not the world’s best at making coffee. How about you start the water boiling for oatmeal and I’ll make the coffee?”

  “Boiling water, really? Thanks for the compliments on my abilities! From now on, you cook all the meals, and I’ll do dishes, how do you like them apples?” Their laughter filled the upper floor kitchen as they danced around each other, kissing and eating until breakfast was finished.

  For the next few weeks, that became their pattern for the long days. Mornings were for cooking and togetherness. Afterward, Cassie would work for hours while Sean took sentry walks around the property and conducted his own business. Sean turned Cassie onto the finer points of afternoon tea and chess, while she rummaged for new and creative ideas for the two of them to share in the kitchen.

  Nighttime was for exploring their passions again. Neither could keep their hands off the other. Too many near misses, and too many lost chances drove them to rekindle the trust and intensity that pulled them together from the start. With the knowledge many people wanted one or both of them dead driving their need, the fury that unleashed ran rampant.

  The week before Christmas, Pat Mitchell showed up on horseback, along with several pack mules. Cassie helped unload the supplies and listen to the news Mitchell brought, of both the world in general and their predicament.

  “Martin and Greg are both in the wind, although it’s believed Martin is holed up at the manor house in Seattle. Matthew is with Kevin and the world is looking for the Fergusons. The heat is way too high. I’m sure I wasn’t alone riding up here. Not sure the best direction out of this one Sean, but you kids need to get out of here before the weather locks you in, the vultures are starting to circle. The only thing this place isn’t secure against is air assault.” Mitchell poured himself a large coffee. “Even so, you best get.”

  “Where would you suggest we go?” Cassie groused.

  “I thought about that. What do you say to a cross country trip to my mountain property outside of Seattle, in the Mt. Rainier area? No one will expect you to drive, and the cabin is remote, really remote. The caretaker is a former business associate by the name of George Hannish. A trustworthy man and fierce hunter. He will guard your flank, keep the curious from getting too close.”

  Sean shook his head. “A car trip is too open, too many areas for surprises. But the cabin sounds perfect. What are our options for getting out of here unseen by our friends on both sides?”

  Pat closed his eyes for a minute. “The Devlyns don’t have anyone here. They are hoping Sean will be enough to keep you safe, Cassie. Greg is missing, presumed to have left the country. Martin showed up late yesterday in Seattle and went immediately to his house on Lake Washington. Greg hasn’t been seen or heard from in a month.”

  Cassie frowned, “I don’t like that. He’s a loose cannon. There’s no telling what he might do to save his own skin. Sean, I think we need to find him.”

  “Not personally, love,” Sean answered. “I’ll have my people start a dialogue, see what his terms might be. Perhaps he is willing to negotiate. First and foremost is keeping you safe.”

  “What about Matthew, does he know where Greg might have gone?”

  Pat shook his head. “No, Matt is upset at Greg for taking off without saying good-bye to him. He wouldn’t help his brother for love nor money now. Kevin has gotten a new therapist for Matt and they are learning about many other ‘games’ Greg has played with Matthew.”

  Sean stood up and poured himself another cup of coffee. Walking to the window, he stared out at the walls of the quarry. That reminded him of his unease. His warning system had alerted more than just that once.

  The most recent came just last night. “Pat, did you see any signs of trespassers? I swear several nights since we arrived, someone was sitting on the cliff watching us.”

  Cassie stood up squealing, “What?!” Pat simply looked thoughtful as if the news were not surprising to him. “Didn’t see anyone, but I felt eyes most of the way here. Just not sure if they’re yours or theirs.”

  Sean shushed his wife with a kiss. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t see anything from the windows. But my gut says someone was there.”

  “Well,” Mitchell stood up and put his cup in the sink, “let’s go have a look. It’s broad daylight and there are two of us. We should be safe.”

  “There are three,” Cassie snapped. “I’m not staying in here alone if someone is stalking us. I’m going with you guys.”

  Neither Sean nor Mitchell could talk Cassie into staying put. They took off with her in the middle between them for safety. As soon as they reached the top of the cliffs, Sean felt exposed and vulnerable. Neither were emotions he trusted. He was used to being in command of himself at all times, but with Cassie there his attention was split.

  They checked the two spots Sean thought the weakest points but nothing seemed amiss. Fanning out they searched the area for signs of anything. It was Cassie who noticed several of the cameras were wrong.

  She called the two men over. “Look, these aren’t the same as the ones near the house. They don’t broadcast to the base. All the others I’ve seen do. Why would they be different?”

  Mitchell examined the cameras closer. “They shouldn’t be. All of them should be identical.”

  “Why put in dummy cameras?” Cassie asked.

  “To keep the security company from knowing what’s going on in this area; they’re beaming to another location we don’t know about. I think we just found evidence of your peeping Tom last night, Sean. Now will you two think about where to go next?” Mitchell pulled down the offending equipment. “This is going straight to the sheriff for fingerprints.”

  “Agreed,” Sean murmured, deep in thought about the next step in their journey. “Pat, start making the arrangements for Washington State. I’m not sure how we’ll get there yet, that’s the sticky part, but I do know I want that cabin for a stop.”

  “You know there’ll be snow this time of year? Some of the roads might be closed for the season.”

  “Not a problem for us who grew up with snow every year.” Sean smiled but his mind was on other matters.

  Mitchell shook his head and put his arm around Cassie as he walked toward the door. “Cassie, keep your wits about you and you’ll be fine. Remember the lessons you learned as a kid. I know it was a shitty time of your life, but that might keep you alive. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass to Greg?”

  Cassie hugged him tightly. “Thank you so much Mr. Mitchell, for helping us. Sean and I would never have made it out here without your support. I know it must be hard, going against my family after working for them so many years, but it had to be done. We just want to be left alone to live our lives, or at least hide until Martin and Greg answer for their work.”

  He smiled, sad for her innocence. “I’m afraid that’s never going to happen sweetie. Being a Devlyn, married to Ferguson—your life is never going to be anything but a three ring circus.”

  Turning to Sean, “I’ll leave your travel arrangements open. If you don’t find anything better, you can take my Land Cruiser. It’s been reinforced and upgraded. That should get you to your destination, no problem. Come by the office on your way out of town.”

  “Thanks, mate. I really appreciate the help. With it being Cassie, everything is just a little harder.”

  Mitchell smiled at the younger man. “I understand. If someone threatened my wife or children, I would unleash all sorts of crazy on them. Just remember, Ferguson, the mission is still the mission: keeping her safe. Everything else takes second priority. Approaching this as anything other than an op endangers everyone, especially Cassie. There’s going to come a point where your emotions could get her and you killed.”

  After the older man left, Cassie sat on the sofa, staring out at the surrounding quarry. “I’m so going to miss this place. It’s bee
n the perfect place to recover.”

  Sean sat on the floor at her feet, his arms draped over her knees. “I know what you mean. It’s been nice to have the quiet after being almost blown to bits. Problem is I know the real world is lurking out there for us to reappear. Once that happens, it’ll be all over in a blink. Everyone will know where we are and the chase will begin again.”

  “So how do we get from North Carolina to Washington State without alerting Kwan Tsi, or Greg, or anyone else? Do we drive or fly?” Cassie played with his hair as she stared off into space.

  Sean grimaced. “That, my lovely lass, is the ten-thousand-dollar question.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Christmas Eve, Midnight—Seattle

  Greg Devlyn listened through his headphones to a classical piece by Alexander Glazunov as the limo weaved through the streets of Seattle. The Russian composer stirred the blood in his veins. His father’s grandparents had immigrated to Alaska from Siberia, tough, fierce, proud individuals who taught all their children and grandchildren how to survive under devastating conditions. Beg, borrow, or steal was ingrained in their very essence. In the back seat of the limo, the escort at his side was not a casual hook up. She was the contact for his Asian business partners. Escorting Maggie Chin, as she was known in the entertainment industry, allowed him to move around in areas which might have been closed to an outsider.

  He hated this arrangement, but he couldn’t allow the information he was in league with Kwan Tsi to surface anywhere. Treason was a crime in any country as was money laundering, and Devlyn was guilty of both. Needing funds to keep his secrets contained, Greg began selling information not only about Devlyn Industries, but also their customers such as the United States government. Using off shore banks to wash the funds through to several shell companies, Greg managed for almost seventeen months to avoid anything other than corporate espionage. Until tonight.

  Kwan Tsi was sending a new handler to Seattle and he wanted Greg’s sister, alive and unharmed. There was only one large problem. After this latest incident, Cassie had been squirreled away into hiding from him. Having the Devlyn errand boy under his wing cost the previous handler Quinn, his life after running afoul of Sean Ferguson. But this time the joke was on Kwan. He didn’t know Greg was the one who recommended hiring Ferguson to protect Cassie because deep inside, he didn’t want anything to happen to his sister that could in any way be traced back to him. All he wanted was her to be gone, erased, a non-entity.


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