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Claiming His Virgin In the Pool

Page 4

by Cassandra Dee

  “Umm,” was her murmur. “This is better than any milkshake.”

  And with that, I knew it was all over because I had to have this girl for the Billionaires Club. After all, we’d started at the pool … but there was so much more to teach.



  I can’t believe that happened. I can’t believe that last night, I went to a party thinking that I was going to be the same girl once it was over. But it wasn’t a regular party, and everything changed after I left. Because I met a gorgeous man, and he’s everything that I’ve ever wanted.

  After I lifted my head, still licking my lips from the tangy taste of his semen, the man caught my chin in one strong hand, fixing me with a fierce glare.

  “You’re beautiful,” he almost hissed, taking me by surprise. “Absolutely ravishing in every way.”

  And even though he’d just come in my mouth, the bubbling waters still filled with his semen, I was embarrassed.

  “You’re just saying that,” I murmured, swallowing slightly again. “You don’t know me.”

  But the man was insistent and wouldn’t let me turn my chin away.

  “No,” he said shortly. “You’re everything that I’m looking for. Curvy, gorgeous, with a sassy personality and an innocence that I haven’t seen for years. Tell me you’ll come back.”

  I swallowed dryly.

  “Come back?” was my squeak. “I-I haven’t even left yet.”

  But at that moment, the man summoned someone, and a woman appeared from the shadows with a silver platter in one hand. She knelt gracefully, big breasts bobbling, and proffered what looked to be a white card on the tray.

  The big man took it and pressed it into my hand.

  “Call me,” was his low growl as he rose from the water, rivulets sluicing off that massive form. “Call me Kelsey.”

  I gasped then because he was absolutely magnificent, like an Adonis come to life. Water trailed down that broad chest to the narrow vee of his waist before dropping to his groin. But it was his cock that I couldn’t get enough of. Still semi-hard and dripping with lust, the huge purple pole was mere inches from my mouth and I longed to put it back in before putting it elsewhere in my body.

  But the man had already turned to go, taking a towel held out to him by another serving woman.

  “Like I said, call me,” he growled, fixing me with that penetrating blue gaze again before striding away.

  And with that, I was left on my own in the hot tub. Little swirls of creamy white spiraled among the waves, and I knew what it was. His jism. That hot, sweet, tangy male essence that made me want more, my pussy flexing involuntarily beneath the jets. Oh god, what if some of it got into me? I wasn’t on the pill, and nothing could have prepared me for tonight.

  But now, it was time to go and slowly, I climbed out of the water myself, wrapping my curvy form in a fluffy white towel nearby. Where to? I could barely think after the dirty encounter, but somehow, I managed to get my high heels and stumble to the nearest exit, where Patricia met me with an expectant smile.

  “Did you enjoy your time?” she asked obsequiously, handing me a second towel. “It looks like you did well.”

  “I did what?” was my dazed reply. “What do you mean, I did well?”

  “Oh nothing,” she said airily. “Just a slip, I didn’t meant to say that. By the way, your friend’s already waiting by the main door, and here’s your dress and purse,” she said, handing the goodies over. With a slow shake of my head, I took the items and got dressed, pulling the gold material over my head. It felt weird, honestly, like I hadn’t quite woken up from a dream yet, and was still stumbling in some foggy world where it was impossible to make sense of anything.

  But even if I was in Never-Neverland, Amber was completely fine. She squealed upon seeing me, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out to the circular driveway where her car waited.

  “That was fun, wasn’t it?” she asked breathlessly, eyes alight with excitement.

  “Fun?” I repeated in a dazed manner. “I guess you could say that.”

  “They already invited me back,” she chirped while starting up the little car. “They said I did a good job, and oh my god, Roman was the hottest guy ever, wouldn’t you agree? His eyes are so heavenly, and when he touched me, I just about melted.”

  That I actually had an opinion on.

  “So Roman is the guy you got in the pool with, right?”

  She nodded, flooring the car as we zipped off into the night.

  “Mm-hmmm. I swear, Kels, it’s like there was an invisible rope between us, and I couldn’t help but to go over there and do what he wanted. He was soooo amazing and I can’t wait to see him again.”

  But suddenly, my head snapped.

  “Amber, what’s going on?” were my slow words as she pulled onto the highway. “What kind of party was that? Who the hell sponsors parties like this? And why did I get the feeling that we were being, I dunno, evaluated? Like they were judging us.”

  At least my friend had the grace to blush as she looked at me sideways, pretending to concentrate on the road.

  “Well, it wasn’t your regular party, that’s true,” she admitted, taking her time.

  “And?” I waited, staring at her profile as she drove.

  Amber sighed, flipping a strand of blonde hair back.

  “Okay, so it’s a club of uber-wealthy men. They own that place, and sometimes they have try-outs, that’s all,” she said carelessly, like it was no big deal. “I didn’t want to go by myself, so I asked you to come.”

  I couldn’t speak for a moment.

  “So you knew this wasn’t a regular party?” I began slowly. “And you knew we were being watched?”

  “Watched, smwatched,” she said quickly, shooting me a look from the corner of her eye. “I know that you hate your job, Kels, which is why I wanted you to come. Because they have real good jobs available, and you’re just a porter at the country club right now. Come on, Kels. I know you hate that shit. Working for the Billionaires Club is going to be way better.”

  I took a deep breath, my brain trying to compute as we sped down the expressway.

  “Okay, let’s start at square one,” I said, trying to keep my voice even. “What is the Billionaires Club? What do they do? What’s the club about? And what are these positions they’re hiring for, and what does that have to do with the pool party?”

  Kelsey made a face even as she carefully pulled the small Fiat off the highway and onto a local road. Trees shaded us as we entered a working class neighborhood with peeling paint on the houses as well as chain-link fences surrounding the yards. I could see the shadows of a few pit bulls lurking in the darkness, even though the moon barely provided any light.

  “Oh lighten up,” my friend tossed off like it was no big deal. “It’s just a club of guys, just like the Boy Scouts and the Freemasons and whatnot.”

  I sputtered.

  “I don’t think tonight was like the Freemasons or the Boy Scouts,” was my dark reply. “But keep going.”

  Amber shrugged, totally unconcerned.

  “All I’m saying is that it’s a group of really rich guys,” she said lightly. “They have a club where they do all sorts of things, and to be honest, I’m not exactly sure what they exactly have going on. It could be high-stakes poker or maybe some money laundering outfit. I don’t know, and I don’t think we’ll ever find out. But what I do know is that they hire girls all the time. Pretty girls,” my friend added, shooting me a sly sideways look. “For staff jobs around their compound, and the pay is really good.”

  “So you mean like a waitress?” I asked, raising an eyebrow while pinning my friend with a hard look. “Is that why Patricia asked us to be ready to serve drinks?”

  Amber sighed as she pulled the car into the driveway of her small apartment complex.

  “Yes, like a waitress,” she conceded. “But I think it’s more too. You saw for yourself tonight how hardly any of the women wore anything.
And you saw how many couples were enjoying themselves too. You know, getting it on.”

  I gaped at her.

  “Yes, and that’s exactly the problem,” I said insistently, raising my voice a little now. It was unduly loud in the little car and Amber turned to face me in the small space.

  “Kels, calm down,” she said, stopping the car before holding her hands out in a placating manner. “It’s just for fun, and like I said, they pay a lot.”

  But my disbelief and anger didn’t subside.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” I shook my head. “Seriously, this is crazy.”

  Amber got out of the car with a sigh, slamming the door behind her before spinning around to look at me with exasperation.

  “Kels, I know it wasn’t your run of the mill party. I know you’re pissed that I didn’t tell you more beforehand. Okay, so it was kind of like a dirty pool party, what with naked people and whatnot. But it wasn’t against the law, and like I said, the men are recruiting right now. That’s why Patricia was there, and if you got a card, then that means you’re onto the next round.”

  My brow crumpled, heart beating fast, because even though I was acting all offended, suddenly it occurred to me that maybe I’d been cut. Maybe I hadn’t met this club’s high expectations, and all my complaints were for nothing.

  “What card?” I blurted, eyes wide as I traipsed up the stairs behind Amber to her tiny apartment. The metal railings were cold and twisted under my fingers, my knees wobbly as I waited for the axe to fall.

  Amber turned and fumbled in her purse then.

  “A card like this,” she said, holding it out to me. “Roman gave me one and I saw you having a good time with that other guy,” she said, her brow creasing. “Didn’t he give you one as well? He should have because I saw him getting out of the hot tub,” she said with a wry smile. “And he looked plenty satisfied.”

  I stared unseeing but then exhaled with a huge gust because relief was flooding my veins. I did get a card like this. It was the small white square that the woman had brought over afterwards on a silver platter. I hadn’t read it, merely placing it my purse because I’d been too dazed to think. But now, I scrabbled in my own bag before pulling it out. The card stock was damp and already soft, the ink blurring slightly. But I couldn’t help but notice the heavy cream paper and elegant script, both attributes screaming money.

  “But there’s no name on this,” I said, confused, turning the piece of paper back and forth in my hand. “There’s just a number.”

  Amber flashed me a smile as she opened her front door before stepping into the small, darkened apartment.

  “Exactly silly,” she said, rolling her eyes. “These guys aren’t going to advertise. They don’t want every Tom, Dick and Harry calling their office for random reasons. They only want the cream of the crop, and Kels, we’re it!” she said with an excited flare to her eyes. “I got a card from Roman, and you got one from that guy, so we’re onto the next round.”

  Next round? As in a second-round interview? But what did that mean? My head spun with confusion as I trailed Amber into the small apartment. She had the tiniest one-bedroom set-up. It was probably only five hundred square feet total, with a kitchen along the wall and a small breakfast nook off to one side. But Amber turned then, shooting me a patient smile.

  “Listen, we don’t have to make a decision now. But all I know is that the Billionaires Club pays really well, and you saw those guys. They’re frickin’ hot. They’re way better than the old dudes who come in and grope my ass at the restaurant. So I want to call the number and see where this goes next. Maybe I’ll see Roman again,” she said, her eyes going dreamy and soft for a moment. “But even if I don’t, I still want to see what they have to offer.”

  And with that, my friend disappeared into the bathroom.

  “Make yourself comfortable on the couch!” she called. “Don’t you have work tomorrow? Just remember what I said while you’re slinging other peoples’ used towels.”

  But then Amber poked her head out once more.

  “Oh wait, you were supposed to go out with Rick tomorrow right?” she asked, her eyes sympathetic. “Well, he hasn’t been treating you well either. So that’s just one more reason, okay Kels? You got along amazing with that guy, and he was hot. Ten times better than Rick, and twenty times better than anyone else we know. So what is there to lose? Just go with it,” the blonde finished with a wink before disappearing into the bathroom again.

  I plopped down on her couch with a sigh. The sofa was old and puke-green colored, with springs that I could feel through the cheap foam cushion. Shifting uncomfortably, I looked around the small apartment, my mind still churning. Because there was so much I didn’t know still. What was the Billionaires Club? Sure, Amber had provided a vague outline, but it sounded like she didn’t know the details either. And what was this thing about a “second round”? Did we have to go in for an interview? Did we have to prove ourselves again?

  As I thought about my situation, my heart pounded and my breathing came fast because I already knew that I wanted to do it. Not because of the money, which my buddy assured me flowed in rivers, or even because of my disappointing love life or dead-end job. It was because of the man I’d met tonight, the one that I’d had a tempting tryst with. He’d been gorgeous, and even now the memory of those blue eyes made my soul flutter as my pussy moistened again, anticipating his fullness.

  Because I wanted him. I wanted to get to know him and to see where he led. His gaze had promised me so many things, and maybe I was being dumb, but my heart beat fast as my cunt squeezed together once again. I wanted to be with that man … and to see what would happen after the dirty pool party.



  I wait expectantly in the cabana. The last week’s been hell because I haven’t seen the beautiful Kelsey. That’s right. I know her name although we never formally introduced ourselves because it’s all part of what the Billionaires Club does. We have staff that conducts thorough background checks, so before she even stepped onto our premises, we already had a dossier on the beautiful girl.

  And there isn’t much to know, frankly. Kelsey’s a teen girl, innocent and sweet, with nary a mean bone in her body. Of course, she and her friend Amber are sassy and feisty, but that’s the beauty of being young. Even though they don’t know much, they’re bursting with confidence and ready to take on the world.

  But it’s confidence mixed with reserve in my girl’s case, and that’s what I love about the brunette. She’s got a feisty edge, but also a side that knows exactly when to fold. And in my presence, the female was absolutely giving. Kelsey knew her master by instinct, her will soft and accommodating when faced with a hard, masculine character.

  So I waited in the cabana impatiently. Where was she? It’s been a fuckin’ long week, but the advance team assured me that the wait was necessary. The needed to do additional checks, as well as some other random testing. It was annoying as hell, but supposedly, this had to be by the book. Every rule had to be followed, every process and procedure, to make sure that everything went down okay.

  Because frankly, we’re billionaires and there’s too much at stake to throw away on a one-night transaction. In the wrong hands, things can get hairy, and it’s better to take precautions before anything’s happened. There’s no sense in waiting for a crisis to develop and then jumping into action. So yeah, I waited, but not with any semblance of grace. It was pure hell knowing that I’d given my card to Kelsey, only to be stuck here now like a toad on a log.

  But finally, we were going to meet again. The second round was coming, and I’d been looking forward to it all week. So I leaned back on the lounger, trying to get comfortable. We were back in the pool area again, but today, it was quiet. There was no one here except for a few serving girls, moving around silently in the background as they carried out their jobs. Of course, the women had bare breasts and were absolutely beautiful with glowing skin and demure gazes.
But I didn’t see them, my eyes merely skating over their forms as I fantasized of my beautiful brunette Kelsey.

  And more through sheer sense than any noise, suddenly she was here. My chin jerked up and sure enough, the girl had arrived, dressed in nothing but tiny pink bikini bottoms that covered her sweetest spot. Her breasts swung freely, heaving ever so slightly in my presence.

  “Hello,” I rumbled as she dropped to her knees beside my lounger, eyes cast down. “It’s good to see you again.”

  She nodded silently until I put a finger under her chin, tilting that sweet face to mine.

  “How have you been, sweetheart?” was my languorous drawl. “I’ve missed you.”

  Her breath hitched upon hearing the words.

  “I’ve been good,” she mewled. “And it’s good to see you again as well, sir.”

  A grin flashed across my face. They taught these girls well, what with the “sirs” and “misters.” But the form of address didn’t bother me so much because I like my females to be comfortable. I’m not like some of my sadistic brothers who want their women trembling with fear as well as anticipation.

  So I flashed her another grin and patted the lounger next to me.

  “I see you’re back,” I said, watching ravenously as she unfolded that curvy form to sit on the beach chair, the white flesh so creamy and tempting. “What caused you to come back?”


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