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Chronicles of Eden - Act XI

Page 34

by Alexander Gordon

  “Again, not too surprised,” Star commented to herself as she continued along the path. “I certainly didn’t expect any less for Clover’s dream.”

  She warped ahead atop a fallen log, the sight of broken trees, arrows struck about like a cactus needles, and a goblin gently swaying around by its ankle upside down from rope with several arrows piercing its body drawing a nervous frown to the jinx’s face.

  “She does love shooting things with her arrows, doesn’t she? In some ways, she may not be too different from Kitten.”

  Warping further into the forest she kept a sharp eye out for the elf in question, the trail of arrows and defeated monsters leading her deeper into the woods where she presumably was. After coming up to a large oak with a target etched into it and a few arrows struck into the center at nearly the same point Star halted as her ear perked up, the sound of Clover’s voice faintly being heard further ahead before falling silent.

  “I’m starting to doubt Daniel’s even in this dream,” she worried. “Or worse; he is and she’s using him for target practice.”

  She nimbly dashed into the shadowy canopy ahead while keeping low to the ground, easily crossing over logs and roots of nearby trees while moving about rather quietly. Coming up to a small mossy boulder she stopped as she heard Daniel’s strained grunt from the other side, the jinx listening closely for a moment before slowly moving up and peeking over the rock. She blinked then jumped with a stunned face before standing upright, words failing her completely as she had finally found Clover and Daniel within the battle-scarred woodland.

  Seated on a stump in a cleaning surrounded by fallen monsters and dozens of arrows Daniel was seen in the small amount of sunlight that broke through the branches above. He wore no clothes, appeared to be incredibly relaxed with a blissful expression on his face, and had an elf that was on her hands and knees before him, stripped of all her clothes, and by the sound of it very eagerly sucking off the human with hungry and passionate moans.

  “Clover,” Daniel breathed out rocking his head back. The elf kept moving her head back and forth nonstop with her fluffy twintails swaying beside her, the girl hastily grabbing his waist with one hand and his manhood with the other as she moaned loudly with muffled words barely escaping her lips.

  “Wow,” Star managed to get out. She glanced around at all the death and ravaged woods that surrounded them then looked at Clover in bewilderment. “This is… a sharp contrast to what I’ve been seeing so far.”

  Warping closer on her hands and knees the jinx carefully approached Clover while making her way around the many arrows that littered the ground. As she got near she saw the elf moving faster and louder with her oral service on Daniel while he started breathing heavily and struggling to hold in his voice.

  “Clover, not… not so rough- AH! I just came not too long- UGH!”

  The elf only moved her head around more as she moaned loudly, the girl keeping up the pace with her efforts while using her hand to quickly stroke him off as well. Star crept closer and watched in awe as the elf wasn’t holding anything back with expressing love for her man. Quite the opposite in fact as she was using far more energy with her fellatio than the jinx had thought one could use with it.

  “Clover! Clover!” Daniel called out before jerking his hips and arching back. The elf quickly pressed her head down on his lap while holding onto his waist, a loud gurgled moan coming from her as she refused to let his manhood out of her mouth. Star watched curiously as Clover not only started moving her head again while Daniel climaxed but eagerly drank everything he let out with hungry gulps. After he finished releasing a large amount into her mouth Daniel took a few deep breaths while Clover finally leaned up and caught hers as well.

  “Fuck,” she purred with a few heavy gasps. Looking up at Daniel with a very hungry smile she wiped her mouth and giggled before licking his erection quickly. “I love the taste of your cock so much, Dan. I never want to stop eating this.”

  “Glad you like it so much,” Daniel panted before smiling down at the girl.

  “No, I love it,” she argued before giving it a long slurp again. “I’m so sorry I used to kick you here so much. How could I have hurt such a precious thing in this world so foolishly? I’m a terrible, terrible elf.”

  She kissed and sucked on it a few more times then smiled worriedly up at him as he held her cheek.

  “I hope I can say sorry enough,” she sweetly cooed. “Even if I have to kiss you here every day for the rest of my life I’m going to make amends to you. I promise.”

  “Clover,” Daniel chuckled as the elf took it back into her mouth with a soft moan. “You don’t need to apologize for anything. I’m not mad because of what’s in the past. I already forgave you for what happened back then.”

  “So?” she mumbled around his member. “I’m still sowwy.”

  “It’s alright, Clover. I forgive you. You know I love you so much, I’m just thankful I have you with me.”

  Leaning back from his lap Clover giggled and looked up at him with a loving smile.

  “I love you, Dan. And I’m more than thankful I have you with me. That being said I want to do this to you. I really do. Even if you don’t need an apology for the horrible way I treated you it doesn’t change anything.”

  Star watched as Clover slowly took his erection into her mouth and then went all the way down to his crotch, the jinx’s eyes widening as she saw the elf taking the whole thing down her throat and held it there for a few seconds.

  “No way,” she breathed out. “It has to be because this is a dream. She couldn’t have… taken it all… like that.”

  Daniel held in his voice as he watched the elf gagging slightly on his member, her eyes glancing up to him as she kept her head down on his lap before slowly drawing away with a heavy slurp. Leaning back with a gasp for air the elf then giggled and licked her lips along with wiggling her rear behind her.

  “I still want to suck you dry,” the elf coyly said with a twitch of her eyebrow.

  “Clover,” Daniel breathed out as the elf gave him a few more licks.

  “I love having you deep in my throat,” she purred before kissing it. “All the way inside, choking me, smothering me, filling me… fuck.”

  She again took him into her mouth and went all the way down to his lap, with Star staring in awe at seeing the elf managing to take it all down her throat while not appearing to struggle with it.

  “How… how are you doing that?” Star wondered while holding a hand to her own throat.

  Clover bobbed back and forth on his crotch while groaning and looking up to him with loving eyes. Star got closer and saw the bulge in the elf’s throat that was Daniel before gulping and shaking her head slowly as Clover continued to deepthroat her man without seeming to need air at all.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” Star breathed out. “How? How can you take it all like that and not choke?”

  The elf rapidly sucked off Daniel with a hungry groan while he shouted her name and held onto her head. It was clearly obvious to Star that at least while in her dream Clover was more than skilled at fellatio even though Daniel was the first man she’ll have been with. The elf continued deepthroating Daniel without pause while only getting air through weak gasps around his member or sharp inhales from her nose, that apparently being enough for her to get by with as she never once stopped to catch her breath or even slowed down in her efforts. If anything she became more passionate and hungry for his genitals the longer she went, her eager moans becoming louder while the amount of drool coming from her tightly pressed lips steadily increased.

  “She’s a fellatio fanatic,” Star realized. “And it doesn’t seem like she’s going to repress her nature at all when given the chance.”

  Daniel held Clover’s head down and yelled out before climaxing again, with Star staring with wide eyes at seeing Clover still pressing her head down on his crotch and moaning weakly. The elf kept his erection firmly lodged down her throat while taking ever
ything he released into her belly, the sensation causing her to feel her love for Daniel soaring even higher as she longed to do this in the real world with her man. Star watched as Daniel finished what was essentially force-feeding Clover his semen before he dropped back with a gasp onto the stump. Clover bobbed her head a few more times atop his lap before lifting up and letting his member pop out of her mouth. With a few deep breaths the elf managed to recover very quickly before she chuckled and smiled coyly down at Daniel while stroking him again.

  “Thanks for the meal, Dan,” she said with a wink. “It was delicious.”

  “Thank you… Clover,” Daniel breathed out. “My god, you really are talented with that mouth of yours.”

  “Fuck yeah I am,” Clover agreed before licking him again with eager murmurs.

  “You don’t need to do all this for me though,” Daniel said leaning up a bit on his elbows. “You don’t have to apologize for-”

  “Maybe not,” Clover interrupted with a shrug. “But still, like I said, I want to. I want to make up for everything I did to you. I want to make you as happy as I can. I want to be your mate and have your love forever. And I want to suck you so much.”

  “Damn,” Star commented with a raised eyebrow. “Girl’s got an addiction.”

  “I meant what I said before,” Clover purred with a seductive smile at Daniel while kissing his member. “I’m going to drain you dry when I get the chance. Honestly, I feel kind of sorry for Star and Cindy.”

  “What?” Star and Daniel both asked.

  “Just what I said,” Clover continued with a long lick around the tip of his erection. “I’m going to drain you dry just like this the first chance I get. I’m not going to leave anything for you to give those two afterwards.”

  “Hey, what do you mean by that?” Star demanded.

  “I might be the last mate you take, Dan,” Clover reasoned with a shrug. “After I get through with you there won’t be anything left to give to those girls. I’m going to get every single drop out of you.”

  “What?” Star yelled as Clover resumed sucking off Daniel with eager moans. Daniel dropped back onto the stump with a soft groan as the elf took in his member all the way to the base and back up again without slowing down.

  “Clover!” the jinx shouted with clenched fists. “You can’t do that! I deserve a chance with him too! You can’t suck out everything he’s got before he gets to me! That’s not fair!”

  “I love you so much, Dan!” Clover sputtered out before burying her face in his crotch again. Her hands gripped his waist as she furiously bobbed her head and sucked her mate off with everything she had, which was apparently enough to drive Daniel into another orgasm right away. Star looked back and forth between Daniel and Clover before growling at the elf with both tails sticking straight up behind her.

  “That’s not going to happen, Clover! You’re not draining him dry at all when you wake up, there’s no way you can- oh come on, you can’t take it all down your throat like that and you know it! You’ve seen the size of it when he’s aroused, you can’t- hey, are you even hearing me? Clover!”

  Clover continued loving her man with eager slurps and moans while keeping him firmly held deep in her throat, the elf’s mind swimming in pleasure from the sensation of having it filling her windpipe and the taste of her mate overflowing in her mouth. Her love for Daniel continued to rise even higher from the mere fantasy of being able to do this to him and building her growing lust to be able to do so in the real world when she woke up. Nothing else mattered to her at all. Not a single thing got through to her senses other than her desire to literally drop to her knees and suck off the man she loved, not only to please him but also to give her the rush of pleasure she felt when choking on something long and hard. Nothing else gained her attention aside from that desire. And that included Star’s loud yelling that the elf didn’t notice at all.

  “Clover!” Star yelled yet again, her eyes watching in frustration as the elf continued deepthroating Daniel and appearing to have an orgasm herself from doing so. With a low growl the jinx shook her head before looking down to Daniel, watching as he moaned softly and held onto the elf’s head while clearly enjoying her service on him.

  “I’m not going to lose out on being his,” Star vowed with a stern glance to Clover. “While I do wish for you girls to express your full love for him and help him become the great knight he can be for us, I shall not lose my place as his mate because of it. I’ll earn his love and heart just as you did, and then I’ll have my turn to join with him just as I deserve.”

  She started walking away then turned to smirk bitterly at Clover as the elf continued her fellatio on her man with no end in sight.

  “Suck him off as much as you want, Clover. I’ll still get my share in the end.”


  Standing in the large open court of their home Star had her arms crossed while thinking very deeply about her next mission. The grandfather clock sitting against the wall continued ticking away while the hour and minute hands just slowly spun around the face as time itself was lost in the world she was in. Yet even with the rhythmic clockwork being heard the jinx remained focused on her current situation as she was determined to succeed no matter what.

  “The other girls won’t be holding back their love for Daniel anymore,” she spoke to herself. “He’ll be able to grow stronger with their love and in turn protect them like the knight he wishes to be. My man will become all that he’s capable of, something that I must see to fruition as his devoted mate. Yet every one of those in his harem must give their all for this to work, and this last one is going to be… difficult to persuade.”

  She growled in annoyance before slowly walking towards the bedroom of their home while deep in thought about her next move.

  “Doku’s so timid and nervous; the mere thought of having sex with her man would be more than enough to knock her flat on her ass. The only thing holding her back from expressing her true love is her damned shyness. How can I convince her not to be afraid and to just embrace those lustful feelings towards Daniel, that it would not only help him but also herself with getting closer to him?”

  She stopped before the archway and ruffled her hair with frustrated mews.

  “Being lustful and having sex with Daniel is going to freak her out no matter how I try and convince her. She’s just too passive and bashful. I mean, how am I supposed to bring out her inner nature when she was taught to suppress it her whole life and does it so spectacularly?”

  Shaking her head with a sigh she walked into the bedroom while brushing aside her hair, immediately then coming to a stop with wide eyes as she saw the harpy over on the bed and being very much not alone.

  “Daniel!” Doku cried out, the harpy being mounted atop a naked Daniel while riding him, having another Daniel on his knees behind her thrusting his manhood into her ass, and another holding her head back down to push his into her mouth. The harpy tried to flutter her wings but wasn’t able to with the other two Daniels beside her that were groping her breasts roughly and stroking their erect members towards her face while watching the girl moaning loudly as she was ravaged by the other three men having their way with her.

  Star stared with unblinking eyes as she saw all the Daniels in Doku’s dream flat-out gangbanging her mercilessly, spanking her sore rear, forcing her up and down atop the two erect members that were plunged deep into her, and making her to gag and sputter saliva onto another that was repeatedly rammed down her throat.

  “That’s our dirty bird,” one of the Daniels laughed as he squeezed her breast.

  “She’s just keeps getting tighter and tighter,” the one under her said as he kept thrusting up into her with rapidly moving hips.

  “I’m going to blow more into her thick ass,” the one behind her grunted while slamming his hips against her rear hard and repeatedly.

  “Here comes your next meal, bitch,” the one holding her head down onto his erection said before picking up the pace.
r />   Star slowly glanced around at all the Daniels then to Doku as she screamed and moaned while being at their mercy. The two thrusting into her ass and womanhood climaxed just before the one choking her did the same, the three pouring their heated loads into the bird who moaned loudly with semen dripping down her chin and crotch. The two at her sides then released theirs onto her face, the girl having one long orgasm while relishing in being covered inside and out by her love’s release.

  “Good… lord,” Star breathed out.

  “Daniel,” Doku gurgled while leaning back from the penis that was in her mouth still. “Fuck me… more. Fuck me until I break. Don’t ever stop… fuck me until I can’t even think anymore…”

  “That’s the idea,” the one before her said shoving her back down onto his member. All the Daniels quickly resumed having sex with the harpy and groping her all over, the girl moaning heavily as she only felt her love for her mate growing by leaps and bounds the more she fantasized about having sex with him however she could, which it turned out in her dream was a lot of different ways all at once.

  “You like that, don’t you?” one of them sharply said while squeezing her breast.

  “Her ass keeps tightening,” the one behind her grunted. “I’m going to fill her up with another load real soon.”

  “You love being pumped full of cum, don’t you?” the one underneath said while thrusting harder into her. “Such a dirty bird. You’re just a sex-crazed pervert after all.”

  “Is this what you wanted, Doku?” the one before her said while pulling her head back, the harpy gurgling semen and saliva before swallowing with a large gulp. “Is this what you want from your husband? To treat you like a fucking sex doll? To fuck you senseless like the stupid whore you are?”


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