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Lily in Bloom

Page 2

by Tammy Andresen

  “The dark blue, I think.” Lily inspected her reflection one last time.

  “Hmmm.” Elise stood behind her in the mirror. “Yes, dark blue is the way to go. It darkens your eyes and adds mystery. Men love mystery, especially when they are as handsome as Mr. Sampson.” Elise made the comment casually but Lily caught her sister-in-law looking at her from the corner of her eye and Lily blushed despite herself.

  “I hadn’t noticed,” she managed to stutter out, avoiding any further contact with Elise’s gaze.

  “Don’t be absurd. I saw the two of you ogling each other. Of course you noticed—and he noticed, too.” Elise began to remove the dresses from the bed but Lily stopped her.

  “Oh, Elise, do you think?” Lily couldn’t contain her excitement.

  “I knew it!” Elise said with a laugh. “This is wonderful. I know James said he could make it work if you didn’t get married, but if you have found someone then all of our worries would be over!”

  Lily felt a great deal of the excitement drain from her body. She let go of Elise’s hands and sat down on the bed. She had forgotten for a moment that she wasn’t just looking to fall in love, she was looking to get married. And while many women her age were looking for the same, Lily’s circumstances were different. She had to find a husband this season to help save her family’s business.

  Lily’s parents, not realizing they would pass away together, tied up a great deal of the family’s money by stipulating in their will that the three children would not receive their inheritances until after each was married. This included business assets. James had been attempting to run the company with only his share. Her brother Tom was marrying this season as well, but the situation had become dire and both remaining Carters now had to marry.

  She was committed to doing this for her family but she still felt the sting. To marry without love was a difficult fate to accept.

  “I’m sorry, Lily. I didn’t mean…I know you hardly…I…” Elise fumbled for what to say.

  “It’s all right. I am sure I will meet the perfect man and all of this will work out just as you said. I am nineteen. It’s time I settled down with my own family. A few more years and I’ll be an old maid.” Lily took Elise’s hands again and smiled. She didn’t want Elise to feel badly. It was her problem to deal with.

  The carriage pulled to a stop in front of the Sampson residence on Friday night. Lily stepped out and was immediately struck by the beauty of the building. It was a large brownstone that spoke of affluence and prestige. The street itself was lined with beautiful flowering trees, and wrought iron fences marked each yard between the sets of large stone steps. The butterflies that had been flying around her stomach all day began to beat faster.

  As casually as she could manage, Lily turned to her brother. “What is it that Mr. Sampson does?”

  “I know, it’s an impressive home. He owns and runs a very large shipping company. We have sold him a few ships in the past but I am hoping this new schooner would be of interest to him. If tonight goes well we will gain a crucial contract.”

  Lily nodded her head. The boats built by her father were excellent ships but were about to be replaced by a newer, faster model. James had shut down part of the shipyard to build a new model, the three-masted schooner. While it would hopefully pay off in the future, it had almost put them out of business.

  “Please come right this way.” A butler escorted them from the front door into the parlor. “Mr. Sampson will be with you momentarily. Please help yourselves to any refreshments you desire.”

  As the butler turned to leave, a streak of movement came dashing into the room, stopping in front of Lily.

  “I was looking where I was running this time,” Toby said. He gave Lily a big smile, his brown eyes sparkling just like his father’s. “Dad said I couldn’t be at dinner but I could come visit you before I went to bed. Are you feeling better?”

  “Much better, thank you.” Lily patted Toby on the head and he bent it down sheepishly.

  “That’s good. I was worried,” the little boy softly replied.

  Lily bent down next to his ear and whispered, “That is awfully kind of you. What a nice boy you are.” She pulled herself back up and the two shared a smile. Unexpectedly, Toby leaned over and hugged her.

  “Thank you,” he whispered back.

  “Time for bed, Toby,” Eric’s voice came from the door.

  Lily looked up to see Eric standing in the doorway, a pained expression on his face. She did not know how long he had been standing there but she felt a slow blush creeping up her cheeks. Why did he look so upset?

  “Aw, Dad, do I have to?” Toby stood next to Lily, stubbornly crossing his arms. “I want to stay and talk to Miss Carter more.”

  “You know our agreement. Up to bed.” Eric bent down and kissed his son goodnight and then watched as Toby made his way up the stairs.

  Finally, he turned back to his guests. “Thank you so much for coming.” Eric shook hands with James and kissed Elise on the hand. He turned toward Lily.

  “I hope that you are feeling recovered?” He bent down and kissed her hand as well, politely smiling as he let it go.

  She smiled back but his eyes had left her face and his head turned toward the bar. Disappointment coursed through her. He had barely looked at her before he had turned away. Was he upset about the hug she had shared with Toby? She couldn’t understand it. “I am, thank you,” she answered his question in a quiet voice.

  “Excellent. What can I get all of you to drink?” Eric moved away from her and began to pull out glasses. “

  How about a brandy?” He turned to James.

  James nodded his head as Eric poured out the drinks.

  “You have a lovely home.” Lily attempted polite conversation but she sounded strange to her own ears. She wondered how she could have allowed herself to get so excited about seeing him again.

  “Thank you.” Eric’s eyes barely touched her as he moved on to James. “Your company is run out of Maine, correct?”

  “Yes, Seacoast Shipping is based out of Kennebunk. It has perfect harbors for launching ships.”

  Elise jumped in, “It is beautiful. Lily, tell Mr. Sampson about Kennebunk.” Elise was clearly trying to draw Lily into the conversation, but Lily clamped her mouth closed. She was stinging from Eric’s lackluster greeting and worried she had upset him.

  Luckily, she was spared answering as the butler returned to announce dinner.

  “James, tell me about this new ship you are building,” Eric said to his guest as they sat down to begin their meal.

  “It is a newer model schooner that would be far better suited to transcontinental travel because of its speed. It has an added third mast.” James eyes began to dance as he talked about his boats.

  “What is the difference in speed?” Eric asked.

  “Well, depending on the wind, of course, it could be up to twice as fast. But even without a great deal of wind, this new schooner easily outstrips older models. I have some numbers I can show you sometime next week if you’re interested.”

  “Excellent. How about Thursday, one o’clock?” James nodded to Eric. “What made you decide to make this change? I am assuming most companies in your area focused on the fishing industry.”

  “Yes, although a great deal of them build ships for uses like yours, transporting goods on the East Coast. That is the main reason, actually, that we are going with a newer model—to bring in new business—although the high quality of our product has always kept us in business. But I felt that by taking this risk, I had the potential to make a move ahead of the other builders and independently provide for my family. I believe in this ship, so I hope it is a risk that has great rewards.” James’s hand clenched in a fist on the table, his voice rising.

  Lily smiled at seeing her brother so animated. He was passionate about his business. She glanced quickly at Eric to gauge his interest. He was paying rapt attention to her brother and, for a short second, she was jealous.r />
  “We all believe in it,” Elise piped in. “It has been a family adventure! One that we all take pride in. Lily has been especially supportive of her brother.” Elise was bringing Eric’s attention back to Lily again. Her sister-in-law was relentless.

  “I am sure Mr. Sampson does not want to hear about my support.” Lily glanced up nervously. She was not sure why but she felt extremely vulnerable. She did not want Elise divulging personal information, especially now that Eric seemed so disinterested.

  “On the contrary,” Eric turned to her. It was the first time his attention had really focused on her all evening. “I would love to know about your support for your family.”

  Elise paid no attention to Lily’s objections. “We have had to cut back on expenditures and trips. I am an old married woman so it does not matter to me, but poor Lillian has had to miss out on three years of the Boston social scene.”

  Eric smiled. “How have you survived, Miss Carter?”

  “It has been quite easy, actually. My family is wonderful company and, as Elise said, the coast of Maine is beautiful. I haven’t missed society at all.” Lily’s spine stiffened with every word. She spoke the truth but she knew just how boring the truth sounded. To Eric, she must seem even less interesting than she did before.

  “My sister has been a huge support in this process. How many young women do you know who would miss out on dresses and parties for ships and sails without complaint?” James beamed at her.

  “You’re very lucky.” Eric looked down the table at Lily. She blushed as he smiled. She was sure he was laughing at her but his eyes seemed only to hold admiration, not disapproval. “Not everyone is surrounded by people who love and support them.”

  Lily looked at Eric, wondering who or what he was talking about. She sensed pain in his voice. That pain pulled her in closer to him. She couldn’t explain why but she felt like a moth to a flame.

  “This lamb is delicious,” Elise deftly changed the subject as the meal continued.

  Lily took a moment to sneak another look at Eric. As she did, she found he was still looking at her as if studying her. She quickly looked away again as yet another blush rose to her cheeks. Why did she have to respond to him every time he looked at her? Why didn’t he look at her more?

  The rest of dinner passed without much event and Lily watched Eric out of the corner of her eye but he did not look at her again. Frustration rose in her chest. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch his arm. She could almost feel the fabric of his jacket under her fingertips. They tingled at the thought. She was going to have to be bolder, like his first wife, if she had any hope of attracting him. Her cousin, Amelia, always told her you have to leave a man an invitation big enough for him to read.

  As they retired for after-dinner drinks James escorted Elise and Eric offered Lily his arm. For a second, hope fluttered in her chest but he did not meet her eyes as she looked up at him and it was quickly dashed.

  “Mr. Sampson,” Elise called from behind them. “Will you be attending the picnic on the Common on Sunday?”

  “Yes, Toby would not miss it for the world.” Eric rolled his eyes slightly but there was a smile on his face.

  “Perhaps we will see you there,” Elise replied. Lily shivered with excitement at the thought of seeing him so soon.

  “Perhaps we will,” Eric smiled and nodded politely but Lily could catch no promise in his statement and she again felt disappointed. Lily straightened her shoulders. She took her free hand and tucked it into the crook of his arm. “I would like that,” she said with what she hoped was her most winning smile.

  An almost pained look crossed Eric’s face. He gave her a small smile and a pat on her arm but his message was clear. He was not going to seek her out. Despair welled up in her chest. How could she have started the night with such high hopes and end it with no hope at all?


  SUNDAY DAWNED BRIGHT and sunny and Lily felt her spirits rise with them. Today was the perfect day for a picnic.

  As the Carters entered the Common, Lily saw all of the families that had already arrived and felt a ripple of excitement. She was wearing one of her new dresses, a cream-colored muslin gown that came off the shoulder, showing a good expanse of her skin. The corset made her already slim waist appear no bigger than the expanse of one hand and caused her bosom to plump nicely. She had pulled her hair back loosely, with a few pieces falling around her face. She felt beautiful and confident.

  As they searched for a place on the Common to seat themselves, Lily waved hello to many of her acquaintances. She noticed many men giving her discreet glances and she smiled shyly to herself. Today was the perfect day to try to convince Eric Sampson to court her. She was at her best and it was worth one last try. If Lily was going to marry, she wanted to try for a man she truly wanted. Her cousin Amelia routinely brought men to their knees with just a look. Today, for the first time in her life, Lily would attempt to do the same.

  As the Carters settled into their picnic area another party approached them. The Johnsons were old acquaintances but the two families had never been close. As a child Lily had played with the Johnsons’ daughter, Isabelle, while her father had conducted business with Harold Johnson. Isabelle had been very bossy as a child and prone to fits when she did not get her way. Lily had dreaded the visits then and did so now.

  As she looked to Isabelle’s right she noticed that two others were approaching with the party, Eric and Toby Sampson. Lily felt her insides drop. Noticing Lily looking, Isabelle placed her arm through Eric’s and broadened her smile. Lily did not flinch but gritted her teeth. She felt jealousy rising up inside of her but she did not let it boil to the surface.

  “Lily, how are you? This is my escort for the day, Eric Sampson.” Isabelle positively beamed as Lily stood to greet them.

  “We’ve met,” Eric cut in. He bowed to her. As their eyes met, Lily felt her heart flutter and she cursed it for responding to a man who was obviously courting another woman. Damn him and damn herself! Lily desperately wanted to ask Eric what Isabelle might have that she did not but she understood the absurdity of even thinking the question. He had done almost nothing to encourage Lily and she was the fool who kept hoping. Lily suddenly realized, however, that she and Eric were still holding hands.

  Isabelle’s look soured at Eric’s seeming interest in Lily but Isabelle was not at a loss. She once again threaded her arm through Eric’s and asked him to help her be seated.

  Lily placed what she hoped was a smile on her face. She felt like doing anything but smiling politely. She gritted her teeth. To think just moments ago she had been trying to figure out how to get Eric to court her. Apparently, Isabelle had already figured it out.

  “Hi, Miss Carter. I’m sure glad I get to see you today since I didn’t really get see you at all on Friday night.” Toby smiled and leaned toward her. “Can I give you a hug?” he whispered.

  Lily felt her spirits lift slightly at this boy’s adorable antics and nodded as she held out her arms to him. Once he had finished hugging her she turned toward her niece and nephew. “This is my niece, Emma, and my nephew, Jamie. They could not wait to meet you after hearing about our adventure.”

  “What adventure is that?” Isabelle could not keep the contempt out of her voice as she asked the questions.

  “It was nothing,” Eric interjected. “Toby, I think I see a patch of daisies over there. Perhaps you could pick some for the ladies.”

  Toby, enthused by the idea, left with Jamie and Emma as Lily and Elise began unpacking the picnic basket along with Mrs. Johnson. Isabelle, still pouting, did nothing to help.

  Lily concentrated on unwrapping the chicken their cook had packed. She looked up briefly to see Isabelle gently place her hand on Eric’s arm and smile coyly into his eyes. Lily’s heart skipped a beat and she felt slightly sick to her stomach. Isabelle was clearly a practiced flirt.

  Just then, Lily’s brother rose and moved toward a uniformed man. The two embraced and
Lily realized it was James’s childhood friend Mark Summers standing before them. Lily rose and looked at the man before her. With sandy-colored hair and golden eyes that danced, Mark had always been a handsome man. His time in the army had made him even more broad and dashing.

  “It is wonderful to see you again,” Lily heard James remark. “Tom is going to be so thrilled that you have come. This wedding is turning out to be quite the event.” James moved out of the way and introduced his wife and children.

  Lily smiled as she moved forward to greet him. The Summers had lived next door to the Carters for as long as Lily could remember. She had grown up tagging after James and Mark. They had not liked it one bit. They barely tolerated Tom, who was two years younger. To have a small girl at their heels was a bother they were constantly trying to shake. She had tried her best though to keep up.

  “Hello, Mark,” she said, devilishly thinking of all the times she had imposed herself upon them.

  Mark stared at her for a full ten seconds and Lily’s smile began to fade. Finally, he spoke. “Well, I’ll be damned. The little sprout has grown into a flower. And a beautiful one at that.” He reached for her hand and kissed it, a kiss that lingered longer than was necessary.

  Lily felt herself blushing from his compliments. She glanced under her lashes at Eric. His jaw was set in a rigid line and Lily couldn’t help but smile just a little.

  Mark continued to stare at her as though he could not believe what he was seeing.

  “How could you be the girl who pestered us constantly?” he asked with a laugh, finally releasing her hand.

  James stepped forward again and introduced Mark to the rest of the party.

  Eric turned to Mark, “So, Mr. Summers, are you on leave from the army?”

  “No, actually, I served eight years, and I am retiring. I wanted to see the West and I have certainly achieved that goal. Besides, there are a lot of rumblings about relations between the North and South and I think it could get ugly before it’s all over. After battling Indians for eight years in the name of America, I am not sure I can battle my own countrymen.” His faced tightened but he did not elaborate any more than that.


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