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Inheritance (The Dark Gifts)

Page 9

by Willow Cross

  Chapter Twelve

  When Sarah returned, Jason was missing. Thomas sat at the table drinking coffee and chain smoking. He glanced up as she entered. “How did it go?”

  “It went fine.”

  “You didn’t go to the movies; where were you?”

  “How do you know we didn’t go to the movies? Are you watching me now? Look, let’s get this clear right now, you are not my father. I already take that crap from Jason, and I’m not taking it from you. I don’t need anyone telling me where I can go and what I can do when I get there. Should I decide I do need it, I’ll let you know.”

  Sarah spun on her heels and left the kitchen. Thom followed her into the living room. She faced him, arms folded across her chest waiting for him to speak.

  Thom’s eyes glittered with anger. “All right, girly, while we’re getting things sorted, I have a few words for you as well. No, I am not your father, but I am second Alpha in command. We do not date outside our species. Pack law forbids it. So if you think you’re doing anything other than gathering information, you’d better rethink it. Let me remind you that you would not be the first Alpha put down for endangering the pack. Clear enough for you?”

  Sarah’s jaw dropped. Her heart began pounding as her hands balled up in fists. “Let me remind you of something, Thomas. Next month I turn eighteen, and will be able to transform. When that happens, I’ll be the one in charge of the pack. I will have total control. Don’t mess with me. You won’t like what you get in return.”

  Thomas laughed and shrugged his shoulders as she uttered the last words. “That’s right. I have nothing to worry about. You keep on seeing your Indian boy.” His eyes turned steely as he continued, “Next month when you transform, you’ll take care of him for us. All I have to do is open the door.”

  Sarah ran to her room, slammed the door, and fell on her bed in tears. There was no way she could keep seeing Shad. Although the thought had crossed her mind, it hadn‘t carried much weight. She’d deluded herself into believing that if she thought hard enough, she’d come up with an answer to the dilemma. But, Thomas was right, if she continued their relationship, she would be putting him in terrible danger. Even if she managed to control herself during her change, if they got too serious, the others would go after him and kill him. She was Alpha, she had to mate within the pack. Tears streamed down her face as she stared at the ceiling seeing nothing but his deep green eyes and beautiful smile.


  The rapping at the door became more insistent.

  “I said go away!” Sarah yelled.

  “Oh come on. Just unlock the door and let me in,” Jason answered.

  “I don’t want to talk. Leave me alone.”

  She heard Jason’s body slide down the door and hit the floor with a soft thud. “I’m not leaving until you open the door.”

  “What part of I don’t want to talk do you not understand?”

  “I understood perfectly. That doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you to sit in there a mope. It’s not healthy.”

  “This from the burger boy? What the heck do you know about healthy?” She scoffed.

  Jason sighed.

  She could imagine him on the other side of the door, with his elbows resting on his knees and head in his hands. He hated it when she defied him, although she rarely did. “You might as well go away. There’s nothing to discuss.”

  “Sarah Lynn Masada, open this door, right now.”

  “Ooooo, you’re pulling out the big guns now, huh?”

  Something began methodically bumping against the door. Even though she couldn’t see what it was, she was fairly certain it was his head. “Stop it, Jase. That’s annoying.”

  The thumping became louder.

  “I said stop it. If you don’t hurt your head, you’re going to break the door.”

  The entire door began to rattle with each blow. “Oh for the love of--” Sarah quickly moved across the room, unlocked the door and swung it open. Jason fell through and landed on his back. The shocked expression on his face was priceless, and despite her mood, she giggled.

  “What the hell? A little warning next time?” He said jumping to his feet.

  “If you hadn’t been making so much racket, you’d have heard the lock click.”

  Jason shut the door behind him and turned to her. “Listen, I know what happened and--”

  “Oh you do, do you? Do you know he threatened me? He used Mom and Dad as an example of what could happen to us! I hate him,” she hissed.

  Jason placed his hand on her shoulder. “Yes, he told me. And he feels terrible about it now. He’s not used to people telling him what to do, sis. He’s used to making all the rules and people following orders.”

  Sarah crossed her arms and plopped on the bed. “I don’t care. That’s no excuse.”

  Sitting beside her, Jason slung his arm around her shoulders. “He really does feel bad. If you’d just talk to him, you’d--”

  Sarah exploded off the bed. “I am not talking to him. Not now, not ever!”

  Jason’s voice dropped as he said sternly, “Sit down, and shut up.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened. “How could you take his--”

  “I’m done with this tantrum. What are you, two? What’s gotten into you? I’ve never seen you like this before. And I am not taking his side. Now sit and listen.”

  “Jason, I--”

  “Don’t talk, just listen. Okay?”

  She nodded and remained quiet.

  “He was wrong. I agree with you there. He should have never talked to you like that. But you were wrong too. Sarah, Thomas has been good to us. He is trying to help us. You know if we leave, they’ll come after us. Even if the Masada pack leaves us alone, Shana, and anyone she can find to help her, will still hunt us down.”

  Sarah nodded again.

  “People don’t always say what they should when they’re mad. And he is really worried about you. He’s positive the Garcia’s are White Horns. I’ve tried to make him see reason, but he keeps telling me I don’t know how deceptive hunters can be.”

  “They are not hunters. Come on, Jase. Do you think they are?”

  Jason shook his head and sighed. “Of course not. Heather is a pain, but Ash is one of the sweetest girls I’ve met in a long time. And Shad seems like an okay guy, too.”

  Sarah laid her head on his shoulder. “I really like him, and he likes me. I don’t know what to do. What if Thomas is right and I kill him?”

  He patted her head. “You’re not going to kill him. I won’t let that happen.”

  Leaning back, she gazed into her brother’s face. “How can you trust him? He killed our parents.”

  “He didn’t, and you need to quit saying that. You know he wasn’t even here when it happened. Shana and the others made sure he wasn’t here to stop them. After all these years, he’s still tore up about it. I trust him Sarah. You should too.”

  “Well, we need to set some ground rules. He is not my father, and he needs to quit bossing me around.”

  “Done. I’ll make sure he understands that.”

  “And I’m not seeing Shad anymore, but it has nothing to do with him. It’s my choice.”


  “And I don’t want him thinking it’s because he has any say so in the matter.”

  Jason sighed. “Okay, I get it. Thomas doesn’t get to think he’s right.”

  Sarah’s lips spread into a grin. “I am being a baby, huh?”

  He tried not to smile as he answered her. “A little.”

  She cocked her head to the side and stared at him.

  “Okay, a lot.”

  Both siblings began to chuckle.

  “We’re good then?” Jason asked.

  “Yep. We’re good.”


  Sarah managed to avoid Shad for three days. Jason and Thomas had strict orders to answer his calls and kindly tell him she wasn’t there. Neither of them were doing a very good job with the kindness thing. On the thi
rd day, Shad decided to show up. He knew what she was up to, he just didn’t understand why.

  “I know she’s here, Jason,” Shad’s voice carried from the front door.

  “I said she’s not. Are you calling me a liar?” Jason inserted his wide frame in the open door.

  Craning his neck, the young man attempted to look around the hulking body and into the house. “Yeah, I guess I am. I know she’s in there. If she doesn’t want to talk to me that’s fine, but she can at least tell me herself.”

  “What’s so important you can’t just let it go?”

  “I like her, okay? She's completely different than other girls.”

  Jason smirked, but responded quietly, “You have no idea how different.”

  Eyes narrowing, Shad grimaced. “I don’t owe you any explanations. If anyone owes anyone an explanation, she owes me.”

  “Look, I told you she’s not here. Just move on. There’s no point to this.”

  “Fine. I’ll sit right there in the truck and wait for her to get home. She can tell me herself she doesn’t want to see me anymore.” Arms folded across his chest, the young man glared at Jason.

  Jason shrugged and before closing the door, said, “Whatever you think you need to do, buddy.”

  Sarah peeked through the curtain of her bedroom window. Shad was not going to just walk away. She knew she’d have to speak with him, but she had no idea what to say. It’s not like she could tell him the truth. He’d think she was crazy. She needed to figure out a good reason to give him for not wanting to see him anymore.

  Sarah sat on her bed with her legs hanging from the side, kicking at the frame. The problem was she did want to see him. All the time, every day, she wanted to see him. She couldn’t think of an excuse good enough to give him. It’s not like I want him to go away forever, I just want some time to get myself under control. Sarah had a plan. All she needed was a month to gain control of herself, and strengthen her control over the pack. Once that was accomplished, she could see him if she wanted to and no one would be able to stop her.

  Jason stood at the door watching his sister suffer in silence. He knew he should say something supportive, but he couldn’t find the words. As much as he was into Ashley, he was expected to keep up a relationship with her--for the packs sake. Even though his info gathering had more to do with finding out her favorite color than her family history, at least he was able to see her. Shad seemed like an okay guy. Other than the mating out of your species rule, Jason thought Sarah should be allowed to see him. Of course, there were ways around rules. If Sarah happened to bite him while in wolf form, then he would become part of the pack. Sarah would never agree to it, though. She thought of them as monsters. But Sarah didn’t have to know everything that went on around here, and he was still Alpha until she took over…

  “I’ll go talk to him. Don’t worry. It’ll all work out, I promise,” Jason said.

  Sarah’s eyes met his and filled with tears. She wanted to thank him but the lump in her throat would not allow her to speak.

  Jason pivoted and left to have another chat with Shad.


  Slid down in the front seat, Shad sulked. His expression was a clear indication he wanted to throttle someone. Jason leaned against the side of the truck and waited for Shad to acknowledge his presence. Shad didn’t say a word. As the silence became uncomfortable, both young men spoke at once.

  “Look, I want you to know--”

  “Jason, you have to make her--”

  Both men chuckled and Jason continued, “Shad, you need to know this is not Sarah’s fault. She just doesn’t know what to say. Our family is very close knit, and they don’t like the idea of her being with you. Especially since she’s not eighteen yet. Uncle Thomas is really giving her a hard time.”

  “Okay, I get it. My age is a problem. I wouldn’t have approached her to start with if I'd known she was only seventeen. I can’t help it, I like her. What if I talk to your uncle? Would that make a difference?”

  “Yeah--that wouldn’t be such a good idea. It would probably make things worse. We just need some time. If you could just lay off for a little while and let me and Sarah sort this out with him, then it could work out.”

  Shad’s eyes drifted away from Jason to the woods surrounding the house. He appeared deep in thought. After a few moments he looked warily back at Jason. “How much time do you need?”

  “A couple of weeks?” Seeing the look on Shad’s face, his voice softened. “Look, I know that seems like a long time, but it isn’t all the much. I want my sister to be happy. If she’s happy with you, I want her to be able to see you. I don’t have any ulterior motive. Seriously.”

  Shad’s mouth slid into a passable excuse for a smile. He nodded his head in agreement. “So what are you doing tomorrow? You want to go fishing or something? If I can’t see her then I might as well get to know you. We can bring Ash, if you want.”

  “Sounds like a great idea. Let’s plan on it.”

  Sarah watched from the bedroom window as the two shook hands before the truck drove down the driveway.

  Jason winked at her and smiled as he returned to the cabin. Neither young man knew the other left with the same thought in their minds-- I got this all under control. It’s going to work out just exactly like I planned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jason leaned back on his elbows and watched Ashley and Heather splash around in the stream. Both looked extraordinary in their hot pink bikinis. They were exactly the same except for one major difference, their personalities. Ashley was quiet and thoughtful, more subdued than Heather. Unlike most girls her age, she knew how to be quiet. Not the uncomfortable, don’t know what to say kind of quiet. The enjoying each other and spending time together kind of quiet. Ashley was a gentle soul full of love and beauty. Jason loved to watch her discover something new. Her face would light up with a child-like innocence he’d never noticed in children over eight.

  Heather was a completely different story. She was a hot-head. One needed to tread lightly when talking to her. Avoiding her temper tantrums was a full-time job. Full of sarcasm and mean comments, she rarely had anything nice to say to anyone, including her sister and brother. Jason shook his head as he listened to the girls banter.

  “Oh my God, Ash, did you have to get it in my hair?”

  “It’s just water. Chill out.” Ashley laughed as she forcefully shoved her hand through the water. A large wave splashed over Heather’s head.

  “Oh is that how you want to play it?” she sputtered. Raising her hands over her head, Heather dove on top of her sister pushing her under the water.

  Ashley came up laughing, but Heather looked pissed. She immediately began wringing out her long hair. “Great. I just did a hot oil treatment, too.”

  Shaking her head, Ash laughed, “You did it. I didn’t ask you to dunk me.”

  “Whatever. I’m done. I’m going to lay on the beach and get some sun.” Then looking her sister over, she went on, “You should lay out too. You look too white and in that suit, all the pale skin makes you look fat.”

  Also wringing the water from her hair, Ashley smiled. “We wear the same size dork.”

  “Yes. But your hips and butt are bigger than mine. I got the good genes, thank God for that.”

  Ashley shook her head as her sister plopped on a towel and began spreading oil over her skin. “Shad?” she said holding the bottle out to him.

  “Ugh. You know I hate getting that crap on my hands.”

  “Well I’d ask lover boy to do it, but you know who might get jealous.”

  Sticking her hand out, Ashley said, “Give it to me. I’ll do it.”

  Heather smiled smugly and passed her the bottle.

  Relieved, Jason sighed. The last thing he wanted to do was put his hands on Heather. He looked over to Shad and whispered, “Guess we were saved by the bell on that one.”

  “Yep.” He replied without turning his gaze from the water.

  Shad, a full tw
o years younger than his sisters, was surly. Jason wasn’t sure if it was because Sarah wasn’t there or if it was the interest he showed his sister. Either way, Shad seemed less than impressed with Jason’s attitude toward Ashley. Sarah spoke of Shad frequently, and the laughing, fun guy she professed her undying like for, had yet to surface.

  The two men sat in silence while the girls baked in the sun. Finally having enough of being uncomfortable, Jason tried to strike up a conversation with the surly young man. “So my sister has a lot of good things to say about you.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “Well, apparently you’re funny and easy to talk to. She says you make her laugh.”

  “That’s good.”

  Jason waited for Shad to say more but he wasn’t biting any better than the fish. Jason shook his head and chuckled. “Anything you want to know about my sister?”

  “She’ll tell me when she‘s ready.”

  “Look dude, it was my idea to help in her quest to go out with you. You keep acting like this is all my fault.”

  Shad, eyes full of contempt, looked at Jason and nearly hissed, “I didn’t say it was your fault. It pisses me off that this is just an age thing. Or is it more than that? Is it that we are Native American? Or better yet, because our mother was Mexican? What is it with you people?”

  “Whoa, just hold on there, slick. It’s not a prejudice thing. You need to try to understand. Our family is old. Really old. Almost everyone in the family has stuck to the old ways for hundreds of years. Sarah and I are just trying to fit in. She’s spent her whole life wanting a family, and now that she finally has one, she doesn’t want to mess it up. That’s all. End of story. Don’t read something into it that’s not there.”

  Shad laughed as he pulled his tank top off over his head. Folding it neatly, he used it to wipe the sweat from his forehead. “Old? You want to talk about hundreds of years of tradition? I know all about tradition. Our traditions go back to the beginning of time, and I’m not catching any flack for wanting to see Sarah.”


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