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Koban: The Mark of Koban

Page 67

by Stephen W Bennett

  “We need the slowest, highest energy tachyons to create Jump Holes. Perhaps the infinite velocity, extremely low energy tachyons, which are far more plentiful, is something the thoughts of our TG1’s can effect, to modulate them in some fashion, as we transit the boundary between Universes. The targeted mind is the only one that can receive the message, perhaps ‘tuned’ would be the right term, unless it was ‘addressed’ to more than one person. At least that’s how it seems to work.” He waved his hands, laughing.

  “Hell, I don’t care how it works. We can be Krall-like this time and simply use it, empirically, until some brilliant person figures it out and explains it to us. I can’t explain the formation of holographic images in a Tri-Vid system, but I use the sets all the time.

  “I want to run a series of tests while we’re here, and we can determine if a minimal Jump with a slower transition works better for sending longer thought images or messages, or what happens if we do quick repeated short Jumps. We always chose a direction to go when we Jump, but null Jumps, which are simply entering and leaving an event horizon, are possible without going anywhere.

  “If we can use this, long-range communication home to Koban, or between ships from anywhere, will give us a huge boost in capability and coordination. We may be in the Morse code phase of a future interstellar phone system! And I doubt it can be overheard by anyone if the sender and receiver need to know one another.”

  An excited buzz continued for a time, and the TG1’s asked the three Captains to set them up their own three-way view screen conference, for devising ways of testing with the three ships and the ten TG1s spread between them. Another part of their excitement was that eventually, nearly every TG would have this marvelous gene mod.

  While the younger generation talked, Dillon soon brought the older SG crews back down from the heights, where their active imaginations had risen. “We stink. We need to do something about that.” He said.

  Thad rebutted instantly. “Excuse me? I bathed, therefore you speaketh for thyself, scroungy varlet!”

  “Oh, Yea? Tell that to Dorkda, sitting right behind you, oh stinky one. I was never on that smelly tub, and yet he nosed out someone from Koban at first whiff. I’ve been on long hunting trips with you. I’d bet my money it was your drawers or socks.”

  “Ha! Speaking of long range communication, I think he could smell you through vacuum because…,” Thad’s no doubt brilliant retort was spoiled by his wife’s, no, make that his Captain’s interruption.

  “Boys! We can hold a hand’s free peeing contest later, but what Dillon was so inelegantly reminding us of, is the fact that a Krall’s nose is hound dog sensitive. We have to find a way to remove all scent of Koban from our ships, clothes, equipment, and ourselves. Ideas?”

  They eventually decided that a biological decontamination station should work, and they had the means to build crude ones on each ship. They could easily test the results on the one Krall they knew had spent years on Koban. If they could get by his nose, it should protect their odorous secret. With a Mind Tap, Dorkda couldn’t even lie to a TG1 to hide what he could smell.


  Several weeks later, now deodorized of Koban scents as confirmed by a Krall nose, they were finally in possession of a workable long rage communications system. They had developed a technique of exchanging images and messages when creating an event horizon, without actually executing a Jump. They could convey longer and more complex information by using a series of rapid and repeated entry and exits. The only risks they found were for those in Normal Space that might be too close to the flurry of gamma rays released by the quick null Jumps.

  A successful procedure was for the first part of a message to inform the receiver how long the entire series would last, so they wouldn’t miss the end of the message. It was a cumbersome method, but it worked. They also discovered that after roughly eight or nine days, a message not pulled from Tachyon Space quickly lost its cohesion. It didn’t completely fade when the targeted receiver finally was able to “listen in,” but it didn’t make sense anymore. It was not a noisy or weak signal; it was mental nonsense, without meaning.

  Once the ships separated for their missions, there was a schedule set up for sending and receiving routine messages once a week, assuming a ship were in a position to do null Jumps.

  Mirikami brought them physically together for a final briefing, before they made the Jump to Poldark. They did side-by-side hard docking, using the built-in flexible pressurized collars from any of the four airlocks. They moved around personnel, and put the three prisoners on Marlyn’s ship, to be taken to Koban for safer keeping. There was no shortage of more potential Krall prisoners on Poldark.

  Dillon and Thad rejoined Mirikami for the Poldark mission, and the planned subsequent foray into Krall Space. Marlyn would eventually return to Koban, via a circuitous route to avoid any back trail. She would be taking two TG1s back for communications, even though there would be more at Koban soon. A number of TGs wanted to explore with her. Ethan, however, wanted in on Mirikami’s mission, and his mom understood.

  Noreen would also have two TG1s with her, and twenty-five other TGs. However, Carson also wanted to stay with Mirikami. Her mission was to infiltrate Heavyside, provided they couldn’t get an outright invitation through General Nabarone’s influence. Whatever human performance enhancing experimentation was happening on Heavyside, Mirikami wanted to know what it was. It could be that the PU military planned to test genetic enhancements in secret there. In which case, the Kobani might be welcomed with open arms.

  Mirikami continued the briefing. “We’ll emerge at a thousand miles. Sarge says that’s well above the usual White Out for landing Clanships, and also above the faster reacting low orbit defenses. Nothing keeps the Krall from doing the same thing and using stealth mode to approach from more distant White Out coordinates. Nothing, that is, except their love of the challenge of getting away with it closer to the planet.

  “We will all scatter after exit, although I’ll stay in high orbit with you, until Sarge has time to look things over. I want to be sure the stealth function works as well as expected, at least against Poldark’s sensors. We need to verify we can keep continuous track of each other, as we could here. Our hull surface crystals will let us track other Clanships, and we think most stealthed human ships. Other Clanships can track us as well, but I hope they are no more curious than usual if they see us.

  “After Sarge picks a secure looking hiding spot for me, I’ll make the penetration and land. Give us three days, and if we have not radioed you to leave, or we have not called, we need rescue. If you are both able to leave as planned, split up and start your individual missions. Questions?” He didn’t expect or receive any. The few weeks, while they worked on Jump methods to complement remote telepathy, Mirikami had coordinated several times a day with Noreen and Marlyn on what they would accomplish on their missions.

  “Fine. New subject. I don’t want to keep saying Captain Renaldo’s ship or Captain Greeves’ ship. You’ve had time to think. What do you want to name your first commands?”

  “The Avenger,” Noreen was prompt to say.

  Marlyn followed with, “The Beagle.”

  “I think Avenger sounds like a fighting ship, but why Beagle Marlyn? Is there some meaning there?”

  “Yes Sir. Charles Darwin sailed aboard the HMS Beagle, for a famous scientific voyage that discovered many new species, and it later surveyed large parts of the coast of Australia. That’s similar to my mission.”

  “Excellent names, both of them. I wish we could paint them on the hulls. However, that would ruin our stealth capability, and certainly raise a question if seen by a Krall. We’ve not stolen our last Clanship, but I’d suggest we avoid K1 for a while. We have a number of Spacers at home, ready to return to space and join the fight. They will want tough ships like these.

  “I guess we need to say personal goodbyes now, before we undock. We will probably talk again at Poldark, but we aren’t going t
o meet like this personally for some time.”

  After the three ships moved apart slightly, but stayed in a formation, they chose the agreed upon equatorial spot over Poldark, where they wanted to White Out. Per their dynamic star charts, the ships started accelerating in the direction they wanted to be moving when they arrived over the planet.

  “Ladies, I wish you good sailing. I’ll see you, or rather see the Avenger and Beagle on sensors when we White Out. Jakob will send the time hack for the Jump, so we all emerge at once.

  “It’s time we took this war to the Krall’s own doorstep, and got some help from our own people. Good travelling and good luck. Mirikami Out.”

  Jakob sent them a ten-second countdown time hack. That would be the last radio signal they would exchange, until Mirikami had met with General Nabarone, and had his reply, or there was a problem.

  Moving in a triangular formation, the three ships composing the entire Koban Navy simultaneously winked out of this Universe.



  Crew from Flight of Fancy

  Tetsuo Mirikami

  Captain of Flight of Fancy. From Old Colony of New Honshu, in the Hub area. Became Commander of Prime City after Krall left Koban

  Noreen Renaldo

  First Officer of Flight of Fancy. From Old Colony of Ponce, in the Hub area. Married Dillon Martin. Mother of TGs Carson, Katelyn, and Cory.

  Jake (almost human)

  Advanced JK series AI computer, installed on Flight of Fancy. Able to operate many of the ship systems autonomously. Repository of vast human library of documents, books, films, Tri-Vid shows, etc. A common capability on long Jump passenger liners of that era

  Nannette Willfem

  Drive Room Officer on Flight of Fancy, and a Jump Engineer.

  Roni Jorl’sn

  A Flight of Fancy officer and shuttle pilot.

  (Chief) Mike Haveram

  Chief of the Drive Room on the Flight of Fancy. In charge of the “Drive Rats” and conventional thruster engines.

  Macy Gundarfem

  Motorfem. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  John Yin-Lee

  Motorman. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  Andrew Johnson

  Motorman. One of the “Drive Rats.”

  Nory Walters

  Chief Steward, of the ten such staff on the Fancy.

  Mel Rigson

  Steward and primary Medical technician.

  Cal Branson

  Steward and Medical technician.

  Javier Vazquez

  Alfon Hanson

  Jason Sieko


  Bob Campbell

  Machinist Mate.

  Neri Bar

  Machinist Mate.

  Chack Nauguza

  Cargo Specialist, handy man.

  Ricco Balduchi

  Cargo Specialist.

  Passengers from the Fancy, various other ships, and early captives

  On the fancy

  Dillon Martin

  Professor of biological sciences, sent to Midwife to study developing primitive life. Hidden specialty is forbidden genetics research. From Rhama, a New Colony, close to the Hub worlds. Married Noreen Renaldo. Father of TGs Carson, Katelyn, and Cory.

  Maggi Fisher

  Professor of biological sciences, Chairfem of Board of Director’s on Midwife project. From Rhama. Organizing unofficial teams to recover lost genetic knowledge. Later, first Mayor of Prime City.

  Aldry Anderfem

  Professor of biological sciences, granddaughter of Claronce Anderson, a former President of Alders world. Supports secret Genetics research. Administered first human Clone mods in three hundred years, to make Second Generation Kobani.

  Rafe Campbell

  Studied human genetic mutations from cosmic rays on Brussels, a New Colony. Wife Isadora killed on ship by a Krall, “exercising.” Dove into Koban genetic studies when given a chance to make humans physically superior to the Krall. Administered mods to teens born as SGs, which made them first Third Generation Kobani (TGs).

  Ana Cahill

  Professor of biological sciences, Vicechairfem of Board of Directors. Political and snobbish, wanted to run the Midwife program. Doesn’t support or know of hidden genetic research. Became first mayor of Hub City. Actively opposed Koban gene modifications.

  Zulma Krat

  Professor of biological sciences, on the Board of Directors for Midwife Project.

  Vincent Naguma

  Professor of microbiology, from Greater Angola, an African Colony World at the edge of the Hub, settled just before the collapse. Studied Raspani in Hub City enclosure.

  Sarah Bradley

  Biologist that specialized in simple viral and bacterial life forms from Newborn. Became interested in the study of Raspani at Hub City, after the old Krall compound was occupied.

  Ray McPherson

  Husband of scientist. Member of the Fireball Brigade of flame throwers.

  Jim (Jimbo) Skaleski

  Hydroponics expert for the Midwife station. Fireball Brigade.

  Early Captives (at Koban Prime, later renamed Prime City)

  Thaddeus Greeves

  Former Colonel of a Diplomatic Security detail for Poldark Ambassador. Married Marlyn Rodriguez. Father of TGs Ethan, Bradley, and Danner. (Note: Character in Book 1 was once named Theodore (Ted), but nicknames Tet and Ted were confusing for readers and writer.)

  Marlyn Rodriguez

  First Officer of Rimmer’s Dream, arrived in mass capture of human ships. Married Thad Greeves. Mother of TGs Ethan, Bradley, and Danner.

  Stewart McDougal

  Arrived in mass human ship capture. Moved to second Krall compound, renamed Hub City, and opposed Ana Cahill. Later he became Mayor, and cooperated with Prime City and Mirikami.

  Deanna Turner

  Organizer of the first Primes to volunteer to work with the Flight of Fancy personnel. On Mirikami’s combat team.

  Frank Constansi

  Clarice Femfreid

  Juan Wittgenstein

  Early Prime volunteers to work with Mirikami. On Mirikami’s combat team.

  Mavray Doushan

  Was Poldark's Deputy Ambassador to Bollovstic's Republican Independency. Both are Rim worlds.

  Third Generation Kobani

  Carson Martin

  Parents Noreen and Dillon, born an SG, received Koban gene mods to become Third Generation Kobani.

  Ethan Greeves

  Parents Marlyn and Thad, born an SG, received Koban gene mods to become Third Generation Kobani.

  Alyson Formby

  Born in Hub City as an SG. At eighteen, left home to request Koban mods, against her parent’s wishes. Became first TG from Hub City.

  Jorl Breaker

  Yilini Jastrov

  Richard Yang

  Parents were early Koban captives. At sixteen, they received mods to become a TG.



  Titled Harzax Kopandi for Krall, or “Measures the Enemy” and a Translator. From Tanga Clan of planet Merkrall. Leader of the Newborn raid that captured the Flight of Fancy.


  Krall translator, of Graka Clan. Second in command of Newborn Raid. Placed in charge of captives at Koban Prime.

  Gatrol Kanpardi

  General/Admiral of Graka Clan, Gatrol is his rank and title. Later, Tor Gatrol, as High General in command of the war with humans.


  A K’Tal of the Krall. A K’Tal can variously combine skills of scientists, technicians, or Jump Drive Engineers. Of the Mordo Clan.


  Krall translator, of small Maldo clan, a recent offshoot of Dorbo clan.


  Krall translator, of Dolbrin clan. A minor clan.


  Octet leader, Kimbo Clan.



  Highly advanced and ancient people, determined pacifists, w
ho first discovered the Krall. Mentored the violent race, hoping to make them more peaceful, but were betrayed and destroyed by the Krall, about 22,000 years ago. Never physically described by the Krall. They taught the Krall how to use the more simple parts of their technology, and designed ships and equipment specifically for them, to suit their personality and level of intelligence.

  They were the first conquest described by Krall: “Our old bodies, even so long ago, could easily defeat their smaller and softer bodies. They were fruit and plant eaters that believed their artificially enhanced brains made them more powerful than we were. When we rose up to attack everywhere at once, we lost our first home world to them, and many Krall died before our final victory. After that, we owned their many worlds. We ate them all like the cattle they were.”


  Aggressive omnivores, evolved from social pack animals that resembled Earth Primates. Good fighters, but controlled a relatively small six hundred light year radius of settled space, bypassing colder and higher gravity planets. Slow breeders. Was first Worthy Enemy. Larger than humans, the size of lowland gorillas, and nearly as strong as a Krall. Smarter than Krall, but slower reflexes and predictable pack hunting tactics made them easier for the Krall to surround and attack. Not tricky or subtle, and preferred direct confrontation over ambushes, and were out matched in such fights. Always refused to surrender, and were all destroyed.


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