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Page 18

by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  Again I ask you … suspish? Yep.

  Since that awkward encounter. I haven’t really gotten to spend a lot of time with Dev. Another attack occurred on his pack and he had to deal with everything there. He’s also been rather distant. We haven’t even been intimate since his return. Which if I notice it, considering I am still working on getting past my PTSD, then that’s saying something.

  What makes everything even more bizarre in my life is that last week, Samantha suddenly contacted me, catching me completely off guard.


  I was once again in the dark chasm within my mind. Samantha stood in front of me with a look of worry causing her to furrow her brows.



  “We need to discuss something.”

  “I assumed so since you contacted me.”

  “So petulant.” Samantha rolled her eyes.

  “Really? If you called me here for something can you please just spill without the rude remarks as if I weren’t standing right in front of you?”

  A sigh escaped her crimson lips as if she were trying to formulate her next words. This of course struck me as odd considering Samantha never struck me as a being that ever thought about anything before she spoke. This was new.

  “Despite what you think Sammie, I do think before I speak, I just don’t care.”

  Rude much?

  “Sammie. Can we please not do this. I need to say something, and I need you to listen without the smart-ass commentary.”

  I gave Samantha a pointed look then waved my hand in front of her gesturing her to proceed with whatever it was she wanted to say.

  “Thank you. Now, as you know, you and I are two sides to your coin. I am your true nature, and you are well … you to put it simply. With werewolves, these two sides are always separate as they are two separate beings functioning at two different times. With our kind, we are actually able to merge into one being coexisting in the balance between our truest nature and our humanity. This enables us to be stronger, united, and free from the shackles of certain unnecessary emotional discomforts. I say this because I have noticed the progress you have made since that … incident. But I can also see that you are still burdened by your inability to overcome all your suffering. In all honesty, I feel that if you encountered another painful situation that could send you further down a spiral then I would be able to reach where you would be lost forever; feral.”

  “Oookaay … so why tell me this?”

  “I was getting to that.” She arched her eyebrow looking at me like a mother looks at their impatient toddler.

  Goddess, she’s so neurotic.

  “As. I. Was. Saying. I don’t know why but I have a very bad feeling about something, and I think we should merge. This uneasiness is telling me that whatever it is, will be the catalyst for our loss of control. So as much as I hate to do this, I think we need to merge and soon. I would rather have us on a united front rather than lose us completely”

  The fear in her eyes told me she was deathly serious. Samantha never shows fear. This was not good. I needed time to process this.

  “So if we do this, would I not feel love anymore?”

  “You would still feel emotions, Sammie. You just wouldn’t be affected by the ones you don’t want to experience. Like closing some of the drawers in a cabinet. They exist but we don’t pay attention to what’s inside.”

  Comparing my emotions to kitchen décor. Way to underplay things.

  “Can I think about this?”

  “Sure. Just know that whatever is going to happen is coming. I feel it in our bones.”

  “Ok. I will seriously consider everything, and we can talk later.”


  “Well … if that’s everything I’d like to get back to the outside world now.”

  “Fine. Remember, you need to decide soon Sammie.”

  With that, she was gone, and I was suddenly back in my kitchen.

  Goddess, I swear she always has to get the last word in.

  ** End of Flashback **

  Despite the fact that everything in my life seems to be turning into a massive train wreck, I was able to skype with Astrid and Shay. I missed my girls so much. I know I couldn’t complain though. I can't be selfish when the big baddie out there is trying to make everyone’s lives a living nightmare. I could suck it up for a bit. Besides, today was a day for drama free enjoyment. Somehow, the girls had managed to arrange it so that Michael, Aid, and even Dev would be taking a day off to spend with the three of us.

  That’s right folks a day filled with nothing but the four F’s.

  Friends, Fun, Food and well … you know .. wink, wink.

  I got the house completely ready for everyone and made it downstairs just as they all arrived. The girls and I squealed and held each other in our girl group hug.

  Everyone here in this room together smiling seemed so long ago. I finally felt like I was home again.

  I heard a throat being cleared off to the side and noticed Dev standing there looking shyly at me with his hands in his pockets.

  I could see the guilt he held in his eyes.

  As much as I wanted to scold him for neglecting me I just couldn’t. Today I just wanted to relish in my happiness.

  Without so much as a warning, I dashed over to Dev and hugged him. He hesitantly put his arms around me then I felt as if all the weight he held on his shoulders melted away. He held me so tightly I was glad I didn’t need oxygen to survive; the man was literally clinging to me as if his life depended on it.

  I didn’t care. He was here with me. That was all I needed.

  I kissed him lovingly before breaking away from his embrace. We would definitely be continuing this later on. But first, lunch.

  I turned and faced my little group of friends.

  “Alright guys, I prepared a huge lunch for everyone, so we better get at it before it spoils.”

  “Yesssss … I’m starving.”

  “Didn’t you just eat like two hours ago Aiden?”


  “Dude, I saw you. You had like four Smashburgers on your plate.”

  “First off, Mikey it was two and a half hours ago. Secondly, it was only three. One was a chicken burger.”

  “Really?! Really?! Because that makes it even better?”

  “Actually it does. Chicken is less filling and that extra half hour that you conveniently failed to mention is why I am so hungry now.”

  “Goddess you’re such a- “

  Michael’s retort was interrupted by the doorbell.

  I noticed the guys suddenly sniff the air then tense up. A growl escaped Aid’s and Michaels's throats while Dev looked … scared?

  I went to go answer the door when Aid bolted past me answering it instead.

  Another growl permeated the room as my eyes caught sight of the smug-looking bitch standing in my doorway.

  That growl was mine.

  The bitch was Dasha.

  Chapter 31

  Sammie’s POV

  The moment I saw Dasha all could think of doing was ripping that snarky-ass grin off her face.

  My fangs and claws extended, and my eyes were now completely black. I went to lunge at her but was met with the snarling growl of the wolf that now stood in front of her.

  Devon and Slade.

  They were protecting her.

  From me.


  The sound of laughter broke the silence of every confused person standing in the entry hallway.

  Slade paced guardedly in front of Dasha growling at all of us while Dasha just laughed mockingly at us.

  What. The. Actual Hell. Was going on here?

  “Oh, my Goddess! You know, I always heard about how male wolves were very protective of their pups, but I must say they definitely didn’t do it justice.”

  “What the fuck are you babbling about Dasha?”

  “Pups Sammie. You know that thing that a walking corpse such as yours
elf cant produce without the help of magics.”

  I growled. For some reason, I was not liking where her little shit talk was leading.

  “What does a pup have to do with anything. I don’t even see any pups here and who the hell is protecting a pup, Dasha?”

  She arched her eyebrow looking at me as if I were missing the obvious.

  “My pup Sammie. Or should I say mine and Devon’s pup? Isn’t that right lover?”

  She turned and looked at Devon/Slade who was still in wolf form; so of course it wasn't like he was going to speak anytime soon.

  I just stood there trying to process her words and see through the lies she was spewing from her poisonous lips.

  “Oh … you didn’t know? He didn’t tell you about our night together? The night we made this little bundle of joy in my womb?” She taunted while rubbing her rounded belly.

  I found my eyes drawn to her stomach. A small gasp escaped my lips. I saw it. The small bump protruding from her stomach. I shook my head frantically trying to remove the image from my head. This couldn’t be. She had to be lying. I mean that’s what she does right?

  I looked at Devon for reassurance. He had transformed back into his human form. Like a coward, he avoided my gaze completely. I could hear someone quickly leave then return. It was from Michael. He tossed a pair of basketball shorts over to Devon since he was standing there bare as the day he was born.

  I assumed Michael didn’t want Devon’s naked body displayed in front of his mate.

  Eh, male wolves and their whole possesive male-wolf ways, you know.

  I had wanted to deny Dasha’s declarations. But Devon’s silence was instilling a chilling fear in my bones that she wasn’t lying. The longer his silence, the louder the truth was becoming. My stomach twisted into a nauseating know. Part of me didn’t want to hear his truth. For some reason, my mouth was unable to form any words preventing me from asking him if it was true. The madness and pain assuring me that I didn’t want to know. At this moment and time I didn’t want to actually hear his words because once I heard them, it would make what was happening very real.

  I didn’t want to hear his truth. I couldn’t.

  The heavy weight that surrounded the inhabitants of my foyer created a painfully uncomfortable silence.

  It was Aiden that finally addressed the elephant in the room; provoking the entire scenario in front of us to soar past the safe borders beyond the point of no return.

  “I-is … is it true Dev? Is what this bitch saying true? Is that your pup she’s carrying?

  Devon just looked up at Aiden and slowly nodded his guilt-ridden head his eyes slowly reddening from unshed tears.

  “You fucking cheated on Sammie?! You cheated on my FUCKING SISTER FOR THAT WHORE?!”

  Aiden began to shake as if his wolf, Jericho, was trying to break free and attack the man standing shamelessly in front of him. Astrid tried to calm him and then without warning the twisted circus of chaos ensued. Michael and Shay began yelling at Devon, Devon yelling back at them, Astrid was crying trying to soothe Aiden, Aiden was painstakingly trying to reel his wolf in and Dasha … she just stood silently in the doorway. Smiling.

  I could feel myself becoming lost to the sounds around me. I could feel myself slipping away. The outraged voices of everyone dissipated off into the distance.

  I was alone.

  The creeping pain brought me a morbid sense of déjà vu.

  Once again, I was betrayed. Once again, I wasn’t good enough. Once again, Dasha was able to take what was once mine. I was done. I didn’t want nor need this pain again. The sharp pains prickling at my insides was alerting me that I could not survive it again. I wouldn’t. There was only so much one person can take and it appears that my scalding cup of suffering was officially full and overflowing.

  I called upon Samantha and let her know what we needed to do. We needed to merge as one. I needed to break free from the revulsion of my misery. She acquiesced immediately without another word.

  Little electric shocks tremored within me. In an instant, I felt a shift in my brain, in my core. I was me but not. A tinge of anguish began to worm its way into my heart, and I shut the door on it, sealing it up tight. I would shed no tears for the man in front of me. He was no mate of mine.

  I silently watched everyone before my eyes settled on the one who was the bane of my existence. Dasha.

  She looked at me smugly and I smiled in return; a look of confusion crossed over her vile face.

  This mad circus of chaos was boring me. It was time to put a stop to it.


  The power of my voice caused everyone to stop and snap their heads over in my direction.

  I looked directly at Dasha then spoke with no emotion. No hint of sadness or anger. I just spoke.

  “Dasha, thank you. Thank you for enlightening me on my mate's infidelity and the fact that he is soon to be the father of his whore’s bastard pup. Now, to be honest, I was going to rip your heart out and kill you but in gratitude, I am allowing you to freely leave my house and this property. I suggest doing so immediately as my generosity has a very limited time span. To add levity to my words, I have notified the higher ranks on this territory that you are currently trespassing, and they will be here shortly. So be a good little skank and leave. Right. Now.”

  A growl escaped Devon at my threat and Dasha smirked.

  “Fine, Fine Sammie. I did what I wanted for today anyway. And can I just say it was every bit as eventful as I had imagined? The looks on all your faces were truly wonderful. Now I need to take this little guy home. I have such great plans for him you know.” She then turned her attention over to Dev and smirked. “Devon baby, thanks for giving me what I wanted. I’ll make sure to have our little pup pay you a visit when the time is right.”

  Instantly she teleported out of sight.

  Devon immediately broke out of whatever defensive father mode he had been in and looked at me. He looked so remorseful I almost allowed myself to care.

  Ahh … I did say almost. But not quite my friends.

  Nay Nay.

  I stood silently watching him as he quickly made his way over to me.

  “Sammie … baby, please. Please listen. I know it looks- “

  I could only laugh. Was he seriously trying to talk his way out of this? Every single thing about his behavior for the last month made sense now. It was all so clear. He cheated on me and tried to hide himself away as if it would make it all go away.


  I could see the hurt in his eyes due to my demeanor. I felt no guilt over it. He is the one that caused this. Now I have to be the one to finish it.

  “You know Devon. I thought for sure that this time we’d make it. I would have bet my life on it. That’s how sure I was. That’s how much I loved you. But you betrayed me. Maybe if it were any other woman I could have forgiven you. But you cheated on me with her. With the person who has inflicted so much pain in my life. The person who killed my … my Jareth. The person that killed me. You chose her. That, I cannot forgive. Not now, not ever.”

  I took a step away from him and looked him directly in the eyes saying the one thing that would make everything between us come to an end.

  “I, Samantha Hunter, reject you, Alpha Devon Montgomery as my mate. I relinquish any and all ties to the Blood Moon Pact and your potential Luna.”

  Devon dropped to his knees in pain. He clutched his chest and began trembling as our bond was being ripped from his body.

  I however felt nothing.

  I looked up at the stunned faces of my friends.

  “I’m leaving. I don’t know for how long, but I need to just go. Astrid, Shay, this home is just as much yours as it is mine, so you are welcome to treat it as such in my absence. Michael and Aiden, please make sure to remove your Alpha and all of his belongings from my home immediately. Thanks and sorry for my abrupt departure.”

  I didn’t allow for any responses and dashed out of the front door. Ou
t of my home. Away from the last person that I would ever allow to break my heart.


  Sammie’s POV

  I ran for hours. I didn’t know where I was going I just ran and ran until I was numb. I wasn’t even hurt anymore. I wasn’t angry anymore. I was just numb.

  It was getting late and of course, me being me, I had left my home without any money or credit cards. Hell, I even forgot my damn phone. With nowhere to go, I went to the one place where I felt I would be ok. Where for some reason I knew I would be welcomed with open arms. I don’t know why but I just knew he would.

  I quickly made my way to his home.

  I stood in front of his door ready to knock announcing my presence when all of a sudden, the door burst open. He looked at me as if he had been expecting my arrival. There was no surprise on his face at seeing me here so suddenly out of the blue but rather a warm smile graced his lips.

  “Hello Lord Danesh. Sorry to come unannounced but I just needed a place to stay for the night if I may?”

  “Of course Samantha. Think nothing of it. And please … call me Danny.”

  To be concluded in Twisted Fates Book 3: The Final Twist …

  Copyright© 2020 Guenette,J.V.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  ISBN: 9798587130814

  Cataloging in Publication data block


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