Book Read Free

Born Evil

Page 26

by Kimberley Chambers

  With the exception of Peter, who had hobbled off to bed in one of his moods, the party at Centerparcs was still in full swing.

  ‘I was a good tap dancer in my younger days,’ June informed her son- and daughter-in-law.

  ‘She’s off,’ Mickey laughed, nudging Debbie. They’d had years of listening to their mother droning on about her years in pantomime. Now it was Karen and Steve’s turn.

  Winking at her brother, Debbie decided to get her mother at it. ‘Don’t just tell ’em Mum, show ’em your moves.’

  June didn’t need asking twice. ‘Wooh!’ she screamed as she broke into both dance and chorus. ‘“Any time you’re Lambeth way, any evening any day … ”’

  ‘Go on, girl, get stuck in,’ Steve shouted above the laughter and applause that her act was receiving.

  ‘“ … Everything’s free and easy, do as you darn’ well pleasey … ”’

  ‘Go on, Mum,’ Debbie screamed.

  ‘“You’ll find yourself, doing the Lambeth Walk – oi!”’

  Finishing off her party piece with a handstand against the door, June fell into a drunken heap on the floor. The ensuing laughter was so noisy and raucous that unluckily for Lois her mother did not hear the phone ringing in her handbag.

  ‘Give us that fucking thing here,’ Charlie snarled, snatching her mobile out of Lois’s shaking hand.

  ‘Please don’t hurt me, Charlie,’ she whimpered as he pinned her down once again on the sofa.

  The fear in her voice and eyes only added to Charlie’s ecstasy. Unable to contain himself, he released his rock-hard cock from his tracksuit bottoms. His sloppy kisses and the feeling of his tongue exploring her mouth made Lois feel physically sick. Gagging, she started to pummel him again with her fists.

  ‘Get off me, you bastard!’ she screamed hysterically.

  ‘Wanna play rough, do you, bitch?’ Charlie asked. He was too far gone now even to think of the consequences of what he was doing. This was like every porno he’d ever watched, but ten times better. He’d always got off on watching men forcing women, but the reality of doing it for real was the best feeling he’d ever experienced in his life.

  He tried to enter her, but had no joy. Lois was wriggling away like an eel beneath him and, being inexperienced and reasonably well-endowed, he couldn’t fit himself inside her. Desperate to relieve himself, he opted for a different tactic. Moving up her body he pinned her shoulders down with his knees, opened her mouth with his hands and shoved his throbbing cock inside.

  ‘Suck it, you fucking whore,’ he said, over and over again.

  Trying to ring her daughter for the third time and getting no reply, Karen temporarily gave up and put the phone back into her handbag.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Mickey asked, clocking his wife’s worried expression.

  ‘I can’t get hold of Lois. I got a missed call earlier from her, but I’ve tried her mobile and the landline and there’s no reply.’

  ‘Have you spoken to her at all today?’ Mickey asked, concerned.

  ‘Yeah, this morning and this afternoon. She was going out for a meal with one of her friends.’

  ‘Well, there you are then,’ he replied, panic subsiding. ‘She’s probably having a whale of a time.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right,’ Karen said, sipping her drink. ‘I’ll try her again later.’

  Feeling himself about to ejaculate, Charlie was furious when Lois bit the end of his penis with such force, it left him doubled up in pain with his eyes streaming with tears.

  ‘You bitch! You cunt!’ he screamed, as she struggled to get away from him.

  Hyperventilating, Lois tried to make a dash for the front door. She was trembling from head to foot and running wasn’t easy. Panic seemed to have paralysed her. All her movements felt too slow. She grabbed the door handle, safety only seconds away.

  Unfortunately for her, Charlie had locked the door on his arrival.

  As soon as he arrived home from his boxing presentation, Dean Summers galloped towards his bedroom to locate his mobile. He’d been surrounded by females all night, as per usual, but none of them had interested him. He really liked Lois and was determined to put things right with her. Seeing the text message she’d sent him earlier, he cursed himself for forgetting the bastard thing. He tried to ring her, and slung the phone down in temper when he realised he’d used up all his credit. Slipping his shoes off, he bunged his trainers on. He was a fast runner. If he sprinted, he could be at hers in ten minutes flat.

  After failing to unlock the front door, Lois managed to run upstairs and grab the landline phone from her mum’s bedroom. She didn’t know her mum’s or dad’s mobile numbers off by heart, so 999 was her only option.

  Despite the pain he was in, Charlie forced himself up the stairs after her. Just as she was about to dial, he yanked the wire from the wall, ending her call before it had begun. He grabbed Lois’s hair and shoved her on to her mother’s bed. His penis was limp by now. Desperate to revive it, he ripped off her knickers and shoved his grubby fingers inside her.

  Unable to defend herself any longer, Lois just let him do it. All the fight had gone out of her now. She wished he’d just kill her and get it over with. If he raped her, she wouldn’t want to live. She knew without a doubt that her life would never be the same again after tonight.

  With Lois no longer able to struggle, Charlie failed to get an erection. Feeling embarrassed by his own failure, he made a suggestion. ‘Let’s go downstairs and have another drink, eh?’

  Lois felt too weak and disgusted even to answer.

  Dean put his hands on his knees and caught his breath after his mad sprint. Luckily he knew the security number to open the gates off by heart, so punched it in and jogged up to the house.

  Charlie was pouring himself a Scotch when he heard Dean Summers’s booming voice.

  ‘Lois, open the door, babe! I’m sorry I never called you earlier, but I’ve only just got your text.’

  ‘Help! Help! The doors are locked. I’ve been attacked, Dean … please help me!’

  A strong lad, he easily snapped a big branch off a nearby tree. With all his might he smacked it against a front window, over and over again, until the glass finally cracked.

  Charlie knew then the game was up. He was no match for Dean Summers, that was for sure. Deciding escape was his only option, he ran to the front door, unlocked it, and as he heard Summers climb in through the livingroom window, ran for his goddamn’ life.

  Dean could not have been more shocked when a partially naked Lois threw herself sobbing into his arms.

  ‘You’re safe now, Lois, I’m here to protect you,’ he soothed, trying to comfort her. ‘What happened? Who did this to you?’

  ‘It w-w-was Ch-Ch-Charlie.’ Deep in shock, she was unable to get her words out properly.

  Dean held her close. ‘How did he get in here? Did he break in?’

  Lois sobbed. ‘I opened the d-door. I thought it was y-you.’

  ‘I’ll fucking kill him! Where is he? We’ve gotta ring the police.’

  ‘Nooooo!’ Lois cried. ‘No police. I can’t handle it. Just ring my mum and dad, they’ll know what to do.’

  ‘Where’s your phone?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she sobbed hysterically. ‘He took it off me.’

  Dean led her into the lounge and sat her down on the sofa. He’d have liked to chase after Charlie fucking Dawson and give the freak the beating of his life, but he couldn’t leave Lois. She was way too distressed.

  ‘Did he … you know?’

  Shaking her head, Lois looked at the floor. ‘Nearly. He tried to,’ she managed to say.

  Spotting her phone under the chair, she pointed it out to Dean. ‘I want my mum,’ she sobbed.

  Karen had been asleep for almost an hour before the shrill sound of her ring-tone awoke her. Reaching into her handbag, she fished for her mobile.

  ‘Hello,’ she said, still half-asleep.

  As the realisation at what had happened to
her beautiful daughter hit her, Karen pinched herself to check she wasn’t dreaming. When she realised she wasn’t, she opened her mouth. Her screams could be heard the length and breadth of Centerparcs.


  ‘FOR FUCK’S SAKE, Karen, stop screaming.’

  Slapping his wife’s face seemed to bring her to her senses. They were in bed, he wasn’t even sure what was going on.

  ‘Lois has been attacked,’ she mumbled, between sobs.

  ‘Attacked? What do you mean? Has she been in a fight or something?’ Mickey asked.

  Karen shook her head.

  He stood up decisively. ‘Look, get dressed, babe, and we’ll be home in a couple of hours. Come on, that’s my girl.’

  He was annoyed but calm. Karen was probably overreacting, but if anyone had hurt Lois, his pride and joy, Mickey would fucking well kill ’em. But surely it was nothing like that. She’d probably had an altercation with a gang of girls around Romford or something, maybe ended up with a cut lip or a black eye for her trouble.

  ‘What exactly did she say, love?’ he asked as he slung his jeans on.

  Karen was still on the bed, rocking backwards and forwards. ‘I should never have left her,’ she said over and over again. The shock seemed to have thrown her into a trance.

  Mickey knelt down beside his wife and squeezed her hands. When angry, patience wasn’t one of his virtues. He was getting wilder by the minute at Karen’s total lack of communication. ‘I need to know what she said.’

  ‘She said it was Charlie,’ Karen whispered, knowing the words she’d just uttered would rip their wonderful family apart forever.

  The fury and hatred that Mickey felt at that moment would live with him forever. The thought of his evil, perverted scumbag of a nephew laying one finger on his beautiful, kind daughter made him want to commit first-degree murder. Eyes blazing, he snatched the phone off Karen and frantically dialled their home number. His blood ran cold when Dean explained what had happened to her.

  Steve, June and Peter had all been woken up by the shouting and screaming and, along with the kids, were now wide awake. Knocked for six by all the wine she had consumed that evening, Debbie was still out for the count and hadn’t heard a thing.

  Throwing on a hooded sweatshirt and shorts, Steve ushered the wide-eyed kids back into their bedroom and tapped on Mickey and Karen’s door. ‘Are you two all right in there?’

  Mickey yanked the door open with such force it nearly flew off its hinges. ‘No, we’re not. That evil fucking stepson of yours has just attacked our baby … our Lois. I swear to you, Steve, nephew or no nephew, when I get my hands on that little cunt, I’m gonna kill him!’

  Steve was still half asleep and had no idea as yet of the enormity of the situation. ‘Calm down, Mick. Don’t do anything rash. You don’t know exactly what’s happened yet.’

  ‘Don’t do anything rash? You cunt! Are you fucking serious? That perverted little piece of scum has just tried to rape my fucking daughter and I will deal with it exactly how I like. Now move out of my fucking way so I can go and get the motor.’

  June, standing behind Steve, burst into tears and went into the bedroom to comfort Karen. She’d always known that one day Charlie would show his true colours, but this was just too awful for words.

  Not knowing what to do with himself, Peter put the kettle on. Sometimes he wondered what type of family he’d got himself involved with. Thank God he’d stood down from the Council. He could just see the headlines now: ‘Councillor’s Grandson Rapes and Attacks Cousin’. That would have done his political career the world of good.

  Shutting the door of the villa, a shocked Steve followed Mickey outside. ‘I just want you to know, mate, that I’m on your side. Whatever you decide to do with Charlie, I’m with you all the way. I’ve always known deep down that the little shit was an accident waiting to happen, and I’ve only ever suffered him because I love Debbie so much.’

  Looking into the eyes of his best pal, Mickey knew he was telling the truth. ‘The kid’s a goner, Steve. There’s no other way. I ain’t letting this one go.’

  ‘I understand. I’d do the same if it were Rosie or Gracie.’

  Throwing his big arm around his pal, Steve led him back into the villa.

  Debbie was still dead to the world. It took five minutes of Steve shaking her to rouse her from the drunken coma into which she’d fallen. Sitting up, she rubbed her tired eyes. ‘What’s happening? What’s the time?’

  Steve was a big softie at heart. His eyes filled up as he struggled to break the dreadful news to his beloved wife.

  ‘I don’t know the exact story, Debs, but apparently he attacked Lois and … I dunno … tried to rape her by all accounts.’

  ‘Never in a million years,’ Debbie cried, leaping from her bed. ‘I know my Charlie’s no angel, but he wouldn’t do that. He’s just a kid, for Christ’s sake.’

  Steve looked at her in despair. She just didn’t have a fucking clue when it came to her beloved baby boy.

  ‘I shouldn’t think Lois made it up. He’s obviously done something, Debs, ain’t he?’

  Grabbing her phone, Debbie frantically dialled her landline and then Charlie’s mobile. With no reply from either she grabbed her suitcase and started packing. Her son needed her. She had to get home to him, fast.

  By the time Debbie had finished packing, Mickey and Karen were long gone. Alfie was still fast asleep and June had kindly offered to take care of him while they tended to Lois. ‘Don’t worry, son,’ she told Mickey. ‘He can stay with me and Peter. I’ve got loads of clean clothes for him at home, he’ll be fine with us.’

  Mickey had nodded, led his distraught wife outside and left immediately.

  The stony silence in Steve’s people carrier on the journey home was broken only occasionally by the sound of June’s muffled sobbing. Peter clasped his beloved wife’s hand tightly and, for the first time ever, had no words of comfort for her.

  Rosie and Gracie sat huddled together in the back. They’d heard the adults talking and knew that something awful had happened, involving their brother. Rosie was innocent and far too naive to understand the actual gist of the conversation. Gracie was more streetwise. She understood completely.

  Noticing her big sister start to sob and shiver, Rosie did her best to comfort her. ‘Please don’t cry, Gracie. It’s not us in trouble – we’ve been good girls. It’s Charlie who’s been naughty. He’s been a bad boy to Lois and now he’s upset her.’

  The mention of her brother’s name made Gracie feel nauseous. Unable to reach the window in time, she vomited into her lap.

  It was Steve who stopped the car, cleaned his daughter up and tried to soothe her.

  Debbie spent the whole journey with a blank expression on her face, staring lifelessly out of the window. She wanted to hear her son’s side of the story before she had him hung, drawn and quartered like everybody else planned to do.

  Karen was shaking like a leaf when Mickey screeched to a halt on their driveway. Dean opened the door and briefly summarised all he knew before ushering them into the lounge.

  ‘Oh Lois, my baby! It’s okay, Mummy’s here now.’

  Karen sobbed as she pulled her fragile daughter into her arms.

  Lois was trembling so much she could barely speak. The sight of her adoring parents made her feel dirty, embarrassed, and incredibly stupid for having got herself into such a terrible situation in the first place.

  ‘Did you ring the police?’ Mickey asked Dean.

  ‘No. I wanted to, but Lois wouldn’t let me. She was adamant she didn’t want them involved, and I didn’t want to upset her any more. I thought I’d best leave that to you.’

  The mention of the word ‘police’ made Lois howl like a wounded animal.

  ‘Please don’t call the police! I won’t talk to them. I swear, if they turn up, I won’t tell them anything. I feel so embarrassed and I can’t talk to strangers. Please don’t call them … please. Tell them, Mummy, I can’t
tell the police, I just can’t!’

  Karen looked at her husband in despair. They couldn’t let an evil little bastard like Charlie get away with this, surely. Walking over to his daughter, Mickey crouched down and took her quivering hands in his. ‘Shhh, stop crying now. Everything’s gonna be okay. We won’t call the police. They’re useless bastards anyway. Daddy will deal with this for you. You have my guarantee, as God’s my judge, that Charlie will get his comeuppance.’

  ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ Lois said, filled with relief.

  She had been absolutely dreading her parents and the police finding out about the drunken text message she’d mistakenly sent to Charlie instead of Dean. ‘Bring some johnnies’would make her look just awful, and she couldn’t face seeing the disappointment of her parents or the ‘she asked for it’ looks from the police. She had managed to erase the message sent from her own phone, but was as sure as hell that Charlie would have kept his and would use it as evidence against her, if needed.

  Noticing he’d picked up his car keys, Karen asked Mickey what he was doing.

  ‘I’m going to find that evil little bastard, that’s what I’m fucking well doing.’

  ‘Not tonight, please, Mick. We need you here with us,’ Karen pleaded.

  With a face like thunder, he slung the keys back on the table, sat down and put his head in his hands. ‘I won’t rest until I find him, Karen. He’s finished, when I get my hands on him. I’m telling ya, that boy’s fucking dead meat.’

  ‘I know, love,’ Karen said soothingly. ‘But, please, look for him tomorrow. Lois needs you here tonight, and so do I.’

  Looking at his two lovely girls sitting opposite him, Mickey could have cried with the unfairness of it all.

  Lois was still in no fit state to tell them exactly what she’d been through. But just the thought of that perverted little bastard going anywhere near his beautiful daughter made Mickey feel sick to the stomach; he didn’t want to hear the sordid details. Couldn’t deal with that side of it. That would have to be Karen’s job. Feeling a tear roll down his cheek, Mickey fiercely wiped it away. He never cried and hated men who did. It was a sign of weakness, and weak was the one thing Mickey Dawson wasn’t. Determined to pull himself together, he stood up, picked up his mobile and left the room.


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